Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

I'm so glad it's not just me!! :blush: Sarah I def think the age gap may sometimes show itself. And possibly the management thing too!
He's already got a son and daughter who are 10 and 7, he doesn't see them and was away for most of the time he was with their mum. But he still thinks he knows it all and tells me I'm doing stuff wrong..
Jo she's on SMA, I'm going to buy Aptamil later or in the morning because I've heard much better things about that! Do you find he drinks less oz wise or just less often..?
he drinks the correct amount that is on the tin before he was drinking loads more and more often, now he has just 5 bottles a day of 6oz's sometimes i buy the cartons when im out (cos im lazy lol) and they are 7oz and he would happily drink that but he isnt draining 6oz's yet, there are the odd says he will have 6 bottles but thats not often. they do say babies who swap to HB will drink less than they normally do, i know sophie did, she went down 2 oz's straight away to the proper amount she was supposed to have.

what time does everyones babies have their last feed for the evening before settling down for the night? at the mo harrison has his at 10ish pm, sophie was having hers at 8pm by this point and would sleep till 7 but harrison starts to stir around 5am but is usually napping then till around 6:30 when he is waking up for his bottle. the reason i ask is last night he was in his pj's at 8pm and asleep by 8:30, we had been to marks parents for tea and he has his bottle there at 7pm so i didnt fancy leaving him till the morning knowing full well he would wake in the very early hours but it got me thinking at some point he will be going down earlier for the whole night, i just cant remember when abouts its ment to be or how i did it with sophie!
Hello ladies

Sarah well done for getting your shower - I had to to just go ahead and have mine, will slept for the first part but was screaming when I finished and I just managed my bra and dressing gown then fed him!

Katie some people are so thick....does make me laugh though that people don't think first! least you can hold your head up high and say I did it!!

Well done on the weight loss jolou - it's so depressing. I refuse to spend too much on clothes but at the same time can't stop eating so one will have to give soon enough. Had a real result in Sainsbury's today, saw a pink skirt there in the sale a couple of weeks ago and regretted not buying it. Went back today, sure it was gone and there it was one left and now only £3.60!!! not yet the yummy mummy, by any stretch of the imagination but a good deal!

Modo that's a good weight, I do feel sorry for the boys in a way, my DH is finding it hard at the moment that Will is more settled with me and thinks that he can't do it as well and has lost confidence a bit - how rude people staring!!
jolou we are a bit hit and miss sometimes about 7ish but then I'm up twice in the night! last night earlier but paid for it the onther end!
I bath her at 10, so suppose I give her last bottle at about 10 past! Not sure what to do tbh, she normally starts falling asleep around 8, so should I bath her then :shrug: because her last feed last night she only took 2oz so she prob didn't want or need it.. Ooh it's a tough one, I don't want her to start waking up earlier because we're only doing one night feed atm!
Can I just ask.. How do the rest of you feel about your labour/birth experience? I know some of you had a really good experience.. But others didn't go quite to plan?
It's just whenever I think back I feel awful. You all know how it went- emergency induction, CROM in theatre, epidural, Daisys heartbeat dropped to 65, they put a clip on her head, and there was meconium in my waters so she had to be checked by the doctor before I could hold her, I lost loads of blood and couldn't get off the bed for over 12 hours- when I did get up I collapsed, and then had blood transfusions. And all the stuff with the cannula, and then all the issues I've had healing (or not healing as it appears just now!) It was just so far from what I wanted an what I'd spent 30 or so weeks planning and looking forward to.. I know that sound silly probably, Daisy is here safe and that's the only thing that should matter, but I just feel so disappointed in myself and it just wasn't the positive experience i'd hoped for, it was the complete opposite.
well this time around i feel good about it all, i knew exactly what was gonna happen with the section etc, the only thing im annoyed about is how i didnt take the time after to recover properly, im still paying for it with the odd twinge from that lump that appeared (apparently its all normal but im not convinced). with sophie how ever i felt bad that after 30+ hours in labour i ended with a section, i feel bad not because i had the section but i always knew id end with one and no one would listen to me in the first place..

our usual night time routine is either a bath with sophie around 7.30ish or he has a little wash down after sophie is outta the bath, i dont bath him every day anymore as his skin goes really dry and the way we do it now seems to suit him. he then has a bottle after it and nods off 20 min after being winded we usually keep him downstairs cos we know he will want another bottle around 10ish before going the night, last night i put him in his cot after he got into his pj's and i honestly think if he had his bottle after getting changed he may have slept all night but then he may have woken around 3ish.. oh i dunno maybe at the weekend i can try it out whilst we dont have sophie and one of us can easily have a lie in if needs be
katie mine didn't go to plan at all, I was strapped to the bead, loosing blood and they couldn't tell where from, my blood pressure was through the roof. They were then worried about Will and put the clip on his head and then had to actually take blood from his head, which was really painful for me. He was back to back, I ended up with an epidural, which I really didn't want then and episiotomy and forceps! I thought I would be disappointed but he's here and gorgeous and I'm healing so I don't care at all. don't beat yourself up, i had a dream pregnancy and so you can't have it all, but the best bit is Daisy and she is beautiful!
Katie - some people are just stoopid!! Are you like a bumble bee that apparently should not be able to fly but cos it does not know it does fly! You did not know it was impossible to give birth to 9lb baby naturally so you did!!

As you know I feel very positively about my labour but I know plenty of people that don't. You should mention how you feel to your HV - I know you are talking about other things with her and this may be affecting this too. Even people who do have a positive experience can experience flashbacks and be affected by the labour.

Jolou - the term 'last feed' makes me laugh as there is no such thing with Che! Officially I class the 'last feed' as the one where I am in bed and he goes into his moses in the bedroom and lights out. This normally takes place about 10:30-11pm and he generally then sleeps till about 2-3am.

Well I was reminded by my friend earlier that I could have been in Hyde Park today for the Kings of Leon gig with a free ticket!! Gutted - I heard Caleb loves a groupie with stretchmarks!! Instead I went out and treated myself to an electric breastpump - rock and roll!!
ahh CG i was gutten that kings of leon are ment to be at v this year and we arent going, im hoping we can go next yr!
I used to feel very bad about the delivery but htis is now getting better. The best part of my birth was the c/s and I would def have another one in the future. The worst part for me was my midwife who would help me get into a comfortable position because the monitor was not working properly. she told me it was my fault that she was behind on her paperwork. After Bobby came out DH mentioned that we didn't want Bobby circumsiced (he thought they would do it after his birth) and the MW went on and on about the benefits of circumcision. It was so bad that one of her colleagues tried to get her to stop but she wouldn't. She almost ruined the whole moment. I am going to complain to PALS about her.
Bobby is upstairs in our bedroom in his moses basket. We are downstairs with the baby monitor on watching TV. He fed at 9.30pm which is usually his last feed and he will probably wake between 3-5am.

I was wondering if I could start feeding HB milk for the last evening meal and stick to Aptamil 1 the rest of the time. What do you girls think? Can I do this or do I have to switch over completely to the Hungry Baby Milk.
I'm not sure Maria, I've heard of people doing it a lot :shrug: to be honest though, i'd be wary of doing it if you don't need to.. Daisy has been screaming all day and I can't help but blame the HB milk!
i don't know anything about formula, just wanted to say love the picture of daisy she is so cute. I was looking at the girl clothes in Next yesterday, they are so much cuter than the boy clothes!

Hope you all had a good night - ours was a bit restless - I'm going to put him back in the moses basket for a bit longer and see if that improves things again.

Will has had to have another bath this morning as he completely coated us both and my white sheets in poo - what a charmer x
I hope Daisy is doing better today Katie :hugs: I guess I'll wait till Bobby is older before switching to HB.

sophie had her sports day today, was very funny to watch because every time she would near the finish line she would trip over her feet lol

harrison is currently playing on the floor on his mat, he has been wanting to be on the floor alot more than his bouncer lately, and i just caught him roll on to his side and find his dummy lol
:cloud9: Harrison sounds like he's coming on so well!

Daisy slept through last night :happydance: I feel like a new woman!
I fed her at 7.30, and she fell asleep around 9.. I woke her up at 10.30 for her bath and gave her last feed but she only took 1oz and then went back to sleep, woke up at 7.30 this morning!! I bet it was a one off...
Can I ask your opinions on something..?
I think I've mentioned on here before, I lent Vinny £800 to 'pay off his stock defecit' in work, so he didn't get sacked- and then he went on to get sacked. I also saw a text to his boss about 3 weeks after I lent him the money saying 'still trying to sort that £ for you'. Two nights since the baby has been born he's disappeared til 6-7am, and a couple of nights he's been out til about 1am and his story just hasn't fitted. I'd bought him a laptop and printer about 4 months ago, and he says they're still at work, which doesn't make sense to me. He also says he dropped his iPhone and broke it- but I haven't seen any evidence of that. In fact, I haven't seen it at all. He borrowed my debit card yesterday because I said I'd lend him £10 to buy a saveaway and cigarettes- I just logged into my online banking and he took out £40 yesterday, £10 today and spent £8.60 in a shop. He didn't tell me any of that..
I'm cringing writing this, but last week my mum left £8 on the side for me to pay the window cleaner, and Vinny took it. Over the last 2 weeks I've lent him probably £150-£200, on top of all the money I've already mentioned.
He's been out since 12 this afternoon, a few times I've phoned him (he's got my phone) and not been able to hear any background noise, which doesn't fit with where he said he is. Oh and it was my BILs birthday on Monday, my mum gave V £50 because hecoffered to go and pick up the trainers she wanted to get him as a present- the trainers haven't materialised, but neither has the money.
Am I being stupid by praying this isn't drugs again? I think I am. I think I know I am.. Is there any other possible excuse?
This is all just horribly reminiscent of last time he went back on it. Then he was borrowing money off me all the time, my iPod went missing after I left it in his flat.
woo for sleep. izzy only woke up twice last night and went back down both times. so i got some sleep past 6am!! we slept in until 9.30 and she only woke up because i'd set an alarm. wish i hadn't. we didn't go to the baby clinic in the end. by the time she'd finished feeding for england it would have been their busiest time and i didn't want to spend hours in there in this heat...

abz xx
oh katie. it's sounding dangerous honey... any way you can ask him about it? i remember you having to be careful about giving him money before. i think it probably is drugs again babes. that's a lot of money to just vanish...

abz xx

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