Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Mork - Good luck with the booking in!

As far as i know i can take the SMP and then make the decision not to return to work at the end. I have a few things to check up on regarding rights and maternity. Had a meeting today when they finally did my risk assessment, and then told me that they don't have to make any provisions at all or do a risk assessment until they receive a MATB1 form, which doesn't sound right to me at all? Its all such a shame, as last time they treated me so well during the pregnancy, i'm quite dissappointed in them.
I also talked to my boss about being unhappy in the job, and he got quite defensive and a bit aggressive about it :shrug: He basically dismissed what i was saying and treated me a bit like i was crazy. I'm not too sure where to take it from here, i'm a bit confused by his reaction. When i said i planned to take Mat leave asap and gave him my letter he was like "your going to claim smp from the company even though your not happy?!" I was like :saywhat: ?!?! I'm telling you i'm not happy, and planning my mat leave, i'm not resigning, i was hoping the issues could be resolved?!?! :wacko: Really odd... Anyway i think for my stress levels and general health i'll be better off on leave :wacko:
emera - :hugs: your work sounds diabolical! as sarah said they so dont deserve you! take it easy and roll on 21st dec!

mork - hope all goes well at mw!

sarah - glad you're having a good time! :)

well life is hectic as ever. tomorrow my choir has a concert in the evening. am taking dylan and erin and owen is staying with mil as dan is working. have had to draft my cousin in to look after the kids in the afternoon as dan is working and my mum is having a colonoscopy tomorrow so is out of action.

friday we get our new sofas :D dan has painted the living room. i need to clean the windows and put up curtains and then i'm going to put up the christmas tree on saturday night :)
Emera: Your management sound like they are horrendous! I can't believe how they have been treating you :hissy:

We are working on our house and it's 3 million issues before the baby is born. Just keeps coming up with surprises :growlmad:
Just worked an 11.5 hour shift at 26.5 weeks pregnant....
i'm so tired but I miss you all so this is a feeble reply!

emeracant believe some b@stard stole from you :( and to top it off your work are being awful! Thes best off I've ever been was when K and I split and I worked full time, the tax credit system is all wrong. And your work is terrible, screw them, put you and bubs first lovely xxxx

modo - home renovation is fun to a point I find, do you have much to do? how are you feeling? :flower:

mork - hope the booking in goes well - exciting!!! :happydance:

sarah - so glad you're having a lovely time :hugs: cant wait to see more photos!

maybe - is Owen better??

insomnimama - lovely to hear from you, fantastic news about the job :hugs:

I love my new job, i am knackered and so stressed but really happy xx
amy - thanks, owen is a bit better but has an awful cough. so does erin. had to take dylan to the dr as he was complaining of a blocked ear, turns out he has an ear infection. poor thing. he found it hillarious that the dr was called dr owen though :haha:

emera - 11.5hrs is not on :grr:

modo - how are you?

well my choir had another concert yesterday and they did me proud :D it sounded brilliant. we're hoping for a recording of it :)

at the mo i am cooking dinner for when dan gets in (soon hopefully!) and i am making the kids their santa videos on try it, it's fab!
Glad the choir were good maybe :)
Amy - pleased you are enjoying the job!
Emera-your work sounds a nightmare :( Mind you, i didnt get my risk assesment till about 25 weeks last time and this time havent yet had one - in fact two, as i am supposed to have one as a bfing mother! Roll on your mat leave xx
Modo - hope that work is completable (is that a word?!) before baby arrives!
Well mw went ok, scan should be xmas week, she estimates dd at 3rd july, i will get a conultants appt re vbac and csection and then make a decision, I was assured they wont let me go 16 days over like last time - only a couple of days max which was one good thing!
Yeah, work pretty much sucks, but hey, i have to do 9 more shifts until my mat leave, so sod it i can cope with that. I'll get all my mat pay, my holiday and then they'll get my notice i imagine ;)

Roh refused to nap this afternoon and threw a proper wobbler! :shock: He was all tired and just cried and cried and cried for like an hour! It wasn't like he was on his own i was right there. I kept trying to cuddle him, but he would just wriggle out of my arms and lie face down on the floor, horrible! :( He calmed down eventually, and dosed for 20 minutes, but then woke up again upset. Think it might be the teething, we've had 3 canines through and i thought the 4th had broken through last week, but when i had a feel, there is still skin over it, so it must be that thats been bothering him. Since i realised i've had him dosed up to the eyeballs with everything! :haha: He's much happier :)
Took him to the doctors, as i had to go to get another vat of Gaviscon (its like drinking cold minty cum, but oh my does that stuff work :sick: :thumbup:) so had them listen to Roh's chest again. He has this persistant wheeze, often sounds like he has stuff on his chest, coughs at night quite often, and is getting really breathless after rough play and running about. I've been becoming more and more convinced he has asthma ( i have it, OH had it in childhood) as its all the things i had when i was little, except i had big attacks too. I ask the doctors about it every time i go, and they always treat me like i'm a crazy paranoid mother :dohh: Anyway, finally this time he was all breathless when we got in as he'd been running round like a maniac in the waiting room (not embarrassing at all! :blush:) and the doctor noticed it right away. She listened to his chest and said she could hear the wheeze and checked on his file and saw i'd asked about it for almost a year on and off. She's decided its likely not a virus or infection, probably asthma, but definately something! I'm not mad! :dance: Whilst i'm happy i'm not mad, i'm not that thrilled for Roh because having asthma sucks. At least he has an inhaler now i can give him if he gets out of breath when he's having fun, so thats good :thumbup: He has to have it in the evening too. I was a bit worried about it, but he seemed all excited about taking an inhaler like mummy "mummy poof" is what he says about my inhaler :haha: He was good and breathed through the mask right and everything, so hopefully the novelty won't wear off too fast from that! He asked to do it again tonight :haha: Bless him :hugs:
Such a dumbass, i deleted my replies! :dohh:

Amy - Glad you are loving the job, even if its knackering! :thumbup:

Maybe - Hope Dylan feels better soon :hugs: I love those Xmas videos :)

Mork - Glad booking in all went alright :) Good to know you won't have to go way overdue again :thumbup: Re. risk assessments, i've been looking into it. Employers are not obliged to do a seperate risk assessment for expectant mothers, new mothers or nursing mothers at all. Their general risk assessment should take into account the risks to these groups though, and its in their own interests to review their risk assessment for each employee they have who falls into these groups, especially if their general risk assessment highlights increased hazards in those areas. Also as the risks change throughout pregnancy, ideally an employer may want to review risk assessments on an individual basis periodically throughout. Basically, they don't have to do it at all, but if they don't and god forbid something happened to you or baby at work, they would be up shit creek!
emera - poor roh with the athsma but at least you know the cause of his breathlesness. my sis has athsma and had a nebuliser at home when she was younger. glad roh was ok with the inhaler. all 3 of mine hated it when they had it but they were under a year. poor erin was only 4wks when she had it for bronchiolitis!

pissed off that the one thing i asked dan to do he's forgotten :grr: asked him to take out the windows in the living room as they are big and heavy for the cleaner to clean them today and he forgot and went to work. then if i forget something he moans! :growlmad:

on a happier note erin has finally stopped using nappies at night :happydance:
Hi lovely ladies sorry I don't get on here anymore. I have most of you on FB so speak there instead. Hope you are all well.

Feel a bit cheeky posting here but I am in shock/denial about this:

Don't say anything on my fb!!!!
Wow Muddles, that's one definite :bfp: well, 2 actually! :)

Congratulations! :dance:
muddles!!!! dont feel guilty lovely lady!!! you could've told us first though :haha::winkwink: congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thats a BFP for sure! :happydance: lucky Oliver :hugs:
p.s. sorry for not replying to you all, will tomorrow. dead beat.
just emera - your work people sound like *******s xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
OMG!!!!!! Did a digital test this morning and now I believe I am actually knocked up :lol: I had no idea, we weren't TTC just yet and I have had quite a bit to drink over the last few weeks so hopefully everything will be ok. Thankfully when I was bf I was taking a multivitamin for new mums then when I stopped bf just started taking the ttc multivitamins with folic acid so that when we did want to ttc I had already been taking it for at least 3 months. For those who have me on FB please don't say anything we are going to not tell for as long as possible, as news of my pg got out way too early with Oliver.

It's my birthday today so what a great present! :happydance: I will attempt to catch up with you ladies tomorrow evening and write some replies to you all.

Have a lovely weekend.
Happy Birthday Muddles! And congratulations again on the lovely present! :cake: :baby:
Congratulations muddles and happy birthday!!!!! :) xx
Hey all -

Huge congrats muddles!!!

Sorry for not posting much ... have had a horrible bug and basicallyhavent been able to leave the toilet for the last week! but am feeling much better today after starving myself for 24 hours but it appears Amy now has a similar thing.

Emera your work sounds awful on the plus side only a few more shifts till you can finish.

Sorry for not catching up with everyone individually - i need to go and change a smelly nappy and and nip to sainsburys for some mince pie ice cream!

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