Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Maybe I don't think I am broody no. Its strange. Part of me thinks we should just go for it, but then another part of me is worried that everything is so perfect now that I don't want to change anything. Its silly really as I'm sure we'd all love another baby. Steve certainly would. I worry that I'd be looking after two kids and still trying to work and keep the house nice and things - but I know it would be fine. Argh I don't know. I think maybe I'm just over thinking things. I do think about it quite a lot though. I'm enjoying hearing how everyone else is coping and I'm looking forward to hear how things are when the number two babies all arrive. I think I just worry too much :blush: I want everything to be 'ideal' - like it would be nice to be in a bigger house - when really we'd be fine here . Argh I don't know. It stresses me out thinking about it, esp since Steve is 43 now so we should probably crack on :haha:
sarah - there's never a right time, just a time that's right for you!
Sarah I'm sure it will happen when the time is right, even if it doesn't seem right, if you know what I mean! Our flat is technically only one bedroom and we've just made some adaptations we'll all fit in, babies are tiny, right? :haha:
This baby is totally unplanned :haha: We had planned on waiting another year or two but things don't always go the way you plan :haha:

We are actually thinking of moving to a bigger house. I must be nuts!
Wish we could afford a bigger house! Boys will have to share til one of them moves out!!! Lol!
sarah - ouch!!! Alex has done the same and like the other boys its when he is tired. Cheeky boys! I have given up already with sticking the flaps back on, he's now turned to tearing out pages :doh:

emera - you naughty nester! take it easy lady!!! Sit and admire the cupboards yes but no more nesting :winkwink:

maybe - you'll soon knock off those 5kg!

I have my trust induction day tomorrow, its going to be torturously painfully boring!!!!! Today K was in bed alll day after a night out so me and the children went for a walk in the woods and went to the park. Really need to crack on with sorting the house to sell it. I cant say too much on here because of a friend of his that can read on here :(
Amy, a walk in the woods sounds lovely! Hope its not too manic trying to sort the house out :hugs: and also hope your induction isn't too mindnumbing!! :wacko:

I'm behaving today, ish, I just went through some boxes belonging to OH and chucked some stuff away whilst he wasn't here :haha: sounds harsh but he's a compulsive horder so it has to be done when he's not here. I threw away some old notebooks with about 3 pages left in each, some of his notes from secondary school and a whole box of all the socks he's made holes in in about the last 10 years. Why can't he chuck stuff out?!? Seriously I don't get it. I bet he'd say he was planning to darn them, but 10 year old holes says he won't :dohh:

I am being good tonight though and I?e just been sitting and knitting the blanket I'm trying to get done to take to hospital with me for the baby to be wrapped in :)
Emera the knitting sounds lovely :)

Amy I hope tomorrow isn't too boring!

It took four hours to get Oliver to sleep tonight :shock: I ended up taking him back down stairs so I could eat. I think he's looking for Steve.....I was really struggling to keep calm when he was obviously tired but just sat in bed screaming (as in shouting not crying) I read a bit of 'no cry sleep solution' again so I might try a few tricks from that.

Anyway, now he's asleep I'm off to sleep too, I've got a banging head ache from all the screaming :dohh:. Tomorrow I'm going to make a start on sorting his room out - if he's going to take four hours to go to bed I might as well spend four hours getting him to sleep in a toddler bed! :dohh: :dohh: :dohh:
Sarah :hugs: Hope you, and Oliver sleep well! Sounds to me like it might be time for Oliver to have his own room, so that he can fall asleep without you there, then if he wants to shout for hours he can do it whilst you are doing something else and preserving your sanity! :haha:

Roh goes to sleep sooo much better now that i'm not there, it used to work, but then it started taking longer and longer for him to go off with me there, so one day i left him, and he complained for a minute or two and then went to sleep! Now its very cute, he demands his duvet, and dummy and then a kiss and then lies down and cuddles his toys and says byebye :haha:
Emera that sounds like bliss, I would sooooooo love it to work like that!

We looked at toddler beds in Ikea the other day and Oliver dived onto one and got snuggled iin with the duvet :haha: I'm pretty much decided I think. Steve think's Oliver won't like it and I'll give up but I won't. I was planning to put a camp bed on the floor so that a) its a soft landing if he falls out and b) I can sleep on there if he won't settle to start with. I have really loved cosleeping and I want to stop before I stop enjoying it.
Ahhhhh, well after all that last night he slept great and only woke up once. So at least I got a decent sleep :haha:
Yay for a good night Sarah :)

Roh is seriously on one this morning! :wacko: he was up at 6 having a cot party :haha: and now he's just running round the house doing his wiggle dance. I put a vid on fb of it the other day its hilarious! :D
I had my private anomoly scan today at 10am. Everything looked good Baby was quite shy so didn't give us a profile until the end. But when she did it was so worth it We chose not to find out the gender although my sister decided that she "looked like a girl" and refers to baby as "her niece"

Only a slight blip on the radar is the spotted something in Beany's brain refered to as "small anechoic structure" The Dr doesn't think that it is anything to be concerned about and 99% sure that it is nothing. He said that whenever he had seen this in previous patients it has always turned out to be nothing. He has referred me to another scan next Friday with a consultant "just to be sure." He said that the it's probably just a "variation of normal" which is still normal. He didn't think it was an aneurism because it didn't seem to move like fluids do.

This is what the report says:

Fetal Growth and amniotic fluid volume are normal. The placenta is low lying today. There is a small anechoic structure in the midline of the brain. There are no obvious structural defects nor any markers for chromosomal abnormality. I referred to our consultant for further assessment and management
I am trying to not be too nervous about this as everything he said sounded positive but next Friday can't come soon enough TBH.
Oh wow Modo your LO looks gorgeous, fingers crossed for next Friday I'm sure everything will be fine and I will be thinking about you xxxx
Thanks hon. Just wanted to add that please noone mention this on FB as I haven't told my family yet. Will tell my mom after the Friday scan.
Gorgeous picture Modo, I'm sure everything will be fine :)
Modo from what I can gather from the internet anechoic means echo free on a sonograph (scan). I read that cysts are often anechoic. I hope this reasures you - when I worked in special care the premature babies routinely had head/brain scans and they often had cysts. I asked the consultants about it, they said babies often develop cranial cysts during foetal development which generally just disappear and are not anything to worry about x x x x x
emera - I love that you are making a blanket thats so beautiful x x x your OH makes me giggle, I am just the same! Roh's bedtime does sound like heaven! So sweet :cloud9:

Sarah - Alex keeps having nights where I just cant get him to sleep. I give up BF and lie him in his cot and sit next to him and he falls asleep. I plan to edge further and further away. I want him to be able to self settle before he goes in a bed. I am so with you on the feelings re co-sleeping x

I survived induction! A friend met me for lunch which was nice. Alex has a cough and the snots - think its going to be a long night x
Modo the pic is lovely and I'm sure everything will be fine, it must still be a worry though :hugs:

Amy I'm glad induction went well! I hope Alex has a good night. I have been thinking the same thing re teaching Oliver to get to sleep before he goes into his own bed so that sounds like a good idea :thumbup: Easier said than done though of course :dohh: I'm still going to work on his room though because it would be nice for him to have somewhere else to play, and somewhere for daytime naps would be fab. I spoke to Steve about it and tbh he was completely unsupportive :dohh: so well, sod him, I'll sort it out myself :haha:

We didn't do much today. Had a drive to an antiques centre but didn't buy anything. Tomorrow we have to wait in for a courier so Steve is watching Oliver while I do the housework and sort my work room out.
Sarah grrrr men!!! shed time. K is just impossible since we decided to split! grrrr well actually I've felt like a single mum for months. I plan to get a three bed place for me and the gang, make Emily and Holly share and Alex have the box room. I loved loved loved BF him to sleep but now it doesnt always work I know its time to think about his future and I want bedtimes to be happy times. x

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