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Moving over from the ttc after loss thread

Ah that's ages away mackjess! Nice to see you have your ticker up.

Annabel Karmel does kid food too, she has a variety of books so take a look. I like her recipes.
Mack, Norah was the same way when she was in daycare. Ate everything! Now I can't get her to eat a fruit or veggie to save my life! She only really likes applesauce, great. She's so picky lately.
Fingers crossed they will do your progesterone mack. They never do betas here unless there's something wrong with the pregnancy. They don't do progesterone either. Can you buy progesterone creams and things? Not sure how effective they'd be but might give you some reassurance until you can get them tested.

Annabell karmel is good for baby food. I too have a book of hers. I mixed sweet potato with pretty much everything for Jack as its so easy to cook in the oven. Jack can be fussy at home too. Sometimes he likes things, sometimes he doesn't. Frustrating when you've gone to so much effort to make stuff. I freeze everything now in batches which really helps. Do your nurseries provide food? We have to take his meals and it's such a pain but at least you know they are getting something they will probably eat. He seems to eat more with them than us at home but probably because they are all eating together so copying each other.

Jacks been waking up at 5am and coming into our room full of beans ready for his milk and raisins. We're both drained! We keep walking him back to his bedroom and saying it's still night time but he starts tantruming. He does eventually go and play with his toys until our alarm goes off though. He's getting about 11-12 hour sleep and no naps. Does that sound enough? How much sleep do your little ones get?
Mlm i blend veggies up in a hidden tomato sauce. It's not ideal as I'd prefer him to eat them whole but at least I know he's getting them that way as he tends to try and pick them out of his dinner otherwise.

I fry off onions, garlic, herbs and then cook whatever veg I have in fridge like broccoli, carrot, mushrooms etc and then blend it all with a box of tomato passata, a pinch of sugar and a drizzle of balsamic vinegar. He likes it and u can't really taste the veggies. It tastes a bit like pizza sauce. Then just mix it with pasta and cheese.
what are your kids favourites? Need some inspiration!
Greg loves a vegetable sir fry with noodles and any kind of meat mixed in.
He also loves a lasagna either vegetable or meat.

He may not be the best sleeper but the boy loves his food, especially fruit and veg! I've had other people say to me their toddler eats better at daycare- I agree must be to do with their friends all eating with them.

ugh that's early bobster. We've still got the cot sides on and will do until he is 20!! :haha:
On the days he is up at 5am jack doesn't take a nap? Thats got to be hard.
Greg will nap if hes been up at 6am but if its a later start like 7 hes starting to drop the nap but is in a foul mood by dinner time.

Greg is at nursery this morning and I'm really enjoying giving the house a good clean now all the Christmas decorations are down- what an exciting life I lead!
Norah's favorites are grilled cheese, macaroni and cheese, ravioli, quesadillas- basically carbs and cheese. I have thought about sneaking more veggies in, maybe puréed in sauces is a good idea. I even have to sneak in meat, like small bits of chicken, turkey, or ham in her grilled cheese or quesadilla. Her absolute favorite thing is yogurt, so I can sneak some fruit in that. I would love her to eat whole pieces, and I keep offering, but not having much luck. Hopefully it's a phase she grows out of.

Norah is still a great sleeper. She gets about 11 hours at night and then a 2-3 hour nap in the afternoon. I've been debating when to take her out of the crib, but she sleeps just fine in it so I'm in no rush.
Oh wow Norah does sleep great. Greg does a broken 10 hours and a 1 hr nap.

How you feeling Mack, any symptoms?

Happy 25 weeks bobster.
I have been reading but didnt have a chance to reply.

Af started December 31. It is officially over and on CD7 now. Nice bit to go yet though.
FX for you Aspe. Here's to a new year and a new BFP for you. :)

Finn is pretty much a fruititarian. He loves cheese, dairy and yogurt too so luckily he gets his fat and protein that way. He drives me nuts bc if we get guacamole take out, he will eat the whole bowl of it by himself. If I make guac that tastes the same, he doesn't touch it. :p He likes ham and hot dogs and burgers, which drives me nuts because other than the ham, it's not healthy. He will not touch steak, roast or chicken if his life depended on it. He eats meat at school though, I don't push it too much. There he eats meatballs and pizza and sausage and all of it. He likes green beans sometimes, carrots sometimes, peas sometimes, and corn most of the time. But he'll put away a pound of fruit, milk and yogurt so I feel like that isn't bad as long as he keeps eating meat/veg at school. Fresh fruit is expensive so they only have small servings of that. And he LOVEs Indian, Thai, Venezualan, chinese, mexican, whatever exotic takeout, you name it. I have made some mexican food, 1 venezualan shredded pork roast and hummus before, but I don't have time to cook Mr Man exotic food all the time. It's exhausting. :p Why can't he like meatloaf, chicken bakes, and salisbury steak? those are the mom meals I remember growing up on. ;)

He eats a lot when we go out and run errands. Cracks me up. I am loaded down with snacks like some kind of pack mule and have had to buy another box of granola bars or something while out because he ate everything I brought. :haha:

no symps yet. Maybe little fuller breasts. No weight gain, which I'm ok with. :) I feel bloated a bit too. my cold is finally getting better but I wouldn't be able to tell quite yet if my super smell powers had kicked in.

Also, could I be on Norah's diet? I love carbs and cheese. :D

Jane, when is your follow up appt for your bloods?
Forgot to answer about sleep! Finn sleeps about 10 hours at night, and takes about a 2 hour nap during the day. So it sounds like the same as Jack, just split up. A few times he hadn't napped on the weekend and I was about to freak out, but it was not long after we had moved him to a daycare closer to the house. I was so relieved he settled back into naps. I don't know how you do it all day! I *need* that break.
Omg I'm so jealous of how well your kids eat. If I put a veggie stir fry or even a burger in front of Norah, she would look at me like I'm crazy. Although I think I'm going to have to get tougher about making her try new things.
Finn is quite a bit older though. He was eating fruit at Norah's age, a little veg. The meat, burger, etc didn't start til he was over 2. We just kept trying it and then I'd eat whatever he didn't finish so he'd see it was edible. :p
Pleased you are starting to feel better mackjess and a symptom or two is rearing it's head. I don't think I ever got the heightened sense of smell at all and no symptoms before 7/8 weeks.

No blood doc appointment through yet, NHS runs so slow unless an emergency.

Good luck this cycle Aspe.
Jane you're lucky with Gregs eating. Jack would eat the noodles but not the veg in a stir fry. He can be funny with chicken but likes pork and beef or any kind of mince.

Mack that's so good that he likes exotic food! We haven't really tried Jack with curry or spice which is something I'll definitely be doing differently this time. I'd like him to eat what we eat as much as possible.

Jack eats loads of fruit which I'm glad about. I think maybe it's because I craved it a lot in his pregnancy. Veg is mainly just peas that he likes and everything else I hide in his food! He will have bites of burgers if we have one but would probably dissect his own!

Don't worry mlm just keep offering bits of your food and she'll get used to them. Sometimes cutting veg up really tiny helps as a few go down without them knowing! Jack eats a lot of pasta, sauce and cheese too as It's so quick and easy & its always a hit.
I am jealous of all your nap times!

I'm kind of regretting taking the cot sides off too as he used to wake up, play and then drift off back to sleep. They also weren't causing him any problems so perhaps should have left them on..
Well a few more symptoms which is reassuring. I felt a wave of queasiness this AM while I was driving to work. I'm feeling over my cold, but still exhausted so this must be the first tri prego tiredness. Also, this happened the first time and I'm still not a fan, but the dampness. I just feel kinda damp all the time. NOT pleasant. And makes me paranoid every time I go to wee that I'll see pink or blood then relief that I don't. This is taking quite the mental toll on me. ugh.
Mack these are all great signs for a sticky one. Are you still testing? This stage is the hardest isn't it as you don't want to jinx it by being too excited but the odds are in your favour for a healthy one. Did you get anywhere with the bloods for progesterone?
No, nowhere with bloods. I gave up. And I haven't been testing anymore either. The cheapies don't show progression very well and the FRERs are so expensive! I might buy more today just since it's been a few days. I should see a good dark line by now.

21 days til my first appt. They are doing an u/s then though. I guess insurance does ultrasound now for pregnancy confirmation instead of blood. Which is annoying because I'm sure it's more expensive. There have been a lot of changes to insurance with goverment interference and ObamaCare lately. I even had to change chiropractors because of it.
Love your new ticker Mack. Those symptoms are a good sign. Post if you take another frer to help us with our poas addictions 😀

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