Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

amy - i'm glad things with your DH are better.

things are awful here. am on my phone so wont b able2do a complete post. i cant believe i was looking forward to OH coming back from uk. he was nice at first and we even :sex: for first time in ages. then things went from bad to worse. i took kids to park with MIL and he stayed in drinking wine. by 8pm was well into second bottle. then the insults started: i'm a crap wife coz i didnt cook him a welcome home meal, this is not home its guantanamo bay, i dont do enough housework. i went to bed. owen woke. i got up shushing him. OH comes in telling me to stop shushing and give him calpol. he grabbed owen asked me if i'd given him anything whist he was walking out of the room. i answered but he didnt hear so he came storming back and shouted at me at the top of his voice that i am a rude ignorant bitch for not answering. i said i had answered and he kept screaming at the top of his lungs that i am a bitch and an arsehole amongst other things. all this with the baby in his arms. owen was so frightened i've never heard him cry like that. i grabbed him off OH and shut myself in the bedroom. owen was sick all over me and i have shut the door and put the crib against it so it cant open! i feel all headachey and lightheaded and sick. :cry::cry::cry:

Your hubby is bang out of order, it's amazing what drink does to people. I really don't know what to say but really hope you & Owen are ok!
if this isnt what he wants i wish he'd just leave now :cry: i'm so tired but my mind is racing and i cant sleep.
Just a quick catch up before bed :)

Modo : I'm sorry to hear you had a bad night last night, I hope Bobby settles better tonight :hugs: Re Ebay . . . if your buyer didnt pay you can have the negative feedback removed, did you report him as a non paying bidder?

A3my: I'm trying not to think about going back to work :( I have a few little enterprises on the go but really, if I'm honest, I should just do a couple of shifts a week at my 'proper' job, just to have the guarenteed money coming in and also to get the benefits. I work for HSBC so the benefits and perks are excellent. Even if it was just for a couple of years to keep my sharesave scheme going lol! I'm glad things are a little better with your OH :hugs:

H&F chairs with arms are a nightmare lol! Are you thinking about using those chairs uncovered? Have you thought about just hiring chairs in? Rather than hire normal banquetting chairs without arms and then hire chair covers you could hire nice spindle backed chairs, so you wouldn't need to cover them? I'll add a pic of the kind of thing I mean. My old venue had lots of chairs with arms so I recommended these chairs a lot, you can hire them for about the same price as you would pay for covers and most places will do them in gold or silver (sometimes white) and with the seat pad in the colour of your choice. I do know a company who covers the ones with arms but I think they just do Yorkshire, I can check for you though if you like?

Katie do you have a strong Liverpool accent?

OMG MaybeBaby :hugs: :hugs: You poor thing, your OH is soooooo out of order!!!!! I hope you and Owen are okay! Would he leave if you asked him to? Gosh what an awful situation! I guess the thing is that while he is drunk there will be no talking to him. If you can stay in the bedroom with Owen, just leave your OH to it. In the morning I think you need to have a serious chat weather he likes it or not. To be awfully blunt hun what are you getting out of this relationship apart from crap? Does it bring any kind of happiness to you? He doesn't help, he doesn't make you feel good about yourself, he doesn't help with the kids . . . . what does he contribute? Maybe its time for action rather than words . . . . I know its easy to say that but could you tell him to move out fo a while? Maybe he'll realise what he's missing? He is so, so, so out of order and its not good for you or your gorgeous babies - you deserve so much better :hugs:

I'll check in on my phone every time Oliver wakes for a feed tonight xxx

Well I'm off to bed, Oliver is still quite sniffly and has a cough so I'm going to call the Dr tomorrow and book him an appointment. He seems well in himself but I want to make sure he's okay. It doesn't stop him bouncing like mad in his jumperoo :haha:

Night all xx


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maybebaby sarah's right you poor thing you really do need to have a serious talk.... patnerships should make things better not more difficult. You are amazing and doing a great job with you babies, with no sleep would be hard enough without your OH being an arse! it's not for me to judge whether you are better off without him but we are all here!!

well our night was no better and I wake up feeling worse than I did when I went to bed. think Will is waking out of habit, I used to be able to leave him and sometimes he would g back off but now he can roll over he does and gets stuck and so I end up feeding him to get him back off - I'm exhausted!
Just popped on for a quick update on my phone so I'll keep it short...

Maybe.. I am so sorry that things are so bad with your OH. Sarah and L-C are absolutely right that you must talk to him.

I do hope you and Owen are ok? Will pop back on later, on my laptop to check..:hugs:

Morning ladies!

Maybe . . . . :hugs:

I've been talking to Maybe via PM's over night, she had a difficult night with Owen and everything and she has a busy day today but I'm sure she'll be on later. I just wanted to let you all know that she is okay (as okay as you can be in that situation) as I know you'll all be worried . . . I hope you don't mind me updating Maybe :hugs:

Well I'm not sure what we're going to be doing today, Steve is off to work at lunch time. I think Oliver and I will walk into town later as I need to go to the post office and collect some boots I have had reheeled. Luckily the weather looks okay so we should have a nice walk :)
Katie, PG and H&F nice to see you all :wave:

Maybe I think you need to go away for a few days with your kids to someone who will help you if your H wont. Could you go to a friend/family member's house for the weekend or get them to come to you and they can entertain the kids so you can have a long sleep? He deserves a slap for being so damned rude to you! :grr:

Sarah lovely highchair, looks similar to the one I have but different pattern on the seat. Maybe the same company makes the frames. Oliver loves his, especially eating the straps! Hope Oliver feels better soon. Karvol plug ins were good for my Oliver when he had a bunged up nose.

LC and Modo sorry you aren't getting much sleep. I am hoping the four month sleep regression will soon be over for us as the past couple of weeks Oliver decided to start going to sleep much earlier (around 8:30 instead of 10:30) but he also decided that most nights 11pm ish, 3am ish and 6am ish would be good times to get up and feed when before he would go 10:30-at least 5am before. I also lost count of the amount of times I have had to do a complete cot and babygrow change in the middle of the night due to nappy leakage when he was wearing nappies for much longer before and they never leaked and he is also well within the weight range for the size nappy he has on!

Congratulations Amy and Sarah on your new nephews and congratulations to your sister/sister inlaw.

Oliver is having a nap at the moment but I heard the sound of kicking on the mattress so went to check on him thinking he was awake but he was kicking his legs against the mattress with a big smile on his face but he is sound asleep! :lol: As well as holding our fingers and pulling himself to sitting then standing he now likes to finish off with a squeal once he is standing up as he is just so proud of himself. He grabbed my fingers this morning and tried to stand up in his cot but he was still all tucked in under his blankets and couldn't do it :rofl:

Notice a few of you have changed avatar pictures (LC, A3my and PG were the ones I noticed sorry if I missed anyone else) and all your LOs look very cute! We were playing with the camera yesterday so I have changed my avatar picture too.
:hugs:Will post properly later, just want to say I am thinking of you maybe :hugs:
muddles loving Oliver's picture!! I really hope this is the 4 month sleep regression and that it'll soon be over, has Oliver developed lots during it, I've really noticed a change in Will he has learnt so much in the past week.

Will is having one of his 40 min naps - he really needs a couple of hours at lunch but has only done it 3 times!! I'm getting really fast at the jobs and can get s much done in that time now, tonights dinner and a lasagne for tomorrow and the next night have been done in this one!!

My OH has put a stair gate at the bottom of the stairs to stop the dog and I have freedom to put Will down and type it's lovely, rather than juggling a very wriggly baby!
Maybe really hope you are ok today - you deserve so much better. Sending love and hugs your way.

Sarah - not sure about chairs! I will PM you about it all!

We had an awful night with Amy she was really un-settled and has been so clingy today wont even be put down on her play mat and normally she is a little miss independant!

How is everyone today? x x x
Muddles - OM how gorgeous is Oliver?!?!?! What a CUTIE!!!! Also, thank you SO much re the tip about the Karvol Plug-In - I have a humidifier but I can't sleep with it on, I got a plug in earlier though and set it up a few hours ago in the bedroom - and so far so good! Thanks again for that :)

Oliver was laughing in his sleep last night - proper big belly laughs, it was so funny! he was completely fast asleep and laughing so much he woke me up :haha:

L_C well done on getting so much done! I feel like I constantly have sooooo much I need to do. I'm off to start the ironing in a mo . . . before it starts taking over the house lol!

H&F Got your PM, I'll reply asap :)

Well we have had a nice day :) Steve went to work at lunch time so its just been me and Oliver. We walked into town (Pontefract) ad typically it started raining - to make matters worse I thought the rain cover was in the basket of the pram but it wasn't :( It was in Steve's car - at work :dohh: Luckily though the pram has a big hood and I had the cosy toes on so Oliver was nice and warm and dry. I got all my little jobs done out and about and then we had a nice afternoon playing and having cuddles :) I love having the high chair - Oliver likes to sit in it and just watch what I'm doing, and I can start eating at the table again instead of sitting on the sofa with Oliver on my knee :haha:

Oliver is fast asleep now, so far so good - he went off to sleep no trouble at all after his bath. I'm going to try to get some housework done now . . . gosh us mums never stop do we :haha:

Just thought I'd add a few pics of Oliver that I took the other day, for those who I don't have on facebook :)


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I wish Vinny had a normal job sometimes. His boss is so scary, and after the match last night 2 of the doormen were attacked by a gang and ended up in hospital. And his boss's girlfriend is a horror.
I'm thinking about going blonde.. I don't know, I'm bored of looking like me!
Sarah- I don't think so really, I'm understandable when I speak at a normal speed, I have a habit of having too much to say so it all turns into one really long word :lol:

Muddles, Oliver is too cute!

H&F, I missed whether you've found a venue, I assume you have if you're talking chairs? Where?
Also, is Amy teething? Daisy had a day like that last week and she's been whingy and unsettled, now she's very nearly got some teeth!

Maybe, OMG, im sorry he's being such a nightmare. Do you feel his drinking is becoming a problem? :hugs: it took something big for Vinny to see that his drinking was an issue. Is he nasty when he's sober or just (I say just!) generate unhelpful etc etc xxx
Katie - Amy is definately teething has some huge bumps on her gums I'm just waiting for one to appear! We have found a venue - its called the old vicarage we are having a church wedding and then onto there afterwards! I was lauging at your comment before as well that you thinks everyone talks in your accent I always think the same and I forget people come from completly different places!

Sarah whats your facebook address and I will add you! I like keeping upto date with you guys and seeing pictures of lo's!

Katie daisy is gorgeous!

x x x
Katie I know what you mean about the normal job thing , I hate it when Steve has trouble at work. We went in for a big family meal once - my parents, auntys, uncles, sister, BIL, grandpa etc, it was the first time most of them had been to a casino. For years I've been telling them that Casinos are nothing like you see in the films etc (esp since I used to be a croupier so I had had to convince my mum that it was safe) - then we are sat there eating and all hell breaks loose on one of the tables - a guy starts throwing chips at the croupier, shouting, swearing, he picks up a stool and throws that - Steve wasnt even working but the staff were all just stood there gobsmacked so he ended up jumping up, running over to this guy, grabbing hold of him and with the security guy wrestling him outside! The police were called, Steve had to deal with all that - my family were all just sat open mouthed. Talk about timing :haha: Steve was quite embarrased about the whole thing but my family are now convinced that stuff like that happens all the time and that it is just like the films :dohh: :haha:

I talk too quick too, I watched a film I took of Oliver the other day and I thought he'll never learn to talk - when I talk its just one long word :rofl:

I have lost count of the amount of times I've gone from blonde to dark and back again, I'm sticking with brunette for now though so I can do it myself lol!
Muddles - Oliver is gorgeous, I love his hair! Sarah your Oliver is a little beauty too. In fact all these babies are lovely arent they! L-C and PG I love your avatars!

katie - I try to read your posts with a scouse accent now :haha: Vinnys job sounds scary! you'll have to post pics if you go blonde :)

H&F - good luck with weight watchers! It must be a willpower boost having your wedding to look forward to :hugs: I need to kick my addiction to jaffa cakes :blush: Hope Amy is more settled.

Maybe - really hope you are OK :hugs:

I had a nice day, I popped in on my sister and her little man. I cant believe how big her LO made Alex look! I forgot how soft and floppy newborns are :hugs:
LC I'm not sure it is over yet for us though he only woke twice last night and one of those was before I went to bed but yes he can do lots more. He seems to be able to do a new thing every couple of days. He has better control over his hands and so is able to hold toys better than before (holding with fingers more rather than his fist) and can pass a toy from one hand to the other, he reaches for things, he can get his thumb in his mouth to suck on without poking himself in the cheek/poking a finger up his nose first, he actually plays with the toys on his Graco jumperoo thing making them spin/squeak and pulls them towards his mouth, he is making lots of new noises, he has got much louder when babbling and is now able to squeal (which he did today in Asda VERY loudly then smiled) and he laughs and smiles all the time. He also just can't get enough of pulling himself to sitting then on to standing-he grabs at your fingers to try it as soon as they are anywhere near him! Little monkey :lol: Oh and he LOVES looking at himself in mirrors. :rofl: He has also got much longer all of a sudden too.

Sarah Oliver Woo is gorgeous! glad the plug in thing is helping. It was recommended to me by one of my mummy friends and it really seemed to work so thought I'd recommend it to you.

Katie that sounds scary about Vinnie's work. Going blonde sounds fun though!

I forgot to say in my post this morning that Oliver and I went to a weaning talk and they showed a video about baby led weaning which is what we plan on doing when we start (hopefully not for another month or so). Oliver sat glued to the tv! Oh dear, it's not like we sit him in front of it at home, though it is usually on in the background.
Eveing ladies..

Sarah... thanks for the update on Maybe.. really hope she is ok.

Muddles.. I love your avatar, I can't believe how much hair Oliver has! Chloe has white blond hair which doesn't really show much in photos!!

Sarah.. the photos of Oliver are so cute!

Katie... definitely post some pics if you go blond!!

Well we seem to be going backwards on the sleeping front and I feel guilty for complaining because Chloe has slept through from an early age... but we just cannot get to grips with getting her to sleep any earlier than 11pm. She has also been so irritable since her last set of jabs that we are having tears every night before bedtime. I do count my lucky stars because once she ia asleep that is it until morning, but getting her to sleep in the first place is a real problem!!
PG what is your nightime routine for trying to get Chloe to sleep? Maybe one of us could suggest something that we do that might work.
PG - Alex always cries at bedtime :(, its hard isnt it! For the last three nights he didnt and I was all excited I'd cracked that end of nights (just the numerous wakings to sort :dohh:) but then he got all upset again tonight and when he had fallen asleep he kept making that little chugging breathing thing they do when they've been all upset. I hope all these babies sort themselves out when we wean them!

Muddles - Alex gets transfixed on the TV if I come in with him and the girls are watching childrens TV :haha: I watched some BLW videos on youtube, it looks brilliant :thumbup:

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