Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

I just bought the last 'L' :haha:

I think he has another listing though! Here you go:

'Oliver' with the engine and carriage was just under a tenner posted, bargain!

I LOVE those grandparent names!!! How cute!! I bought a keyring for my mum and one for Steve's mum (Nana). I might see if I can get a beer glass or something for my Dad. I should get something little for my sister and BIL for Aunty and Uncle really . . . . argh!!! Will I ever get to bed :haha:
I've just bought some books for my Grandad and BIL :haha: Christmas is going to bankrupt me but I love buying presents! x
I love and hate buying pressies :haha:

I have enjoyed it more this year doing so much online. I just hate it when I can't find something or don't know what to get. I think I just need a Grandpa thing, and a couple of stocking fillers for Steve, and I'm done. I hope so anyway :haha:
Oh, and something for Aunty Jenny and Uncle Nick. From Oliver.

God knows what though :dohh:
hi all! super busy trying to get things sorted. am only on here coz owen's having a bf :haha: sorry to read and run but he's falling asleep so i am going to get on with the chores before going to HV to get him weighed. hope you are all well :hugs:

sarah - glad you found a car

amy - glad your milk supply is up

frufru - glad you got your beer

emera - lovely pics

must dash :hugs: to you all
Amy - Good news about Alex's burst of sleep and wet nappy :thumbup: I am pleased your sister had a nice time in India albeit challenging! Like you I would love the 90 days of rest and pampering but only if I got to snuggle Joni all day long :winkwink:

Emera - in the mouth :shock: :sick: Yay for the last day at work this week :happydance:

Sarah - you sound so organised with your Christmas shopping, I wish I had not left so much until the last minute :wacko: I still have some really key presents to get :dohh: Quite a few of the baby yoga Mum's are the same ladies I went to the pregnancy yoga and hypnobirthing courses with. We go out for coffee every few weeks or so which is really nice. There are a couple of the Mum's in particular who have become extremely close friends :cloud9: They are the women responsible for my demon hangover on Friday :haha: Hubby says he will think twice about letting me out to play with them after dark next time they ask if I can come out :rofl: Hubby and I treated ourselves to a beer from the stash last night. He opted for a scottish pilsner called Schiehallion and I chose a Chapeau Exotic which is a pineapple fruit bear :p Mmmmm nom nom nom
I hope the tooth extraction is quick and painless for you :hugs:

Maybebaby - I hope Owen has a nice snooze so you can get your chores done and hopefully have time left over for a hot cuppa :winkwink: I love the new pictures of the kids in front of the tree on FB :mrgreen: I was not going to put our tree up this year but the more I see pictures of other peoples the more I think I may change my mind. All I have to do now is figure out where to put it! Oh and also try to remember where I packed it away last year :dohh:

I have just put Joni down for a nap after her morning bottle but I can hear what sound like pooping grunts from the bedroom :dohh: better check..................... yep I was right :rolleyes: Of course JJ is wide awake now, I have repeated her nap routine after her bum change and left her to nap now but all I can hear at the moment is cooing and ah da da da da da :)

It is my work lunch today which I am looking forward to. After the lunch I am off for a cuppa with a few of my yoga Mum's. Bearing that in mind I should really tie things up on here and go fo a shower and get myself organised for the day. Have a lovely time with your plans for the day everyone :hugs:
Frufru: Oooh glad the pressies arrived! Have you wrapped them? I hope you guys enjoy your beer :D Sorry to hear Joni threw up on you! Hope your work lunch was nice x

Hannah: The wishlist made life so much easier this year! Amelia is so gorgeous :)

Amy: Glad your milk is back :hugs: Wow that pretty amazing how they treat new mommies in India. Although I would also want my baby with me at all times. Glad your sis managed to bond with her MIL and GMIL during the tough situation :hugs:

Sarah: I hope you don't mind but I got a Bobby train name! It was just too cute :) I hope you find nice presents for your parents :)

Maybe: Hope you are doing good!


We were is a rush to get Bobby to bed last night that we forgot to offer him his last bottle. He didn't wake up for it either. He ended up waking at 7.30.

Do you girls think I should keep offering it or accept that he no longer wants it?
Modo I would be guided by Bobby on the number of bottle he needs. Now he is starting to eat solids he might not need the same volume of milk as before. Joni was on 4 bottles a day but as she has started eating more has cut back to 3.

Before we cut out the fourth bottle she was drinking her morning and afternoon bottle but either refusing or only taking some of her mid-morning and bedtime bottles. I personally like Joni to have a bottle before bed so she is well hydrated and "tanked up" for the night ahead. We chose to phase out the mid-morning bottle and bring dinner forward to 4.30 so that by bedtime Joni will take a full bottle before sleep.

I nearly did not make it to my work lunch today :wacko: Joni has been unsettled all day :nope: I could not get Joni to settle for her first nap after I had to get her up to change her bum. In the end she finally went down at 12 :shock: so only 3 hours late :rolleyes: Of course this meant she missed her lunch and I had to wake her up after an hour to go to my work lunch and feed her when I got there. It was all such a rush and Joni was grouchy so it was more stressful than fun :dohh: Joni then outright refused her afternoon bottle and nap, eventually giving in to exhaustion at about 4 and napping for half an hour. This evening she has been in good spirits given her lack of sleep today but was so tired by bedtime she only drank half her feed bless her. I wonder if she is coming down with a bug or is her teeth are really bugging her as she really has not been herself today :confused: Hopefully a good sleep will help her, I think I might give her a dream feed before I turn in tonight to make up for her missed feed this afternoon.

I feel shattered tonight and a bit out of sorts. Hopefully this feeling is the product of a busy day and not a virus or something [-o< I think I am going to have a wee check of my emails and turn in early to read my book. Have a lovely evening everyone :hugs:
Thanks Frufru! I offered him the bottle this evening and he drank almost all of it. I think its because he only had two meals today. I need to reassess the timings of his meals anyway and change it to about 10 mins after he finishes his bottle. I was waiting an hour after but he just gets too tired and rubs his eyes. The only reason I delayed his meals is he once gagged and sicked up some milk but he doesn't gag much anymore.

Ill let you know how it goes!

How are you doing with pressie wrapping? I am stuck on how to wrap a rabbit rocker I bought Boo. I asked DH to assemble it so Bobby can use it Christmas Day but now its awkward to wrap!

I hope Joni has been more settled :hugs:
maybe - hope you're not too busy! I've loved peeking at all your latest fb pics - what cuties :hugs:

frufru - :dohh: to the poop interrupting Joni's sleep and messing up your day! I hope Joni isn't brewing something :hugs:

modo - well done for doing christmas wrapping :thumbup: I've bought most of my presents but they are hidden in various places in the house and I can hardly remember what I've got :dohh: I thought today maybe I should get organised and get wrapping :haha:

well we had a slightly better night in that Alex settled more between feeds but his cough was terrible :( I was really worried so I got my sister to have a listen with her stethoscope (perk of having a doctor in the family) and his chest is clear, its just horrible mucus :( he coughs and coughs and then cries because it hurts his little throat :cry: I really hope he gets over this soon. It doesnt help that he hates calpol and neurofen and screams and spits it out :dohh:

Hope everyone else is ok xxx
Modo of course I don't mind you buying the train, I'm glad you like it! I have a rocking Lottie Ladybird to wrap . . . I'm actually thinking that I will just pop it under the tree and tie a big bow around its neck.

FruFru I'm sorry you had a tough day! Why are those unsettled days always when you have something planned eh? :dohh: I'm kind of imagining that Christmas Day might be a bit like that, with so much going on. Hopefully Oliver will nap in the car during drives to and from my parents in Sheffield so he should be okay for sleep at least . . . . fingers crossed!

Maybe I hope you had a good day!

My day has been a bit :wacko::wacko::wacko: I had my dentist appointment at 11.50, I was a little bit late setting off as Oliver fell asleep on me . . . but then I got into town and it took me 20 minutes to get parked!!! I can walk to the dentist in 10 minutes :dohh: I've never seen things so busy, it was just crazy. I called ahead and made sure I could still be seen but I was so stressed out by the time I got sorted!! So I had a filling and a tooth out and for some reason I went all dizzy when I had the anesthetic put in and felt all ill :nope: So by the time I got home its safe to say I was feeling less than 100%. Luckily Steve looked after Oliver so I could take a nap and take things a bit easy. I'm feeling a bit better now though my jaw feels like someone has thumped me!

On a better note we have put out Christmas tree up :happydance: and I think it looks lovely. Oliver was very taken with the lights :haha:

Hopefully tomorrow is going to be a fun day, its the Christmas Party at Baby Club in the morning, Oliver is going dressed as an Elf :haha: I'll try to take some photos to share.

I hope you ladies all had a good day! :flower:
Amy I'm sorry Alex is still under the weather, I'm glad its not on his chest though.

Oliver LOVES calpol and baby neurofen . . . he gets all excited if he sees them :haha:
sarah - oh poor you!! what a nightmare! I hate being late for appointments (I pretty much always am and its such a stress). I'm glad you're feeling better. :hugs: I hope your jaw stops hurting soon!

I can see our Christmas day going tits up. I really hope it doesnt. Its our first christmas with just us and I hope its all lovely and festive and jolly but what will probably happen is the girls will be up until 5am and then get up at 6am so we'll all be stattered. they'll argue and bicker all day. dinner will get burnt, lyra will pee on the presents and Alex will be ill!!! ho ho ho bahh humbug :haha:
Haha, Amy I guess if you half expect Christmas to end up like that, any improvement and you'll think well, it could have been worse :haha:
Oh my goodness, i'm ooo tired. I've just worked over 30 hours in the last 3 days :shock: I'm meant to do 21 hours a week, but with trying to set everything up, with this being a new job role, everythign took longer than i hoped. I totally forgot how physically demanding my work was :wacko: I feel a bit like i've been hit by a bus! Phew, well hopefully next week should go a bit more calmly, as i have more of an idea about the workload, so i can plan better :)

I called OH from work earlier, just to say i was working overtime, and that i was gong to be knackered when i got home, and to apologise to him. Anyway, when i got home, he'd cleaned the house, done all the laundry and made dinner, and was in Roh's room cuddling him, and Roh was dozing off. He woke right up when he saw me of course, but then had a bit of a feed, and went off to sleep. OH has obviously been doing a great job with Roh, as he's really calm and happy,...not that i've seen alot of him the past few days, i'm finding that really hard :( Anyway, just finished the yummy dinner OH made me, and now he's running me a bath :cloud9: He's really showing me up :shock: think i'm going to have to make more of an effort now :blush:

Off for my bubble bath, night all :hugs:
I'm so crap at keeping up in here :(. Sorry, I miss you all when I don't post! I have been reading but not had very much positivity to report from here so been keeping it to myself/GS etc. Going to make myself a doctors appointment I think as Daisy doesn't need a depressed Mummy!
I'm glad you're all doing well and all looking forward to Xmas. Amy I'm sure it will be better than you think :lol:
Oohhhh Emera I'm so glad that your OH has been so good! What a superstar! I'm rather jealous of your bubble bath, that sounds soooooo good!!
Katie :hugs: You know where I am if you ever want to chat / rant / have a virtual hug :hugs:
Omg Amelia'll have a tooth soon :happydance: It's right there nearly starting to cut through the gum :D

Sorry just thought I would share :D

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