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Moving over from the ttc after loss thread

It went great. Measuring 7 +5. 150 heartbeat. Then baby wants tacos so I went and ate tacos, very mild plain ones, and I've been sick all evening. I thought I was feeling better and finally able to eat a proper meal.

Jane how was your test?
Yey that's great news Mack. Sorry about the sickness though but no denighing you are preggo! (and growing a sibling for Finn, how perfect).

HSG went well, not too uncomfortable just a little crampy last night but good today and no spotting so went for a jog this morning. They wouldn't give me the results but when I pressed them they implied the remaining tube isn't blocked but have to get an appointment back with the referring doc for full results.

If it wasn't for the blood issue lurking in the background I would be tempted to ttc this month and see what happens. Lots of people online saying they are more fertile after a hsg. Oh well more waiting :coffee:

How you doing Aspe, are you in the 2ww now?

Mlm did you get affected by that jonas storm?
Jane.. Glad the test was not to brutal. Im so nervous for mine.
Yea, tww but i know im out already :(
How was the move bobster?
Wishing you lots of happiness in your new home.
Did the move happen already?? Goodness my brain I thought it was a few more months! A new home and new baby are lovely things. :)

mlm-had to have the transvag ultrasound. that's always what they do for the early scans. But she didn't make a big fuss about it. I swear the last two times I had to do it the lady was like Vannah White showing the thing off for 5 mins before. Just get it over with already. heh. So it wasn't too bad, just uncomfortable when she was trying to get a good shot of my ovaries, etc.

Jane good news on the test, well at least not officially yet. :) When is your follow up?

Aspe hows the 2WW?
Let the worry begin. My OB called back and my progesterone is low again so I start taking that tomorrow and get labs redone on Friday. I had to take progesterone with Finn, and I believe you only take it through 13 weeks. He turned out perfect, but that doesn't make me any less scared about this for some reason. I think being almost 39 is not helping. I wonder what it's like to be pregnant and not terrified through most of it?
Mack I'm sorry you are anxious about your progesterone but I'm sure with the supplements you will be fine. You've been through it and got an amazing thriving boy so you can do it again. Roll on the 12th week so you can start to breathe a bit.

The move hasn't happened yet. Their solicitor has buggered up and somehow despite waiting 3 months still needs to do something with the searches for the apartment she's buying!! We are so stressed. We'd already given our notice on our current house and they have got new tenants moving in on the 1st March and the completion date is now estimated to be the beginning of March. The seller of the house we're buying is refusing to sell us the house until her purchase has gone through so now we're in the predicament of whether to threaten to pull out to speed her up but we don't want to lose the house. We've arranged a temporary house for 1 month so will have to move twice now :( stress!

Jane did you decide to ttc this cycle?
Are your toddlers saying sentences yet? Or stringing a few words together?

Jacks saying the occasional 2 words but tends to just use one word at a time. Nursery haven't expressed any concerns but I might ring the health visitor to see what they think. Where are your babes up to with speech?
I do feel bad for all of us that our previous losses make it harder to relax and enjoy pregnancy. As the others said though, I think the supplements will do the trick for you Mack, especially since you had to take them last time too.

How stressful Bobster! And two moves while in your third tri, gah! That really stinks.

Bobster, if you would have asked a month ago, I'd be saying that Norah was mostly using one word at a time. Now all of a sudden she's stringing words together- "Norah eat" "blue hat" "bye bye mama" for example. So I think that it's one of those things that just takes off all at once. I don't think you should be worried yet at his age, but it doesn't hurt to ask if you are concerned.
Well, looks like af is on her way. Again!

My son is almost 2.5 years old and he is just starting to put 2 words together.
I've arranged a check with the health visitor just to make sure he's on track. It's reassuring your little ones are at about the same stage as he is saying the odd 2 words together. This morning he said bye bye dada several times and he says yes please and things like that. I think it's my dad's wife who has panicked me as she used to own a Montessori nursery and she said she would be ringing the health visitor. She seemed concerned that he's not saying more. My OH was annoyed to say the least and she hardly ever see's him and never makes an effort so its rich she has commented on his development as she only has the occasional snap-shot. We went to visit them last Tuesday and he was a bit off because he has a cold so was quieter than normal so she didn't really get a true reflection. Plus he is quiet around people he's not familiar with anyway. Grr she's a know it all. But anyway his review is on Tuesday so I'll let you know how it goes.
Aspe try not to worry. It's one cycle closer to bfp. What are you doing with your bd'ing? I recommended trying to bd really regularly during that fertile week if you can. I know I did something similar to smep both times but didn't officially stick to their bd'ing pattern. It was hard work but did the trick.
We tried SMEP but didnt work. We have sex everyday of my fertile week, up until ff marks ovulation. Going to do every second day this time.
Oh, I'm sorry she made you nervous Bobster. I hate when other people comment on something that is none of their business like that. Norah would have barely talked in that situation.

Audrey turned 6 months yesterday! To celebrate, we both took a ride down my staircase all the way from the top. Ahh, so scary! My foot slipped while I was carrying her down. Thankfully she is totally ok, as I didn't drop her and I went the whole way down on my back/tailbone. I'm also ok, just very sore today. But I just started sobbing yesterday thinking of how much worse it could have gone!
Oh my god mlm that's awful. So glad you are both ok! Bet you were really shaken up. The thought of what could have happened is always really scary and upsetting. I bet that won't happen again though as you'll be really aware of losing your step now. You'll have to rest up as much as you can as I bet your tailbone feels bruised :(
Af never showed yet. But I am sure she will soon.
We've now had a phone call from the estate agent with a view to exchange contracts tomorrow! They can't seem to make their minds up. I really hope that she does sign tomorrow. Then it will be at least 1 week until we get a completion date due to the time it takes for deposits to transfer. Fingers crossed!
Good luck Bobster! What a frustrating process, hopefully they sign tomorrow!!

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