Moving over from the ttc after loss thread

:hugs: Me too. I can't wait until he gets here so I know he's got through the pregnancy and birth. Then I guess a new set of worries will begin. I guess this is normal.

I too feel a bit wary about having got everything out and packed away in the nursery. I guess you just have to do it though don't you otherwise you'd be surrounded by boxes. I still can't imagine bringing a baby home even now. Its surreal having an empty nursery next door to my bedroom. I still don't even feel pregnant at times!

Argh can't wait for us all the reach our births and know that everything is ok.
So i just heard that my close friend who was scheduled for her elective c section in 2 weeks time at 39 weeks gave birth 4 weeks early at 36 weeks on the day she finished work on Friday just gone!

I'm in shock, she had so much going on and was relying on those 2 weeks to get a lot done and it brings it home for me too- this baby could come in 5 weeks time and i have a buggy, changing table and a lot of promises from people as to what they will be giving/loaning me but actually I have nothing should this baby decide to pop out early- thinking I need to pull my finger out and at least get the car seat and some clothes!

Will you be using a Moses basket/crib in your bedroom bobster for the first few months?
Oh wow that's early! Hopefully your little man wont surprise you like that! It would be awful not to have any maternity leave to yourself.

Yes haven't yet got one but plan to pick up a cheapie Moses basket from eBay or the like.

Blimey hope ours stay in until our due dates!
Jane I found Tesco the best for basics like baby grows and sleep suits. They are softer than the other supermrkets. Also morrissons do some nice baby stuff for cheap.

You can get most of your essentials like bath stuff, nappies, wipes, cotton wool and nappy cream in one go so dont panic. Maybe write a long list and set a day for you and hubby to go and get it all crossed off. Also look on amazon for car seat for cheaper. I got a cabriofix brand new for 68 pound and they are about 120 in shops. Don't panic you have plenty of time but you're right its probably a good time to start writing lists just in case!
In the US most women don't get any maternity leave to themselves - I will probably be working right up until baby is here!

Wow, you are close Bobster! Almost there!
Yea i remember mackjess saying! I think the systen in the usa stinks. Mums should be entitled to more maternity leave so they can have the option to leave earlier if they want. I think we're lucky in the UK to have such a good system.
Thanks bobster, you are right I can blitz most of it in one go. My major worry is my brothers empty promise to lend me stuff, seems his girlfriend doesn't want to let us borrow a few bits (bits my parents had bought them anyway) which is fine just wish he'd be honest. Guess he's caught in the middle.
I've seen the bits in morrisons and will def be getting the clothing basics from there.

We are lucky with the mat leave in the UK compared to the states.

How was that breast feeding class last weekend bobster?
Thanks Jane. Well they booked me onto it but there was no time on the website and I couldn't get through on phone and no reply on email so I didn't go in the end. Bit useless really but never mind.

Did you go to another antenatal class yesterday Jane?

That's a bit unfair that your brothers wife has said she wants to keep hold of the stuff if it was your parents who bought it. What does she need to keep it for? Do you think they're planning another baby?
I think another kid is in the works for them, my neice is 2 but don't think his GF is pregnant again yet. All I asked to borrow was a Moses basket and stand (I would buy a new mattress), bath, bouncer and baby gym matt thing- these things I would use for just a few months. The thing that gets me is she would hand this stuff out to her own family straight away but for my brothers side you can forget it- families eh?! It's their parogative at the end of the day and I did feel bad asking, I would rather they offered but I was saying to my mum and she went and opened her mouth behind my back (just trying to help) but now his GF makes out she never knew I wanted stuff when I know my mum had the conversation with her. To be honest I think I will just buy my own stuff, not worth the grief. They can forget their invitation for Christmas dinner though lol.

That's crap about the BF course, there will be breast feeding councillors on your post natal ward at the hospital I am sure- think thats a common thing now. Yes, had another antenatal session last night, learnt about the stages of labour, baby turning and breathing etc. I managed to get on to a NHS one day antenatal crash course that also includes a hospital tour so hope that will be useful too.

Are you done with work now? I'd so like to be done now, my mind is just elsewhere these days.

Have you bought a Halloween baby grow for bubs?
Grrr yes families are a nightmare sometimes. Hate it when people claim ignorance too. I think buying your own stuff is a good idea as it saves the grief. I bet you'll have people buying you stuff though so that will help I'm sure.

It's good you get a hospital tour. My local hospital don't do that anymore. They have a virtual tour on the interet instead but haven't accessed it yet.

Dreading the post baby blues. I just know I'm Gunna suffer with it. Not bought a Halloween outfit yet but will do closer the time. Will wait and see how big bubs is first. My oh is 6'4 so might have a tall baby! Will you buy baby a Christmas outfit? 64 days to go for you! Not long!
Closer to Christmas I will get him a little outfit. We picked up a few vests and muslin cloths at morrisons tonight, we shop there anyway so we said each week we'll put a couple basics in the trolley when we get the groceries. There's currently 25% off the clothes at the moment.

That's a shame you don't get a tour now, hope the virtual one is ok. My hospital also do the virtual tour but was made by the media students at the local sixth form about 10 years ago so is pretty cringeworthy!

I think I will get it also but we mustn't be too hard on ourselves. DH is planning on taking all of December off work so I think I'll likely get it in January when he goes back to work and I'm home alone. Will your OH take all his paternity leave at once or split it up?
He's going to take it all at once and he's taking some annual leave in november too. I think the blues is meant to hit as soon as you have your baby so you may be ok by the time hubby goes back to work. I'm dreading the period after. Apparently you bleed for about 2 weeks and its really heavy. Argh its been so long without af I'm not looking forward to seeing her return.

Finish work Friday - can not wait! Hope bubs sticks around until due date as got stuff to do.

Will check out morrisons clothes if there's an offer on. Need some more sleeveless vests and some older babies clothes too as I can see it growing out of newborn pretty quick. Good idea to get it all gradually like that. We did that too so it didn't seem too bad and it quickly mounted up.
Baby 5 after giving birth is what the medics say, when the elation of the arrival wears off and your hormones are wondering what the heck is going on!
Don't forget you'll get lots of presents so just buy the cheapie sleepsuits, body suits etc as you should get some lovely things from family and friends!!
Oh hello onion, times is passing so quickly. Just realised your due date is same as my anomoly gender scan! So we might possibly find out sex of our babies on the same day! Although unlikely, what's the stat? 5% or something silly that are actually born on estimated due date?
I know how good would that be Phez! Not long now!

Thanks for info on blues. Hopefully knowing that will make it easier to handle so we know its normal and won't last forever.
This is random, but my belly button is starting to go from an innie to an outie and it is freaking me out!
Oooh I know it is weird isn't it. Mines not an pitied but you can see it through tops. It's flat and looks really weird and stretched. It's a funny thing pregnancy isn't it.

My OH texted this morning saying that its amazing how there's going to be a third person which is half him and half me living with us soon lol! I think he must have been having a moment. It is surreal though isn't it. Bless him.
I hope mine continues stay in, you must post a pic of your bump Mlm, you are slender so bet its looking very cute on your figure.

How did your last day at work go bobster, we're you sad or happy? Your OH text was sweet, it does hit them (and us) sometimes that this is really happening.

I've started getting quite uncomfortable with braxton hicks and the stretching feeling as baby is finding less room to move around and causing bulges in the bump as he does. We spotted him moving last night without touching my belly, put a smile on our faces. Today we are building some nursery furniture :happydance:
Last day went well. Glad I've finished now. Time for some relaxing before his grand arrival! hoping he doesn't come early so I have some time to myself for 2 weeks.

Yay for putting up furniture! How exciting. You'll have to send a pic. did you order your elephants yet? What colour are you going for in the nursery? Are you having a theme?

Yes mlm send a pic of your bump if you can! And you Jane! Love bump pics.

It's funny how the movements change as baby here bigger. They are just shifting wiggling movements for me too now. Also feels like he's rammed under my right ribs sometimes. He had hiccups (i think) the other night which was cute!

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