Emera - Your job sounds fun but very hard work. I think you may be right about the exercise classes

particularly when Roh starts crawling and you spend all day running around following him too! The giant mixer is awesome

I hope Roh managed to spend all/most of the night in his cot. It has reassured me a bit to hear that Roh sticks his arms and legs through the bars too. I went in to wake her from her nap this morning (1.5 hours) and she was asleep with one of her arms hooked over the bumper and through the bars

I am beginning to wonder if I would be better off taking the bumper down

Thank you for sharing the pictures you both look lovely
Amy - Once again "BOO TO COLDS"

I am so sorry you milk supply has dipped, do you think you might go back on the domperidone again? Poor you and poor kitty

That must have been so upsetting to come across
Sarah - Bless you forgetting to eat! That never happens to me

If I don't have time for dinner I generally gorge myself on bread &/or biscuits

How amazing that Oliver's second tooth just popped through like that. I walked past Boots this morning going into the city and meant to pop in for Anbesol on my way home. Of course on the way back I completely forgot

Hurray for the car
Hannah - I am glad you got your pipes fixed

I found that Joni responds better to having her nose wiped if I do one nostril at a time. It's when I try to wipe across both at the same time or pinch her nose to get the snot out that she freaks out. On the subject of presents I heard an interview with Paul McCartney a couple of years ago and the interviewer remarked that he must be really hard to buy for and Sir Paul said he always loved getting socks

That year I bought almost everyone socks and wrote "as recommended by Sir Paul McCartney" on the gift tags - yes I am a saddo
H&F - Joni had a dummy up until about 6 months. We stopped using it so much in the day for a week or two then went cold turkey for naps and bedtime when we sleep trained her. A few weeks before we cut it out we also started giving Joni a special cuddly bunny at nap and bedtime so she would associate it with going to sleep. When we took the dummy away Joni took to snuggling her face into the bunny instead. Now she sucks the bunnies feet as well as cuddling it. It is well cute but I do find myself washing the bunny a lot, so much so we have bought a back up bunny so Joni is never without one when one is being washed
Modo - A day to your self while Bobby spends time with Daddy sounds great

It was odd as literally one day Joni did not mind what time you fed her and whether she had 2 or 3 meals a day and the next she wanted 3 meals at regular intervals. Not that I am complaining, I am so pleased she is such a good eater

Also now she is settling into having her meals at certain times it is easier for me to plan ahead when we have days out and activities.
Joni and I have been to baby yoga this morning which was lovely. It was our last class and I wanted to stay and chat afterwards but it was time for Joni's lunch so had to rush off. Joni had already spent the last 10mins of the class making chewing movements with her mouth whilst going Mmmm mmmm mmmm so she was definately not going to wait for her lunch!
Lots of my parcels I have ordered online have come today

and more importantly our beer delivery came today

We love our real ale and belgian beers so hubby and I decided to order a selection of beers to try from a wholesale beer specialist instead of Christmas presents for each other this year. We are still getting one another a small gift so that we have something to open on Christmas day but otherwise we will be toasting each other and good times everytime we open a bottle from our selection to try.
Speak to you all later x