Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)


Wow its late :wacko:

Sarah & Modo - I wish i was a fussy eater sometimes, i'll literally eat anything! And lots of it too generally! :haha: Except peppers, yucky yuck yuck, they are horrible, i keep trying them though in the hope that i'll magically start liking them, but no, bleurgh! :sick: I'm also obviously pretty good at cooking :haha: Although i keep getting a bit stuck in a rut with what i feed to Roh, i need to get a bit more experimental with his meals again i think!

Sarah - I have to admit, i'm a bit of a hoverer too, like Steve :blush: I never mean to do it, i'm just trying to be helpful and point out easier ways to do things, but it does get out of hand after a while :blush: OH usually snaps at me or tells me to wind my neck in if i get over the top! When i realise what i must sound like i feel a bit bad! Equally though i sometimes feel like "huh, fine, don't appriciate my advice then!" :haha: Ah well we all have our flaws. Maybe talk with Steve and explain that although you really appreciate his help and advice, it makes you feel like you can't do anything right, and that you want to find things out for yourself, even if that means doing things the "wrong" way. I imagine the reason he gets sulky is that he thinks you don't appriciate him. If he starts behaving, then maybe intentionally ask for his advice on something every so often, so that he still feels valuable too ;)

H&F - I'm comfort eating again at the moment too :hugs: I've never been slim, and my weight and eating have always tended to yo-yo. I've not even checked what i weigh after the Christmas pig out! I really don't want to know, i know i'd be freaked out :shock: The slimmest i've ever been was before i got pregnant, and i was a size 12 then :thumbup: Sadly i was a size 20 maternity by the end of my pregnancy and went from 11stone to 16.5stone :shock: I was back down to 14 stone before Christmas. Ah well, hopefully i'll manage to shift at least 2 stone more in the next couple of months. I just need to stop cheering myself up with "treats" :dohh:

FruFru - :hugs: I know how you feel, i hope the point when you find the "break in the clouds" comes soon. I've been through phases like that when i feel very fuzzy and vague and close myself away, its often the point when i catch myself and realise i'm heading towards depression that i find some motivation to pick myself up and get going again. :hugs: If you have a family member or friend you can bring yourself to talk to about how you feel, even if you don't really know what you need to say then i'm sure it would help. :hugs:

Amy - How many days will you be working? And what are your thoughts about childcare for Alex? I'm sure it won't be too bad when it actually comes to it :hugs: Its just all the worrying you do beforehand makes it worse. I know i'm lucky that OH and i share the childcare and work opposite shifts, but i think if i did have to arrange childcare for Roh on just a couple of days a week i'd be ok with that, not that i can afford it at the moment. I sort of like going to work, as it gives me a break and something different to do for a while, and then when i get home i can really enjoy Roh, plus i get the massive smiles and excitement that only OH was getting before, which made me slightly jealous :haha:

Well, Roh is all better form the flu, but last night at dinner he bit into a finger of toast, and then started crying hysterically :cry: After we finished the meal, i felt in his mouth and tooth number 3 has finally made an appearance! It must be driving him nuts though as we both got a total of 5 hours sleep last night, he totally missed out his morning nap, refused to eat anything apart from porridge all day and has been generally grumpy! OH said he decided to give him a bottle after lunch, which he wouldn't usually have, but he was worried he hadn't eaten anything. Apparently he gulped 9oz of milk and then went to sleep for 3 hours :wacko: In the 7 hours i was at work Roh went through the whole of the milk i had stashed for this week :shock: He only ate one small bowl of porridge though. Poor little man, i really hope he gets more sleep tonight, because i could do with some too! :sleep: I'm still up because i'm desperately trying to pump enough milk to get through tomorrow :wacko: I think OH might have to mix it with the follow on milk i've been using to make Roh's breakfasts with :( Ah well, i'd rather that than he doesn't have enough to eat, and i'm hoping work might let me pop home at lunch so i can either give Roh a feed or express some more. Fingers crossed i get a bit more when i pump again at midnight!

emera - good luck with the pumping!

owen's crap sleep is killing me! i cant even remember what a full hrs sleep felt like any more. cant remember what else i was going to post! :hugs: to all. will post again in the morning and hopefully remember what else i was going to say!!!
Morning ladies

Don't know how I mamage to get a few days behind, Will has been really demanding recently and so I haven't been able to post. Have just about been able to catch up each day. If I take my eyes of him for a second he's in trouble or hits his head, found him in the shower tray the other day and you have to step up into it. Lord knows how he managed that one! :dohh:

Sarah I'm ashamed to admit I'm like your Steve and have to keep my chipping in, in check, although quite often find myself pointing out the obvious to my OH who luckily just laughs at me :haha:

H&F Will has been very similar, I'm putting it down to teeth :wacko:

Frufru - My comfort eating had got way out of control, I have a severe Fredo addiction and was eating up to 12 a day and buying a few in different shops to hide it. I've gone cold turkey since New Year as my body is disgusting and I desperately want to get back into my old clothes and unfortunately a uniform in April, I cannot ask for a bigger one. It's just so hard when you have a demanding baby and the Fredo's are my little oasis (oh my gosh I sound very very sad) :haha::haha: Hope you had a better night last night and some well earned sleep :hugs:

Unfortunately I'm not a fussy eater at all, I hate olives and cream (although depends how it's served!!). So I pretty much eat as much of whatever I can!

Amy I'm gutted about going back to work, but luckily, I have known that I would have to and that I'll do 30 hours all along and so my head is around it. The funny thing was that I have been really sad about it all ending in the 4th of April when I go back, then I remembered we get to keep him and it'll just change. Fortunately he'll only be in day care for two days each week and when Mark has him I'll work late shifts and so he'll be asleep for half of it. Can't you figure it all out on reduced hours and then sell it to him. If I can sell it to Mark in financial terms I've got him hook line and sinker :haha:

Will has just pulled himself up for the 5th time!! :happydance::cloud9: oops and just gone splat on his bottom x

Emera so glad Roh is finally over the flu poor thing he really does deserve a long healthy break now. Yay for the 3rd tooth, hopefully the fourth will come in and then he can have a break. Will has been totally off his food for the past few days now, saying that he had a whole yoghurt for breakfast which is a lot for him lately.

I'm looking forward to getting the recpetion my OH gets when he comes in when I go back to work and hope that makes it all worth while. Hope your pumping was successful!

were you going to start some sleep training this year, really does sound like you need to get Owen's sleep sorted, you are amazing i don't know how you function on so little sleep :hugs:

Well we are home alone again after OH had the whole of Christmas off, after a rocky start we had a great and I actually miss him this morning, just text him to say so and got 'ok thanks' back, typical xx

I have been having lady troubles and to cut a long story short its an oestrogen defficiency and have been given some cream to apply :blush:, which has been great. I didn't read the packet just did what I was told and it's working, Dr even thought breastfeeding would make it worse and pregnancy better which all figures. So I had five minutes last night and read the leaflet, it's HRT and it quite clearly says Do Not use if breastfeeding, so haven't since, I'm worried. Will ring to check this morning, but really pannicking.

Also have any of your LO's top teeth just appeared, Will is showing classic signs but I can't see anything in the gum, unlike with his bottom teeth. He's really off his food this time which really isn't like him. His sleep is so much better really want him to keep eating enough to maintain that!

Hope you all have a great day :hugs:
H&F - all these chocolates and biscuits lying around at Christmas are EVIL! The last few nights I have found myself sitting with the tin of celebrations eating them like you would popcorn :shock: I would actually quite like to throw them in the bin or give them away so they are no longer a temptation but hubby would like to keep them :dohh: the thing is he is not the one that has to stay at home with them all day. Perhaps I should make him carry them around on his person :haha: As for the weight loss you have come so far already and a wobble over Xmas and after being ill is understandable. I am sure once you get back to class you will find a new wave of motivation :hugs:

Amy - I am so glad that you are feeling better after the nasty flu :hugs: I empathise about the stress of arranging the return to work. I have to have a meeting with my employer in the next month or so to confirm when I am coming back to work and negotiate my contracted hours. I will need to sort out childcare too, hubby had always talked about compressing his working week so he works the same hours but over 4 days not 5 so he had a day off in the week when he could stay at home with Joni and I could work a long day. In order for him to do a compressed working pattern he would have to move from an admin/underwriting role which suits him to a call centre based role which he does not really want to do. The thing is though, if he stays on his current shift pattern we will have to put Joni into childcare for more hours which will cost more and I will have to work more hours to cover the cost :nope: It makes my head hurt just thinking about it :wacko: I really don't want her to be in childcare anymore than she needs to. I am sure we will work it all out eventually!

Emera - I have a pretty broad taste in food aswell. I love peppers :p but my big no-no is Fennel and chicory :sick: like you I try them periodically in the vain hope I will have changed my mind and like them but I never do :rolleyes: I finally built up the courage to talk to hubby about some of my worries and concerns, we had a chat in bed last night and I 'fessed' up to how I worried I was about my eating being so out of control as that usually means that there is something bad/nasty subconsciously that I am not dealing with. It is hard to talk about how I am feeling as I am not really sure what the problem actually is if you know what I mean :shrug:
3 teeth for Roh, crawling and cruising :happydance: what a clever wee lad :mrgreen: It was interesting to hear about his missing naps and being funny with food. Joni has been teething like mad over the last week and is still eating but being sick a lot afterwards and often refusing naps. I have had a good feel in her mouth but I really can't say I feel any toothpegs ready to poke through. I hope you had a good pumping session last night :thumbup:

Maybebaby - :hugs: for you. I am so sorry that Owen's sleep is still so sketchy :sad1: I was also very dissapointed to read about your hubby's behaviour over the holidays :nope: Hopefully the new year will see a change on both the sleep and behaviour/attitude front for Owen and your hubby respectively.

L-C - Bless you and your Fredo addiction. Of course you are not sad, just very very human :hugs: I am sorry to hear you are having lady troubles and hope you get some reassuring clarification from your doc about the medicine. It is really annoying when they prescribe you something and then when you get home you read the notes and you are contra-indicated :growlmad: I am still having a period every 1-2 weeks and even in between it is never quite really gone :rolleyes: I really should go and whinge at the doctor but I figure there is probably nothing they can do. I am so impressed that Will is pulling up and crawling already. Joni is a handful already and I am a bit scared about her getting mobile :wacko: :haha:

Joni had a poor night with multipe wakings and then woke up at 4.50 determined to start the day. So from there ensued a battle of wills between us and eventually an hour later she went to sleep for a grand total of 40 minutes :rolleyes: She has been quite sicky all morning and refused her morning nap. I was getting her dressed after the nap attempt and had literally just got her top and trousers on only for her to spit up all over them :dohh: I had wondered if she has a virus or something but I really think it is just teething upsetting her.

I popped into John Lewis yesterday to pick up some fabric for my nieces school textiles project and saw some pvc coated fabric in the sale for 1/2 price :thumbup: I was well chuffed as I have wanted to get a metre of PVC fabric to protect the floor under Joni's highchair and was really loathed to pay £12-14 for it. Ok granted, if I had paid full price I could have had pretty polka dots or multi-coloured stars as a pattern, but scull and crossbones is actually pretty cool :winkwink:

Well I better go, Joni is very very tired and grumpy and needing entertaining. I really want to keep her up until after lunch but I really don't know how I am going to achieve that! Wish me luck :winkwink:
Good luck Frufru....Will was sicky when his bottom teeth came through, just mouthfuls here and there, back to normal now xx

Have to apologise to OH, not that he is allowed to even peep at this, I have caught him trying!! my text actaully read, it's funny with without you this morning, we're quite enjoying it!! oooooops, meant to read we've enjoyed you being home, luckily he realised!
Hi :wave: got a spare few minutes whilst Oliver is having a nap so thought I'd sit with a coffee and surf the net instead of washing up and straightening my hair :lol:

Frufru I have been eating like a pig over Christmas, so now that Oliver has scabbed I can take him out of the house so I am going to go walking with him in his buggy or for a swim once he is in bed so I can shift the last bit of post pregnancy fatness.

LC that's great that Will has pulled himself up. Sorry to hear you are having lady problems. Hope you get them sorted soon, and that you can find something that you can take when breastfeeding. :lol: at your text to your OH

Emera poor little man. Glad his tooth has popped through. Hope you got lots of milk to replenish your stash.

Modo only just noticed your avatar piccie, it's really sweet.

Amy sorry to hear that your return to work is coming round so quickly. I would try to sell it to him from a finacial point of view that it is more cost effective to work four days as you wont need the extra chilcare, less days means less tax and not a lot less money....

H&F Hope she had a good sleep in the end and isn't overtired today!

Sarah kick him out of the kitchen! Did you get things sorted with the parking problem? I just searched for the thread you posted in GS.

Maybe I have heard good things about cranial osteopathy. It can help with all sorts of problems babies are having and sleep issues are one it mentions. Here is a link. I had a couple of horrendous nights last week just before Oliver came out in the chicken pox and he slept for no more than an hour at a time, with large chunks of time awake in between. I think i was in tears more than Oliver was so I have no idea how you have managed it for so long, hats of to you my dear!

Got Oliver weighed this morning and the HV said that there are a lot of bugs going around, and she also said that chicken pox is doing the rounds too. Oliver is still following his line perfectly and is no 21lb 3oz (a gain of 1lb 8oz since I had him weighed 10 weeks ago just before we started weaning).

I ordered the Baby Led Weaning cookbook this morning seeing as a few of you say it's good. I need to be a bit more adventurous as like some of you we tend to eat the same stuff a lot. Oliver can't get enough of yogurts (Little Yeo plain ones with some grated pear or apple in it) at the moment. He has always been good at trying things but the past two weeks (with the exception of a couple of days before the pox when he ate and drank very little) he has really been eating more and as a result :sick: his poos are more poo like instead of just breastfed poo with bits of food in.

Oh and I meant to tell you the latest with my Mum-she had a right go at me the other day and told me that she is ashamed of me that I am not going back to work (I am going to do evening/weekend bar&waitressing work and my school have offered me tutoring and supply when ever I want it), I am a baby bore, I go to too many baby groups (we go to one) and refuses to accept that when I meet my other mummy friends that we could possibly talk about anything other than our babies! I just feel really sad about it all as I had so much fun with my grandparents as a child and really wanted Oliver to have the same. Oh and I am being really controlling by asking people to call him Oliver rather than Ollie! I don't mind Ollie but am leaving it up to him to decide if he wants to shorten his name as my name was shortened by my family when I was little and they have always called me the short version but I prefer my proper name.

Have a nice day everyone.
Muddles great weight, I need to take Will this week. I'm so jealous that you are motivated enough to go swimming, I'm so lazy, I have ordered a pair of trainers if that counts??

Do you think your Mum could be jealous? It's a very strange way to behave, my does my head in but saying that is just a bit nasty.

We have been to Sainsbury's and I managed to spend my last £30 until a week Friday - ooooops but since we have been back Will is properly up and downa and begining to cruise, it happens so quick once they get something doesn't it. He has this brilliant Fisher Price thing to encourage him to crawl into it and then stand up and he doesn't need any encouragement!
lc - oops about the text! made me giggle though! :haha:

muddles - :hugs: sorry your mum is being unsupportive! thanks for the link. i dont know if there are any places that do cranial osteopathy here. will have to have a look.

frufru- hope joni is better soon :hugs: i think that skull and crossbones is fine. it's only to have joni chuck stuff on anyway! :haha:

well have been out in town all day as the weather has been great so now i have a really untidy flat to attend to! will catch up later if i get a chance. my cousin's friend has fixed my laptop :happydance: so will be able to get on better as the netbook was soooooooooooo slow and my phone is a pain to post from! hope you have all had a great day :hugs:
Evening Ladies!

FruFru I hope Joni's teething has been better today, its horrible isn't it? Anbesol, Bonjela and Calpol are always at hand at the moment in this house! I try to keep Calpol just fo night time as I don't want him to get immune, if you know what I mean? Oliver had no sign at all of any teeth until they actually popped up! I hope you are feeling okay :hugs: The fabric sounds great! I love John Lewis, I wish we had one closer. Our nearest is Sheffield but we never go there, though my parents live in Sheffield they are about 20 miles from the city, we tend to go to the one at the Trafford Centre every now and then, and shop online. There were plans to open one in Leeds but thats been shelved now due to the resession etc . . . I think our bank balance breathed a sigh of relief :haha:

Amy I hope you enjoy the next six weeks and don't worry too much about going back to work :hugs: I agree with the others - put together a plan with the finances on etc and present it that way. It must be soooo annoying that Kerry won't talk about it!!!! If you try again and he won't listen just say right - well in that case this is what is happening. :hugs:

I'm glad that some of you ladies hover too :haha: It makes me more forgiving of Steve :rofl: Emera you sound very like Steve :haha:

MaybeBaby Have you thought any more about sleep training? The nights when Oliver is up every few hours I feel just awful the next day, he's back to just waking once a night now and its lovely. I think if he was like Owen I would have to sleep train for my sanity. Did you get anywhere with implimenting a routine?

L-C your text made me laugh :haha: Sorry to hear that you have lady troubles, I hope you're feeling better soon :hugs:

Muddles No more developments re the parking issue - I didn't leave a 'reply' and the car has been moved now so I expect that will be the end of it :dohh: What a great weight Oliver is! Oliverwoo hasn't been weighed for ages, I'm waiting for an appointment for the baby clinic to come through. Oliverwoo is also doing proper poos now :sick: They are much better with the reusable nappies though :haha:. Sorry to hear about your mum causing you issues again :hugs: Just make sure you take no notice!! She sounds very opinionated, I think if my mum even thought some of those things she wouldn't say anything to me. I wish I could say something helpful :hugs:

I joined the gym again the other week but I haven't been yet :haha:

My friend came over today with her baby girl, who is a month older than Oliver. It was lovely, I haven't seen her for about a year though we've kept in touch on Facebook etc. When we got talking we seem to have very similar views on parenting etc which was nice - her baby feeds to sleep and naps on her knee too :haha:

Right well I have more 'work' to do so I'd better go and get it done! Lots of love to you all xx
Hi everyone,

Bobby is in a cloth nappy tonight! First time as we usually use disposables at night. Wish me luck :D

Maybe: I really hope you get some sleep.

Sarah: Glad you had a nice time with your friend :)

Frufru: Hope Joni's toothypegs come in soon and give you both a break. Bobby hasn't had his top teeth yet but his gums are swollen and he is quite bitey!

LC: Well done to Will :) Can I ask what Fredo is? :hugs: I am also very unhapy about my eating :(

Emera: Glad the tooth is in :happydance: and glad Roh is better :hugs:
Ooohhhh Modo is he in a Flip? You'll have to report back on how it goes!! I haven't been brave enough to try reusables over night yet!!
emera - I hope you get a good supply pumped. Great news Roh is over the flu :hugs:

LC - Alex's top teeth both came through before Christmas. His top gum was very swollen and he was very clingy the day before they appeared. Sorry about your low oestrogen, GPs dont seem very clued up on BF and meds :dohh: I hope you get it sorted out :hugs: Alex has also taken to pulling himself up. He's on the verge of crawling, I can see why you dont have time to post! need eyes in the back of your head! :haha:

frufru - I also dont want Alex in childcare anymore than he needs to be :hugs: I want my DH to condense his hours - he did try to discuss it with his manager but he feels really uncomfortable about it. I also get a headache just thinking about it :hugs: I really hope Joni's teeth make an appearance soon!

muddles - Thats awful your mum said that to you! my mum is also very opinionated but she would never criticise my parenting decisions like that! I'm so sorry she isnt supportive of you being there for Oliver. Did she work when you were a baby? Great weight gain for Oliver :hugs:

maybe - great news about your laptop :hugs: I hope 2011 is a good year for you sleep-wise :hugs:

sarah - ALex also does proper poos :haha: I'm glad you had such a nice time with your friend :hugs: I would hover if Kerry ever cooked! he's terrible. :dohh:

modo - good luck with the cloth nappy tonight :hugs:

We had lunch at my mums which was nice. My mum really doesnt get BLW :dohh: she doesnt believe Alex eats any of it but I know he does. :haha:

re working hours, I decided to write to my manager to request to work 30 hours a week. I know we can afford it, Kerry just begrudges having to put anymore towards the family account but if he wont talk I cant explain anything to him so I have taken matters into my own hands. It means an almighty row when he clicks but thats how he always manages money issues :dohh:
Argh just sat down for the first time today, and i was up for work at 5am :shock:

Managed tto pump enough for the day last night, but i was up until 1am :wacko:

Grr, i need to have a little moan....I love my OH and he's wonderful with Roh and looks after him really well, but....the house was cleaned and tidy with all the laundry done etc on Sunday. OH has been "in charge" at home for 2 days. When i got home from work at 1pm he had to run off straight away to work. Last night as soon as i got home at 7pm he handed over bedtime to me and played computer games, i cooked dinner etc, but that was all as i was tired. I took Roh to the HV today to get weighed (he's 18lb 2oz :thumbup: ), then went to the shop for supplies, i got home, sorted Roh's dinner, had a little play with him did bath and bedtime etc. Since then i've had to hoover the whole house, mop and then give up and get on my knees to scrub the kitchen floor, take the highchair apart and clean it, do a mountain of washing up, sort and start on 3 loads of laundry, make the bed, take the Christmas decorations down, tidy up masses of toys, clean the bath, clean the loo and mop the bathroom floor. Fold up OH's clean laundry and uniforms which he'd dumped on our bed, make Roh's meals for tomorrow, clean out all his bottles, and now finally i'm sat down with a tin of soup and some bread for my dinner..... My moan is,
1. How the hell does he make sooo much mess in 1 1/2 days
2. Why can't he clear up after himself?
3. How come i still have to do all the housework and work and take care of Roh, when he just plays with Roh feeds him, changes him and makes a mess?!?!



Anyway, thats all, i think i'll go lie down now my soup is done.

emera - thats a typical case of dual standards! My DH moans at me that I dont keep the house tidy enough and wonders what I do all day but I know that come the day he has to stay with Alex it will be a complete pigsty, there will be no meal cooked for me (he has cooked for me maybe 5 times in 14 years :grr:), the washing basket will be over-flowing (largely his clothes as he seems to change outifts twice a day and puts the lot in the wash) and there will be washing up piled to the ceiling!

enjoy your soup! oh and great weight for Roh :hugs:
L-C - thanks for the reassurance about the sickyness. It is so hard when our babies are teething as you can never tell if sniffles, temperatures etc are down to teething or a symptom of an actual illness :wacko: :rofl: about the text message. bless him, no wonder his reply was odd :haha:

Muddles - It sounds like Oliver is on the mend now which is great :thumbup: A friend of mine's kids have all got chicken pox at the moment too so I have not seen them for a while. A couple of people have suggested it might be better for Joni to catch it now rather than when she is older. However, I just can't bring myself to knowingly expose her to it. Besides, I have enough to contend with on the teething symptoms front without adding chickenpox too :lol:
I am so sorry that your Mum has said such hurtful things to you :hugs: As for not going back to work, you have no reason to be ashamed!! Besides, as you have said you are not giving up work entirely, just changing your career direction for a while in order to spend more time with Oliver. If I could afford to give up work entirely and be a SAHM I would totally do it. I think it is entirely reasonable to expect your family and friends to call Oliver by his formal name. Personally, I consider using an abbreviated or a pet name for someone when they, or in this case their parents, only use the full name really quite rude. I really hope you Mum uses the opportunity of a new year to look back on the things she has said to you and apologises.

Maybebaby - yay for the laptop :happydance: and fixed for a fraction of the price had you gone to a shop I expect :winkwink: I am glad the weather has been nice for you and hope you have managed to get all your errands done while the sun was shining.

Sarah - :haha: at your bank balance. I think my bank balance breathed a sign of relied when I banned myself from buying anything from amazon :winkwink: Now if I want something I get hubby to buy it so I don't end up buying loads of things on top of the thing I actually needed. See below for the teething update :nope: I am the same as you and try to keep calpol for bedtime only. I am glad you had a nice time with your friend :hugs: I saw one of my yoga mum's today. Her baby is 9 days younger than Joni and it is lovely to see them growing and developing alongside one-another. They both sat up opposite each other today playing with a pile of toys on the floor in between them and kept laughing at each other when they waved various toys around in the air :cloud9:

Modo - fingers crossed Bobby's top teeth come through with minimal fuss. Good luck with the nappy tonight!

Amy - I just smile and nod when people say things how much Joni does or not eat :winkwink: I hope you find a way to talk to Kerry about hours/money without it ending in a row :hugs:

Emera -
1. How the hell does he make sooo much mess in 1 1/2 days
2. Why can't he clear up after himself?
3. How come i still have to do all the housework and work and take care of Roh, when he just plays with Roh feeds him, changes him and makes a mess?!?!
Good grief I could have written that. Hubby has been a lot better at helping out with Joni but when I take over again I have to work twice as hard to catch up on all the chores not done on top of all the extra mess, bloomin men :rolleyes: I have been entertaining the idea of writing a rota/schedule with Joni's routine and general chores alongside each other and leaving it around for hubby to find in the hope he might get the message :-k I hope you enjoy your soup :hugs:

Well today has been a l-o-n-g day. Joni went down for a nap at 12 only to wake 40mins later :shrug: I left her for 15 minutes to see if she would go back to sleep but it just did not happen. So I got her up and she proceeded to scream at me for half an hour because she was still tired :rolleyes: I eventually retreated to the kitchen for a couple of minutes to snatch a bite to eat and when I was out of sight Joni stopped crying and started chatting to herself and playing with her toys :dohh: Whenever I came back through to check on her she would cry when she saw me and quieten down when I was gone :confused: It would seem that separation anxiety is defunct in this house and instead Joni has proximity anxiety :haha: So in the end I spent half an hour hiding out in the kitchen eating lunch :munch: drinking coffee :coffee: and doing the washing up :dishes: We went out to a friends for the afternoon and Joni was very tired and fretful but refused to nap. Of course she fell asleep in the car when we left in about a minute and a half :rolleyes: Bedtime could have gone 50/50, thankfully Joni just conked out :thumbup: Fingers crossed for a vaguely decent night [-o<

Joni took a bit of a tumble while we were out, nothing major though. SHe was sitting up and then launched herself forward and ended up on her front. I was right nearby and she did not knock herself as far as I could see. Then about an hour later I noticed a graze on her forehead :shock: and could only think she must grazed her head on the floor when she flopped over and given herself a carpet burn. I felt so bad, then when we got home the mark washed off in the bath :rofl: It must have been the baby biscotti she ate :haha:

On a positive note I have had a really good eating day :thumbup: I decided last night what I would eat for the entire day and I have stuck to it! I have my plan for tomorrow and I am really going to try to have another good day.

Righto, I could happily type fo ages but I really must go to bed and try to catch some :sleep: as who knows when Joni will wake :winkwink:

Night night all, sweet dreams :hugs:
frufru - proximity anxiety tickled me :haha::rofl: she sounds like such a little character! I'm also glad the graze washed off :haha::haha:

Thats great news about your eating plan for today. You sound really upbeat and positive too, I find that achieving little goals I set myself when I am down really helps me too (like taking my working hours into my own hands :blush::haha:). I hope you have a good night with Joni!

The girls are back at school tomorrow, I had better make their sandwiches, clean their school shoes and sort out their school bags. There goes any chance of a decent bedtime for me! :dohh: night ladies xxx
Teehee, proximity anxiety :haha:

Glad Joni's graze washed off :winkwink: I've rapidly stopped worrying so much about Roh falling over now that he's doing it about 10 times a day :dohh: Its a rare hour that he doesn't have a big red mark on his face or head somewhere from crashing into something! I've taken to clapping and saying well done everytime he falls "well" As in not directly onto his face, but rather landing more or less on his bum, and he's stopped crying everytime he falls now, he only cries if it hurts, then i know to check him over and give him a cuddle. He's also worked out that letting go of what he's holding and lunging for something is a bad idea :haha: He now spends a long time thinking about how he's going to get somewhere to reach what he wants, you can almost see him sizing up the distance and choosing his method. He's still not as good at getting down back to the floor as he is at standing up, but he's getting there. All we need now is for him to start moving the right leg when he's cruising, so he stops ending up with his legs crossed over and tripping up :dohh:

Night night! x
Morning :wave:

Well Joni gave us a decent night :) She woke at 12ish for a couple of ounces and then slept until 6.20 :thumbup: Granted I did not go to sleep until 1am but that still equates to just over 5 hours straight sleep so I am feeling remarkably chipper this morning!

Amy - I totally know what you mean about goals. Sometimes I can get lost and overwhelmed trying to look at the bigger picture. Breaking the bigger picture down into snapshots and dealing with them one at a time is much more manageable :thumbup: That being said I had my list a month or two ago and I have to say it went really well and I got more than two thirds of it done :) Since then I have not updated it or looked at any of the remaining points. Your post about goals has inspired me and I am busy making a new list ;)
I hope you managed to get to bed at a vaguely respectable hour :hugs:

Emera - I am trying to mentally prepare myself for the numerous injuries Joni will most likely inflict on herself once she starts crawling and cruising :wacko: I think the way you have positively encouraged Roh when he falls 'safely' is great and I will be doing the same sort of thing with Joni. When my eldest niece was a toddler she was lightening quick and would always find the scariest riskiest thing to do/play with in any situation :rolleyes: the funniest thing was that we would always warn her to be careful, that what she was doing could be dangerous and she might hurt herself, to the point where she nicknamed herself "Dangerous Ella" :rofl: We have great fun telling this story now she is a teenager :haha: I keep thinking I must start writing down some of the funny and charming things Joni does in case I forget. I am sure she will be so pleased when I get my notebook out when she is a teenager to embarass, oops I mean regale her with stories of her youth :winkwink:

I've decided I really like the jolly rodger food mat :mrgreen: Hubby pointed out that it can double up as a craft mat too which was perfect timing as I am currently entertaining the idea of making some edible paint and doing lots of hand prints to send as thank you cards for Joni's Christmas presents. Here is a picture of Joni astride her sea of jolly rodgers at breakfast this morning:

After yesterdays nap strike Joni went down this morning without a fuss :thumbup: so I suppose I should really take advantage of the peace and quiet and do some chores. Hubby is on a late shift today and is still in bed which is a bit of a bummer as I wanted to clean in there :dohh: nevermind, I will start in the bathroom instead.

Have a lovely day everyone :hugs:
modo - how did the reusables go last night?

sarah - i really need to get into some sort of sleep training but i am just sooooo drained that i just find it easier to shove my boob in his mouth when he wakes. i really need to start something as i dont get time to do anything in the night time as he just wakes after i have put him down and just wants boob/cuddles so i have a shit hole for a home and piles of ironing to do :dohh: i do have a routine in as much as he has dinner bath bf to sleep but no more than that :blush:

frufru - glad you got a good night's sleep! love the pic! owen sometimes suffers from the aptly named 'proximity anxiety'. he'll be ok and then if he sees me he starts to cry and wants to be picked up :dohh:

amy - good luck with the reducing hours application! we can't do part time or reduced hours as teachers here :grr: unlike the UK. it is totally unfair as i know lots of other girls who'd happily do a job share :growlmad: there are loads of teachers here so the deptartment of education can basically do as they please. teachers coming back from qualifying in the UK now can have at least a 5yr wait as a supply teacher before being given a permanent and pensionable post :shocked: glad i only had to do a year on supply!

emera - :grr: having a man is like having an extra child. my DH leaves his pants and socks and clothes all over the floor. hardly a good example for the kids :growlmad:

my DH had a moment od guilt yesterday and he said he was feeling guilty for basically doing bugger all round the house. he said he was going to try and do more. i will believe it when i see it :haha: but i guess at least he realises that the things dont get done on their own. if he did a little bit then we would have such a better living environment as it is impossible for me to have a perfect looking house and look after and do everything for the kids singlehandedly! watch this space............... and on that note i'm off to do the chores! dylan is not back to school til monday but erin is in nursery today and tomorrow so at least i have the morning without them fighting. i hope it's just a phase as they fight all the time and i was really hoping that with such a small age gap they'd grow up really close and be really good friends!

have a lovely day everyone :hugs:
Hey all- sorry not a proper update from me ... was up sick all night again last night so feeling really rough. Fortunately Dave has taken the day off work to help with Amy so i think i might go back to bed for a little bit. x

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