Moving over from the ttc after loss thread

and just keep thinking about that baby. I even whispered Finnian, it's for Finn, when it got real bad. the reminder of why I needed to get thru the pain helped me a lot.
Dan very calm and reassuring. I woke him at 3 to say i felt wet and he shot up with a bolt. He's great.

Contractions are now 4-5 mins apart but they aren't lasting very long. Like 20 seconds or something. Do you think I need to ring them?

Was just going to leave it as don't wanna be in hospital for any longer than I have to! Do feel relatively calm despite no preparation. Was very anxious when water broke though as it was a shock. Maybe its the tiredness now.
You're doing great bobster.

I don't know at what point you should go back in, perhaps ring them to clarify then you and Dan can formulate a plan as to stay put or not.
Oh wow bobster!!!! So excited for you! I will be thinking of you and praying everything goes as smoothly as possible!
We have a leaflet which tells us when to go in. It does say when you have painful regular contractions but I think that's just for pain relief as the mw said they have to be about every 3-4 mins at 1.5 mins each. At the moment mine are only 30 seconds tops every 5 mins. But they are getting stronger. Don't want to go in to be told to go home. Babies moving like normal and no offensive discharge so just waiting it out at home as long as possible.

We have to ring at 8 in the morning if nothing happens today/overnight.

Feel exhausted as not slept since 3am last night and stupidly went to bed at gone half 12. Just need sleep but impossible with the contractions! :(
Oh Lordy! Just catching up and stunned to see waters have broken Bobster! So excited for you! Try and rest (hard I know), baby will be here soon! Wishing you a speedy labour, will be thinking of you!:hugs:
I'm sure she is a bit occupied, but I keep checking to see if there is an update on baby bobster!
Congrats on your mango phez. I'm pretty sure I was already a papaya last week? Boring.
I'm sure she is a bit occupied, but I keep checking to see if there is an update on baby bobster!

Me too mlm! Am so excited for her, I hope we hear something soon!
19 weeks and a mango, brilliant. Starting the next countdown to the anomaly/gender scan...10 days!
I think Bobster will have a girl, just because she's so sure it's a boy!
Funny you say that, I had that thought about bobster having a girl too! Guess we will find out soon. Any new feelings for you on whether your baby is a boy or girl phez? That anomaly scan is such a milestone, exciting!

I registered for all my baby stuff yesterday, very overwhelming. Very confused on the necessary bottles/nipples required and how that all works. I will be breast feeding, but want to pump so dh can feed her as well with bottles. I think I will have to sign up for a class.
Well baby boy Jack was born at 8:10am today (6/10/13) weighing 6lb and 15oz.

It was a tough labour lasting 30 hours in total but managed to avoid an epidural and just used gas and air and pethidine. I went from 3cm dilated to 6cm in 2 hours!

He's gorgeous and very good so far hardly making a peep. Still in hospital until get breast feeding mastered so will post pics soon. Thanks for thoughts of me while I was labouring :)
Its a BOY!

Huge congratulations bobster. You did great.

Happy birthday Jack :flower:
Congratulations!!!!!!! You were right on thinking he was a boy! Adorable name. Yay I'm so happy for you!
Congratulations Bobster and welcome baby Jack. Woohoo you're a Mummy!!! :happydance:
Thanks ladies :) im over the moon. Just trying to learn as I go along. Still can't quite believe he's mine and Dan's! So surreal. Hope to go home tomorrow afternoon :)
I'm feeling totally inspired by you bobster- having a natural birth and not having an epidural- its really what i'm hoping for too (all being well).

Did having a warm bath/shower help with the contractions? You must be wiped out?

Must be such a rush of love holding your son that was made with love and is a perfect mix of the two of you.

I'm feeling all gushy tonight lol, seriously though, I'm so happy it all went well for you three. You've been there for all of us the last year and it's just wonderful for you to have your happy ending and beginning of a new chapter in your life :flower:
Hear hear! Lovely sentiments Jane, it's strangely emotional! Bringing new lives into the world and sharing our joy. Awwwww! Can't wait to see a pic Bobster, when you're ready of course ;-)
Thanks ladies it truely was a magical time. I'm not going to lie though it did hurt but it was so so worth it. It's so surreal that he's here and I'm finally a mum. Dans been amazing too. I don't think I've ever seen happy. He got emotional during the labour. The midwife today during my discharge chat said the establshed labour (tome from being 4cm to having him out) was really quick at only 5 hours! So I spent 24 hours from water breaking getting to 4cm! the waiting was the worst.

I have just got back from hospital this morning after he was striggling to feed but we seem to he getting there now thank god. I'm on my phone now but will post some pictures ASAP I promise.

I can't wait to hear all about your labour next Jane and then mlmvand phez! It's amazing!
Great to hear from you B! I am now shifting away from epi and towards a water birth with G&A, especially as it's my second. Have enough time to think about it and may be I just decide during labour. Screw the birth plan, not worth much in my opinion. Glad to hear feeding is improving, you'll get it, try not to stress :thumbup:
Hey bobster, welcome home mama! Bit of a personal question, but are you sore down there to wee and stuff? Did you tear or need to be cut? Are your nipples sore from trying to feed? Are you bleeding lots? don't feel you have to say.

I want to try my best without an epidural too Mrs Phez. In 40% of cases they can make the labour longer and increase the chances of instrumental delivery- we'll see how I get on in the moment though when the pain is bad.
It's funny you say about a birth plan, some good friends of ours who just had their second said they didn't bother writing one the second time around either. I'm wondering whether to write one as I want the delayed cord cutting to be captured somewhere but if I end up having a c section or he needs help breathing then it all goes out the window anyway. What day is your 20 week scan?

What sort of things did you put on your baby gift list Mlm? When is your shower? We finally chose the curtains and mobile and need to order the wall stickers. Any left over material from taking the curtains up I hope to make a cushion for the chair in there.

God, I really feel like my abdominals are splitting apart- Feels so sore and bruised- had to take my bra off at work lol.
Antenatal class tonight.

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