Moving over from the ttc after loss thread

Well I'm pregnant. Faint bfp on a superdrug test this morning (9dpo)

I feel anxious as no symptoms apart from mild cramping and with jack I had sore boobs from really early on. Hope you can see it


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Congratulations bobster, your news has made my day. I saw the email notification of your post in the H&M changing room and I let out a little shriek. So excited for you.

Of course you will worry given all our previous experiences but honestly with Greg and the one before I had no symptoms at all.

I bet DH is happy!

How you feeling? Will you do a digital?
Thanks jane. I'm still in shock! I've made a Tshirt for jack to wear for when OH gets home saying 'I'm going to be a big brother'! So I told you guys before him hahah poor OH. I really hope it's a sticky one. I don't think I'll start to relax until after I've seen bean on a scan! Xxx
My line does look the same strength as 9dpo with jack so that's good at least. I think I implant early as I could see where the line was meant to be at 7dpo on the night and then the shadow colourless line appeared when I tilted it shortly after the time limit at 8dpo. I really want to get excited but I'm so scared of jinxing it!
Love the t-shirt idea bobster. It was so worth tiring out OH this cycle wasn't it! Let us know how the news goes down- I wonder if he'll spot the t shirt right away!

We all totally understand how you feel. I bet your finding it hard to focus on anything else today. I'm so happy for you. I was feeling really glum and negative this morning and your news totally made my day :hugs:

Did you use pre seed this cycle? Was this your 3rd cycle trying?
What days did you dtd and your positive OPK? (Looking for some tips here!)
Ahhhhh!!! Bobster that is awesome news! Great line for 9dpo. I know I'm super hormonal right now, but that seriously brought a little tear to my eye. Congrats 😀
OMG OMG OMG!!! So excited Bobster!! how many DPO? sorry didn't have time to read, I just wanted to check to see a test update. I forgot to reply yday I thought I saw something.
OK, I had time to read more. I agree that is a great line for 9DPO!! Most are still negative that early. I'm sure it's sticky.

And MLM, I don't think it's just your hormones. The big brother t-shirt got me right in the feels. :)

Jane, I'm not quite TTC just yet. I've been doing OPKs just to see when and make sure I am OV before we start next month. Aug is technically 3 months after my measles booster, and since I ov pretty early in the month I want to wait til Sept to make sure I've built up enough immunity. How are your tests going? I'm supposed to OV Thurs so I hope to see a dark line tonight.

MLM, hope sleep gets better soon. I've read and been warned newborns are pretty nocturnal the first few weeks and that should change soon. Finn wasn't that way, I just remember the nurses, our parenting class and our ped all saying that was normal and common. I can't remember the exact reasons right now.
Thanks ladies for your reassurance. I'm just shocked as the only symptoms I've had is Achey back and cramps which reminds me of the mc's. I hope my period doesn't come. I did a frer im which has the best Line out of all of them. I might keep an eye on the strength of the line every 2 days to make sure it's getting darker. My frer from 9dpo is stronger than jacks though so that must be a good thing. Stay away af! I'm just going out to meet a friend who's having Ivf so I really hope it works for her or I'll feel awful. I did an opk too just to test the theory that it goes positive and it didn't so don't bother with that haha. The peeing obsession begins!

Jane I will let u know which days I dtd according to o tomorrow. I know we dtd much more than previous cycles though. It was roughly the same pattern that we dtd for jack.

Mackjess good idea using opk's this month to get an idea of your cycle. Will you avoid dtd this month? Has Finn settled into the new house?

Mlm I second warming the cot up too. We used to wrap a hot water bottle up and put it in there before he went in. I think when they are so little they just want as much human contact and cuddles as possible as it must feel scary and strange being in the world and adjusting. When I think back to the stress of no sleep it worries me but at least we all now know it's not forever!
Have a lovely evening out bobster. Will you say to your friend or not yet?

I'm keeping everything crossed for you that it's sticky.

Did OH spot the t shirt?

Mackjess, I think I don't usually o until around day 20 and only cd13 today so a positive is a way off yet. Hoping I do get a positive OPK as this is my first month using them. Still getting faint lines and will start testing twice a day as it gets closer, will be interesting to see if I o when I think I do.

I mentioned to DH how many times I want to dtd this cycle (only every other night for like a week) and he didn't seem too keen :growlmad:
How can he not be keen! God men... Honestly I felt like I was moles molestering my man as he didn't want it as often as we did it. But straight after Hess all up for it! Maybe it's because of the pressure of performing for us at the right time.. Maybe keep quiet when you get your positive jane. I found having more concentrated (darker) urine helped get a nice strong line at ovulation as when I retested later on with dilute urine it wasn't positive
Hey ladies,

Can I join this thread? I just had a miscarriage last week at 5 weeks and I have been having a hard time emotionally over it. Would love to talk to more ladies rather than just googling.

We want a second child. However, now I am finding myself with a recurring thought. Is it mean of me to try again since we lost our baby. I feel like it is very mean of me.

The Doctor says something did not form right in regards to cells. However, to me it was still or should have been my baby. And I lost my baby.

Hi Aspe, welcome.
Sorry for your loss.
It's not mean at all to start trying again straight away and many women do.
For me I didn't get pregnant for about another 6 months after my first loss (we were trying for #1) and looking back, in some ways I'm glad that I had that chance to mourn my loss rather than smoothing over the grief with another pregnancy. With my second loss it's been nearly a year and only now am I feeling ready to try again wholeheartedly.

Did you get pregnant easily with #1?
I think he's really tired bobster, he is constantly on the go (he has a long commute, 12 hour days, broken sleep and is training for a big race in September). But I asked him while I was on AF if he wanted to try again this cycle and he said yes 'just let me know when you're back in action' were his words.
I will just have to jump him when i get the positive opk- hope i don't miss the surge now!
Greg will be staying at the inlaws for 3 nights from Sunday so hoping the positive will coincide with then and we can at least do it more than once.
Greg is going to be 3 by the time I fall pregnant at this rate!

How you doing this morning bobster?

Did you get your positive OPK mackjess?
Sorry, yet another post from me!

bobster you know the pound shop OPKs, you said they 'fade in' you mean that they get progressively darker over the days leading to ovulation?

I've got a much darker test this morning but unfortunately I chucked the wee before I could confirm with a digital as I thought it is way to early for me (cd14 of a 34 day cycle seems early). No EWCM yet but a bit wetter.

What do you think, is this a negative as not as dark at the control line?

Test line is the one closest to the white end. Think I will jump DH tonight anyway :winkwink:


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Jane, it took us about 6 months to conceive my first son. I had an hysteroscopy and once the bleeding stopped, we proceeded to baby dance. Then I fell pregnant. I say to this day, that procedure must have cleaned me out and/or my cervix was still open for me to get pregnant so fast after.

I ordered some digital ovulation tests the other day, as I prefer those over line tests. To me, subconsciously, that told me I wanted to try again.

However, the thought in my mind all the time is, if I should. Like, I just lost my precious baby. Should I be able to conceive again. Maybe this should be the end to ttc. Why should I be allowed to have another baby if my last one never had a chance to be born.
Be kind to yourself Aspe, your loss was only last week.
Only time will tell how you feel as your cycle progresses.
Thanks. My emotions are running pretty strong now.
In reality, is it mean of me to ttc again? Or really, just me being emotionally torn yet.
It is not mean to start TTC again Aspe and I think you have already decided that you want to.
Perhaps emotionally you may benefit from waiting a month or two but that's completely up to you and DH.

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