Oh, Mork, hey, no offence here!

I just sometimes feel a bit frustrated that i can't give Roh more treats than i do. Most my friends round here are on a much higher income and their LOs have a playroom all to themselves stuffed full of toys, etc. It makes me feel sad for him. I certainly don't begrudge other people their lifestyles and financial situations though! Its not a case of envy, just a wee bit of guilt on my part that Roh won't have everything his little friends have. Mind you, most my friends have their children in full time nursery, not that i'm critical of that, nursery can be a great environment for child development, but I think i'd be miserable though, i love being with Roh! I guess in the end i'd rather be poor and have more time with him than i would be well off and be able to buy him stuff, but not see him as much.
Sucks having to work if you don't really want to! The government should be way more supportive of full time stay at home parents. Currently you are actually penalized financially for not working if you are physically and mentally capable, even if your reason is to care for your own children! There is something weird with society when parents are actively encouraged and rewarded for handing over the bulk of the care of their own children to someone else after the first year of their lives. Of course they should be enabled to do that if they wish, but raising your own children full time should be an equally valid and supported choice!
Gaah, sorry bit of a rant there, but it narks me a bit! I want to raise and educate my children myself, thus saving the government a significant amount of money paying for childcare costs, and easing the overcrowding in schools and the strained education budget. Not to mention leaving a job vacancy available for one of the millions of unemployed people currently desperate for work. Surely thats beneficial to society? Apparently its only an option for people who can fund the whole thing on one income though.
Ok, now i'm hoping i haven't offended anyone. I'm not criticising anyones parenting or choices (or lack of choice for alot of us) just the government and society! Might go and move in to the local Occupy camp!

Actually, second thoughts, its bloody freezing, i'll stay in the warm. Why didn't they do these occupy camps in the summer, it would have been HUGE!!
In other less ranty news.... Roh and his friend who i was looking after today were playing nicely, so i went to get their lunch ready. I could hear them giggling and saying "go go draw" to eachother. Went to check on them to find them both in fits of giggles having created a lovely mural about 5 feet long along my hall wall in colouring pencil!!

Anyone know what gets colouring pencil off? It is a bugger!