Moving over from the ttc after loss thread

I'm thinking boy again but OH is thinking girl. I feel the same as last time so I'm basing it on that..

That soft play idea sounds good... I might suggest something like that for Jack as well as the party. There's a place Here called creepy cralies, we took him once and I found it quite painful but I'm sure he'd love to go back. I have decided that I can't e around other people's children for too long, only my friends or my own!
I so know what you mean bobster! I can't stand those soft play places for very long.

How did the scan go?
Scan went well thanks Jane :) you can see the umbilical cord in this one. Feel relieved!


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That's an awesome scan picture bobster. So happy for you that everything looked good, must be very reassuring :flower:
Do you think you're starting to show a bump quicker this time around?
Awesome news and scan picture Bobster!!! Yay!! Hope you feel reassured.
Yes I do. Although it's amazing how quickly the reassurance fades and you worry again. But all was on time and looked ok so that's good.

How's everyone else?

The UK is awfully miserable today, grey skies and rain. What do you do on wet weather days with Greg Jane? We're off from work this week but not sure what to do with Jack.

Mlm I can't believe that audrey is already nearly 6 weeks old!!!

Mackjess when's next ovulation due for you?

Jane have you written a list of questions for gp? I wonder if they might scan you to see if you still have cysts?
Omg the little cord, that's so cute!!! Very happy. And I'll catch up in a bit. Recovering from a business trip and first time away from Finn!!
Hope you have recovered now mackjess. Are you feeling better about everything and ready to Ttc this cycle? Keep us posted when you are in the 2ww.

How's jane and mlm?
Happy 9 weeks bobster. I wonder what fruit you are?

We are good had a lovely time in Portugal and now DH is away for the rest of the month :nope:
Aww great. I bet a holiday was well needed. How was Greg? Did he enjoy splashing about in the pool? Was it completely different having a holiday with toddler? Was he ok on the plane? Was the weather lovely? Boo about hubby being away. Does he often have such long stints away with work?

Mack any updates?

Mlm hope you are still ok. Can imagine how busy you must be!

I'm a grape :) for some reason it wouldn't let me put 2 tickers on. Might change it to the fruits as its a bit more interesting.
Just waiting for af. Glad I waited as things are so much better with dh. Waiting for the next cycle. =)
Wow, a vacation in Portugal sounds so exciting and exotic to me! Glad you and your family enjoyed it Jane!

Things are busy here. Have had a few rough patches, as Norah has been acting out with tantrums and hitting/biting. It's usually only bad on weekends though when her schedule is thrown off. I'm trying to be more stern with her so she understands how she should act, but I will admit to being a bit of a softie with her. Audrey has been good. Still some rough patches of crying before bed, but nothing crazy. Last night was rough with both of them, but thankfully today has been good. I told DH to remind me of last night when I say I want to try for a third, lol.
Haha mlm I said the same to my OH when I was being sick! No more babies for us after this one :)

I know what you mean with finding it hard to be stern. I'm the same with Jack but I'm trying to learn to be stricter when he tantrums. One thing I do now is to put him in his cot when he's naughty. He screams but when I go back in a say are you going to be a good boy now and he says yes just to get out! I only leave him there for like 5 minutes at a time but I think he's learnt that as a punishment now. Reluctant to take the cot sides off for that reason haha. Will have to think of a new punishment soon.

Maybe Norah is trying to get your attention and that's why she's acting out. Could be still adjusting to sharing you with Audrey. This bit is bound to be tough but when they are both a bit older it will be much easier as they will play together and entertain each other so hang on to that thought mamma :)
Mack I'm so glad you are getting on with hubby better now. It will feel so much better ttc when you are both feeling happier. I hope it happens quickly again for you. Are you taking your baby aspirin?

Me and OH haven't had sex for weeks. I just don't feel like it at all as been so nauseous all the time but especially on a night and no energy. I also get irritated really easily at the moment and just don't feel like having him in my personal space. I couldn't get enough when pregnant with Jack and was so content and happy but I feel differently this time. Like anxious of things to come and apprehensive. Maybe this is a normal feeling with the second. OH has been understanding and happy to wait but I feel bad for him as I've not been showing him as much affection as he deserves. Hope these feelings pass when I start to feel less poorly
It's so difficult with the tantrums isn't it and I couldn't imagine them when having a second one to look after at the same time or feeling sick from pregnancy. A book I have says if they don't have any tears when they tantrum to just walk away but if they have tears then they need a cuddle. Difficult to walk away when they're doing it in a shop!
It's a hard situation because Greg tantrums when he doesn't get his own way but I can't let him get his own way all the time. I'm doing reasoning with him rather than time outs or distraction techniques and those sometimes work.

Greg slept the whole plane journey there and back so was no trouble at all! We had a two bed apartment so he could have his own room and had plenty of space so that worked well. Greg does love his swimming and easily made friends with the other toddlers and kicked a ball about. Are you still going to Barcelona bobster?

I've got good quality EWCM and positive OPK but no DH :nope:. It coincides with the same cd last month so that's great.

Pleased things are better with DH mackjess.

Don't be too hard on yourself about affection with OH. Sounds like you two are communicating about it and that goes a long way in my book. Perhaps will be different after the first trimester. Have you got your date through for your 12 week scan? With you do the NT measurement?
Oh lucky you Jane with Greg being such a good boy on the plane. We are going to fuerteventura on the 12th October so it's about 4 hours there and then a 90 minute transfer!hope Jack sleeps too. Jack likes swimming too so I'm hoping he enjoys his time there. We are going with OHs family too so there will be plenty of people to fuss over him.

Yes I try to reason (or bribe) Jack too! I say things like if you do this we can do this and it seems to work well. I like your tip on tears. As soon as a see tears I always give him cuddles anyway but I'll tell my OH that as he's quite firm and will just ignore him even if there are tears sometimes.

I hope it will be better after the first trimester Jane. I'm sure it's just the constant feeling of being hungover that's making me like this. Yes we'll do the nt again. Not had a letter for the 12 week scan yet. Hope to get it soon.

Yay for your opk and ewcm!!! That's great that your cycles are behaving. You will have to get on it next cycle when hubby is back! We need 2 more bfps around here.
Will you fly from an airport up by you bobster or come down to one of the London ones? I found the play areas pretty good in the airports.
Assuming Jack will have his own airplane seat- your baby will be two by then?
Good move going with family, my mum and sister came and was great to get a couple of nights babysat for us while we enjoyed time together.

Are you starting to show quicker with #2?
Nice to hear I'm not alone with the tantrums. I do use time out when she hits or bites, but she freaks out in time out. There are definitely tears when I put her there and I feel so terrible!

Hope you're not too frustrated DH isnt home when you are ov'ing Jane.

Bobster, I felt the same way with my pregnancies. I felt better after 14-16 weeks though, and started to be a bit nicer to DH then 😀 hopefully your MS gets better.

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