Hi everyone!
Well, i just finished catching up on all the pages since i last managed to come on here. Sorry i won't respond to everyone, so much has gone on for you all!
to Katie though, hope things settle for you, glad to hear you managed to have a good night out
to Janny, sorry you're feeling down, i hope things will get easier for you.
Sarah, I'm so jealous of your chickens!
Maybe, glad the Christening went off well
I've been having a bit of a nightmare these last couple of weeks (not sure how long really, you know how it is when things are a bit bad, seems to last forever).
OH found another job now, happily, its been awful, i can't believe he just left his job so suddenly, i don't know what we will do for money by the end of the month, things are extremely tight as it is
i've been so annoyed at him for being so irresponsible. Its not been fun having him here unfortunately as we've been a bit at eachother's throats all the time
All he's done is sit about playing computer games the whole time he's not jobhunting, and then getting grumpy when i ask him to mind Roh for 30 minutes whilst i shower, etc.
Then he complained to me that he can't have enough "me" time, i really don't know quite what he was expecting life to be like, and i'm so confused as he was so excited and supportive through my pregnancy.
Its not like he's ever had to wake up in the night or do anything at all except play with Roh when he wants to, which admittedly he really enjoys, and he's great with Roh when the mood takes him. Its just if i need a hand/ break when he's in the middle of a 6 hour gaming session that he gets stroppy with me. I do try to give him his time to himself, its just it never seems to be enough. I don't think i'm being unreasonable.... am i?
I'm a bit worried he's getting depressed and struggling to cope with the change in his life, but i don't feel inclined to help him all that much when he's taking it out on me, and i'm doing basically everything (he never cleans or cooks anymore, but then complained about the dinner i made the other night that he didn't like it, i've made it loads of times before, so i don't get it).
Argh, its making me a bit stressed and confused, he's never been like this before, we've been together 13 years and always had a strong relationship, but i suddenly don't understand what his problem is
Any advice girls?
On the positive side, Roh is wonderful, and i can't believe he's 12 weeks already!