I think another kid is in the works for them, my neice is 2 but don't think his GF is pregnant again yet. All I asked to borrow was a Moses basket and stand (I would buy a new mattress), bath, bouncer and baby gym matt thing- these things I would use for just a few months. The thing that gets me is she would hand this stuff out to her own family straight away but for my brothers side you can forget it- families eh?! It's their parogative at the end of the day and I did feel bad asking, I would rather they offered but I was saying to my mum and she went and opened her mouth behind my back (just trying to help) but now his GF makes out she never knew I wanted stuff when I know my mum had the conversation with her. To be honest I think I will just buy my own stuff, not worth the grief. They can forget their invitation for Christmas dinner though lol.
That's crap about the BF course, there will be breast feeding councillors on your post natal ward at the hospital I am sure- think thats a common thing now. Yes, had another antenatal session last night, learnt about the stages of labour, baby turning and breathing etc. I managed to get on to a NHS one day antenatal crash course that also includes a hospital tour so hope that will be useful too.
Are you done with work now? I'd so like to be done now, my mind is just elsewhere these days.
Have you bought a Halloween baby grow for bubs?