Moving over from the ttc after loss thread

I'm a honeydew!!! 49 days to go!

Watched that midwife thing- can't believe how quickly that young girl delivered.
Arghhhh we're going to be doing this soon!
Which baby monitors are you gals thinking of getting? Just browsed the mothercare website and the ones with movement/breathing sensors are well over £100. Don't know whether to get one or not as worry about SIDS
Congratulations on your honey due melon- bloody hell, 49 days to go! Better pack your hospital bag soon!

Not sure on the baby monitor front. I worry about SIDS too but a fancy monitor won't stop it from happening if god forbid it does. I might just opt for an audio one as I expect I would be checking in on the LO often, especially if breast feeding every couple hours initially!

Then there's the thermometer to get- such fancy ones around- just a basic one and some common sense is all you need surely?

Will you buy some bottles incase you need to supplement with formula? I'm not going to buy any until I think it looks like I need it- think that's the attitude DH and I are having about most of this process, just get what we really need to begin with and buy as we go along.

It is frightening when I see ladies on other threads who have everything brought for their first before they've even hit 20 weeks. Maybe I'm the odd one out wanting to wait.

Hope my fruit & veg change tomorrow- my final week in the 2nd tri!
When will you stop taking your baby aspirin bobster?
Oooh welcome to third tri tomorrow! I hope your veggie changes too. Eggplant is such a dull veg haha.

I think you're right and its maybe being a bit over cautious spending a fortune on the movement sensor monitor. I think I'll just get a sound one too as you're right there's not a lot you can do even if it does (god forbid) alarm.

Hadn't even thought about a temperature sensor. Wonder if you can get a room one that does bath water too, like 2 in 1? Will have to add that to my list of things to buy.

I know what you mean about some people having everything ready really early. The girl at work who is 15 weeks has already got all her baby clothes and planned her child care and how many hours she'll go back to work on. Soo organised eek.

Think i'll leave the bottles for now as I'm determined to BF.

Plan to stop BA at 26 weeks or so in case of early labour. I kind of don't want to stop in case something goes wrong but I know that's irrational.

How are you finding your symptoms? Still pee'ing a lot? I went to midwife today and baby is head down so thats why it feels so pressured. When's your next appointment?
Sounds like a good plan with the BA.

Was he still measuring a week ahead using the tape measure? Maybe you won't make it to that wedding in October :winkwink:

I've got my 28 week appointment next week, which reminds me, need to get my random glucose blood test and FBCs done before then. Then I'm seeing the consultant at 30 weeks cos of the meds I'm on, guess we'll discuss the plans for the birth!

Symptoms are mostly feeling tired and that everything is an effort, sometimes feel short of breath quickly, got a summer cold at the moment and that's not helping :growlmad:

Will you have a little leaving do from work?
Oh I have the shortness of breath too. Horrible isn't it? Everything feels so much more effort than before.

They didn't do a random glucose test at my 28 week bloods. That's good that they do it at your trust. There was no glucose in my urine today which was a relief. Is your consultant nice?

Hope your cold clears up soon.

No leaving do planned. I don't like a fuss. I hate being the center of attention. They said they're organising some gifts but even that I hate- get so embarrassed! Will you have a leaving do?
Highly recommend BT 150 monitor. Gets great reviews. No fancy sensors but it's been great for us. I think if you follow all the rules e.g. no bumpers in cot, sleep on back etc, SIDS is such a small risk and IF it happens, it's probably something you couldn't do anything about, even with motion sensor. Saying that my brother has a camera with his monitor and he loves watching his daughter sleeping. It is a worry in those early months though, I agree.
You ladies are progressing so much! I really can't believe how far we've all come ren't we a lucky bunch?
Thanks Phez i'll check that monitor out. We are all lucky you're right :) we've come so far from when we first all started chatting on b&b.

We will all be cuddling gorgeous babies soon enough! wish you all lived closer so we could be baby buddies. Will have to look into those groups you suggested soon to meet some other muns.
No, no leaving do for me. I'm a bit like you bobster, don't like the attention and have only been at the company about 18 months (and probably won't be going back there) and never really became particularly close to my colleagues.

Thanks mrs phez, I will note that monitor down- maybe the monitors are cheaper from amazon then mothercare :shrug:

Pleased to hear there was no glucose in your urine bobster.

What else have you left to buy? Did your buggy come yet?

The consultant is not very nice, she's very grumpy and distant and not pleasant at all, even my DH who is very tolerant of people thought she was not bothered. At one of my later midwife appointments I was asked what I thought of her (they saw from my notes I had seen her) and I was honest and lets just say they didn't disagree. Thankfully she just oversees everything and doesn't get too involved in actual day to day care.
Yes Jane, avoid Mothercare unless there is a sale on. They charge way too much! Look in the shop, then buy online from the cheapest...
Still an eggplant- boo!

Its a shame your consultant is miserable. Good though that you don't have to see her often. I wonder why some people get into healthcare.

Do you need to go back to your job for a period of time to get your maternity pay? Will you look for a new job or same job different place? It must be hard not getting on particularly well with your colleagues. I have been at my workplace for 3 years and luckily most people are lovely but there are the odd few battle-axes.

Looked up the reviews of the bt 150 monitor and i'm going to go for it. It sounds brill but they don't seem to stock it anywhere anymore (tried boots, argos, amazon) so will have to buy second hand from ebay.

What blankets are you going to wrap baby in at hospital? I went to m&s and saw 2 lovely soft ones but they only did pink or blue. They had a cream knitted blanket but I thought it felt a bit too rough for newborn skin. Oh, Jane the good thing about that monitor is that it has a thermometer on it too so its 2 in 1.
I'd advise getting a small thing of bottles and a sample of formula from the hospital even if you are breastfeeding. my first night home with Finn was terrible, my boobs were so engorged and hard, combined with my nipples to soft and flat, I had a screaming baby, we both were crying, and he didn't feed until the next morning when we got to his pediatricians office. they have a lactation specialist and she set me up with a shield to use for a few weeks to help, and it did, but I wish I'd had formula to give him that first night, even if it had just been an ounce.

I also wish I'd trusted my instincts a little better. the doctors, nurses, lactation specialists, everyone says not to use bottles or pacifiers because it causes nipple confusion if you do it to soon. I had a good hungry baby that will eat his hands, your shoulder, his bib, the stethoscope at the doctor, anything that gets close to his face. lol, it's adorable. we gave him a bottle with pumped milk at the end of 2 weeks against advice, and he's totally fine. I wish I'd done that the first week so I could get a bit of sleep.

I guess my point is, don't stress as much about breastfeeding as I did, if you have to do formula and pump cause you're having trouble it doesn't matter, you can try breastfeeding again the next day. I still feel bad that Finn had such a hungry first night. and trying to get a hungry angry 3 day old to latch, holy moly.. and trust your instincts. I wanted to just give him one bottle a day to give my boobs and baby a break, but listened to other people, and those were the two hardest weeks yet.
It really is stressful those first few days of trying to BF isn't it? And that unfortunately stops the 'let-down' response working so the milk doesn't flow. Such a mean vicious cycle. Plus your BBS are so full it doesn't come out as easily!!! Gah. Broke my heart when I learned Dexter was losing weight fast and had to be hospitalised. I will try my hardest to be more relaxed this time but he had a tongue tie which didn't help...
Thanks for the good advice mackjess, oh goodness, now which bottles to get? Mrs phez and mackjess, Is there anything else you felt you couldn't have done without in the very early days?

Yep still an eggplant this week- rubbish!

Bobster, i'm only a contractor at my work so although I'm a permanent employee of my agency, my actual placement at my day to day work place will end when i leave so it's up to my agency to find me a new placement or I find a permanent job myself (should we decide that's what we want to do). I'll just be on SMP, no enhanced payments that mean I have to return at the end of mat leave. I've read that policy so many times to check! I know people that have had to pay back a lot of money because they didn't return.

Is the NHS mat leave policy quite generous? Mine is fairly bog standard from what I see online which is better than nothing. Think it's a bit mean to still have to pay tax and NI when you are only getting £136 a week!

Good news about the monitor with the thermometer on it. Not sure about babies blankets yet, haven't looked to see what the options are- if you are quick you could learn to crochet one :winkwink:
Bobster, have you put lansinoh nipple cream on your list? A friend of mine who sailed through BF recommended it. There are also these things by the same company you heat in the microwave or freezer to soothe the boobs but my mum said using a hot towel on your boobs helps just as well with the pain.

I'm starting my list tonight- scary.

I looked at the BT 150, looks like its been superseded by newer BT models- amazon had a good range, above and below the 150 model. I've not used eBay before but imagine there will be plenty on there.
a breastpump, and a good one it kept my milk supply going that first week. if you buy one of take it to the hospital to make sure it works well, and if it doesn't don't go home without renting one from the hospital. it's expensive, but it was so worth it that first month. it had a let down cycle, and it was powerful enough that using it for a few minutes after every feeding corrected my flat nipple problem so I could quit using the shield.
I agree re breast pump. Medela pumps are pricy but worth the money. Milk storage bags. We used Tommy Tippee bottles and work top steriliser (quite big so need some space). Small bags for nappy disposal (16p or something in Tesco). Umm, will keep thinking...ooh a bottle brush for baby bottles, in big supermarkets/chemists...
Would you get an electric or manual pump? So much to think about. So glad to talk to people who have already done it thanks for advice!
a double electric!

one thing I never thought to get, baby nail files. their nails are so sharp, and I wasn't able to clip them until this week. even mitted and swaddled Finn got a few good scratches before we made it to a baby store to get files. they're so sharp I filed them every day when he was feeding.

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