Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

emera - we had a lovely walk thanks, so sorry to hear you're unwell. Take it easy today if you can! Thats terrible about the cannula, Alex's doctor was great and got it in first time. Its all so traumatic for them isnt it :hugs: and mummies too :hugs: did they put "magic cream" on his hands first? x
Yeah they used the cream, he was confused by it I think and kept shaking his hands. Bless. They really messed the first attempt up and went right through his vein :dohh: he has a MASSIVE bruiseright across his whole hand from it :( So of course for the second attempt he knew they were going to hurt him and was terrified. Never heard him scream like that before! :cry: horrible. At least its over now. And the fluids really helped a lot, so it was all necessary.
It's a bug :( I got it from Bobby who seems to be coping a lot better than me :haha:
emera - poor Roh, its awful when the doc botches the first attempt but like you say it does have to be done. when Alex had his done he said the policy was only one attempt so it was lucky he got it in! Thats the hard part of nursing. They soon forget though :hugs:

modo - poor you :hugs: hope you're being looked after :flower:

I think I'm coming down with a cold - just what I need when I'm starting new job on Monday :dohh:
I'm coming down with a cold - perfect timing for starting new job on Monday :dohh: I cant stop sneezing.

Today we went for a lovely walk in the woods. Kerry is out tonight and I was looking forward to getting the remote but Alex woke and it took me an hour to get him back to sleep - typical!

Hope you are all ok and that you are having a fantastic birthday emera :hugs: :flower: :cake: :cake:
Oh Amy bless you hon, hope you dont suffer too badly from it :( Do you think Alex has it too? T has just started a cold these past 2 days xx
no he hasn't .... yet! I expect he will have as he's at nursery 3 days next week :dohh: I forgot to say my nephew Gabriel goes there now so he's with his cousin 3 days a week which is great!

how are you anyway Mork? how many weeks are you? have you booked in with the mw's yet? Hope you arent too tired/sicky xx
Amy - Hope your cold turns out to be a mild one :hugs:

Had a nice birthday, it was lovely to see my family. Birthdays aren't what they used to be though, eh? :haha: No cake, 2 presents and a handful of cards. Plus exploding pooey nappy to greet me in the morning, a clingy toddler all day, and an OH who decided "it's not really worth taking the day off on your birthday is it?" No, love we took a week off for yours, but not to worry! :haha: Ah well, serves me right for being born so close to christmas! I sound really ungratful and bitter, i'm not really, just in mourning for the days when birthday meant i'd get one day of being treated like a princess :rolleyes: I suppose i have my 40th in a few years to look forwards to, if thats not special there will be beatings!!! :rofl:

Ah well, i had a nice day, and i am loving the fingerless gloves OH got me from Roh, they are sparkley! :cloud9: I don't have any sparkley stuff anymore, so yay :D
I hope he stays clear of it xx Thats great that he will be with his cousin at nursery - make it much easier for them both to know someone! Does he like it there?
Me, I am just over 8 weeks, feeling sicky, tired and very hungry :) Got midwife booking in in 2 weeks time! Seems a lot later than last time (7 weeks last time) but I know the service has changed a lot in the last year and you dont get as much supervision. Do you think I will have to see a consultant because of my emcs last time?
Happy Birthday Emera!!! I know what you mean about birthdays now we're older, its not the same is it :haha: But still a big happy birthday to you :hugs: The gloves sound fab :thumbup:

Amy booooo to your cold! Eat LOADS of garlic, I did when I last felt a cold coming on and it was much, much milder than normal. You are soposed to eat it raw :shock: so I pigged out on garlic olives and very garlicy home made garlic bread. Poor Steve :haha:

Mork around here the booking apps are always late, I think I was about 14 weeks with Oliver! They book you in for your scan without seeing you first.

Well I had a wedding today which went fine, then Oliver and I went to Sainsburys with my parents which was lovely because they amused Oliver so I had a nice relaxing shop :haha: Tomorrow I have a stall at a Christmas craft fayre so I'm busy trying to get everything ready. I had all the stuff already from when I used to make stuff to sell on ebay etc so its just getting it together and packing it up properly etc. Its going well so far but I keep finding more stuff I'd forgotten about :haha: I really hope its busy, the table was only twenty quid but I really hope its a good day. Mum and Dad are having Oliver so I'm going to take a book, so if its quiet I think twenty quid for a day of putting my feet up is pretty good value :haha:
aww bless you emera - I know exactly what you mean about birthdays *sigh* glad you love your gloves though :hugs:

mork - its so sad how much pregnancy and health visitor services have been scaled down! do you want a vbac this time or elective c-section? that might have an influence on whether you see consultant. Was the cs for failure to progress or baby distress or something else? 8 weeks! wow!!! how exciting :happydance:

sarah - ooo thanks for the pointer! my nose is just streaming and feels pre-sneeze the whole time! Glad you had a relaxing shop :hugs: good luck with the stall - sounds like fun!
urgh, had my hair cut today and I HATE it, he hacked into it then blew dry it into a stupid big poof! its horrible and will take ages to grow out :( silly me when I start new job tomorrow :( hope everyone else is ok x
Amy oh no! Will it be better when you've washed it and styled it yourself? :hugs: Good luck with your new job!

Well the craft fayre went really well today, yay! It was busy all day and I sold lots, and I still have a ton of stuff to do another! I'm going to have a night off tonight and do very little :haha:
Oh dear Amy-can you still tie it back?
Sarahwoo-glad it went well today!
Amy it was failed instrumental with distress to both mother and baby, not sure what I want for this birth?! Any suggestions?
Oh dear Amy, hopefully its just the blow dry that's making it look wrong :hugs: I hate having bad haircuts, i'd go back and demand they sort it out!

Mork - :hugs: I think what you plan for this birth would really depend on how you feel about the whole thing. If the thought of a vbac horrifies you, having to go through labour again etc. then an elective might well be the way to go. If you are feeling that you want to give it another go and that its something your really want and need to acheive for yourself then definately plan a vbac :hugs: Thats just my thoughts on it. Personally i'm all for birth being as natural as possible, but then i don't know how i'd feel if i'd had a different experience last time. I wouldn't say it was traumatic, but i was certainly shocked in retrospect. I'm not sure i feel like i have a massive amount of control over what happens this time, its going to go how its going to go, if you know what i mean? Sorry if thats not very helpful, just thought i'd share.

Sarah - Fab that your sold loads at the fayre :thumbup: Sounds great. I'd say you definately deserve an evening off, you always seem to be busy in the evenings :hugs:

Phew, well finally a quiet day here :dance: Roh and i just chilled out. He has his appetite back and seems alot bouncier, which is great but tiring :haha: My SIL bought me some knitting needles, wool, and a pattern for a baby blanket for my birthday, so i've started on that during Roh's nap today. I've never knitted before, so its a bit of a learning curve :haha: I have a feeling its going to look VERY handmade, but it feels nice to be making something special for the bumpy :cloud9: All my energy goes on Roh at the moment, so i'm not exactly feeling like i'm nurturing this baby very well. I'm having to remind myself to eat and drink water etc. :dohh:

Also my SIL has posted some lovely pictures of Roh and my niece playing on FB, sadly there is a really awful shot of me in there :sick: :haha:
Thanks Emera - and so glad Roh is better :)
Re the birth I guess I have only been thinking of it from T and DH's perspective and whats best for them planned date and hosiptal stay and thats why im in a quandry!!! Need to actually think of it for myself I think!!!! :) xx
sarah - fab news about the craft fair! :thumbup:

emera - i loved your friends photos!!! you look lovely! and dont worry about baby, it will take all it needs from you. I'm so pleased Roh is back to himself :hugs:

Mork - I have known friends who have done both, both had the same first experience as you, one went for elective and thought it was fab - she was up and about the next day because the recovery time is much quicker without all the stress, and she loved the planned aspect. The other felt she had failed at experiencing birth and wanted a vbac, she said normal delivery was definately painful but she was thrilled she did it and she loved not having the cs wound. So I think the main thing is to chose what works for you and your family. At least you've got plenty of time! xx

well I washed my hair - he chopped this silly little bit of hair that just sits on my nose, I really need all my hair back for nursing :dohh: the whole thing does looked hacked, like a child cut it! I keep telling myself it will grow and for now I'll wear granny clips :haha:

Alex has been so lovely the last couple of days, he's really trying with two word combos like ball catch - so sweet :cloud9:
Starting to feel human today just ave very little energy. Managed o eat and keep down a tuna sandwich for lunch so I must be improving:haha:

Mork: I second what everyone ha said about birth. It's a very personal decision whether you go for Vbac or c/sec. I personally want a vbac but should I end up with another c/s I want it on be on my terms. That's why I hired a doula :flower:

Amy: sorry you are disappointed by your new haircut :( it really annoying to pay for something you are unhappy with :(
I agree with Amy the photos of you and Roh are lovely. You have lovely cheekbones I would kill for :haha:
Aww, thanks! :blush: Only good thing about them in my opinion is that i don't look as old as i feel! :haha: Oh, and Roh is adorable, of course, thats a good thing :haha:

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