Oh Maybe, thats rubbish, Danny could at least get up and help with the kids. Does he not evn look after them on his day off when you are at work?!?!
Steve is still grovelling, but typically hasn't actually said sorry
Still, I'm not going to waste my energy on falling out with him. He knows I'm upset so hopefully he'll think before he opens his mouth in future
The situation with his friend (the paranoid conspiracy theorist) is getting beyond a joke again, I barely ever see Steve without him been there. Yesterday Steve got home at 9am, PCT was here shortly after and I think had followed him form work. He was still here when I went out with Oliver to collect my car. Last night when Steve was getting ready for work and I was getting Oliver to bed he turned up. Its once or twice a day at the moment, on an evening when Oliver is in bed we can be having a nice evening and what do you know, there he is knocking at the door. The thing is I think he asks Steve and Steve says its okay. It's like he'd sooner spend time with him than me at the moment. PCT seems to know that I'm not happy about it and just rubs it in. Steve lent him some money (about fourty quid - which I knew about) but then PCT made out to me (when Steve had left the room) that Steve had paid his mortgage. Which is obviously a LOT different! I asked Steve but he swore blind it was just fourty quid and I believe him, PCT is just stirring I'm sure. Its like his own marriage is shit so he doesn't want Steve's to be any good either. Its almost like he wants him all to himself - he acts so wierd sometimes, its like he's jealous or something. Then the other day I was going to bed and they were in the kitchen having coffee (its was 11.30pm, he had turned up at 11pm, when I said I was going to bed he had a dig about me going to bed early
) Anyway so as I was walking up the stairs I heard a huge bang so I went back down and into the kitchen. PCT had dropped one of my new Denby coffee cups so it was smashed all over and there was coffee everywhere. I helped Steve clear it up and PCT kept saying 'Wow you were quick, you were listing to us at the door weren't you? You were listening to us? There's no way you could have been so quick if you weren't listening'. I said erm no, tbh I couldn't care less what you two talk about and theres no way in this world I'd listen through a flippin door! Yet he went on about it until I went to bed. I don't know if he thinks he's funny or if he's trying to make me out to be some paranoid nosy mess like his wife - which I'm absolutely not. Its just so frustrating and so annoying. As far as I know his wife is moving up from Kent (they still have there house there though which they need to sell) so hopefully when she's here we'll see less of him. If not I honestly don't know what I'll do. Steve obviously doesn't see it as a problem since he says he can come over.
Ahhhh, you can't beat a rant before breakfast
I made a start on sorting Oliver's room last night, its at that awful inbetween stage where it looks even worse
But I WILL get there