Oh dear Amy, hopefully its just the blow dry that's making it look wrong

I hate having bad haircuts, i'd go back and demand they sort it out!
Mork -

I think what you plan for this birth would really depend on how you feel about the whole thing. If the thought of a vbac horrifies you, having to go through labour again etc. then an elective might well be the way to go. If you are feeling that you want to give it another go and that its something your really want and need to acheive for yourself then definately plan a vbac

Thats just my thoughts on it. Personally i'm all for birth being as natural as possible, but then i don't know how i'd feel if i'd had a different experience last time. I wouldn't say it was traumatic, but i was certainly shocked in retrospect. I'm not sure i feel like i have a massive amount of control over what happens this time, its going to go how its going to go, if you know what i mean? Sorry if thats not very helpful, just thought i'd share.
Sarah - Fab that your sold loads at the fayre

Sounds great. I'd say you definately deserve an evening off, you always seem to be busy in the evenings
Phew, well finally a quiet day here

Roh and i just chilled out. He has his appetite back and seems alot bouncier, which is great but tiring

My SIL bought me some knitting needles, wool, and a pattern for a baby blanket for my birthday, so i've started on that during Roh's nap today. I've never knitted before, so its a bit of a learning curve

I have a feeling its going to look VERY handmade, but it feels nice to be making something special for the bumpy

All my energy goes on Roh at the moment, so i'm not exactly feeling like i'm nurturing this baby very well. I'm having to remind myself to eat and drink water etc.
Also my SIL has posted some lovely pictures of Roh and my niece playing on FB, sadly there is a really awful shot of me in there