Moving over from the ttc after loss thread

I dreamt I was having twins which they hadnt picked up on US. That was very scary!
Thanks guys. Is mini pill safer in pregnancy? Mack lovely to hear from you. How are you and little Finn getting on?

I tried mini pill once and it made my moods really low. Think we'll probs just stick with condoms again too.

Jane checked out freecycle as you recommended and I'm picking up a steriliser on Friday! Brill! How was the class?
I would like a non hormone option too but my periods were so irregular before and the pill does help with this. Saying that, maybe after pregnancy they will be a little more regulated and less painful (I can hope!). Condoms are a faff but think that's what we'll use initially.

Antinatal class was great, there were 8 couples in total and because there's another 9 weeks to go, it was quite introductory, finding out about the other couples and we were split in to men and women and compiled a list that each group wanted to know about pregnancy, birth and post natal- from this list the lady will devise the schedule. There's already a breast feeding session at the end and a women's only session in a couple weeks to talk about the stuff the men don't want to hear!

Bobster, did you say you have a breast feeding class this weekend?
I'm trying to find a baby/kid first aid course.

Let us know how it goes today Mlm, hope your girlie is still a girlie:winkwink:
Phez boys are brilliant and so much fun. Either way will be great I'm sure as if its a boy dexter will have a boy to play with and if its a girl you get one of each and its nice to have an older brother for your daughter.

I just worry about being outnumbered if we have all boys when footballs on. And think of all the dirty socks everywhere! Lol. I always imagined myself with a boy first and then a girl but we'll see...
Great news about the steriliser bobster! I got some cot blankets.
Oh your classes sounds like they're going to be really interactive which is good! I'm sure you'll get to know people quite well after 10 sessions! That's really good.

I like that there's a woman only bit too.

Yes I have a breast feeding workshop this Saturday. I will just be going on my own though as its one ran by a charity so numbers are tight. Looking forward to it.

Good idea about finding a first aid course for children. I would like to learn the basics of cpr on children as we didn't learn anything like that during my nursing course. Scary thought but I might try to find some info online about that.
I'm just watching the latest midwives program on bbc. O. M. G. !
I think I saw the woman in the birthing pool have a poo, so that got me thinking about pooing in the pool during labour and I found this old thread -

If you like toilet humour have a read as some of the replies made me giggle!
Lol fish the poo out with a net...

Is that midwife programme from this week on BBC I player? If it was on last night I missed it.

Last one I saw last week had a Russian couple that were very in to no intervention (the husband made me cringe big time).

Are you gonna try the birthing pool bobster?

Congrats on 36 weeks :flower:
I might try it if its free. Not sure how many pools there are at York hospital. It does seem a bit grim but I can imagine it would take some of the pressure off a bit and help calm you down.

Yes its on bbc iplayer. I just watched it on there. I saw the one last week and I too was cringing at that weird man! He seemed a bit controlling and it made me uncomfortable. You could see the midwife felt uneasy about him answering for her all the time too.. he didn't even translate to her a lot of the time he just answered for her. Poor woman.

Have you thought about the pool too?
4 weeks to go! So over this heartburn already- it keeps waking me up. Wondering if this is it now for the remaining 4 weeks- problems galore as its been so smooth so far.

Jane what date do you start maternity leave?
And gaviscon tastes nasty doesn't it but it does relieve it straight away. They say heartburn = baby born with hair.

Yes, would like to try the birthing pool and they do have 2 at the hospital but because I'm under the care of the consultant it's unlikely I'll get to birth in there as likely I'll need to have monitors on. Hoping when labour starts to stay at home for long ad possible and sit in our own birth tub until its time to go in.

I finish work 8th november but will technically be using up annual leave until Mat leave properly starts on the 18th (10 days before due date). I've had the last couple of days off work just to use up annual leave. Are you off today too?
No I only do short days now so start at 12 today until 8.

Are you going to hire a birth pool to sit in at home or just sit in the bath? I heard about hiring them but it sounds quite a chore pumping them up and then hosing the water out afterwards. And messy! Like you i'll probably stay at home as long as possible but then I may panic and go in earlier than needed too as don't know what to expect.

Enjoy your days off! Do you have any plans for them?
I will just sit in the bath I think.
Watched the midwife programme from last night- she did do a poo in the pool :blush: thought the lady with the fake tan did really well in her labour- 7 cm gone and looked pretty relaxed and calm.

I've just been dismantling our office room which will become the nursery. Just used ebay for the first time to bid on a changing table :thumbup:

How did it go today mlm?
My ultrasound was good. Got a good long look at everything and she looks just fine. And she is still a she : )

My one slight concern was my cervix length. She said it was "about 4"cm. I know that's long enough, but it was 5.3 cm 4 weeks ago. Seems like a big difference to me. The ultrasound tech said as long as its above 3 they don't worry, but I'm just concerned about the amount it shortened. I'll have to ask the doc I guess.
Pleased your scan went well Mlm and your dream didn't come true about boy bits sneaking in :thumbup:

When will you be seeing the doctor to ask about the shortened measurement? - I don't know much about measuring cervix length but perhaps it's not very precise and there is some element of human variation in taking the measurement as previously you were told an exact number but this time just got an 'about' number.

Had a rough night, woke up in excruciating pain- think it was intense round ligament pain but it hurt so much I thought I was going to be sick. DH is away for work so I did panic a bit thinking I was going in to labour- once I calmed down and it finally lessened, I fell back to sleep but today I feel like I've run a marathon, my thighs are killing. On a positive note, I'm 30 weeks today and my pushchair is due to be delivered this afternoon :happydance:

How are you doing mrs phez?
You know what, you're probably right Jane. Plus she did this cervix measurement abdominally which has got to be less accurate. Ok, done worrying now.

Yikes, sorry you were in so much pain. Are you going to call the doctor or just leave it as you are feeling better now? I've had a bit of round ligament pain and it has been very painful but in short bursts. At 30 weeks I'd imagine baby is really stretching you out at this point. Congrats on being in the 30's!
Jane ouch! Sounds like baby is having a good growth spurt. Might be worth ringing your midwife if you're worried about it. Glad its stopped now though. When will hubby be back? I'm sure all these aches and pains are normal and next time we won't worry so much but its horrible not knowing whats normal and whats not.

Mlm I agree with what Jane said- sounds like its not as reliable as they were a bit vague when they told you the measurement compared to before. They would have told you or rebooked a further scan if they were in any doubt though I'm sure. Glad you're feeling less worried.

At work today my colleages threw me a surprise baby hamper and buffet! I was embarrassed as I hate being in the spot light and receiving gifts but was ever so sweet. Feel very lucky and blessed to work with such a lovely group of people. Feel emotional about leaving in a way even though its only for 9 months!
Oooh forgot to mention- saw the midwife yesterday and she said I'm 3/5's engaged! So baby is right on track. Hope he hangs on until my due date though as still have things to do before his arrival!

Jane have you got your pram yet?? Send us a pic if you do!
I'm off to play with mine tonight as my other half's parents house. Yippee its such an exciting time for all of us!
Ah that's lovely of your work colleagues bobster, what was in your hamper? and sounds like mini bobster is doing great! Are you bricking it a bit? I really like hearing your progress because being 6 weeks behind you I think holy shit, I've got this all to come.

Spoke to my mum and she said sounds like I had my first practice contraction last night! Scary banana. Won't ring the midwife as think it's all normal but just panicked me with DH being away. He's back tonight though.

No buggy yet :nope: John Lewis said between 2 and 9pm tonight. Enjoy playing with yours bobster- post a pic too.

Definitely exciting times for us all :happydance:

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