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Moving over from the ttc after loss thread

Ooooouch! Hope DF is feeling better soon. Are your temps good at catching when you OV? I'm a terrible sleeper and never rise at the same time so I'm the worst at temping and gave up pretty quickly.
Thanks ladies, will keep the appointment, can't hurt.

Ah aspe, sounds like you'll be on top :haha:

How were your bloods Mack?
Glad to hear it Jane. No reason you can't be productive on the TTC front while still having some time in at the new job. :)

No word back on bloods. I'm starting to worry I won't hear back today. I don't want to pester them though so will wait until tomorrow. I did call and harass them twice to get the bloodwork. :) I took a test yday and the test line is darker than the control line so I'm feeling OK about things. I just wish for more symptoms.
OK I totally lied about waiting until tomorrow. Calling and leaving a message for my GP's nurse now. :haha:
Jane yay on the job! That's brilliant news :)
I agree with everyone else and would say to go to the appointment as you've waited so long for it. At least then when the time is right you know what the score is and can do everything to make it a quick bfp!

When do you start the new job?

Love the thread idea uni tse. Welcome to this thread by the way.

Aspe get to dtd! Maybe you will have an earlier ovulation this time or your body is just gearing up to pop a nice big healthy egg this cycle.

Mack hope the blood results come back quickly. It's reassuring your tests are progressing. Still really early for symptoms so don't worry I'm sure they'll come in full force in the next few weeks.

Mlm how are you doing? Is number 3 going to be on the cards in quick succession again?

I've started packing and am living amongst boxes. It's amazing how much stuff we have! I hope we have space for it all in the new house. Getting excited about moving and making a home for ourselves and our boys. Just hope it goes as smoothly as possible and Jack settles into the new house well.

Mlm when you were bf Audrey how did you keep Norah entertained? I was thinking of getting Jack a little box of toys to play with just when I'm bf so he doesn't get bored of them too quickly.
Well my doc called me back and tests showed between 5-6 weeks. Yay.

But a pipe burst in our basement and created all kinds of crazy excitement so I was in too much of a frazzle to grill her or ask for another one to see progress. oh adulting, you are for the birds.
Cant go for a ride ;) because all the spermies would come back out lol

I want to not force ttc so if we cant bd, we cant

Mack.. YAY :). Ff always marks o, but always different date.
Good news on your blood tests Mack!

Sorry DH isn't up to dtd Aspe, frustrating when you have signs of o too.

The toys sound like a good idea Bobster. Norah is usually pretty good at keeping herself entertained. If I needed to, she loves watching kids videos on YouTube on the iPad, or we also watched parts of the movie Frozen because she is obsessed. breastfeeding really wasn't an issue most of the time, I'm sure Jack will be fine!
Yey fab news on the blood Mack and won't be long until your first scan.

Happy packing bobster, hope the moves go well. Will you put jack in nursery for a couple of extra days/leave with grandparents?
Congrats mack.

Mlm I hope jacks the same as Norah but he seems to be getting more clingy with age. He will happily entertain himself when he's with daddy but with me he can barely leave my side! We also use YouTube videos sometimes so will keep those for bf time now I think.

Jane jacks just going to be in nursery for the 2 days as usual. I'm actually working the first week of the move so OH and family are doing the heavy work and then I'm off the second week so can help with the unpacking. Could only book one week off as no more leave to take.

Is it your appointment tomorrow? How are you feeling? When do you start the job?
So i checked my cm. it has been creamy past 3 days. Today it got thinner and now its part creamy/clear stretchy. But it is way early in my cycle. Only cd 13.
Sounds like a good plan bobster. Even if you could get more time off prob best you are not carting about furniture in your delicate condition lol.
Has the doctors strike affected your unit much.

Not sure on start date, waiting for the offer package to come in the post. They said it takes 4-6 weeks to follow up on references etc so still some time to enjoy being home. DH and I are thinking of taking a holiday before I start. We decided to pull out our house sale and purchase and sit tight for a bit.

Yes appointment this afternoon at 3.20 pm. Not so nervous now Bobster as I feel less urgent about getting preggo. Now I've relaxed Sod's law it will happen!

Aspe if it's still partially creamy you are possibly still a few days away from o'ing? But hey what do I know, just relax and go with it.

Were your family ecstatic with the news Mack? Another mini Irish!

Mlm how's it going being a stay at home mum, no regrets on staying off work?
Jane.. I do not get ewcm. I only knew it was stretchy because i checked cp. my temp took a huge dive this morning. It has never done it this early before.
Bbt tracking is confusing. I have no idea when i am going to ovulate
Had a good appointment. They'll be checking my remaining tube and uterus with the dye, need to ring on day 1 of af (which is due next week) to be given an appointment.
Fertility specialist said I need to drop a few more pounds and try something called inofolic that you can get over the counter. Assuming all is good the next step would be to stimulate the ovaries.

All good info for the future. Will go ahead with the tube check but stop there.
She also said to dtd 3-4 a week! The more you dtd the more secretions you stimulate was the reasoning.
Jane, very promising appointment. And I wouldn't worry about work even if you do decide to TTC again soon. Usually takes a little time trying then a whole 10 months after to grow baby. :) You'd have in a year then. Aren't you more likely fertile after dye tests? And I wonder what infolic is? Is it to help with infertility. Good luck DTD 3-4 times a week. DH would be in heaven. TTC we DTD 3-4 times a month!

Bobster, good plan on moving. I packed a suitcase for each of us for a week and had Finn's room ready pretty much the first day. My aunt and SIL unpacked the kitchen so we were good to go and took our time with the rest. Finn adapted wonderfully I think. I was nervous about that but I think getting to sleep in his own bed and his fave toys were out made all the difference.

Aspe, I think I OV pretty late this time. I did a couple OPKs and they never got positive and I had the EWCM the day I was supposed to OV. I usually get it a few days before. Totally surprised me since my cycles had been shorter, I was worried about getting early DTDs in. But, no matter it still worked since I was paying attention. Sounds like you know your body pretty well. I think the cycle I got prego with Finn I OV early and thought I was out bc DH and I both got terrible colds and didn't DTD in the window.

MLM I like your pointers about being home with 2. I will look forward to seeing more of that since I won't be long behind Bobster.

Got an email with my labs and HCG is 921. It's starting to sink in. Also, I am a cake and sweets fan but normally scrape off extra bits of frosting as it's too sugary for my liking. Right now however I would stab somebody for a bucket of frosting. :haha: I think I'll count that as a craving/symptom.

Haven't told the fam yet. DH's sister is babysitting Sunday and I have a t-shirt that says being promoted to big brother. I'm sure she'll text or call the grandparents. If not, they are babysitting Weds evening. I think I will call and tell my dad this weekend sometime. And I'm close to 1 sister who knew right away. Maybe even before DH. :haha:
Mack, your frosting comment made me laugh, haha. Isn't a sweet tooth the sign of a girl? Awesome hcg level!

So glad your appt went well Jane. What will you be doing for your new job? I do miss the feeling of being "successful" when in comes to working outside of the home. DH is working crazy hours and has a long commute, so it would be very stressful for me to be working too right now. Maybe I'll consider working again when the girls are a little older.
Mack brilliant levels! I think sugary cravings do mean girl as I had savoury cravings both times! Glad it's sinking in now.

Jane a holiday before starting your new job sounds like a great idea. How many hours is it a week? Will Greg go to nursery a bit more often. I second what Mack says about not feeling bad if you still decide to ttc. It could take a while and then there's the whole pregnancy. I can understand why you'd feel uncomfortable doing that though for your new employer if it did happen straight away.
How come you've decided to stay put in the house?

Mlm would a similar job to the one you left be easy to get back into? I can completely understand missing work sometimes. I feel like work is a bit of a break from being a mummy and I do appreciate my own identity when I go. I am looking forward to finishing at the end of March though I can't lie. Would you wait until the girls are at school? Msybe you'll have another one by then :)

I'm getting excited about meeting him. Can't wait to see his face and give him a great big kiss. I hope breast feeding comes easier this time. Going to a prenatal workshop to try and refresh my memory about it in March.

It's been hard packing as no where to put boxes but we're getting there slowly. We've had house viewings too so been trying to keep boxes out of the way so it looks presentable which is tricky.

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