Sarah - Day out with Thomas sounds ace!
Modo - Good luck for tomorrow!
Maybe - Wow, 11.40 scary, bet he was sleepy today!!
Amy - Sorry it wasn't Max you found, but at least you know it wasn't him being traumatised now

Hopefully he's just off doing something catty and fun, sorry he's forgotten his home though
Well, today Roh made me giggle so much. He's started saying "bookie" for books, and so, grabs a book he wants shouts bookie and comes over, puts it in my hands and sits himself on my lap and we read it. We read a couple and then he wandered off. He came back a minute later with my book from my bedside. He said "mummy bookie" and then sat himself next to me and opened the book. Then he started running his finger along the page and talking nonsense as if he was reading it!

Every so often he'd turn a few pages, and do it again. Soooo cute!! So he read my book to me for a change!

Adorable, and i'm quite impressed that he's made the link that the patterns on the page (writing) are linked to the words i'm saying to him. I thought he was a bit young for that?