I got tired of working so took yesterday off

Had a nice relaxing day

OH was in Cornwall with his dad today, so Roh and i went on a playdate to a soft play centre, he had an ace time, as did his date, even though he seemed to be obsessed with pushing her down onto the floor and rolling her along like a log ??

strange boy, she was giggling though

He was also terrifying me by jumping head first down the slide rather than sliding down it

I panicked the first time, but then gave up as he was landing on his face and just shrieking with laughter

I just know he's going to want to do totally terrifying things as he gets older!!
Thanks for asking after me peeps, i'm doing well

Saw a MW this morning for a check and everything seems fine. I have an appointment next week to talk about steroid injections as i'll be 24 weeks on monday i think, or possibly saturday. I'm not sure they will want to do them now, as things seem to have settled. I'm getting kicked constantly now, and proper belly bouncing kicks, which is still at the nice stage, not too painful yet!

The baby seems to be pretty active, which i take as a sign of happiness
I cooked Roast shoulder of Pork tonight. Did it on a bed of apples with some water and cooked it for 3.5 hours. Roasties and rainbow chard and runner beans with it, yummy yum yum, bizarrely considering everything i've cooked in my life i've never done Roast Pork before

I was very proud of myself, i got the crackling right and everything

OH has fallen in love with me all over again apparently!
I've got such a nice weekend planned! I'm going to playgroup tomorrow, then i'm out with some friends tomorrow night (whats with all this going out?!?) Saturday Roh and i will chill out, maybe go to the zoo if its not raining, and then sunday i'm meeting a friend i haven't seen for 15 years for sunday lunch

OH is working breakfasts, so we'll have evenings together, perfect!
Really hope you are all well!
Oh meant to say, Sarah, have you tried chewing / sucking slices of fresh ginger, its amazingly helpful for headaches! Also try steaming yourself with the old towel over a bowlful of hot water thing, and double check you are drinking enough water. If none of that helps, then you probably need to book yourself a massage, a headache for that long is probably caused by something in your neck or back that needs to relax!
Also Amy, glad Alex is on the mend and it wasn't serious

I hope Max starts to slowly recover from his trauma and settle back home