Moving over from the ttc after loss thread

Yey bobster! Lol it's not weird at all. This is how I am with my chocolate wrappers! I hope getting the result has put your mind at ease a little.
Next milestone is previous mc date of 5+3 for you? That's tomorrow right?

I'm trying to hold out until 10 dpo but fear I might cave in early. Usually I keep the tests in the bathroom cabinet but I've stuck them under the bed in a drawer with a ridiculously stiff child proof lock so if I do want to test it will be a mission to get to them and plan to only break them out next Sunday at the earliest! I'm so bad for early testing!

I had the urge yesterday so used a cheap OPK just to get the thrill lol. Is that crazy?
Lol! Are you my twin???

It is crazy but I'm glad I'm not the only one to do things like that.

Good job on putting them in the child proofed box under the bed. I'm actually laughing out loud now at the thought of you locking them up away from yourself! Lol lol We are all crackers...
I had to take a box of pregnancy tests to another clinic that we run and I pinched about 10 out of the box and put them in the glove box and forgot about them. OH found them. What he must think of me! Lol
We are crackers bobster!
I reckon our dh's must know by now that TTC makes us nuts!

No symptoms to speak of bobster. A couple of twinges maybe but nothing out of the ordinary from a non pregnant cycle.
lol, I am laughing about the bed under the box and the glove box of tests. POAS is REAL ladies, it is real. :)

Not much to report here. Housewarming party this Saturday so have been busy. We have had dinners the last 2 weekends and guests stay last weekend so that was fun. Love the roomier house. One of our friends has a son 3 years older than Finn and they played and were thick as thieves. After they left DH mentioned that Finn needs a sibling. Panicked me a bit! I don't want to get anyones hopes up.

Waiting for AF in a few days, then soon to TTC.

FX Jane! and Bobster lovely about the tests. The 3+ is very reassuring I'm sure.
You guys are too funny, I love it haha. I actually still have a box of my old pregnancy tests stashed under my sink from when I was checking to make sure my lines were darkening. It's oddly difficult for me to toss them out, I don't know why!

Awesome on your 3+ Bobster! Good luck holding out to test Jane, I know I never could 😀. I'm feeling positive for you this cycle!

I did get a double stroller. It is a side by side (Britax B-Agile), and my only concern is it being too wide for doorways or aisles. I think it will be perfect for walks outside, parks, zoos, etc though. Maybe I'll get a riding board too though.
Oh yes mlm I always had the worry of side by side ones being too wide too. On the other hand though with the double ones that are stackered I always feel sorry for the little baby underneath. How are you getting on with getting Audrey to sleep in her basket now?

Jane how's the 2ww going? Are you 6 or 7 dpo today? Any more twinges?

Mackjess when's next predicted O due? I'm glad you are enjoying your new house. and it's good hubby sounds keen to have another.

Afm I keep getting cramps (different to af ones) that are panicking me slightly. I think it's because I'm really constipated. I am usually really regular. It feels like lots of pressure in my womb and is really uncomfortable. Nausea also started last night and I had it this morning too but it seems to be ok at the moment. With Jack it didn't start until 7 weeks so I was hoping i would have a few weeks without it first but it is strangely reassuring I guess.
Mlm-I feel bad it seems like we hardly take Finn anywhere or used our stroller. I'm not sure if I will get a double or a sit and stand if I have another. I hope I'll use it more. =/

Set to OV around the 8th of Sept. Pretty pleased that AF started yday right on time.

Jane, FX for you. How is 2WW going? I'm already antsy so I know it's going to kill me.

Bobster lovely symptoms. I'm jealous. :)
Not long until your o date mackjess! Fingers crossed for 2 May/June babies :)
Break out the All bran bobster! Eeek for the nausea but reassuring as you say. Do you use sea bands? They helped me previously.

Yey mackjess, pleased your cycle is behaving and not long until you o next- your cycle sounds lovely and short, how many days is it? My 34-39 cycle seems like an age!

I'm 6/7 dpo. To be honest I could be more as I've chosen the first negative day after the 3 in a row smiley faces/and day after that as 1dpo. Some people would argue to count the day after the first positive as 1dpo which makes me 9dpo today- hmmm can you tell I'm trying to justify testing tomorrow- naughty I know!
No real symptoms to speak of, the odd brief twinge in the ovary area and more centrally below- will keep you posted!
FX for you Jane!

I'm weird and I like testing early. yes I'm disappointed by negatives, but at the same time it gives me something to do so I still feel less impatient. But I know others getting a BFN is really hard so it's best to skip it. I think I'm just too nosey to not be an early tester. :p
Jane I too counted the day after the last :) opk as as 1dpp. I think that's more accurate so try to hold off a few more days if you can
BFN this morning at 7/8 dpo on a super drug 10 mI/UL.
A bit disheartened but it's still early. Will test again in a coupe of days.

You're right mackjess the testing early helps with feeling impatient but the negatives torment me a little.

Good to know you count dpo the same way bobster- gives me hope that I'm just testing a little too early. I've only ever got a BFP once at 8dpo the others have been closer to af. Maybe I'm not out yet :nope:.

Got a christening on Sunday. One of those annoying couples that got pregnant first time trying and didn't have a loss. Seems so easy for some.
Oh yes Jane I know a few of those people too. Don't worry about bfn it's still super early. Will you test daily now or wait a few days?

I'm starting to panic a bit about doing it all again. I think logically I know it will be all fine but I think now I feel nauseous it's more real. OH says the only thing that's worrying him at the moment is whether it's healthy (which I am too) but it's more about being off work and lonely and struggling with practicalities.i have an awful vision of not being able to leave the house which I know is rediculous because I know I will get used to it and adapt. I think I must just like being a stress head (although I don't) waffle waffle...
How is the cramping bobster, feeling better after a BM?

Was going to try and hold out until Sunday or Monday. This afternoon my boobs have had tingly/shooting pains and my nipples are starting to feel sore which isn't a usual pre af sign for me but I am also getting PMT- only time will tell.

There's a horrible story line going on in Eastenders so I would avoid that bobster. It must be hard to be full of beans for jack whilst feeling sicky.
I remember trying to leave the house with Greg as a newborn. It was like mobilising a small army but now it's old hat and definitely easier. I'm sure Mlm will give you the low down on the practicalities of having two and like with all this baby stuff it will be trial and error initially :hugs:
Yes I know it will. I just feel daunted as it didn't come as easily to me as I thought it would with Jack. I didn't feel that instant bond that I expected. But I think it's because I was stressing about bf and everything else that I didn't allow myself time to bond properly. I'm sure this time it will be different. One thing I will do differently this time is not have any visitors apart from family for the first week or 2 as we completely overdid it the first time.

Jane what's the story line in Eastenders? We always watch it but missed tonight as we had guests round for a take away.

Those symptoms sound promising. early on in the 2ww I remember my nips felt different too. And i got emotional and arsey too (up and down) just like before af. Ooo I really hope this is your month!
I cried to the health visitor and then later admitted to DH that I didn't feel that overwhelming motherly love that you hear about and see in films when Greg was born. I didn't for many months after. I was numb and in shock from him coming early and how crazy the first two weeks of SCBU were and the relentless schedule of feeding, little sleeping etc. I beat myself up big time with the disappointment of failing to breast feed.
I understand bobster. I think having the benefit of experience will help a lot next time around.

Rubbish- looked through my cycle log and in June I had sore nipples 4 days before af was due....hmm looks like that symptom could be a red herring. Oh well

Shabham and Kush baby is still born. No heartbeat in tonight's episode.
Oh don't worry Jane. Every cycle Ttc this time I had different symptoms per dpo. Some months I'd have no sore bbs at all and some I did. I honestly don't think we can go on these symptoms too much as pregnancy ones are the same as af. One thing I did notice this time however was dizziness and increased cm. But I didn't record either of those symptoms in jacks pregnancy so could be a fluke! When do you plan to retest? I can sense some bfp's coming up in the next few months and I can't wait :)

I'm glad I missed that episode! Very sad. it's really scary and doesn't bare thinking about :(

I felt the same as you when jack was born. I think it was the sleep deprivation, hormones and pressure of bf for me. I bet it's more common than we think. I remember crying to health visitor too. We'll be fine as we are prepared for what's to come this time and look at our bonds with our cherubs now :)

Went to look at 2 houses today which we fell in love with. Theres one which is affordable comfortably but the 3rd bedroom is very small, the other exceeds our budget slightly but is absolutely gorgeous and has 3 very generous double bedrooms. We are hoping dans parents may offer to help us with 5k as we could afford it but couldn't afford the stamp duty and fees on top of the deposit. They offered a long time ago to give us 5 but haven't mentioned it since when we've chatted about houses so now we're not sure if the offer still stands and it's awkward to bring it up. They do seem to say things but not follow them through a lot so I'm learning to take what they say with a pinch of salt.

Do you guys get on with your in laws? I do on the whole but have absolutely nothing in common with them and at times his mum irritates me.. She's not been very nice to my OH when he was younger and has always spoilt and doted on his younger sister who has everything. Dan didn't even get a 30th birthday present off them which upset him :(

How's mlm and mackjess?

I do hope Phez returns one day to say hello
I'm sure it's totally normal to worry about having another baby Bobster. At least I hope it's normal, because I definitely did! I also didn't have that instant bond the first time. It took a few weeks, which made me feel so bad! I definitely had that quick connection this time though... Maybe it's common because we are so nervous and everything is so new the first time?

Your symptoms sound good Jane. I'm so hopeful for you this cycle, especially since it seems like you had such great timing with dtd!

Nothing new to report here. Just figuring out how to manage two kiddos all day by myself now. We are getting by without any major incidents so far!
That's great mlm! You sound like you are doing a brilliant job :) I bet Norah loves having a baby sister

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