Moving over from the ttc after loss thread

The damn smiley face is there again today (cd22) that's 3 days in a row now. I know you're supposed to stop testing once you get your positive but as this cycle is a fact finding mission for me I thought i would see how long my surge is- after researching what's going on I don't think I could have o'd yet :dohh: EWCM is non existent now, I am crampy and boobs a little sore.
I have read that with PCOS you can have a longer surge so maybe this is what's going on.

We dtd last night but thinking I may have to jump DH again tonight. We're pretty worn out now though.

Did you see the GP and get referred to the midwife now bobster?
I remember you saying about maybe looking for a new house from August time, will you wait or start looking?
Jane it's quite common to get a few days of smilies. I would stop testing. If your ewcm has gone I bet O day is today. Mine always dries up on the day I actually o anyway. Wouldn't they have seen pcos if you had it on the scans you've had in the past? Maybe not I don't know. Do you have any pcos symptoms like being hairy, overweight, acne etc?

I wouldn't worry Jane I have read about loads of ladies getting 3+ days of smilies. What are the cheap ones doing? Maybe go off those ones now to save your digis.

I rang the gp today and booked in with them. Apparently I've got to see them first before seeing the midwife. Seems like a waste of a gp appointment doesn't it with your second baby. I did another test today, the superdrug one was darker than the control line but my work one is still wayyy lighter! They are such rubbish tests! Still feeling so anxious all the time about if my symptoms are going or with the possibility of another mc. I think the heart starts beating in week 5 which is crazy. How on earth is it all possible!

We're looking for houses at the moment. We have a week off in September so hoping to go and get our letter of principle then so we can start making offers. The house prices in York are crazy high though so it may take some time to find one in our budget where we want to live. What about you? Will you move when baby no.2 comes?
I feel so weird with this pregnancy. I don't feel pregnant yet but I just keep crying over everything. I'm not usually a crier. I just feel really down and emotional all the time and I'm not sure why. I don't have that happy excited feeling this time around. I hope that doesn't sound bad like I'm ungrateful because I'm not at all.. I just can't seem to shake this sad/emotional feeling I have (weird).
Maybe it's a girl bobster, that extra estrogen messing with you.
Exciting that you're house hunting too...prices here have exploded too.

Cheapie OPKs are also positive. Ultrasounds before we started TTC showed that I had PCO but she stopped short of saying I had the syndrome part so maybe it's a factor, I don't know. I'm also getting twinges on both sides so maybe I'm releasing two eggs this month :shrug:. Anyway DH said we will dtd tonight one last time!

It is a waste of GPs time, they've just introduced a midwife self referal form you can do online down here :thumbup:
Hmmmm something's definitely happening in there if you are getting twinges. So exciting! Looks like you've well and truly covered all bases. Now hope this 2ww goes quickly for you!

I have boy vibes from this little bean. Can only see me having boys now as can't imagine a girl. I just hope to God it's healthy. I always thought I'd want a girl but I'm not so sure now as I love having a little boy.

Jane are you on prenatals? Did you do baby aspirin or anything with greg? I can't remember now. I've been on baby aspirin since ovulation as I'm copying what I did with Jack. Also started taking omega 3 and vitamin d.

Self referral makes sense. It's a shame I couldn't just talk to the go over the phone even to save an appointment for someone who needs it.
Yey OPKs are negative today. Will take yesterday as o day (cd22) to coincide with the twinges and EWCM drying up. We didn't dtd on o day but did for the 3 days leading up to it (hope it's enough). 2ww now...sigh.

Yes taking prenatals bobster but not baby aspirin. I had taken ba with Greg but the heavy bleeding I had at week 5/6 really scared me and I wonder if it was so heavy because of the ba so opted not to use this time.

You've got your tracker up :thumbup:

We will stay put in this house for baby #2 but DH job may be moving in the next year so may need to move for that. For now we will stay put. It's cramped (small 3 bed) but we can afford it on one salary.

Have you allowed your self to think about buggies and names bobster or just too early for all that?
Did you used to watch one born every minute, I was obsessed when pregnant with Greg. I guess we know a bit more what to expect this time!

How you doing Mlm and Mack?
Oh I dont blame you for not getting a bigger house if it means you can live off one wage. Our house when we buy it too will be tiny as we can't afford a big one. That will be hard as the rented house we live in currently is quite roomy and we've filled it!

I put a ticker on yesterday but I still feel cautious about it. My work tests are as dark as the control line though (finally!) so hopefully that means things are progressing. They only ever got that dark with jacks pregnancy so fingers crossed.

I think OH will go mad if I say I want a new buggy after the last fiasco but I have had my eye on the silver cross surfs, and of course the bugaboos which do occasionally sell cheaper second hand. What about you? Will you get another one? Jacks still in the sola but he's nearly outgrown it. It pushes so well compared to the gold up strollers
Woo hoo Jane, yay for the positive opks. And you dtd plenty of times, fingers crossed for you!

Love your new ticker Bobster! I'm sure you'll start feeling more confident in this pregnancy as time goes on. Reassuring about your work tests though!
Yes thanks mlm.

How are you getting on? Are you enjoying it? Is it weird having another newborn or are you used to it now? Is hubby back to work now? Sorry for all the questions !
I am really enjoying having a newborn. You forget how little and cuddly they are. DH is back at work- it has been challenging at times, but I feel like I can handle it. I think I'm going to have to get a wrap for baby wearing though, I think it will make it easier than carrying the baby around all the time. I really don't want to jinx myself, but so far things are going well and are not as scary as I imagined. I think I have a calmer attitude this time too, I just feel so grateful and so in love with my kids. Cheesy, I know 😀. I will say though that I have relied on Sesame Street a little too much at times to entertain Norah- sometimes it's just easier. Oh well.
My complaint- I'm missing my sleep. I'm the kind of person that does not function well on little sleep. I love getting in my 9 hours and I miss that!!!
Well done Mlm, it's good to know it is not too bad! Good idea with the baby sling. The sleep disruption is really hard though isn't it, hope it won't last too long for you. Do you think you'd be tempted to have a third one or you are definitely done?

Pleased your work tests are finally catching up bobster but they sound pretty awful compared to the others you have been using.
The surf is a nice looking buggy but someone I know who has one said the basket is too small and can't even fit a loaf of bread in- just a thought.
I think we will make do with the buggy we have and get one of those buggy boards for Greg to stand on.

I'm only 1 dpo but feeling really negative this month despite how many times we've dtd. We had one last bash at it yesterday just in case! Anyway we shall see!
Have you told close family and friends bobster?
What is your due date from your LMP?
Due date from ovulation is 24th April. Not told any family yet but I've told a couple of close friends. Otherwise keeping it quiet. I think we'll tell family sooner than the scan but we've not had them all together yet so no chance to. I just want to get past 6 weeks and take it from there. I had the first mc at 5+3 so that will be reassuring too. I just keep thinking what if there's nothing there when they do the scan. 3 weeks to wait! I'm toying with the idea of doing my last digi tonight... I don't know whether to wait until tomorrow instead. Hoping to get 3+.

Jane how's the 2ww going? i felt really negative too so it doesn't mean anything! I was sure we missed it and felt really upset about. I remember thinking OH wasn't really into it either and I felt like I pressured him into it so I worried that may affect how much sperm were there too. You dtd pretty much the same amount as me this cycle so you never know :)

Mlm I can't tell you how reassuring it is to read how you are getting on! I'm so glad you are not finding it too much of a struggle. It's bound to be harder getting out of the house and things. A baby sling is a really good idea. Have you got a double buggy for when Audrey's older or will you just use a buggy board? So glad you are enjoying it. I must say I'm looking forward to squidging another newborn. I loved it when he fell asleep on me in bed.

I think I'm going to try and use a sling this time around too. I didn't use one much with Jack. Over in the UK we have places called sling library's where you can go and get advice about slings and rent them to try them out for a week. Do you have anything like that?
I just tested again on the digi and it says 2-3 even though I got that 7 days ago. My test from 19dpo to 21dpo (today) has also got slightly lighter. Don't know what this means but it has worried me slightly. I'm still have signs like sore boobs, tiredness and dizziness so hopefully it's not a mc but time will tell I guess. I know testing is probably a bad idea as it makes me obsessed. I was going to stop after a 3+ on the digi but now I will probably carry on to see if the lines darken or get lighter as that will tell me my fate. It's such a worry. I can't wait until I never have to do this ttc lark again!
Those dating digis can be a bit behind bobster- didn't you have the same with jack? I remember with Greg I had a similar thing. I waited a couple of days more for them to catch up and I got my 3+. With the normal HPTs they can be so variable. You have had good progression to date and I wouldn't worry about those ones now unless you've had cramping and heavy bleeding to accompany it. It's hard not to let your mind wonder though isn't it. Hugs.

All being well would you announce on jacks 2nd birthday or maybe it's too long to wait?

I'm not feeling too hopeful this cycle, which is silly given we've done more bd then ever before and using's my defence mechanism and negativity even more so since losing the tube. Going to try and hold out until bank holiday Monday to test.
I am similar to you Jane. I always think the worst after cycles where I've been quite positive previously and had bfn. I think it can be quite a good defence mechanism though as if it isn't your month you haven't got hopes up too high. Did you have twinges more from one side than another this cycle? I'm not sure that even means anything though as both ovaries are doing things during o time.

Thanks for reassurance it helped a lot to read your experience. I just trawled back through our old thread to find out when I got 3+ with Jack and it looks like it was on 23dpo so ill buy some more tests to use on Tuesday. OH will probably kill me but nevermind. He thinks I'm crazy I'm sure. He may be right!

It was so strange reading our old thread from when we were all pregnant together and talking about our bumps and fruits. I hope you and Mack fall soon so we can compare notes again!

You ladies have been great cyber friends to share all these weird and wonderful ttc worries with :) and now mlm is a mum of 2! :) :)
Did you get your 3+ bobster?

I'm 4/5 dpo and feeling impatient to test! :coffee:
Yes got 3+ today whoop! That's it for testing now as it's got a bit ridiculous. I have a stash in my handbag that I carry around with me so OH won't find them in the bin. They are in a bag but it's a bit weird really isn't it so I will ditch them today and stop testing now. I hope you don't think I'm too weird for confessing that lol!

4-5dpo is The worst because you are neither here or there. Are you going to try to hold out testing or do you think you'll test early? It's so hard when you have tests in the house not to test early. Are you feeling any different?

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