Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

emera - what gorgeous pictures of you both! you look fab! Alex spent the night in our bed but it didnt help me get any sleep :dohh: he was awake 1.30am - 3.30am grizzling and then countless wakings after that! He wouldve slept in if we didnt have to get the girls up for school :dohh:

frufru - yep all the tricks are in hand :winkwink:nmy bedroom smells of menthol :haha: I just feel so bad when nothing comforts him :(

My milk has dried up again, piss poor timing. I stopped taking the domperidone yesterday, I've slowly weaned myself off it and i thought it had gone well but I am very empty so thats not helping Alex who needs the fluid at the moment :( I am defrosting some EBM for him.

I forgot another crummy thing that happened today, I took alex and Lyra out for a stroll and one of Ruby's cat friends was dead at the side of the road :cry: poor thing, it had blood coming out of its nose, it must have been hit by a car, crawled to the side and lied there to die :( I dont know which house it comes from and I didnt know what to do. Its a bit down the road from the houses so they would have to go out walking to find it. Kerry said i should have put it under the pram in the basket and moved it nearer to the houses but i just couldnt! it made me cry :cry: poor kitty
Awwww poor cat!! Could you pop a note through everyones door just asking if its their cat or something? Awww poor little thing! I hope Alex is feeling better soon! And sorry about your milk :(

I'm on my phone and I have so much I want to type but I can't remember most of it now- sorry!! Oliver went to bed fine at about half six, then woke at 10pm and I'm having trouble settling him again. I had a feel at his gums and amazingly he has a second tooth! It wasn't there at bedtime when I brushed his teeth! I think its causing him some pain and he's ended up having calpol and the baby neuofen stuff too. Hopefully he will settle soon, I have given in and come to bed myself though I've now realised I haven't eaten. Whoops. Never mind. I was going to have a jacket potato but completely forgot, I wish I had had more pasta with Oliver now instead of just having a little bit :dohh:

Muddles that's so fab that you don't have to go back to work!! I am green with envy.

Emera wow that's a lot of flapjack. Do you have one of those massive kitchen aid mixers? I saw one on one of those american cake programmes and I couldn't believe my eyes :haha: I have a Kenwood Chef and I wish now that I'd bought a kitchen aid instead, they are soooo pretty!

FruFru wow those naps are great! Boots do sell ambesol, but you have to ask at the pharmacy, its not on the shelf. I bought another bottle the other week (I loose them all the time :haha:) and as I had the bottle with no lid on in one hand and trying to rub it on Olivers gums with my other hand he grabbed the bottle off me and it went everywhere :haha:

Oliver is another baby who talks more than he moves :haha: He is trying soooo hard to crawl though. His noises are fab, he's such a chatterbox. He says 'mama' and 'dada' a lot now, probably because he gets such a reaction!

I think we might have found a car! My dad has been to see it today and says its great, so we are going to pop down to Sheffield in the morning to have a look. Its a freelander :) I always get my own way in the end :rofl:
I really hope its 'the one' I'm so fed up of looking!

Aww poor.Oliver, he's asleep but unsettled and he keeps crying :( I hope the painkillers kick in soon.

I am sorry for such a crap post! I will hopefully get on properly tomorrow.
Sarah - its one like this we have at work:
Amy - The water pipe burst so we had no heating or water for the evening and the morning until they came and fixed it, poor Amelia was freezing bless her. So happy that it's fixed now finally after complaining and complaining :)

I think I might have to try the Karvol plug-in. She's napping next to me on the sofa at the moment and sounds awful poor thing :( Any tips on wiping LO's nose? Amelia gets snot everywhere :haha: but she won't let me clear it up :( Last night was a lot better she didn't wake up in the night was only whining a bit when she got put down :)

I really need to get my ass in gear and get OH's and my dad's presents although I dont have a clue what to get them as they're so hard to get for :growlmad:
Hey all -

sorry havent been on for a couple of days has been so hectic at my mums and now Amy has just woken up I need to pop out to Tescos to get her some bits!

Just a quick question ... has anyone used a dummy and has now stopped using one? How did you do it and what was LO's reaction etc? I decided its time Amy doesnt have one any more as the resoning for her having one (comfort sucking on me) has obviously disappeared now she is on bottles! Any advice would be lovely!
Amy we did it at 5 1/2 months, he barely noticed really. He had it initally because of wind and then I was started getting up in the night to put it back in and was shattered! We went cold turkey in the morning, the first nap I stroked his faced, rubbed his tummy and shhh'd him in his bed. Then after that I just rubbed his tummy and shhh'd him every time he went to bed, it gradually got less and less and now I can't remember the last time I needed to do it. The first few nights he would look for it and grumble, but then he started sucking his teddy or comfort blanket, but that stopped quite soon and now he cuddles into them but doesn't suck them xx

It was much easier than I thought and I'm so glad we did it! Modo has done it to x
Ooohhhh Emera that looks like fun :haha:

I've found a car! We went to see the one my dad found this morning and its perfect, just what I wanted! We're picking it up on Saturday :) Its a Freelander, TD4, and its dark green, I love it!!
Emera: the pictures are lovely :)

Frufru: Thanks for the warning :thumbsup: I had planned to start leaving Bobby at home with DH on Mondays while I get my stuff done :) Tjat way he won't miss his meals! I hope your DH feels better so he can do Joni's baths:( I had a rash on wrist from Dubai and its only just got better. I really don't think giving Bobby his bath helped it.

Amy: Really sorry to hear about your milk :hugs: I hope you managed to defrost some milk for Alex quickly :hugs: I am really sorry to hear about the poor kitty :cry:

Sarah: Great news about the Freelander. Well done for sticking to your guns :D

Hannah: Poor Amelia :( I am glad your water pipe has been fixed :) Its always hard to get presents for your OH. This year we made amazon wishlists and its so much easier!

H&F: Bobby used to rely on dummies to fall asleep. We did it cold turkey when he was 3.5 months old. He cried for about an hour with me doing shush/pat and then feel asleep and never needed it again. We got rid of it for the same reason as LC the second night he moved to his nursery. Best thing we ever did!
Emera - Your job sounds fun but very hard work. I think you may be right about the exercise classes :winkwink: particularly when Roh starts crawling and you spend all day running around following him too! The giant mixer is awesome :) I hope Roh managed to spend all/most of the night in his cot. It has reassured me a bit to hear that Roh sticks his arms and legs through the bars too. I went in to wake her from her nap this morning (1.5 hours) and she was asleep with one of her arms hooked over the bumper and through the bars :dohh: I am beginning to wonder if I would be better off taking the bumper down :confused: Thank you for sharing the pictures you both look lovely :)

Amy - Once again "BOO TO COLDS" :growlmad: I am so sorry you milk supply has dipped, do you think you might go back on the domperidone again? Poor you and poor kitty :sad1: That must have been so upsetting to come across :hugs:

Sarah - Bless you forgetting to eat! That never happens to me :haha: If I don't have time for dinner I generally gorge myself on bread &/or biscuits :blush: How amazing that Oliver's second tooth just popped through like that. I walked past Boots this morning going into the city and meant to pop in for Anbesol on my way home. Of course on the way back I completely forgot :dohh: Hurray for the car :happydance:

Hannah - I am glad you got your pipes fixed :thumbup: I found that Joni responds better to having her nose wiped if I do one nostril at a time. It's when I try to wipe across both at the same time or pinch her nose to get the snot out that she freaks out. On the subject of presents I heard an interview with Paul McCartney a couple of years ago and the interviewer remarked that he must be really hard to buy for and Sir Paul said he always loved getting socks :winkwink: That year I bought almost everyone socks and wrote "as recommended by Sir Paul McCartney" on the gift tags - yes I am a saddo :mrgreen:

H&F - Joni had a dummy up until about 6 months. We stopped using it so much in the day for a week or two then went cold turkey for naps and bedtime when we sleep trained her. A few weeks before we cut it out we also started giving Joni a special cuddly bunny at nap and bedtime so she would associate it with going to sleep. When we took the dummy away Joni took to snuggling her face into the bunny instead. Now she sucks the bunnies feet as well as cuddling it. It is well cute but I do find myself washing the bunny a lot, so much so we have bought a back up bunny so Joni is never without one when one is being washed :winkwink:

Modo - A day to your self while Bobby spends time with Daddy sounds great :thumbup: It was odd as literally one day Joni did not mind what time you fed her and whether she had 2 or 3 meals a day and the next she wanted 3 meals at regular intervals. Not that I am complaining, I am so pleased she is such a good eater :) Also now she is settling into having her meals at certain times it is easier for me to plan ahead when we have days out and activities.


Joni and I have been to baby yoga this morning which was lovely. It was our last class and I wanted to stay and chat afterwards but it was time for Joni's lunch so had to rush off. Joni had already spent the last 10mins of the class making chewing movements with her mouth whilst going Mmmm mmmm mmmm so she was definately not going to wait for her lunch!

Lots of my parcels I have ordered online have come today :mrgreen: and more importantly our beer delivery came today :thumbup: We love our real ale and belgian beers so hubby and I decided to order a selection of beers to try from a wholesale beer specialist instead of Christmas presents for each other this year. We are still getting one another a small gift so that we have something to open on Christmas day but otherwise we will be toasting each other and good times everytime we open a bottle from our selection to try.

Speak to you all later x
Modo - I think I might have to try the Amazon wishlist thing :)

Frufru - I'm glad the pipe got fixed too for Amelia's sake more than mine.


Had a quiet day today, have found out that Amelia loves Cbeebies :thumbup: Also found out that she likes being on her feet and is much more stable :)

Also thought I would share a picture of Amelia enjoying her cottage pie she had for tea it's a funny pic. :D


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sarah - I wish I could forget to eat sometimes :rofl: thats excellent news about your car :thumbup: what a relief you can stop looking and you'll feel much safer when the snow comes again :hugs:

Hannah - i'm glad you're CH is all fixed! Alex hates it when I wipe his nose too so I try to make it a game and make silly noises when I wipe - cute pic of Amelia :haha:

frufru - yey to parcels arriving! i love it when they do, so satisfying knowing you didnt have to go to the shops :haha:

well i have taken some domperidone but its not had much effect. Alex had a dry nappy for 5 hours last night :cry: It was another bad night too - he keeps coughing and his temp was really high. I've been up to him twice already tonight so I think its going to be another bad one :sleep:

I went to see my sister for lunch, they've just got back from a 3 weeks trip to India to introduce Gabriel to the family. It was lovely to see them. Becky said they just kept feeding her becasue in India when a woman has a baby she stays in bed for 90 days and is waited on completely so she can recover and they just bring the baby to her for feeds :shock:

well i have to go and wash up and make packed lunches and organise school bags etc I want to just go to sleep. Hope everyone else is well xx
Off to bed now but before I turn in I wanted to give you all a giggle.

After Joni's bath tonight I dried and dressed her and when I picked her up to move to the chair for her bottle I held her above my head looking down at me as it usually makes her giggle. Instead tonight there was no giggling, only sick. Yes, sick. Sick right in my face :sick: in my hair :sick: and into the hood of my jumper :sick:

Silly mama :dohh: :haha:

Night night all :hugs:
Off to bed now but before I turn in I wanted to give you all a giggle.

After Joni's bath tonight I dried and dressed her and when I picked her up to move to the chair for her bottle I held her above my head looking down at me as it usually makes her giggle. Instead tonight there was no giggling, only sick. Yes, sick. Sick right in my face :sick: in my hair :sick: and into the hood of my jumper :sick:

Silly mama :dohh: :haha:

Night night all :hugs:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: lovely :haha: sweet dreams frufru!
Oh no FruFru! :rofl: nasty, but funny! If it makes you feel any better, my brother did something similar with my neice when she was around this age, except he was making airplane noises and pulling faces, and when she was sick, it all fell right in his mouth :sick: Think you got off lightly, i teased him about it recently, he just said "don't i can still taste it!" :rofl:

Amy - Hope you manage to get some sleep, and i hope Alex feels better soon :hugs:

I'm bushed from work, only one more day to go though and then i'm free until monday :happydance: Off to sleep, night night xx
FruFru thats so funny!!! :haha: Oliver did a similar thing to Steve once, just as I said 'Don't do that he's just eaten . . . ' and it was too late :haha:

Amy I hope your milk comes back . . . will you keep going with the domperidone? Fingers crossed it works its magic soon. I hope Alex is feeling better soon too and that you have a better night than you expect :hugs:

Did your sister enjoy India? I like the sound of getting looked after for 90 days but I wouldn't want to not have my baby there all the time . . . I'm sure there's a happy medium there somewhere!

FruFru will you meet up with any of the baby yoga mums again? Yay for the deliveries! I am waiting for quite a few . . . one day last week I had 6 in one morning :dohh: I guess thats what happens when you order everything online! The beer delivery sounds great :thumbup: My Dad and BIL are both really into real ale . . . when ever they get together they are always up until the small hours and there is always a full recyling box :haha: We have been around a few of the small breweries in Bruge, apparently the beer was lovely - I was pregnant at the time so I gave my free pint to my Dad.

H&F I hope you are having a nice time at your mums! No advice re the dummy but good luck!

Oliver has been quite unsettled this evening . . . I wonder if its going to be one of those nights . . . :wacko: I have managed to get all his pressies wrapped though, well there are just three more left but I wanted to show them to Steve before I wrapped them. There is no way they are going to all get unwrapped on Christmas day . . . . there is far too many. I thought I was been good by starting buying his pressies early, but actually its just ment that I've bought him absolutely loads :dohh:

I have more or less finished my Christmas shopping now, I ordered the last few things online today. So I just need to wait for them to arrive now! Steve and I aren't doing pressies for each other, since I've just had a car and Steve has had a few things lately too it just seems silly to buy stuff we don't need. We are doing stocking though, well I keep telling Steve but I'm not sure if he will actually remember. I've been buying things for him and for my step son, so he only has my stocking to do . . . . I draw the line at doing it myself.

I'm having a tooth out tomorrow :nope: I can't say I'm happy about it! Still, when its done its done I guess, can't be worse than giving birth :haha:

Hope you all have a good night! xx
Oh no FruFru! :rofl: nasty, but funny! If it makes you feel any better, my brother did something similar with my neice when she was around this age, except he was making airplane noises and pulling faces, and when she was sick, it all fell right in his mouth :sick: Think you got off lightly, i teased him about it recently, he just said "don't i can still taste it!" :rofl:

Amy - Hope you manage to get some sleep, and i hope Alex feels better soon :hugs:

I'm bushed from work, only one more day to go though and then i'm free until monday :happydance: Off to sleep, night night xx

:sick: :sick: :sick:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Thats horrible and really funny at the same time!

Oliver was once sick when I kissed him :haha: but it was pre-weaning and he had only just been fed so it was just milk. It was still pretty yuk :rofl:
Amy I hope your milk comes back . . . will you keep going with the domperidone? Fingers crossed it works its magic soon. I hope Alex is feeling better soon too and that you have a better night than you expect :hugs:

Did your sister enjoy India? I like the sound of getting looked after for 90 days but I wouldn't want to not have my baby there all the time . . . I'm sure there's a happy medium there somewhere!

I think the domperidone is starting to work again :happydance: he slept for 2 hours and I've just fed him again and his nappy was wet so thats good!

My sister found India tough, it was actually a bit of a nightmare. Her hubby's Dad had a heart attack two days after they got there and spent 5 days in hospital with him! Becky was left with her MIL and grandMIL and they dont speak English! She said she feels closer to them now though and that they managed to bond despite the language barrier.

I wouldnt have wanted to not have my baby for 90 days but wouldve loved someone to cook for me etc! bliss. sounds like you need that as you forget to eat missy! :dohh::haha:

Good luck with having the tooth out :flower::hugs:

emera - hope you have a good night too :hugs:
Yay it does sound like your milk is back! Woo hoo!

Your sister was so brave going to India with such a small baby . . . I can't imagine been with people who can't speak English too! Its nice that she bonded with them though, I bet they loved having her over there.

I was just looking on Ebay for a little something to give my parents from Oliver . . . we call them Nanan and Grandpa and I can never find anything that says Nanan and Grandpa on them. So I was looking for personalised gifts and I came across these . . .
I know I've got Oliver enough but I had to buy them :haha: They will look so cute on a shelf in his room!
Still looking for a little something for mum and dad though . . .
thats so gorgeous!! I was tempted to get an Alex train but they are out of Ls!!! boo

my parents are Nana and Bebore :haha: my dad wanted to be Grandpop becasue thats what we called his Dad but Emily could never say it and he became Bebore! x

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