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Moving over from the ttc after loss thread

Well my gp relented and is doing bloodwork tomorrow. Yay. I had already bought more frers before they called back so I'll still test in the am.

Mlm did you get a sit and stand stroller?
yey good news mack. Will you get the results back before the weekend?
Have you told family?
Well my gp relented and is doing bloodwork tomorrow. Yay. I had already bought more frers before they called back so I'll still test in the am.

Mlm did you get a sit and stand stroller?

No, I ended up getting the Britax B-Agile double. However this past summer/fall when I used it a ton, Norah was only 18-22ish months, so it made sense. With Finn being a bit older, you may want a sit and stand.
Finally got a test line as dark as the control line. Glad I held off on testing this week. Haven't told the family yet, but I think I will if bloods are over 50. Only my sister and best friend and you ladies know. :) I read that once the hcg reaches 50-80 that implantation is complete and m/c chances go from over 30% to under 10%. The in-laws are babysitting next week, and I have my eye on a big bother t-shirt. I think I'll have him wear it to come over and sit. And boys are busy, so I don't think they'd read/notice it til after we are gone to our dinner and they are changing him or something. :haha:



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The test isn't till 3:30pm today so I'll have to wait til Monday for results. I hope not until Tuesday. :/

but I have 2 more FRERs to help me with my insanity. heh.
Ugh, I hattteeee waiting on results! Hopefully you're not too anxious over the weekend while you wait.

I'm pretty sure I'm crazy, cause I'm getting jealous of pregnant people and thinking about #3 already haha. But I'm not crazy enough to start trying for a while 😀
You have awhile to decide. :) Your girls are so young now. If I were younger I would deffo try for 3 but I'll be 39 when this baby is here so I am done. I just hope this one is H&H. It's scary to be 38 and TTC. I don't want to be starting over again on that.
Wow. Those lines are lovely.

I am not doing any opk's this month. Still temping as my doctor wants me to show the gynaecologist. Going to bd around the end of next week for a few days but thats it. Not putting alot of effort in it again until we go on fertility meds. It is almost 2 months now that I have been waiting for my appointment to get the dye in my tubes. So it could be May or June before I get prescribed fertility meds.
Yay wonderful lines mackjess! Lovely progression.

I hope you get your results ASAP
Great lines mack and love the idea of the big brother t shirt- hope they notice!

Good luck Aspe.

I have my gynae appointment on Wednesday! wonder what they'll suggest.
Aspe fx something happens before your appt. That's a long wait, so I could totally see not doing opks and such. It can be really taxing.

Thanks bobster and mlm. Love that my phone corrects you to lobster and mom. Lol.
Jane do you think the gyno can give any insight if you should wait for more blood tests?
Lol my phone always corrects mlm to mum too!!!

hehe love the username lobster too!

Hope the appointment goes ok on Wednesday. Hopefully they will have any idea of what's going on and if you can continue to ttc until it's sorted. Is hubby going with you?
Yes DH coming Wednesday.
It's all just gotten even more complicated- I've accepted a fantastic job offer so baby making is now off the cards for a while anyway, morally it's just not fair to do that to a company in my opinion.

It's tricky because I still want to go to the appointment but I suspect if I tell the gynae about the blood issue they prob won't want to do anything until its sorted out but then we have decided to wait now anyway (not that I will tell them about the waiting bit).

I want to suggest that they do the dye test to check if my remaining tube is blocked just so at least when I do come to TTC I know what I'm dealing with.

Do you think that's fair enough or shall I cancel the appointment altogether. It's taken a while and a lot of tests to get this referral.
What do you think ladies?
Congrats on the job Jane!! That is great! Personally, I would keep the appointment. As you said, it took a while to get the referral, so you might as well get your answers now for when you are ready to ttc.
Hi ladies! I just got a :bfp: after a loss at 35 weeks this past October and I know it's kind of early to get too excited, but I wanted to start a thread for September due dates. The only problem is, I can't think of anything clever to call it. Does anyone have any good ideas?

The only things I could come up with that happen in September is Labor Day (kind of fitting), the Autumnal Equinox (cool but I can't think of anything cute to say about that), and back to school (non-relevant for several more years! lol). It's also apparently International Peace Day in September, but that's sort of obscure.

Maybe I shouldn't start a thread yet, I don't want to jinx things. But, I sort of DO want to start a thread if no one beats me to it. Please help me think of something cute to call it :cloud9:
Jane congrats on the job. I agree that you should keep the appt. You can be long term ttc so you're ready when it's time to try.

Uni, so sorry about your loss. Congrats on the bfp. I think labor day bumps is a cute name. I'm due 9.11 so let me know if you start the thread.
mack, Labor Day bumps IS a cute name :) I'll do it now

edit - I just thought of something - is a Labor Day reference too American oriented for the UK ladies? I think everyone else in the world celebrates worker's day May 1st except for here in the states. Well, anyway, I'll start it and if someone comes up with anything better later we can change it. Well, I'll start it after dinner. If anyone beats me too it, I don't mind!
I agree. I would definitely keep your appointment.
So weird. I feel like I am or going to ovulate. But I am only on CD 10. My cycles are average 35 days. Either way, cant bd because df has torn muscles in his neck.

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