Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Katie sorry you had a rubbish night :( Is V feeling better now? When do you think you will be moving?

Oliver took ages to settle tonight - possibly because he didn't get up until 10am!!!! He woke a few times but I settled him half asleep each time and before I knew it it was 10am and I'd missed baby club - oops! So we did the routine as normal tonight but it took me a good hour and a half to settle him, he wasn't crying, just making noises and wriggling about and then he'd cry if I didn't go to him. I felt a bit bad, I was up in the bedroom with him from just after 6pm until 7.45pm, Steve left for work at 7.30pm so I didn't really get to see him before he went. He came up and said goodbye but I got the impression he wasn't too impressed. I don't think he realises how I settle Oliver - when he comes up I'm just sat on the bed looking at baby and bump on my phone so I half think he might think I was been funny by not going downstairs, especially as normally it only takes me about 20 - 30 mins max to settle him. I'll call him in a bit and make sure he's okay. Men eh, bless em.

Oliver can't sit up on his own yet but in the last week he's started trying to - he trys to sit forward in his car seat and things. He was sat in is highchair the other day looking a bit tired so I reclined it, but he wasn't impressed and just lent right forward so he hadn't moved, it looked so funny!

I bought a few more Touchy Feely 'Thats not my . . ' books today, I think I'll pop them away for Christmas. We're not going to buy loads for Oliver this year and I just keep buying the odd thing to pop away. I bought him a rocking lotty ladybird when I was still pregnant lol!

Steve and I were talking about Chirstmas today and I was saying that it was a bit bittersweet for me, since if I take nine months maternity leave it means I'll be going back to work at the beginning of February. It's only part time but still :cry: So Steve said well you might not be, we'll see how things are then and if we can afford it you can take the full year! :happydance: Woo hoo! So now I have to make sure we can afford it :haha: he then said 'Yeah . . . then you could go back to work in May, and then we can have another one' :saywhat: I knew he wanted two close together . . . its just a bit scarey even thinking about it just yet lol!!

One of the girls from work is getting married tomorrow, I'm a bit upset about it TBH. I'm not really close to anyone at work, I don't really have anything in common with them thats enough to be friendly outside the 36 hours a week we already spent together - but most people there are like this. But I did get on okay with this girl and when she booked her wedding I helped her get started with her planning, and even told her about the venue where she ended up booking. While I was at work she asked if I'd be able to go on the hen night but it was a night out in Newcastle with staying over etc so I said no (its not my thing but also I wouldn't leave Oliver overnight). She also asked for my address for an invite, but I haven't heard from her at all :( I presumed she had just cut her guest list down but I've seen on Facebook today that the entire team are going to the evening do including a few people who have left. I doubt we would have gone but I do feel a bit left out not to even be invited, and TBH I would have tried to pop along to see her even if it wasn't for long. Ah well, never mind. It just makes me not want to go back to work even more :cry:

I'm off to eat chocolate :haha: Hope you all had a good day :hugs:
Sarah sorry to hear about the wedding, that's crap she hasn't invited you to the evening.That's great you may get to take the full year maternity though. We are thinking of adopting a lets see what happens attitude again when Oliver is one so maybe we will be in third trimester together again. :lol: at Oliver refusing to lean back in his highchair.

Maybe hope Owen gets better quickly.

Katie and L-C hope you get some sleep tonight. LC I showed my H the picture of the poonami and he said 'good god I will never complain about Oliver's nappies again!'

Amy I offer Oliver a boob if he wakes up at night, it works so I don't care if it isn't what you are meant to do. He has gone back to only waking once in the night, after a couple of weeks of waking up 2/3 times a night my boobs haven't readjusted yet though, so I have usually sprung a leak by morning! :lol:
I offer Oliver boobie when he wakes at night too, it works so like Muddles, I don't care if you're not ment to :haha:
Sarah, I'd be upset too :( especially since you're going back!
We had a bit better night last night, up at 4 and then back down til 8.30. People keep telling me' to wean her, I've always been set on 6 months but she's draining 11oz bottles if I offer them. Usually I offer 8 since she'll drain it but not want more for 4 hours ish..
sarah - i am the same with work&not close to anyone there. i dont like the bitchyness and really hope to be able to move somewhere else soon. its crap that they didnt invite u tho! i got left out of the planning of a night out and so was another girl! the others said it was an oversight but just goes to show!!!

am livid with OH as he promised dylan he'd take him to school but didnt bother to get out of bed!!! am going to meet my friend to take kids to soft play area when kids finish school at 12. screw him!!!

owen has been trying to sit up for the past couple of weeks too. he also tries to backflip out of the bumbo :wacko: i'll try to attach a pic!
katie - i'm weaning owen and he loves it. just baby rice for now tho
Katie have you seen this ?

Not that I am encouraging your pram adiction lol!
Thanks for replying re the wedding ladies, I thought maybe I was been daft so its good to know I'm not :haha: I was chatting to another friend on facebook today (she was in our team but left) and she is going, she didn't ask if I was though. She did mention a few other people who were going though, half of them aren't even in our team. Oh well, I won't let it get to me, sod em lol! I won't be taking Oliver in for cuddles any time soon though. They don't deserve Oliver hugs!!

Maybe thats a funny pic lol! Bless him :)

Urgh, I'm having posting issues this morning . . . if about six posts all the same appear from me I apologise in advance! :haha:

Well what a night, i have man flu and Will was awake from 3-6 am, wide awake!! Daddy had to step in from 5am as I was losing the will to live. Poor thing he has to work all day to!

Maybebaby I agree with the training thing I'm feel to rough to start yet, did they say how?

Windmills I'll try and feed him lots today - thank you, fingers crossed.

Sarah that's great news about maybe going back later! I have opted for nine months, but have six weeks leave at the end, which helps. sorry about the wedding that's very strange? People get so funny when it comes to weddings!

Muddles I think we have hit the few weeks you have just passed, did you just go with it, or try and train Oliver out of it? Love the avatar pic he looks so grown up!

Maybebaby hope you have fun at the soft play area! OMG Owen, I thought will was a liability in his bumbo but that really is impressive!

Will is now sleeping for england duh... not sure if I should wake him don't want the whole day and night thing completely reversed.

Hope you all have a good day xx
LC - dont wake will just sleep!!! about the sleep training HV said to not feed him from 11pm til 3am and then not again til 6am as that was what he was doing before the boob issue!!! use dummy and shush and pat him or lay hand on him but she said not to pick him up! i soooooo know what u mean about losing the will to live! thank god your OH helped out. mine is still in bed and its past 11.30am! :grr:
You just wait Maybe . . . they are on their way lol! I linked to a survey so I think its gone to admin for approval but I didn't realise what it was doing so I kept posting it lol! I think Admin are going to hate me today :haha: ADMIN - IF YOU ARE READING THIS I AM SORRY!!!!!!!!!! :flower:
Hi Ladies :wave:

Cor there were a fair few pages to catch up on. I am only on here briefly so sorry if I have missed folks.

Muddles - Wowee Oliver is such a clever lad sitting up on his own :thumbup: I am so amazed at how well he sits in your picture. My Hubby laughed like mad when I told him about Oliver swatting your hands away :lol:

Sarah - Fingers crossed about your being able to take the full year off [-o< I spent the last 2 years saving every month to be able to afford to take the last three months unpaid leave - with redundancy looming though it makes me think whether I should go back earlier and keep the savings, I am not sure what is for the best really :wacko: Oh and Oliver looks so cute in the new photos you posted :mrgreen:

Goodness all this talk about bump envy and TTC makes my blood run cold - having another baby scares me senseless :wacko: Overall my pregnancy and birth were fine - its all the other stuff going on that has been the issue for hubby and I. I think we both need a while to recuperate emotionally before we consider a sibling for Joni. Ironically yesterday I forgot to take my pill :dohh: so have to see the nurse this afternoon for the morning after pill - makes me feel like a naughty teenager :blush:

Katie - I am glad you had a better night last night. As for weaning do whatever you feel is best :hugs:

MaybeBaby - I am glad Erin had a lovely birthday. Owen's backflip is so funny :haha:

L-C - "Poonami" love it :haha: We have had our fair share of those. The worst one was actually up to Joni's armpits and neck :shock: Got to love comfort milk poops :rolleyes:

It has been really good to compare everyones bedtime routines - thank you for sharing :flower: Our typical bedtime routine is as follows and last about 30mins:
- 5.30-5.45ish Joni has naked kick time for 15 mins or so while we run her bath.
- 5.45-6ish bath time with Dada
- 6.10 out of bath and into PJ's and Peke Moe (baby sleeping sack)
- 6.15-6.30 feed
- 6.30-7 lullaby then close cuddle until asleep

Usually Joni is in bed asleep by 6.45-7. We wake her at 10.30 for her last feed and she is back in bed for 10.50 and will sleep through til about 3.30-4.30. She used to wake for a feed at this time and even though she no longer needs to feed at this time she still wakes up for a cuddle and then generally goes through til 6.30-7 when she gets up for the day. Of course last night it did not happen like this at all :rolleyes: she really grumped at bedtime and did not go down until 7.30, then woke up at 3.45 and did not go back down until 5.30 :shrug: Thankfully she did then sleep through until 7.30.

We are still no closer to Joni being able to go to sleep independently and self settle on her own at night - Hubby and I had hoped to work on this with Joni this week and then over the weekend she started teething and we decided it would be best to postpone for a little while. We got an amber necklace for JOni and it has really helped alleviate some of her teething symptoms :thumbup: She is dribbling much less than before and the teething rash on her cheeks has more-or-less cleared up too, though I suspect this is because she is dribbling less. Hubby has another week off the week after next so we will look to try and do some sleep training with Joni then. We have decided to try the sleepsense method - will let you know how it goes.

The diet is still going well - I am about 9lbs down so far which I am chuffed about. Another 2-3 weeks and I hope to be able to at least fit in my regular jeans.

Well better be off for now as I am still in my PJ's :blush: Have a good day everyone :hugs:
Oh here is a picture of Joni in her Peke Moe. This has been a godsend for transitioning Joni away from being swaddled for every nap and bedtime. Plus Joni has had cradle cap and we had issues with her scratching at her scalp in her sleep and leaving lots of little cuts :sad1: wearing this she can still move her arms and hands but cannot inflict damage :)

You can see in this picture that her teething rash was really bright - that was only sunday. Her necklace came on tuesday and the rash was gone by thursday :thumbup:
Joni looks so cute - i love her Peke Moe!!

I think my missing posts are just going to disappear :(
Joni looks lush and i love her peke moe, i'd never heard of them!
Hi Girls,

I am in Malta! Hope you are all doing well :) I have tell you it is super hard looking after Bobby on holiday. Getting him to nap and everything is so difficult. I don't know if any of you girls have managed it (I know CG had a good exp travelling with Che) but I don't think we will be doing it again till he is older. DH doesn't want to travel with him again.

Bobby was really good on the plane and slept the whole time. It's just he needs to have to big naps per day which limits the amount of time we can go out.

Anyway take care and I will be back on the 30th.

hello all :) with the not feeding in the night I just meant I kniw maybe was advised to leave 3 hr gaps between feeds because of owen having his days and nights mixed up. I always feed alex in the night when he wants it. sorry I'm rubbish at explaining :dohh:

frufru - well done on 9lbs!!! :thumbup: thats brilliant :thumbup: Joni's teething rash was glowing! locely pic of her :hugs:

sarah - thats rubbish your work colleague left you out :hugs:

L-C - Alex was awake 1.30 - 4.30 am. :hugs: hope you are feeling better. thumbs up to your OH for stepping in :thumbup:

maybe- :wacko::haha: I think Owen is going to be a contortionist (spelling?) or acrobat :haha:

modo - have a lovely holiday :hugs: we had similar issues with alex in France but I used to feed him to sleep.

My sister has asked us to be godparents :cloud9:

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