My Doppler got delivered today! I will try it tonight, but will try not to freak out if it doesn't work yet.
Happy birthday Phez!
I have maxed out on my ICs I think (and hope). The line from 5 weeks isn't getting any darker. It also isn't quite as dark as the control but I'm not too worried. Time to stop I think. I am so exhausted today. Oh and I'm 37 today in denial. Thank goodness I'm pregnant or I would be downright miserable about it!
Phez, since I am far enough along to have a small glass of wine I will have a toast for you! Happy Bday. I'll be 37 when I hopefully have kiddo #2. Are we crazy??
Oooo mrs phez, I just google the uppababy vista buggy and I like it saw a pic with the maxi cosi car seat attached too and looks good, not too big. hmmm will have to bear that one in mind when we go and try some out. In our price range too.
Oooo mrs phez, I just google the uppababy vista buggy and I like it saw a pic with the maxi cosi car seat attached too and looks good, not too big. hmmm will have to bear that one in mind when we go and try some out. In our price range too.
You're something new today Bobster, no more papaya! Yay eggplant!