it does mean I get to treat my baby and take her out to places i otherwise wouldnt, still hate it though!!!!
I wish working let me treat Roh! I have to do the hours i do just so we can make ends meet!
Had a nice enough day, went to the zoo in the morning, which is always fun

Roh has dissappeared my zoo membership card though and its £5 to get a new one, which i can't afford. Going to have to search high and low for it!
OH and i spent the afternoon going through our finances, fun fun fun

This is the first day off together we've had where we haven't had any obligations to family etc. for more than six weeks, so we had to talk through loads of stuff. We are sooo broke

We aren't in debt, which is great, but wow its sooo tight its actually scary when i think about it

At least we are earning just enough, but its literally £5 breathing room! We are having to recycle last years xmas cards, as we can't afford anything. Going to get Roh to do lots of colouring with red and green and stick it to old cards

I suppose its eco in every sense, ecological and economical

I'm just going to make things for my niece and nephew, and for my mum for Christmas, i guess i'll make her a throw and or cushion covers out of old clothes and scraps

Not buying for my brother and SIL, or my dad and step-mum, as we all agreed not to. OH's folks he can sort for once, i know he has savings. Wish i did but all my spare money goes on Roh! At least we already bought stuff for Roh, OH paid for it all as we spotted stuff on sale earlier in the year
Quite weird to think i'll actually be significantly better off once i'm on maternity pay and bumpy arrives, as we'll get more child benefit and tax credits are alot more too

See, having more babies pays!!!
Wow, boring money talk! Yawn, i don't normally think about it much, just its been the topic of the day. In a way i quite like being broke, it makes me alot better at using my creativity, which is very satisfying