Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Oh emera, I hope you didnt take offence at what I said, I am sorry if you did. If I didn't work we would be short each month too. I think your homemade presents sound fab-we are making cards and dribble bibs for my nephew. Xx
Oh, Mork, hey, no offence here! :flower: I just sometimes feel a bit frustrated that i can't give Roh more treats than i do. Most my friends round here are on a much higher income and their LOs have a playroom all to themselves stuffed full of toys, etc. It makes me feel sad for him. I certainly don't begrudge other people their lifestyles and financial situations though! Its not a case of envy, just a wee bit of guilt on my part that Roh won't have everything his little friends have. Mind you, most my friends have their children in full time nursery, not that i'm critical of that, nursery can be a great environment for child development, but I think i'd be miserable though, i love being with Roh! I guess in the end i'd rather be poor and have more time with him than i would be well off and be able to buy him stuff, but not see him as much. :thumbup:

Sucks having to work if you don't really want to! The government should be way more supportive of full time stay at home parents. Currently you are actually penalized financially for not working if you are physically and mentally capable, even if your reason is to care for your own children! There is something weird with society when parents are actively encouraged and rewarded for handing over the bulk of the care of their own children to someone else after the first year of their lives. Of course they should be enabled to do that if they wish, but raising your own children full time should be an equally valid and supported choice!

Gaah, sorry bit of a rant there, but it narks me a bit! I want to raise and educate my children myself, thus saving the government a significant amount of money paying for childcare costs, and easing the overcrowding in schools and the strained education budget. Not to mention leaving a job vacancy available for one of the millions of unemployed people currently desperate for work. Surely thats beneficial to society? Apparently its only an option for people who can fund the whole thing on one income though. :sulk:

Ok, now i'm hoping i haven't offended anyone. I'm not criticising anyones parenting or choices (or lack of choice for alot of us) just the government and society! Might go and move in to the local Occupy camp! :haha: Actually, second thoughts, its bloody freezing, i'll stay in the warm. Why didn't they do these occupy camps in the summer, it would have been HUGE!! :haha:

In other less ranty news.... Roh and his friend who i was looking after today were playing nicely, so i went to get their lunch ready. I could hear them giggling and saying "go go draw" to eachother. Went to check on them to find them both in fits of giggles having created a lovely mural about 5 feet long along my hall wall in colouring pencil!! :haha: :dohh: Anyone know what gets colouring pencil off? It is a bugger! :laugh2:
Lol Emera! I am now gonna add my tuppence worth whilst we are ranting - our bloody problem is the CSA who didnt reduce DH's payments for his first 2 children when our first came along, currenlty his ex wife gets more a month for those two teenagers than we have left for our toddler! It makes me MAD! The government needs to stop just looking at the extremes i.e. those in poverty and those who earn mega bucks and look at joe public!
Now I feel better too :)
Re your pencil - is it wax or actual pencil? If its pencil try a little bit of toothpaste on a warm flannel - works for all sorts of marks, if on paint!!!
Mork - Bloody government eh?! *shakes fist*

Oh, and the pencil is proper colouring pencil, not wax one, i'll give the tootepaste thing a go. OH got home and laughed at it, then said it REALLY felt like a proper family home now we have drawing on the wall :rofl: Maybe i'll leave it there :haha:
Emera I agree with everything you said there :thumbup:

To add my bit, the only money we currently get from the government is child benefit, but because oh earns just enough to make him a higher rate tax payer we will stop getting it in April. Yet a couple who both earn just under the threshold but earn a lot more jointly than we do will still get it. It makes no sense at all!

I also think that there should be tax breaks for people who pay for private education or home school, since the government save money by not having to educate those children.

Like Mork said they only look at the extremes, they have no idea what its like in the middle :dohh:

Emera we have a lovely green pencil 'mural' on our lounge wall. I tried to get it off but it fetched a bit of the paint off too so we're going to have to paint over it :haha:

I haven't stopped today, I'm only on here now because Oliver woke up so I am catching up while he gets back to sleep. I've got quite a few things ticked off my list though, yay!
Ok so here is an example of why the system is weird... we currently get £40 a month in child tax credits, gee thanks, but i guess it all helps! Anyway, did a theoretical what if, factoring in the new baby, and that will change to us getting £260 a month in child tax credits. So, not complaining in any way, that will be a massive help! However, i think my question is why?!? Why, now i have a newborn do i suddenly deserve a further £220 a month. What additional costs could i possibly have, baring in mind i already have a child, so would naturally have alot of the equipment required to care for an additional child?!? As i said, it will make my life alot easier, but i don't understand the basis on which the calculations are made at all :shrug: For a laugh i looked at what i could claim if i stopped working, i'd be eligible for an extra £40 a month on top of that, plus council tax reduction payments, and thats it, even though our joint income would drop by near to £10k.... ](*,) I'm mystified, really...

Sarah - I think its shocking about the child benefit thing!! Oh, also, i think i never said how totally gorgeous your avatar is!!! I meant to say ages ago, just... :cloud9:
Emera thanks :cloud9: I know we've said it before but the babies on this thread are all completely yummy, there must have been something in the water :haha:

Yay for the extra tax credits - but like you say it makes no sence!!! I'm absolutely not one of those 'this country is shit' people because I know we have it SO much better than sooooo many other places, but really so many things are just absolutely crazy! The child benefit thing just really pisses me off :haha: I mean yes, we can manage without the child benefit - its nice but we don't need it. But it really annoys we that we won't get it, but a household with an income of nearly double ours will! :grr:

Oh, and my other pet hate, while we're talking about the government :haha: is criminal records. How is it that to do his job Steve has to have a clean criminal record - because he could abuse his position - and yet an MP can have been to prison for fraud and yet still be an MP? How can that be right? It just amazes me! It just can't be right!

I feel better for having a little political rant :rofl:

I hope you are all having a good weekend :thumbup:
I have an announcement. I HAVE DONE ALL MY IRONING!!!!!! All of it!! For about an hour anyway . . . I have a load in the dryer and about two more loads of washing - but RIGHT NOW all the ironing is done!! :happydance: This doesn't happen often in this house :rofl:

I made a bit of a booboo today :blush: Todays wedding . . . . . is tomorrow :shock: :rofl: We got to the venue (a golf club) and I went into the room and I thought eek, she wants blue sashes but everything else is lilac!! So I checked the table plan and the names were different . . . so I checked the booking form and I'm got the wrong day!! :blush: What an idiot :dohh: :haha: Luckily my parents seemed to see the funny side, so we went Christmas shopping instead. We didn't have plans for tomorrow so its fine to do it then instead - from now on I'll always be checking and double checking my dates :haha: :dohh:
Ahhh, Sarah, ooops!!! :haha: At least it was tomorrow, not yesterday! :shock:

Well done on the ironing :thumbup: :dance: I've actually caught up with the laundry, possibly for the first time in about 10 months :haha: I've a sneaking suspicion that OH is hiding a couple of loads somewhere though :dohh:

Roh has been very cute today, cuddled up with me alot. :cloud9: He also told me he wanted dinner at 4.15pm :shock: Really surprised me, he started using everything available as a bib and saying "bibby bibby", so i asked if he was hungry and he ran to the kitchen shouting "cheese cheese" haha :) He ate a whole 2 egg ham and cheese omlette,, a slice of beans on toast, and a load of peas :shock: He's also had about 20oz of milk today :shrug: This evening after his bath he was still in his towel, and he pulled all the other towels down off the rail, made a little nest and lay down saying "sleep sleep" over and over :haha: I have to say i felt bad taking him out of it and getting him dressed! He was still saying "sleep sleep" when i put him in bed, and was murmuring it as he went off to sleep. He makes me laugh so much! Strange child.
He also spent about 20 minutes leafing through a catering equipment catalogue this morning :rofl: He kept pointing at things in it and chatting. After a while he came over and showed me a page which had 5 or 6 models wearing chef uniforms and said, "mummy, people" then walked off again :shock:
Grr, OH is annoying me, he has decided to put music on in here as he's on his computer, fair enough, so he played an album, fine, then asked what i fancied listening to, i picked something saying i wanted relaxing music. He grumbled for a while, put the album i chose on, and then after 4 songs said that the recording wasn't right, and he has now put on a drum and bass album :grr: I don't know why he even pretended to care what i might want to listen to. He's so totally selfish when it comes to things like music and noise levels, it drives me nuts!!! :hissy:
OMG Emera how cute is Roh!!!!! I love hearing what he's up to, because with him bit that little bit older it gives me an idea of what 've got coming :haha: I just LOVE the 'sleep sleep' thing, SO CUTE!!! :cloud9:

Oliver is saying 2/3 new words a day at the moment :shock: Today he said 'bauble' which I was quite impressed with :)
Oh and ;grr: to your oh, send him to the shed! Or start 'singing' along :haha:

Blimey its really windy here tonight! I'm glad Oliver and I are snuggled up in the warm! It does make me worry about roof tiles though :wacko:. And I hope its better by next week - I don't mind sitting in a hot tub outside in the cold - even snow - but cold and windy? Erm no thanks, I'll stay inside with my hot chocolate :haha:
OH has started behaving again now i've shouted and cried at him! :haha: Think he's scared of the hormones :laugh2:

Roh is pretty cute i think, but then i'm rather biased :blush: He just makes me laugh so much :) I'm kind of hoping this keenness to sleep keeps up, as we are thinking of moving him into a bed before Christmas, infact likely in the next few weeks seeing as its here now. :shock: Bit scared about that!

The weather is meant to calm down wind-wise after the weekend i think :thumbup: I vote hot chocolate in the hot tub, best of both worlds! :D
Love to hear about your babes and all their new words! I am considering going back to school to study speech language pathology, so it's all very interesting to me. :) I'm trying to get my littles to have some proficiency in Spanish (and my big kid too) as we missed out when my eldest was little due to him having hearing problems, late talking, etc. If I do it'll be a VERY tight three years, but then: a career- you know? Anyway, still mulling it over. Emera you are in the loveliest part of pg- congrats again on your bump :flower: , and sorry bout the disobedient OH ;)
hey all its been a super busy weekend. dan painted the living room yesterday so i had to take all 3 kids out all day, take them to the hairdresser, entertain them and then go home and clean up the aftermath of the painting! then today was dylan's 6th bday so we had a party for him 12-2 at a soft play centre and then my family came for afternoon tea.

owen's poorly. he was niggly all afternoon and then he has been waking and screaming even after calpol so i had to take him out of the cot and give him booby and nurofen. he's asleep on the sofa now. i'm shattered so going to try and move him to bed. dan's been in bed about 2hrs already and i'm jealous of his ability to sleep through owen screaming in pain! thinking may be his caninies. hate teething!!!!!

sarah - hope the wedding was ok today

emera - roh asking for sleep is great! owen never wants to go to bed!

insomnimama - your study idea sounds interesting!

mork - how's the pregnancy?
Insomnimama I find the whole learning to talk thing absolutely amazing! I imagine it's really a great thing to study - fingers crossed for you!

Maybe Happy Birthday to Dylan! It sounds like you've had a really busy time! I hope Owen is feeling better soon :hugs:

I know where you're coming re the sleeping OH thing :dohh: Steve fell asleep on the sofa while I was putting Oliver to bed - three hours ago :shock: While he's been asleep I've put Oliver to bed, ironed three loads of ironing, done loads of packing for our hols, got up to date with all my work emails and paperwork . . . . and he's still asleep.

The wedding went great this morning :thumbup: It looked lovely, and it was fun to do :) Golf clubs are always much more friendly / welcoming than hotels which I find quite odd. Nearly always at golf clubs we get offered a cuppa - today we even got offered bacon sandwiches - my Dad was very impressed :haha: But in hotels its never like that - which I find wierd because when I was a hotel wedding coordinator I always organised refreshments for people doing chair covers / florists / bands setting up etc :shrug: Dad wants me to get more bookings at golf clubs :haha:

Well I'm not sure how much I'll be able to get one while we're away, there is no mobile signal where we're staying :shock: but no doubt I'll be checking in when we go anywhere with 3G :haha: I've not finished packing yet . . . . I'm getting there and I'll just have to finish everything off tomorrow. We don't get the keys until 4pm so there is no rush to set off, though I think we're going to set off when we're ready and head up to Pickering :happydance:

Had my phone and purse nicked from work today :cry: So flipping annoying! Purse was just a fiver and change and my nectar card, so not going to cry too much about that, although i liked the actual purse. The phone is bloody annoying though it wasn't insured, so it will cost me £75 to replace the handset and sim :dohh:

Had a totally awful day at work too, i've never felt so poorly treated. If i didn't need my SMP i'd have walked out :( My morale is rock bottom, and i feel totally value-less in the eyes of my employers. Its such a shame as i love what i do, and i've always really liked the company i work for, but in the last few months i've been treated really poorly.
Found out today that they still didn't do a risk assessment, even though they said they had, so they've lied to me basically. I'm really concerned about it compromising my safety to be honest :( I ended up coming home in floods of tears and just crying loads at OH. He's been amazing and told me not to worry about anything, and to just take maternity leave ASAP. So i've just written a letter, my last day at work will be 21st December. That's cheered me up a bit. He's also said we can put a bit of our savings by, so hopefully i won't have to think about starting back at work until at least November 2012, probably Jan 2013, which would be amazing! I'll be skint from January to March, like really really skint, but i think it will be worth it :)
Oh no Emera, I'm so sorry you are had such a bad day! Yay for starting mat leave though - your employer doesn't deserve you :hugs:

We are having a lovely time, the lodge is amazing!!

Hope you are all well :hugs:
Oh emera, what a crappy day :( hope today has been better?
Will you be going back to the same job after mat leave? If not you are entitled to maternity allowance, which is the same as smp-something to consider.
Sarahwoo-glad your lodge is lovely :)
Amy-hows the job going hon? Hope it is enjoyable.
Maybe-Roll on christmas when you arent so busy with work - its so quiet without you!!!!
Everyone else, hope you are ok.
I have the mw tomorrow - booking in - might make all this more real! lol xxx

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