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Moving over from the ttc after loss thread

I am CD17 today. No idea when or if I will ovulate. I have a feeling I surge but dont release.
Mack, did your family notice Finns T shirt? When is your OB/GYn appointment? Will they do an US?

Sounds like your packing is going well bobster, wishing you lots of happiness in your new home. Are you feeling organised? Have you told jack about the new house?

Af due today but no sign- it's always delayed when I have lots on my mind and I'm willing it to start so can schedule that HSG but Sod's law is taking its time. I did test and bfn.
Bobster we pulled out the sale/purchase as new job will be moving to a new town after 18 months and I don't want that huge commute so for now will sit tight. It's a full time role but grand parents will help 1 day a week and 4 days in nursery.

What's your chart reckon re ovulation date ASpe?
Jane.. Boo on bfn. My chart never marked ovulation. It is in my signature.
Aspe will they do bloodwork on day whatever of your cycle to confirm you ovulated? I know my friend did that before she started on Clomid. Temping is so tricky. It's the one thing I never wanted to try because I thought it would be too frustrating.

Jane will your job be moving far from where you are now? Or would the new house been a longer commute?

Bobster hang in there! I know it's hard packing while still LIVING in your house. haha. Toddlers just need so much stuff. :)

AFM, Appt is next Thursday at 8 weeks and I will have a scan. Finn and I got colds again and I feel like doodoo. I forgot how tiring first trimester is.
Aspe I agree with Macks suggestion- push for 28 day bloods (if you have a 35 day cycle) to check you have ovulated. Have you been tested for PCOS etc? I wouldn't bother with the temping, causes more stress anything else.

Sorry you and Finn are poorly Mack. Looking forward to seeing your bean scan pics soon! How is DH doing with the baby news, has it sunken in more? How's your sweet craving- are you thinking boy or girl, any gut feeling?

Yes current house is a 45 min drive to work but new house would of been 1.5 hours each way so the job offer was a huge factor in changing our minds!

Cannot believe that we have been chatting for 3.5 years!
After I get the dye in my tubes test, they are going to do several blood works to make sure i am ovulating.
Wow 45 minutes still aeems a long commute. I've always lived within 15 minute walk from work as we live quite close to the centre of York. This new house will take 25 mins to walk and I thought that was bad!

You are lucky grandparents are having him for a day. That will make Greg really close to them as he grows up I'm sure. Sorry about af but it sounds like your priority is the new job. Will you go on contraception now or just avoid dtd around high right time?

Mack I cAnt wait to see your little jelly bean scan! The first trimester is definitely the hardest and you don't get any sympathy yet as no one can tell! Has sickness started properly? Hope you both get better soon.

Aspe I have no idea about charting as like the others I thought it would be too stressful. Another woman we used to chat with used to chart though and she got her bfp using that method. It's a shame phez isn't around to advise you. Could anthing have changed your temps? Have you taken them at the same times etc? I guess the only way of knowing if you ovulated is by seeing if af arrives.

Me and jack are having a lazy day today. I'm getting excited about the move but fed up of waiting now :coffee:

3.5 years is bonkers! Never had cyber friends before! Wonder if we would be friends irl if we all lived close together..
What's a rutabaga? Eek only 89 days to go! Not long now!
What's a rutabaga? Eek only 89 days to go! Not long now!

hehe bobster no idea! not long now! are you suffering from heartburn?
It will be lovely once you move to get Harry's room ready. Will you get similar bedroom furniture to what Jack has?

I have dye in my tubes next Thursday 28th :thumbup: and blood doctor appointment 17th Feb- finally feel like I'll be getting some answers!

Not sure if I should go on the contraceptive pill. Although I'm focused on my career again a BIG part of me would love a happy accident.
Yes I can understand that. It would be great to have no ttc time and have an accident. I guess now you know your cycle so well you could just avoid dtd at the time you get o signs of you want to delay baby a bit. Brilliant that you will soon finally have some answers! Hope the dye test goes ok. You are meant to be quite fertile after that test if I remember rightly.

Me and jack haven't done much at all today. Just washing and a few chores but otherwise been lazy. I do feel quilty when we don't do much as I feel I should be stimulating him all the time but I just struggle to find energy after my long day on Wednesdays. He gets so much stimulus at nursery that it does ease the guilt a bit but it's still there. Always feel unsatisfied myself when I have lazy days. Like I've missed out on something. Do you ladies feel like that sometimes? Do you have many days where you don't do much with lo's?

Heartburn a bit yes since quite early on this time but on and off. I'm sure it'll become more constant as I get nearer to d day.

Harry will have jacks old furniture and we're going to buy Jack a single bed that's quite low as he still occasionally falls out of bed. It all matches so I want it to stay together really as a set. The nursery will be tiny but still can't wait to decorate both rooms :) they will be the priority so they are nice for the boys :) :)
Bobster i wouldn't feel bad about stimulus. Constant of it might be overload, and I think it's good for LOs to be "bored" sometimes to see what they can come up with. I'm sure he has plenty of toys and likes his down time with his momma. :)

Jane yay for getting your tests lined up. We didn't TTC until Finn was about 2, and I never went back on the pill. Just used my app and avoided the fertile days. My cycle never got back to normal after pregnancy so I didn't want to jack it up any with the pill. I wasn't ready to TTC until he was two, but like you I would've been happy with an accident. :)

Aspe sorry the chart doesn't show O. I hope your testing comes up soon.

MLM how are you and the girls? This week I've been feeling so poorly that I've been very jealous of you.

AFM, cold is pretty much gone, just some nasal congestion leftover but not feeling bad. BUT, now I have morning sickness. It's terrible. I never had it with Finn. Had to tell my boss earlier than I wanted, but I haven't been able to work in the mornings at all this week and didn't drive in today. TG I work from home. Just hoping I don't get into trouble as I haven't gotten much done this week. :(
Well, today I got very sick after dinner. For about 4 hours and about 15 rounds of vomiting. That said, best not to bd tonight :cry:
I wonder if you're growing a girl Mack?

Yuk, Get well soon Aspe.

I agree with Mack about the downtime for jack bobster, don't feel guilty at all.
Bobster, very envious of your short walk commute- hospital parking is notoriously bad and expensive so you're very lucky. Is jacks nursery on the way?

How are you doing Mlm, still in a good routine?
Jane I do kind of think I want a girl. All I know is I will be happy when this MS business is over with. I barely actually get sick, just in complete misery until about 5-6pm every night. If I'd had this when pregnant with Finn he'd for sure be an only child. :haha: I hope this doesn't last until my appt Thursday, but if it does I hope the OB will give me something for it. I'm taking extra B6 and Finn's benadryl, but even the lower dose makes me very sleepy.

Aspe I hope you are feeling better. We all had a stomach bug over Xmas that was nasty, but luckily over with really fast.
I'm sorry you have bad ms Mack. I had it with both girls, worse with Audrey. I know it's very hard to feel so terribly while working full time and having a toddler at home. If it's anything like mine, it will get better though! Ginger ale and dry foods (crackers, plain bagels, etc) should help a little. I predict girl : )

Jane, fingers crossed for a happy accident for you. How great would that be??

Afm, we are mostly doing well. Had a couple of rough days. Audrey's first tooth is popping through so she's a little crabby and uncomfortable. And Norah and I are just going stir crazy being stuck inside with the winter weather. She's been verrrry whiney. I've booked my calendar with play dates for the next few weeks though which should help.
Well my surge has passed. Now to see if I ovulate.


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Thanks. We are going to bd tonight but thats it then. We have done it so much the past 2 weeks. Worried if we'll get my egg though.
My temp took a huge spike this morning. It probably means nothing but i never had that happen before.

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