Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Thanks Muddles and Amy!

We adopted a bedtime routine at 6 weeks which involved a bath at 7pm and a feed at 7.30pm. We would then put her down for a sleep (she has been in her own room and cot since 6 weeks) but she always wakes after about 45 mins. Hubby and I then alternate quiet time with her until her final feed but during this time she always appears to be wide awake :shrug:

She has a final feed at 10.30pm and until the last week or so has then gone to sleep at about 11pm until 7.30am.

Up until her 16 week jabs we thought we were making progress in that she started sleeping for longer between her 7.30pm feed and 10.30pm feed... and we have never had problems getting her to sleep at 11pm but lately she cries when we put her down at 11pm? She was certainly under the weather after these jabs however and is only just now back to her usual self...

We will persevere... but any tips would be welcome!!
We don't really have a routine as such, Oliver has decided his bedtimes from day one but here is what we do:

At some point between 6pm and 7pm Oliver has a bath. Some days though he looks so knackered that we either do his bath earlier or just give him a quick wash with the top and tail bowl (if we try to give him a bath when he is too tired then he has a full on meltdown and takes ages to settle).

After his bath he has milk and a cuddle. If he is asleep then he is put in his cot and I put the little night light on. If he is awake then he lies on his play gym mat and has a kick around to tire himself out. After he has been asleep in his cot he doesn't come back to the lounge again he will be fed and cuddled in the bedroom with just the night light on. If he needs his nappy changed then again it is done using a little night light.

If he is taking ages to go back off to sleep then I lie him on our bed with me beside him and let him have a good wriggle. Oliver seems to need to have a wriggle, kick his legs, wave his arms around and babble for a while before he will drop off to sleep so guess that is his way of unwinding. On the occassions when he self settles in his cot (he has only recently started doing this, and not every sleep) we always hear him through the monitor banging his legs/arms on the mattress repeatedly and babbling/shouting lots before it all goes quiet.

Up until very recently he was sleeping and feeding on and off between bath time and bed time (which was 10:30pm ish) then all of a sudden he started falling asleep at 8:30pm ish. He has started waking more in the night though but goes back to sleep quickly after being fed.

Could you do her bath earlier and see if that makes a difference? Or maybe she needs a good wriggle to tire herself out before going to sleep? Sorry I'm not much help.
Thanks Muddles...

Ironically tonight she settled at 11pm without any problem at all.. so perhaps it was simply that she was under the weather?

However this doesn't solve the problem of getting her to sleep earlier so I do wonder if we should do more to tire her out in the evening? She has a play mat... I'll try that over the next week and see if that works?

Thanks again :)
Our routine is: Between 6pm - 7pm, when Oliver starts looking tired he goes in the bath / shower. He absolutely loves the shower so if Steve is home Oliver goes in the shower with Daddy (I pass him in and take him out again). If Steve is at work Oliver goes in the bath. After this we go in the bedroom (Oliver is still in with us), I have the blackout blinds closed, and his little night light thingy on, and a lamp. I get him dry, and put on his sleepsuit, and then he has a cuddle and a feed with just the nightlight on. By the tme he's finished feeding he's normally either asleep or almost there so I lay him in the cot (attached to our bed) and stay there until he's fast asleep. If he feeds but is still wide awake I pop him down and he wriggles and chats until he falls asleep. He's always asleep for 8pm, sometimes for 7pm. Some nights I have to pop back up and resettle him but that never takes long. He ususally wakes at 3am, 6am and then about 8/9am which is when we get up.

I've noticed that Oliver is also doing a lot of new things now, pretty much like Muddles Oliver. He loves standing up and is so, so close to crawling when he has belly time but I expect he'll still be a while - he souldn't be crawling yet surely?!?! He has also started responding to his name which I find quite cute :)

Oliver woke me up this morning blowing raspberrys - its his favourite pasttime :haha: He was sooooo loud, and when he did a 'good one' he would giggle a bit and then do it again!
Our Routine is between 5-6 Bobby will have a cat nap for 40 mins. When he wakes up we give him his bottle, give him a bath which includes singing songs, wrap him up in a towel and put on his nappy. We dry him with the towel and sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. Then we have the same wind down as naptimes; open the blinds say "Bye Bye to the Sun, Bobby is going to sleep now, Bye Bye Garden", close the blinds. I sit on a stool holding him upright whispering goodnight to him, "Mommy and Daddy love you", etc. The I will put him in bed on his back, roll up a muslin cloth and put it in his arm and roll him onto his tummy.

Then I sit on the stool and shush-pat him for 7 mins and then as needed. He is generally in bed by 7-7.30 and will need about 20mins to sleep. He has a dream feed at 10pm.

Bobby has been sleeping a lot better. Yesterday he woke up at 5.30am and I needed to be settled back to sleep. This morning he was grizzling at 4.30am and settled himself and same again at 5.30am. He woke up at 6.45am and was chattering to himself and I went to get him at 7 am. I found him laying on his back talking to his teddy mobile. So cute!!!!
Here is a pic of Bobby!
Modo Bobby is gorgeous - what a cheeky little face!! I love how you say goodbye to the sun and the garden, thats sooooo cute . . . I might have to start doing that with Oliver. We say goodbye to the cat if she's about lol!

We went and joined the library today, I've never been in before but I walk into town with Oliver all the time so we walk past it a lot lol! And I think it was CG who joined and gave me the idea lol! So we went in and Steve and I joined and Oliver, and it was great! I took out six books for Oliver, all really nice ones and most of them were brand new, they had never been taken out before! We have them for three weeks but there are no late fees if they are late back. They also do a baby morning on a Wednesday which I might start going to . . . though I'm still haunted by the having to sing hello to the babies story :haha:

Do you ladies all read to your babies? Do you just sit them on your knee and read to them and point out the pictures and things? Do you have a set time for reading or just do it whenever the mood takes you?

Steve is at 'work', except tonight he's at the Dogs. What a tough shift lol! I'm watching it on Sky Sports and he was on presenting a prize :haha:

We went to see my SIL's baby today, Max. He's lovely, but like A3my said Newborns are so soft and floppy lol!! He also looked tiny but he's almost 9lb . . . Oliver was only 6lb8oz, I can't believe he was sooooo tiny!!

modo - Bobby is adorable! Glad he's been sleeping better :hugs:

Sarah - I read to Alex, he sits on my knee or I lie next to him on the bed and hold the books up. He loves all the pictures and gets all excited when I ask him if he wants a story. We dont have a set time, just when the mood takes me :)

our bedtime routine is bath (sometime between 6 and 7, I can tell when he is getting tired because he rubs his nose on my shoulder and squishes his face into me), we do songs in the bath too Modo :haha: I always get in the bath with him and sometimes his big sisters get in too. Then I get him ready for bed with the curtains pulled and soft light on. He has a feed and I pop him into bed. He used to cry every time I left but I tried shhh-ing and stroking his head then leaving and repeating it over and over and now he goes to sleep fine most nights. then he wakes at 1-2am, and then he sometimes goes back until 4 but most nights he is all over the place from then :dohh:
thanks all for your concern. am on my phone so will update soon on laptop but prob not tomorrow as is erins bday! shes3!!! cant believe it!!! things much better. we spoke and hopefully we can work from there. gave owen baby rice on advice from dr and hv. he loved it!!! speak soon xxx
Glad things are ok just now maybebaby xxx

Our routine- from around 6pm we 'read'- Daisy sits on my knee and I read Guess How Much I Love You, or Goodnight Little Bear etc. We have the lights off and music on quietly. I bath her around 7pm, get her into a sleepsuit, give her a bottle and fight to get her nightly antibiotics into her, and then wrap her up (we STILL swaddle or she won't go to sleep, eek!). Then put take her up and put her in her cot and put her lullaby light show on an leave her awake. Touch wood, I've never had to go back in because she was still awake at the end of the light show. Simple but it works for us! I've done it every night since she was born, except when we were in hospital obviously!
Glad things are ok just now maybebaby xxx

Our routine- from around 6pm we 'read'- Daisy sits on my knee and I read Guess How Much I Love You, or Goodnight Little Bear etc. We have the lights off and music on quietly. I bath her around 7pm, get her into a sleepsuit, give her a bottle and fight to get her nightly antibiotics into her, and then wrap her up (we STILL swaddle or she won't go to sleep, eek!). Then put take her up and put her in her cot and put her lullaby light show on an leave her awake. Touch wood, I've never had to go back in because she was still awake at the end of the light show. Simple but it works for us! I've done it every night since she was born, except when we were in hospital obviously!
Katie which light show do you have? I think Oliver would love one . . . . might have to get one . . . . argh I buy to much :haha:

Really glad things are looking better maybebaby!!

Well our night was just the same....woke up at 10 pm again argh. Just until midnight would be better. I went to bed for an hour before he woke up which I think made getting up even worse. I bought one of those sleep positioners to stop him from rolling over but he still managed it!!

Our bedtime routine is quite similar really, depending on how tired he is bathed by Daddy between 6-7 pm, (preferably having had a sleep at around 5 pm) and in bed by 7 at the latest, very occasionally half past. I try and keep him in the bedroom until 7 am, to try and educate him that bedtime is 7pm to 7am (I wish!!).

Then I take him downstairs and feed him putting him in his sleeping bag halfway through. Then I read him a nice calm story like guess how much I love you, sometimes I read it twice other times he doesn't make it all the way through, as he fusses. Then we say night night to Daddy and the dog (who really isn't interested!). Then I take him up to the darkened bedroom, put on his jungle mobile and stay wioth him to keep putting his dummy in until he falls asleep in his bed, can take 5 minutes but usually up to 20 minutes. Whe I go to bed the dummy is out!

We read books whenever the mood takes us but I try and save the bright ones for the day and the nice soothing ones for bedtime x
Modo Bobby is so cute! Love the PJs too. Are they Asda ones that come with a pair of green car ones too? We have them too if they are and little blue dinosaur ones. How cute do they look in their little Pjs? Awwww.

We read books whenever, but usually before a morning nap. He loves That's not my Robot and touches the pages as i read them. It's so cute. Have attached a pic of him 'reading.'

We went to my work yesterday and Oliver loved it, he was such a good boy smiling and babbling and sitting happily on so many people's knees. He wasn't even remotely phased by the noise or the swarm of kids that gathered round when i stopped in the playground, he just concentrated on removing his socks AGAIN! He was knackered by the time we left though (as he refused to sleep during the 3 hours we were there, apart from a quick dose whilst feeding) and slept all the way home in the car. They couldn't believe how much he had grown and loved his dark and slightly curly hair. He was really funny as when one of the teachers were holding him they kept sitting him down on thier knee and he kept pushing himself back to standing again! :lol:

Meeting my friend today, she is due any day now and i can't help but have a little bit of bump envy. Oh dear better not tell my H that or he will be panicking!


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Oh I understand the bump envy! I've got 4 friends who are due in the next few months, one is due in 8 days and I'm JEALOUS. I don't know that I'll ever have another, but sometimes I really miss being pregnant.
A year ago today I found out I was pregnant :cloud9:
Sarah, our light show is a Tomy Winnie The Pooh one, I love it! My brother bought it when I was pregnant, I think it was only about £20 but it's good :)
Ha Daisy keeps rolling onto her stomach and crying and then rolling back.. She can only roll one way though so she doesn't move off the spot, I feel sorry for her! She's dying to get moving!
This is so funny - there is a god! Will's little surprise for Daddy, little bit blurred but you get the gist...


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Muddles thats a really lovely pic of Oliver :) Oliver Woo has 'Thats not my Robot', I love those books!! We did quite a bit of reading today and Oliver seemed to enjoy it :)

L-C what a pic lol!!

I'm really suprised that I don't really have bump envy . . . I thought I would. I'm not really broody for another one yet either. I had such a good pregnancy and labour, birth etc I thought I'd be wanting another right away but I'm not, I think I'm all wrapped up in Oliver and I can't imagine sharing 'his' time if you know what I mean? I'm sure that will change though, I can't really imagine that we'll stop at one lol!

I made a couple of changes to our bedtime routine today - I took some of the things you guys do and worked them into our normal routine. So tonight we made a point of saying goodnight to Kitty (our cat) and the Chickens (out of the window :haha:). I sang 'Twinkle Twinkle' while I put his sleepsuit on which he LOVED, and then we read a bedtime book which also went down well. He settled really well so a big thankyou to you lovely ladies for sharing your routines!!

Oh, and Muddles the plug in thing has worked wonders - I really, really appreciate that tip!

I think I might take Oliver to baby group in the morning. We haven't been before but I think he might like it . . . and it would be nice to get out a bit more doing baby things and to meet other mums would be fab. Its at our local sure start centre, where we go to baby massage. I just wish it was closer so I could walk there, though Steve will be in bed to I can just take his car.

Well I hope you and your babies are all well!

Oh, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Erin!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope you all had a lovely day Maybe!!
Happy Birthday Erin :cake:

L-C hahahahaha :rofl:=D> well done Will :thumbup:

muddles - Alex loves his "Thats not my tractor book", I was to buy them all :haha: he likes the Maisy mouse books too.

Sarah - I'm a wuss, I'm too shy to join any mum and baby groups :blush: I dont know why! I tried when I had Emily, I was 21 then and I felt like everyone looked down on me as a young mum :wacko:

Katie - I dont get bump envy because I hated being pregnant but I wierdly get jealous of the giving birth bit! :dohh: I want to do that again to get that rush of love/amazement/pure happiness you get when you meet your baby :cloud9:

I had a really lazy day today, I think I am coming down with a cold which I decided meant I should take it easy :haha:

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