Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Evening all :hi:

Cor you have all been chatty the past few days!

Jo - Wow 18lbs down is a fantastic achievement :thumbup: I have managed to stay with my diet plan and am about half a stone down now :mrgreen: Only 20lbs to go until I am no longer in the overweight bracket.

Modo - It sounds like you have had success with the BW techniques weaning Bobby from his paci. Hopefully they will work for his night waking too.

Janny - Joni is nearly 5 months old and still not sleeping through the night. She usually wakes around 2-3am for a feed but this is only about 2-3oz now so I am hoping she will phase this feed out soon and sleep through from 10.30pm-6.30am [-o<

Sarah - congratulations on the jumperoo :winkwink: They do look wonderful but I really don't have the room or the funds to have one!

Katie - I am pleased Daisy is coming on well. 23oz in 3 hours :shock: I sometimes struggle to get Joni to take that much over the course of 24 hours :rolleyes:

Amy - I hope things get moving for your sister soon and she avoids a c-section if possible. How is Alex doing with his bedtime now?

Maybebaby - I am so sorry that you are still not getting any decent sleep :hugs: I hope that when Owen weans that this helps things.

LM - I totally know what you mean about time flying by. JOni will be 5 months in the next 2 weeks :wacko: I still look at myself holding her in the mirror sometimes and can't quite comprehend that she is here and growing so fast.

I have had a really productive day today. I sold a load of Joni's things we don't need anymore on gumtree and made £50 :thumbup: and then while Joni had her afternoon nap I moved all the furniture around in our lounge-diner to give us more room.

Ahh. I was gong to write more but Joni has just woken for her feed so off I go. Night night :hugs:
Good luck to your sister Amy :hugs:
Long drawn out labour is awful, I hope her LO arrives asap!
I can't believe Joni is nearly 5 months old, how fast has that gone!! Also can't believe it's a year since the May babies first tri thread!
Amy I hope your sisters baby arrives soon!! I feel so lucky that I had such an easy labour.

Maybe good luck with those jobs! And hugs re the sleep, I'm glad Owen in getting better.

FruFru well done with making some money on gumtree! I have been sellinh a few bits on ebay. I'm a bit annoyed though, it was goig so well and then tonight I see that someone has left me neg feedback with a lovely positive comment! Eh?! Its my business account too, I was on 100 percent and now its at about 94 because I haven't used the account for about a year. I've sent the guy a message but grrrr, I'm so annoyed at that!!! I'll try to get it removed but the ball is in his court. Bloody ebay!!!

Well I'm off to bed now, iup earrly for the wedding. Its going to seem to odd to be 'working'!

ugh woke at 4am feeling like throwing up so spent last hour sitting on sofa sipping water and praying not to be sick especially as OH is in UK! going to try and sleep now as i feel a bit better. owen will probably wake up now :dohh:
I hope you are feeling better Maybe!!

The wedding all went well this morning, all the prep paid off and we were done within an hour and a half. The room looked lovely, I hope they are pleased with it. We just need to collect everything tomorrow now.

I think we are going to look at high chairs in a bit. I really want one now lol!

Hello ladies

I just don't seem to get five seconds to update!! Will has come on so much recently, but is not doing very well in the night still.... I'm so missing that longer stretch! It must be a 4 month things as it seems to be the theme for this thread! Will has also had a stinking cold which hasn't helped matters.

Well I hadn't thought that as soon as Will could roll over that to would keep me up at night! He just keeps rolling over and then wakes up all upset as he can't get back. I have put two rolled up towels either side of him the last two nights, under the sheet and he actually seems to like it and it keeps him on his back. would let him sleep on his tummy as he is very strong but he doesn't like it. i have ordered one of those sleep positioners so hope it hurries up and arrives.

Sarah we have a jumperoo too they are great, Will loves his he looks like his little legs are doing the riverdance!

I have started to wean Will as he was very interested in food, he loves it and can't get enough. I have bought the organic pouches as they have nothing added to see what he likes before doing huge batches of my own food which is what I intend to do. I was really torn between waiting with the guidelines, but he really does need something more and has taken to it like a duck to water. I was hoping it would help him sleep but no such luck!

Very tempted to try formula for his last night feed, I think you do it don't you sarah?? Did it make a difference to filling Oliver up?

Maybe really hope you feel better soon, really not what you need!!

Modo tell me more about weaning Bobby of his paci please....

Katie what an awesome weight for Daisy.

Hope you all have a good weekend.

Vicky xx
hi LC - sorry you are having a crap time at night. amy and i are also having a horrendous time with it. honestly i dont think formula does much from personal experience with Dylan but maybe it will help will :shrug: dylan still slept crap until over a yr old despite being ff completely after 5 months.

sarah - glad the wedding went well :thumbup:
LC I went through a phase of giving Oliver formula for his last feed and it honestly made no difference at all, I stopped after a few weeks. It was really because Oliver would get really fussu at night, but now I know he's just tired if he gets like that. Oliver refuses a bottle now too, though I haven't tried too hard, and he's old enough for a sippy cup soon.

We bought I high chair today! Its fab, it was sixty quid from Asda, it does all the jazzy stuff lol! So when Oliver is in bed tonight I'm going to move stuff around in the kitchen and make room for it :)
Amy - my wedding is on the 27th of August next year! really cant wait!

Lil one usually sleeps until 5.30 ish and then grizzles one of us gets up gives her her dummy and then she settles back off until 7.

Sarah you just made me add chair covers to my wedding list!

Hope everyone and lo's are doing ok. x x x
thanks for the feedback - think i'll persevere with bf do feel it's right for us and we've come this far just need sleep.

went baby yoga this week and a very slim fresh faced mummy next to me said her 4 month had done 12 hrs a night since 10 weeks and 13 that night!! i felt so jealous x
L-C - I introduced formula at 3 and a half months and Joni is not fully on formula and I can honestly say it has made no difference to how long or well she sleeps at night. Saying that though every baby is different.

Sarah - So glad that the wedding prep went well :thumbup: Boo about the ebay feedback, I just don't get why someone would leave a positive comment but a poor rating :shrug: I hope you manage to get it changed. I have a highchair for Joni although she is nowhere near ready to go in it yet. I just bought the Graco teatime that is always in the Asda baby sale for £25. I did not want to spend too much as I will probably have her in her bumbo on the dining table with the bumbo tray for the first few months.

MaybeBaby - I hate it when you feel sick in the night :hugs: I hope you feel better soon and you got some rest last night.

Amy - I hope everything is ok with your sister and her LO :hugs:


Well, Joni's night sleeping had been a lot better this week. She was going down between 6.30-7.30 and sleeping until 10ish when she has a full feed then through until 2-3 with a mini feed of about 2-3oz (hoping she will drop this soon) then waking up around 6.30-7. Then came teething :dohh: Her cheeks are glo-in-the-dark red, fists and fingers are permanently in the mouth and last night she had me up pretty much every hour from 10 then got up at 5.25 :wacko: Hubby has taken this week off work so we could implement the sleepsense method to try and teach Joni to fall asleep in her cot as opposed to being cuddled and rocked with a dummy for hours on end. However, with her teething she is so tetchy we have decided to put it off for a couple of weeks. Joni has napped really poorly all day and missed her last nap between 4-5 so we decided to nap her at 5 and give her later bedtime but she is still asleep and is showing no signs of waking up :rolleyes: HUbby has voted to let her sleep and has said he will deal with the consequences - I have been ordered to sleep on the other side of the bed furthest from our door tonight and with my ear plugs in :shock:

Since I started dieting I have stopped comfort eating :thumbup: but as a result I now have a lot of feelings, previously supressed and smothered with food :winkwink:, coming out unbidden. It turns out I am really quite angry about a lot of things, my sister dying, missing out on the end of my pregnancy and mat leave ahead of Joni being born, Hubby's botched operation, my redundancy just to name a few. I did not realise that I was carrying around this much rage! HOwever, the upside is that rage is a powerful source of energy and I have taken advantage of this and am channeling it in the form of housework and general sorting stuff out :haha:

ALthough last night and today have been really tiring I have really enjoyed spending time with Hubby and Joni - to think that today is exactly a year to the day I found out I was pregnant :mrgreen:

Anyway - enough from me. Enjoy your evenings ladies and fingers crossed our LO's give us more sleep than we are expecting :winkwink:
I'm on the netbook now so I can type properly lol!

Oliver is in bed, hopefully we'll have a good night tonight - last night was our worst night in ages, he was really snuffly and also had a leaky nappy so at 3am this morning I had to completely change him and try to unbung his nose, bless him! He slept really badly after that and was getting quite upset with his sniffles, poor little thing. I hardly slept, typical when it was the first day in ages that I had to be up early lol!

Maybe the high chair we got is this one . . .,default,pd.html
I get Asda vouchers from work, its like a bonus thing you get each month and I still get it even though I'm on mat leave, you can choose from loads of different things but I went all practical and get part of it is Asda vouchers lol! I've been saving them up so I have loads, so been able to get it from Asda was great as its not like 'real money' - if you know what I mean?!?!

H&F lol at the chair covers :) If yoiu were closer I'd do them for you :) They really do finish off the room well, IMO they are well worth the money - and I'm not only saying that because I hire them out :haha: Let me know if you have any wedding questions, I'm quite good if I may say so myself :haha:

L-C I would stick with the BF, Oliver just got to a point when he started sleeping better, I think I have been extremely lucky with him though. We're doing baby Yoga when the baby massage course finishes, is it good?

FruFru the Ebay buyer messaged me back and said it was a mistake, sorry etc. I've sent him the feedback revision thing so i really hope he takes it back.

FruFru :hugs: you have been through so, so much! Its no suprise that you have some feelings and emotions you need to think through. Just dealing with one of those things would be a lot to deal with but you had them all at once - and in a way you had to put your feelings on a back burner just so you could get on and deal with the practicalities. You are such an amazingly strong person though, and an amazing mummy and wife from what I've heard :haha: Well done for dealing with things positively - just don't bottle things up. I find writing things down, just for me, helps me to deal with things - it kind of lets me thing about it while I;m writing it down, then I feel like I've dealt with it a bit more, if you know what I mean? :hugs:

My sister-in-law is in labour this evening . . . . I'm hoping she has a nice easy labour.

I hope everyone has a good evening and a good nights sleep!!!

Modo tell me more about weaning Bobby of his paci please....

Vicky xx

Hey Vicky,

We did it cold turkey. I of course stayed with Bobby and shush patted him, stroked his head and picked him up when he got very upset. He woke up once at 4am and it was an hour and 15 minutes of crying off and on until he calmed down and settled without it. DH was also there supporting both of us. The next day he could sleep without it and he started sleeping much longer for his naps as a result (until the wonderful 4 month sleep regression).

It wasn't the nicest experience I went through but I do think it was worth it. This is of course a personal decision and you might rather use an alternative way of doing it.

Here are some alternatives you can also try:


Bobby woke up at 3am and 5am this morning. He went back to sleep quite quickly (as is usual with the 3 am wake up) but after shush-patting him for about 43 minutes I remembered an article I read about the shushing sounding like a shower. I tried this and he slept pretty quickly. I will def be trying it again tonight.
Hi everyone,

Sarah - glad the wedding went well :happydance: the high chair looks fab :thumbup: good luck to your sister-in-law. its so exciting :happydance:

maybe - hope you are feeling better :hugs:

H&F - how exciting! will Amy be a little bridesmaid for you? :flower:

Frufru - its horrible feeling angry about stuff, its brilliant that you have found a positive way of channelling it though :hugs: you have really been through it and have every right to feel angry but Sarah is right, you should be proud of what you have achieved. Joni is beautiful and you are a wonderful caring mum. You never know, the redundancy may lead you to some exciting new opportunities! :hugs:

Vicky - I know the lack of sleep is horrible :hugs: I keep telling myself its not forever and no matter how tired i feel, when he smiles at me in the morning I feel its all worth it :hugs:

Well after 24 hrs active labour my sister delivered a beautiful baby boy. I dont know how she did it, she was totally exhausted but so determined. the cord was wrapped round his neck twice and she haemorrhaged (spell??) afterwards, she said it was spurting out :wacko: My sisters hubby is Indian and Gabriel has lovely long black hair and eyelashes. xx
Well after 24 hrs active labour my sister delivered a beautiful baby boy. I dont know how she did it, she was totally exhausted but so determined. the cord was wrapped round his neck twice and she haemorrhaged (spell??) afterwards, she said it was spurting out :wacko: My sisters hubby is Indian and Gabriel has lovely long black hair and eyelashes. xx

Congrats hon!!!! That's so exciting that your nephew has been born :hugs: He sounds so cute as well!

I love mixed babies :thumbup:
I am Arabic and DH is English and Bobby also has some pretty eyelashes (although not much hair!) from my side.


Frufru: Good for you channeling your anger into something constructive. It is so important to acknowledge all your feelings including the not-so-nce ones. Burying them can make you crazy! You have had such a tough year and you really deserve to have a better time!

Sarah: I do know what you mean. I would love to get the vouchers. I actually really like the Asda brand diapers as they seem to be the only ones that can contain Bobby's recent insane poos (I joke that they should be classified as a crime scene)!

Ok going to bed now! Night girls x x x
I love mixed babies :thumbup:
I am Arabic and DH is English and Bobby also has some pretty eyelashes (although not much hair!) from my side.

Thanks hon, Bobby does have lovely eyelashes :hugs: I'm intrigued to see what colour eyes Gabriel has becasue they are really light blue/green. My sister has green eyes. Hope you have a good night with Bobby x
I love mixed babies :thumbup:
I am Arabic and DH is English and Bobby also has some pretty eyelashes (although not much hair!) from my side.

Thanks hon, Bobby does have lovely eyelashes :hugs: I'm intrigued to see what colour eyes Gabriel has becasue they are really light blue/green. My sister has green eyes. Hope you have a good night with Bobby x

I love mixed babies too, Steve is half Chinese but Oliver doesn't look chinese at all, though I do think he might grow into it?

Congrats to your sister A3my, she did sooooo well!
Amy - yay for your sister :hugs: I am glad that after such a tough labour that Mummy and baby Gabriel are both ok :flower:

Modo - :rofl: about Bobby's poo's being like a crime scene :lol: Joni is on comfort milk on account of her reflux and constipation and the comfort milks are renowned for producing evil poo's and farts :rolleyes: We always know when she is brewing a pooing as she does the stinkiest farts for 12-24 hours before hand. When she goes you know as the smell fills the room. We refer to her poops as a "Code Green Alert" on account of the colour :haha:
Frufru :rofl: bless Joni with her poop brewing and stinky poops :haha:

sarah - do you think Oliver looks more like you or Steve? :)

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