I'd advise getting a small thing of bottles and a sample of formula from the hospital even if you are breastfeeding. my first night home with Finn was terrible, my boobs were so engorged and hard, combined with my nipples to soft and flat, I had a screaming baby, we both were crying, and he didn't feed until the next morning when we got to his pediatricians office. they have a lactation specialist and she set me up with a shield to use for a few weeks to help, and it did, but I wish I'd had formula to give him that first night, even if it had just been an ounce.
I also wish I'd trusted my instincts a little better. the doctors, nurses, lactation specialists, everyone says not to use bottles or pacifiers because it causes nipple confusion if you do it to soon. I had a good hungry baby that will eat his hands, your shoulder, his bib, the stethoscope at the doctor, anything that gets close to his face. lol, it's adorable. we gave him a bottle with pumped milk at the end of 2 weeks against advice, and he's totally fine. I wish I'd done that the first week so I could get a bit of sleep.
I guess my point is, don't stress as much about breastfeeding as I did, if you have to do formula and pump cause you're having trouble it doesn't matter, you can try breastfeeding again the next day. I still feel bad that Finn had such a hungry first night. and trying to get a hungry angry 3 day old to latch, holy moly.. and trust your instincts. I wanted to just give him one bottle a day to give my boobs and baby a break, but listened to other people, and those were the two hardest weeks yet.