Moving over from the ttc after loss thread

Good luck Jane you'll be fine! Not been round to play with the pram yet no. May go this weekend. Hipe today goes ok :)
Looks like you're stuck in the boring eggplant stage Jane. Congrats on another week though! Good luck with your appointment. Look the other way and think happy thoughts when getting your shot : )

I have an appointment today too. Nothing too exciting I don't think. Then have to schedule my 20 week ultrasound soon. Yikes, time is absolutely flying by. Can't believe I'm almost halfway there. My good intentioned mom friends are giving me a ton of suggestions of things to buy and I will admit it is very overwhelming. Today is my day off work, so I think I will treat myself to a lazy day of laying on the couch and watching trashy television until my appointment this afternoon!
Thanks ladies, appointment went well. He's measuring about 30 weeks but they said 2 weeks either side is absolutely normal. Arm feels dead now.

How was your appointment mlm?
Glad it went well. My jab really hurt too. It felt bruised for days.

I was measuring 2 weeks ahead at one point but then the next time I was measuring dead on my weeks so I think its not that accurate. It was two different midwives. Wouldn't worry about it Jane.

MLM this last half flies by! I am enjoying every moment but its so scary to think I'm going to be a mum in 6 weeks. I still can't quite believe it! Its been such a long journey and it still doesn't feel like I'm really pregnant. Does that sound weird? Can't imagine bringing a baby home even though its so close now.
I think that makes sense Bobster. Even though I'm not as far as you, sometimes I feel like I'm just going through the motions and someone's going to tell me it's a joke and I'm not really pregnant! 6 more weeks for you, wow. Really do wish we all lived by each other and could do baby play dates soon!

My appointment was fine. I've gained about 10 pounds total (eek!). Also bought some maternity pants today for work which I'm very excited about, so comfy!
Are you getting any Brixton hicks bobster? Is it tiring carrying a big bump around? Any bargains from eBay?

Not worried about measuring slightly ahead but there was something about hearing her say 30 weeks which made me go, holy crap, we have nothing bought for this baby. Let the shopping begin!
Phez, how are you feeling now that you're in your second tri?
Phez, how are you feeling now that you're in your second tri?

OK thanks, still tired and my legs ache a lot if I'm on them for long (or not long really!) but generally fine. Just cruising! Next mw app in 10 days and 20 wk scan on 16 Oct. Things to focus on. Keeping busy with Dexter helps.
Phez, how are you feeling now that you're in your second tri?

OK thanks, still tired and my legs ache a lot if I'm on them for long (or not long really!) but generally fine. Just cruising! Next mw app in 10 days and 20 wk scan on 16 Oct. Things to focus on. Keeping busy with Dexter helps.

Sounds like you're doing great, woo! Will you find out baby's gender at your 20 week scan?
Absolutely mlm. In laws disappointed but thats their choice. They dont have to know! Got some lower back ache tonight. On feet all day, may be the reason.
Jane it is scary once you near/hit 30 weeks. Have you started writing a list of things to buy? Maybe start small and work yourself up to the big stuff. You still have plenty of time don't worry. Have you decided on the pram yet or narrowed it down?

We put up the cot and dresser tonight. Can finally start doing the nursery now we can put some stuff away. Will post a pic when we've done a bit more. Just got to buy a baby monitor and a bath thermometer now and we're just about done.

Im feeling achy and tired too. Brain has also turned to mush recently. Has this happended to anyone else? I can usually be a little bit dippy at times but no where near as bad as recently. Just can't think straight.

Phez your 20 week scan is on my due date!
I'm starting to get annoyed at DH- seems he never wants to talk anything baby. I feel like I'm bringing it up too much and annoying him. How can I make him more excited about this? Or do you think I just need to get over it?
Mlm men are funny buggers. My Oh said he thinks I'm thinking/talking about baby too much too. They are different to us. Difficult to understand how they don't think about it so much. Sorry cant help but just lettingyou know you are not alone!
I know the feeling, my hubby wouldn't acknowledge the preg till the 12 wk scan. Wasn't nice. Seriously, they just don't understand and that's fair enough really. Can you talk to your Mum/his Mum or best friend instead, or other friends who are Mums?
Thanks ladies. I think men just react totally different than we do to all of this. DH did feel her kicking for the first time last night, which was very cool. He was pretty cute about it actually, saying "that's my baby!" That definitely put a smile on my face.
Aww I think they need the physical things there to get excited. For us we can feel baby moving and our bodies are changing constantly but they don't have any of that. Your girl must be so strong to be feeling kicks from the outside already. Very exciting!

I have this awful pressure all day. Have had mild acheyness since I woke up and walking into town to meet a friend was almost painful. So uncomfortable. Think the bump is just too heavy for me now. Don't know how i'm going to cope carrying it around for another 5 weeks.

I'll post a picture of the cot and dresser today- we're going to put the wall stickers up soon and need to buy a rug and some storage boxes for shelving unit. So exciting!

Jane how's it going with you? Have you bought anything yet apart from those booties?
Hey ladies,
Sorry I've been quiet, DH and I went away for a few nights to Cornwall & Bath- was lovely.

Pleased to see everyone is doing well and your felt your first movements mlm.

Totally agree about the comments about OH's being less forthcoming with talking about baby things. He does surprise me with the odd baby comments out of the blue that lets me know that he is excited too.

We saw the consultant this afternoon and had a scan, everything is good.
I just ordered a few bits from amazon tonight and this weekend we are off to set up a baby gift list at either John Lewis or Kiddicare as our families want to buy us stuff. Still undecided about the buggy- hoping a demonstration of some more at JL this weekend will narrow it down.

My brother will hopefully be lending us a bath, moses basket with stand, bouncer and baby gym and the cot is coming from my cousin so all in all think we are starting to get things a little more organized.

Bobster, did you finish work this week? so exciting that the birth is around the corner for you! What will you wear to labour in? is your hospital bag all packed?
Bath's beautiful. I have an aunty that lives there. Glad you had a nice break. Yay on the squash too! Oh Amazon is great for buying baby things. I got my car seat off there for nearly half the price it is in the shops brand new. You have loads of time to pick out your pram so don't worry. Don't rush into it is what I will say as its such an expensive buy. Ours is at his mum's but still not been yet to look at it. Will maybe go this weekend.

I've extended my maternity leave so will be finishing on the 27th now (37+2). Hope I can last that long! Plan to go to Asda and pick up a couple of nighties for labour- one to chuck away and one to wear afterwards. Have the bags packed for me and bump- OH can do his own.

Are your antenatal classes starting next week Jane?

I poas today just because I had one in the bathroom- still blazing positive of course. Thought the hook effect would make it go negative after a while. I had to hide it in the bin from OH so he didn't think I was completely bonkers. That is pure poas addiction!!!
Will post the pics of nursery so far tomorrow eve now as they're on my phone and too tired to mess about transferring them onto here now. Feeling drained of energy today and baby keeps booting me in the ribs so can't get comfy. Ah the joys :)

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