Moving over from the ttc after loss thread

Oh wow bobster, your bump is so neat, has it moved a bit lower?

32 midwife appointment went well, HB and measurements are spot on and his head is at the brim of my pelvis :happydance:

I could spend loads in IKEA if I went by myself! Your nursery is looking great bobster, quite cosy. We are painting just an off white colour as the furniture is lime and white.
Oh yay sounds like your man is getting ready!!! I hope he stays head down until the end. Its amazing they don't get dizzy being up side down :-s

How was the antenatal class?

Thanks, still have bits to do but its feeling warmer and a bit more homely. Just need to make some pictures for above the cot on the window wall and above the changing unit and then we're about there.

Its a small room so difficult to do a lot with. Think we're going to look into the govenment scheme for first time buyers and see if we can find a house nearby. We have a deposit but only have just over 10k so a bit limited in York as to what we could buy without living in a bad area. Can't wait to have a house though rather than an apartment - will be so nice when it happens.

Your nursery sounds lovely. It must be a lot better to plan because you know the sex. I keep wanting to buy boy things all the time but have to keep it as neutral as possible just in case. Eek two weeks until we find out! and Phez finds out too! Double excitement!
Women's only antenatal class was good, focused mainly on what happens post natally to our bodies- the bleeding afterwards, going to the toilet, leaking boobs, losing the bump and building a support network for when your on your own.

I think the government scheme for less deposit looks quite good but I don't know what the conditions are. We've only been in this house 18 months and to be honest our circumstances have changed so much since we first bought it we really would be better suited elsewhere but we need to stay put for at least another year or two to recoup what we spent on stamp duty etc. shame you don't live closer bobster, we could go for coffee with our bubs otherwise.

I couldn't imagine not knowing the sex now we do, you always refer to your bub as a he that I will be so shocked for you if you have a girl! It's so exciting.
Its good you're on the housing ladder though even if its not the ideal house/location at the moment. I bet the next few years will fly by now you have your little man coming. I wish we could afford to get on it before baby but we sat down and baby was at the top of our list of priorities. We'll probably get married last and do its completely the wrong way round but that suits us. I do worry sometimes that people may look down on us for not being married/owning a house sometimes but I guess I just need to not worry so much about what anyone else thinks. Difficult at times though.

Your class sounds great and really helpful. Its great as you're probably already building your support network at the moment by meeting other mums who will be at a similar stage to you! I wish you ladies lived closer too its been lovely getting to know you all on here throughout the ttc journey and would have been lovely to do things like meet for coffees. I hope we all stay in touch on here after babies are born. Will be strange going through the next ttc/pregnancy without you all.

I know I will be very shocked if its a girl. Really not having any girl vibes at all but I guess you never really know. Only 2 weeks until we all find out :) Don't feel like the babies that low at the moment. Sometimes there's loads of pressure and it feels really far down and its uncomfortable to walk but the next day I can feel fine again. Do you have this or is it too early for you? I'm wondering if he's moving up and down a lot and if this means he might be late. See mw next week so will ask her then.
I don't have the pressure down there yet bobster, thinks its too early for me.
I think your right in that they move in and out until they engage and decide there's no going back.
I think going overdue is very common for your first one. I'm going to try and hold off being induced though (assuming everything is still healthy), I do believe they should come when they are ready. They only let you go 12 days overdue in Hertfordshire though.

Have you got a birthing/gym ball at home?
No ball at home. May get one though.

Yes I'm with you on not being induced if its safe. I think babies should come when they are ready as long as its not a risk to their health.

May not be saying that in a couple of weeks though! Although at the moment I don't feel like baby is coming any time soon as feel completely normal :-s
Bobster, I got a ball in Tesco tonight for £3.75 reduced from £5.75! Cheap and cheerful but should do the trick.
Still a squash, rubbish :nope:

How are you doing Mlm and Mrs Phez?
I feel like there's so much to do/think about that I must be forgetting something. I know I have plenty of time left, but this trimester is flying by. I have a basic appointment today, nothing exciting though. I have been getting some contractions which scared me, but the nurse said it was just Braxton hicks and to drink more water. So I've been drinking water like crazy the last couple days which has helped. Haven't had any more since. Other than that, nothing exciting going on here!
Don't worry mlm. My BH started in the early 20's too. Its a good sign that your body is preparing. Apparently they start much earlier but we just don't feel them until our wombs are bigger.
I never got BH, so I take that as a good sign. After 2 days of labor I had to have a csection cause he wasn't going anywhere. If you are having them already maybe your body will be better prepared and you'll actually get somewhere when you're in labor!
Oh I'm glad you got them too bobster, makes me feel tons better. Hopefully you're right Mack, I didn't think of it that way, thanks!
Waters broke 3am. It gushed out. So weird. They checked me over and sent me home! if labour doesn't start in 24 hours will need to be induced. Scared!!!
oh bobster I'm so excited honey. you'll do great!
Thanks Mack I hope so. Came as a shock as was sure I'd be overdue. Argh so nervous. Going to try sleep but contractions have started. Not too close together yet though so that's good.

Will keep you all updated xx
Oh bobster, sounds like your progressing so well on your own. Good luck lady, will be thinking of you :hugs:
Thank you. They haven't checked my cervix yet but I hope its dilated a bit as contractions are quite painful! Had my show after my waters broke which I found weird. Slimey ewcm with tiny smear of brown in it. You'd think that would come first wouldn't you?
Yes I thought the show came a couple of days before and was your pre warning!

Are you still at home? You sound quite calm. How is dan? Is the pain bearable?

You're going to meet your mini bobster this weekend :happydance:
I never had show until after my water broke either. how close are the contractions?

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