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Moving over from the ttc after loss thread

I've never done temps, but I thought a spike is a good sign? Good luck.

Happy 3rd tri Bobster : )
I have been temping since my miscarriage and I am always questioning my chart haha
I think a spike means you OV! :) Catch that eggie little guys. ;)

mlm is audrey doing better with her teeth? poor thing.
She's extremely drooly, but she's ok : ) Audrey is so much more physically advanced than Norah. She's already standing supported and seems like she's trying to crawl! Must be a second child thing.

How the morning sickness? Is your appointment next week Mack? So looking forward to seeing a scan pic!
My appt is Thursday. Starting to get nervous. I'll only be 7+4, I hope it's not too soon for them to see a hearbeat.
My first us was 7+3 with Audrey and they saw a heart beat. My first with Norah was only 6 weeks and they saw "fetal heart activity". So I think you will be good : ) Totally understand the nerves, but all of your symptoms are such good signs of a sticky bean.
At 7 weeks with greg there was a lovely strong heart beat. So all being well you should see the same mack :thumbup: Will be thinking of you tomorrow!

I have the dye in my tubes tomorrow so feeling a bit nervous too! I hope I get the results straight away.

How's the packing bobster, all under control for the move? is it the 1st Feb?

Aspe, all I knew about charting I have forgotten. Only tried it for one cycle. Good luck this cycle, sounds like you've done all you can.
The day i got creamy sticky cm, we never bd. I thought my fertile time was over. After some reading, i learned thats usually o day. Doh.

Jane.. Hope it goes smooth. Will be thinking of you. I have to do the dye test too.
Good luck with the dye appointment Jane. Im curious how they do that? Thinking positive thoughts for you.
Jane, good luck with your dye tests. Knowing the one side is open and good should be a big relief for you when TTC.

Aspe, did you BD around the time? I didn't BD on actual O date this time, or any time that I got prego. I think getting the one in a few days before made the difference. There were swimmers waiting around already when O showed up.

Mlm, on your 7+3 did they do a regular ultrasound? I really hope the don't have to do the transvaginal on me. I've lost a few lbs with morning sickness and not eating much, but its like my belly is getting big and bloated. I have more of a little pooch already. I am worried they will want to do that. I sure hope not!!


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ha, looks like you got your bases covered. Good job! I have a hard time getting in even 2 BDs during my fertile window.
Lol. Every month we does a pretty good job with it but never gets my egg :(
Yeah, they did do a trans vaginal ultrasound. Not the most comfortable thing in the world, but oh well. My provider apparantly always does them that way if you are less than 12 weeks.
Hehe mine does abdo ones from around 7 weeks so hopefully you can avoid the dildo cam :)
Lol dildo cam

Did anyone ever get a physic reading and it be accurate/inaccurate?
I got one a million years ago when I was a teenager and had my first heartbreak. :haha: I think the lady felt sorry for me and just gave me advice to forget that guy.

If I have to do the dildo cam I'll just tell them they don't have to wave it around in our faces and explain. That thing is so intimidating looking do you have to stare at it before? eek. :p

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