Ergh, i totally know how you feel! The number of times Roh has just been running around shouting when i really need to get F to sleep! Argh, drives you nuts! Worse is if i just put her down and leave her to cry, Roh cries along and begs me to give her a cuddle to make her happy (talk abut a guilt trip!
). I do have to just put her down, shut her door and take Roh to the other end of the house and put the tv on. Sounds harsh, but seriously, its the only way she gets enough sleep in the day. If she sleeps in the day, she sleeps ok at night. We are now in a place where some nights she wakes twice, some once, and maybe 50% of the time she sleeps 7-7, which is flipping amazing!! I just decided to stop feeding her between 11pm and 5am, and basically cuddled her and settled her down, but stopped having her in the bed in the night. It did mean some sleepless nights, but fortunately Roh's room is quite far away, so it doesn't bother him.
As far as food, maybe she's just not quite ready? Are you spoon feeding? F won't accept being fed at ALL! She'll happily suck stuff off her hands though, so now i just let her do her thing (dear god, i think my mind deleted the amount of mess involved!!). It really took her a long time to get in to food though. Hope this hard bit is just a phase for you!
Had F's appointment with the consultant due to her lack of weight gain (she's not exactly skinny, but isn't growing as i'd expect, knowing how much she eats). They are suspecting that she's got Coeliacs disease. I'm desperately hoping the tests come back negative, as if they are positive, she'll need a biopsy to confirm the diagnosis, and that will involve a general anesthetic
The whole thing just worries me. I'm hoping its all just because she's so active.
I'm starting work tonight! Argh!
I wasn't going to work at all, but we've run out of money, so yeah, nights at Sainsburys. Fun, fun, fun!