Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Emera: Wow sorry I missed your post. :shock: about the poo! I can't believe it's leaking out of cloth nappies to the point that it's on his sheets. I would def get it checked out!

Amy: Have you tried feliway defusers? Maybe you can have one where Max is sleeping. Does he seem hurt at all? I really recommend this forum called they are super helpful. I haven't been on there for a few years but some of the ladies on there are really knowledgable.

Sarah: Glad you had a nice day :) The weather has been crappy here too :( Yay for the new pjs (Bobby prefers them too) and for Oliver turning 18months :happydance::happydance::happydance:
Morning all! I hope you are all well :hugs:

I think Oliver and I are coming down with something :( We were both up for most of the night, Oliver just kept waking up upset and had a bit of a temp, could be teething, and I STILL have a horrible head ache. It comes and goes but its not nice :( I just feel like crap this morning. Typically I have loads to do too :dohh: :dohh: I'm getting all cross with myself for feeling ill :dohh:

Ahhh well, onwards and upwards :wacko:
Sarah and Oliver get well soon :flower::hugs::flower: Happy 18 months to the gorgeous Oliver :hugs::cloud9:

modo - thanks so much for the link! He doesnt like his feet being touched - I'm not sure if he's been hurt - something must have happened on that day 6 weeks ago I think. He must be pretty traumatised :(

i had to go miles to the main hospital today to change my uniforms as the ones they sent were like tents! Alex was not pleased. I got his final blood results yesterday and it wasnt anything bacterial in the end so nothing sinister. Good job he didnt need more antibiotics as he knocked his cannula out in the night :dohh: i'm just messing about on wii -fit while Alex naps. i am a blob! x
amy - i am a blob too :rofl: and i keep eating rubbish :dohh::blush::haha:

sarah - hope you are better! and oliver too!

emera - how are you?

i have been reading and running the last few days as i have had no time to myself. now erin and owen are watching the night garden (dylan is at my MIL) i thought i'd whizz on here!!!

things are really hectic as our school choir (i.e. my choir) has been asked to sing when they switch on the xmas lights in town next week. it's a high profile thing and i am under lots of pressure to put on a good show. we have to perform half an hour's worth of music! :shock: poor kids, they are only 8-12 years old and will have to stand there and sing all that time! i am so stressed trying to sort out the music and the technical things like mics and amps etc! to top it off in the next week i have a grand total of 5 parties to take the kids to! i'm exhausted and dan is working 4-midnight so i havent seen him since this morning!!! :sleep:

Well we had a nice quiet morning and then went out this afternoon and got a few jobs done, after a relaxing few hours we both felt much better :thumbup: Oliver fell asleep while we were out too so I managed to get around the shops etc in peace which was fabby :haha: He's def teething, he has three canines about to pop through, so I'm going to blame that for the temp and rubbish night :shrug:

Maybe I hope the singing goes well! Do you like your new school / job?

Amy I'm so glad Alex's results came back okay :hugs: Boo to the uniform! I'm glad you got it sorted out though :thumbup: I hope Max settles soon, poor kitty.

Emera I hope you're okay and not working too hard :hugs:

I'm watching Oceans Eleven, I'm obsessed with it, if its on TV I have to watch it :rofl:

I've been doing admin tonight, it always takes me longer than I think it will. I try to get a bit done in the day time but Oliver likes to grab what ever I have in my hand - esp if its a biro :haha: so I can do a few emails but I can't do paperwork. I really need to sort my accounts out too - urgh I hate that job!! I'm not doing it tonight though :haha:Next year is looking good so far which is great :)

Right, I'm off to have a tidy around before I go to bed!


I got tired of working so took yesterday off :D Had a nice relaxing day :) OH was in Cornwall with his dad today, so Roh and i went on a playdate to a soft play centre, he had an ace time, as did his date, even though he seemed to be obsessed with pushing her down onto the floor and rolling her along like a log ?? :shrug: strange boy, she was giggling though :haha: He was also terrifying me by jumping head first down the slide rather than sliding down it :shock: I panicked the first time, but then gave up as he was landing on his face and just shrieking with laughter :shrug: I just know he's going to want to do totally terrifying things as he gets older!! :wacko:

Thanks for asking after me peeps, i'm doing well :) Saw a MW this morning for a check and everything seems fine. I have an appointment next week to talk about steroid injections as i'll be 24 weeks on monday i think, or possibly saturday. I'm not sure they will want to do them now, as things seem to have settled. I'm getting kicked constantly now, and proper belly bouncing kicks, which is still at the nice stage, not too painful yet! :haha: The baby seems to be pretty active, which i take as a sign of happiness :thumbup:

I cooked Roast shoulder of Pork tonight. Did it on a bed of apples with some water and cooked it for 3.5 hours. Roasties and rainbow chard and runner beans with it, yummy yum yum, bizarrely considering everything i've cooked in my life i've never done Roast Pork before :shock: I was very proud of myself, i got the crackling right and everything :smug: OH has fallen in love with me all over again apparently! :rofl:

I've got such a nice weekend planned! I'm going to playgroup tomorrow, then i'm out with some friends tomorrow night (whats with all this going out?!?) Saturday Roh and i will chill out, maybe go to the zoo if its not raining, and then sunday i'm meeting a friend i haven't seen for 15 years for sunday lunch :) OH is working breakfasts, so we'll have evenings together, perfect! :cloud9:

Really hope you are all well!

Oh meant to say, Sarah, have you tried chewing / sucking slices of fresh ginger, its amazingly helpful for headaches! Also try steaming yourself with the old towel over a bowlful of hot water thing, and double check you are drinking enough water. If none of that helps, then you probably need to book yourself a massage, a headache for that long is probably caused by something in your neck or back that needs to relax! :hugs:

Also Amy, glad Alex is on the mend and it wasn't serious :hugs: I hope Max starts to slowly recover from his trauma and settle back home :hugs:
Oh and yay the poo situation seems to be slowly sorting itself out! :happydance:
Emera: great to hear the poo situation is improving. I loved hearing about Roh at softplay :haha: He reminds me of Bobby like that who DH and I are convinced he will be a stunt person when he grows up :lol: Glad your dinner was a hit :)

Sarah: The canines are horrible and seem to take forever :dohh: I can see some of them just at the gum line now but Bobby won't let me touch, he just shakes his head no :lol: Glad you got to get some stuff done yesterday :thumbup: and I don't blame you for Ocean's Eleven, what's not to like? :haha: Bobby is always stealing pens off me and I can also just about use the laptop but Bobby will shut that when he thinks I have been on it long enough :dohh:

Maybe: Well done to you and your choir :hugs: I'm sure you will do a great job :happydance: OMG 5 parties :dohh: How do you cope?!!!

Amy: No problem hon :hugs:Poor Max :( Maybe he has hurt his paws :( Are you taking him to the vet? So glad to hear that Alex's blood test came back well :)
I'm getting fed up as I haven't had a date for my booking appointment yet :dohh: I'm 12 weeks on Sunday FFS :dohh: Who even know when I will get my scan date! I am just going to show up at the hospital and ask for the date.

I'm going for a private scan on Tuesday anyway so should finally announce on facebook then :D
Hey all,
Modo - that is super annoying re your scan, cant believe they are so slack! Have you asked your mw to check it?
emera-your pork sounds delicious! yuuuuuuummmmmmyyyyy!
Amy-How is Alex now? And how is your little max too?
Sarahwoo- Great that business is looking good for next year, shame about the aco****s looming over you!
Maybe-Disney looked fab!! I am very jealous (I went back in 2005 and loved it! Cantw ait to take T!!) How are the song choices coming along?
Everyone else - Hi, anything nice planned for the weekend?
mork - i have all the song chosen and the backing tracks sorted so now we have to practise hard this week!

modo - so many parties are exhausting! tomorrow one is at 12 and another at 4. am pissed off that my entire saturday will be sitting in rooms filled with screaming kids :dohh: i need a day at a spa!

sarah - i love my new job thanks for asking! soooooo much better than the last school, a much better environment and nowhere near as bitchy!!!

oh well dan is on nights and i'm supposed to be compiling song booklets for next friday but i've just sat my bum on the sofa and come on here and fb! shame on me :blush: i'm pretty tired though so think i'm going to have a shower and get a cuppa and relax some more. it's been a hectic week and tomorrow will be hectic with the 2 kiddy parties to go to so i think i deserve a night doing nothing :haha:
morning all!!! :) owen woke at 6am so i put him in bed with me and he had a bf and then he covered my face with kisses without being prompted :cloud9:

well the washing machine is on and i'm going to have some breakfast and then do some clearing before meeting a friend to borrow a tigger fancy dress off her for owen for the second party of the day!!!
Aww Maybe that's so adorable :cloud9:

I showed up at the hospital with Bobby yesterday and it worked :thumbup: my booking appointment in on Thursday at 9.15am. I am meeting my doula there and we are both going in together. I've learned a lot of stuff from her. Like this time round I'm saying that I'm Muslim and making sure it's put in my notes, as you can't be pressured into induction if you are (it contains pig products). Being Vegan does the same but I can pull off Muslim better :lol: I have too many leather shoes to fake it :haha:
Being Vegan does the same but I can pull off Muslim better :lol: I have too many leather shoes to fake it :haha:

Modo - That really made me giggle! :haha: I'm really glad that you have your appointment sorted out now :thumbup: and its great that you have such a good and supportive doula :)

Maybe - Hope you make it through your hectic day! :hugs: Owen sounds soooo cute! :)

We are having a nice day, took Roh to the zoo this morning, he was "oo oo oo" ing at the monkeys :haha: He makes me laugh so much! He seemed to particularly enjoy his lunch today, it was nothing special, but he kept smacking his lips and looking at me and saying "yummy" :haha:

Took him to the zoo in the Ergo, first time i've used it in a while, but it was easier as i took his reins, and if i'm on my own then managing him walking and the stroller is a bit of a challenge! I'm suprised that the Ergo is still really comfy as long as i pull the waist belt above my bump. I did get a few "looks" though, as i definately look pregnant. I often get odd looks when i have Roh on my back, even though i see quite a few people baby wearing round here, but i guess with the bump people were thinking i was bonkers! :haha: Actually it was really nice, as it was sort of balanced weight wise, it helps to pull my shoulders back, so makes the bump feel less heavy :thumbup: Roh is napping now, and i'm watching the F1 qualifying :)

I'm looking forwards to catching up with my friend tomorrow, think i'm just gong to chill out at home for the rest of the day, possibly i'll clear up a bit :haha:
Bobby finally got the frickin canine hullujah! About time! I can feel the left one at the gum line so I'm guessing a few more days for it to come out. This one was not fun , he kept waking p last night.
Hey all -

Sorry have been reading and running alot its been a nightmare round here recently!!!

Modo - glad you got your appointment sorted, your doula sounds ace!

Emera - I really struggle to carry amy at the moment although she loves it ... I get alot of strange looks walking round the city though!

Amy - how is Alex getting on? hope your enjoying your new job!

Sarah - sounds like buisness is going really well for you - how is Oliver sleeping now?

Maybe- your trip to Disney looked ace - sounded like you had a busy day today hope it all went ok!

Mork - how are you?

Well Amy is currently cutting her top canines and she is so moody with it! argh she is awake again I better go settle her!
will write properly soon, hi h&F :hugs:
modo thats awful :hugs: chase it x

well just quickly - the cat wasnt Max :cry: - it was a girl :( she was identical to Max bar 3 tiny things, well one being her sex. max is still lost :(
Amy oh no!!!!!! Poor Max, how awful for you all :cry: Might he still be living in the ladies barn with the girlie cats?
amy - oh no! poor max :(

modo - i hate teething!

h&f - how is your dad?

sarah and mork - are your toddlers still really obsessed with bf? owen wants boobie or 'bo bo' as he calls it all the time. i'm wondering if i should limit it as he's obsessed!!

dan and dylan are napping, erin is watching a barbie film and owen is bf. staying in this afternoon to do chores! we went to the playground this morning.

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