Moving over from the ttc after loss thread

Lovely news Mrs phez. Congrats.

At 12.30am this morning I went into spontaneous premature labour at 33 weeks + 6 days and delivered our boy naturally with just gas and air, went from 0 to 10 cms in 4 hours. He's in the special care baby unit and doing ok. Will update properly in days to come.
Oh my God Jane! Well congratulations to you and well done to you Jane! Hope you're all OK. That must have come as a huge surprise. Hope baby's out of there soon :hugs:
Wow, shocked to read that Jane, although I'm sure not as shocked as you were. We're you getting contractions or did your water just break? Update when you can, take care of yourself and baby first. Congrats mama : )
wow, that's an update that literally made my jaw drop. so glad you and your wee man are doing well. I'm sure he will do great and be out of there very soon. congrats!
Feeling very fearful of preterm labor tonight - specifically going into labor before 30 weeks. For some reason that's the magic milestone I have in my head. I think it's because I'm starting to feel "more pregnant"... Lower backache, pelvic pain, etc. and I wonder if everything I'm feeling physically is normal. Ultrasound tomorrow to remeasure baby's spine since she didn't cooperate last time. Hopefully that will make me feel better and I can learn how to relax!
Jane oh my gosh what a surprise for you! Try not to worry your Lo will do just fine and is in the right place. Although he's early he's not greatly early so will be at home with you very soon I'm sure. Is he doing ok? Look after yourself Jane ad let them take care of Lo as you must be exhausted. Was hubby with you?

Mlm try not to worry. I think first babies usually come on time. I was the sane wanting to get to 30 weeks too but babies can survive from 24 weeks so its amazing what they can do. I was the same analyzing every twinge but I'm sure what you're feeling is normal as norah is getting big now. I bet we'll all be so much more relaxed the second time around!
Running a name by you...Cecily! I think I love the name, sweet and old-fashioned. But could be shortened to Cee-cee when she's in her teens. Hope DH likes it!
I know a girl called cecily and she's really nice so I like the name. Not very common which is nice too. Let us know what hubby says. Is dexter excited?
Hard to say Bobster, think he might be a bit fed up of me talking about his little sister and how he'll be a brilliant big brother! Time to lay off a bit and focus on him for the next few months. Sounds weird saying her and she! Still can't believe it! Thanks for name feedback, I like that's it's unusual but not too freaky, a bit like Dexter really. Glad you know a nice Cecily. How are you getting on?
Getting on really well thanks. Registered him today and got his birth certificate and he's registered with the gp. Fed him out in public which I felt self conscious about but he latched on great which is good. Feeling much more confident with feeding him now. Bought some lanolin cream and that helped great. Just feel conscious really about feeding him in public or around family/friends. He's used to bottles as well as we've been topping him up occassionally with them but its a pain to pump all the time. Going to have to face my fear and just do it more i think. Dan goes back to work on Monday :( be strange being on my own with him as he's been such a great help.
I didn't mean to scare anyone, sorry. Thanks for all your kind words.
Greg is still in the special care baby unit in an incubator and they think at least 2 weeks depending on progress.
Trying our best to bond but still no milk for them to use. We've had some skin to skin contact but he can't stay out of his box for long.
DH wasn't home when the contractions started so was an ambulance trip but the paramedics were able to get hold of him before he caught his flight.

Sounds like your doing really well bobster. There are those scarves you can drape over yourself or a simple muslin cloth?

How did your scan go Mlm?
Jane you sound so calm and collected. Really really well done to you for such a quick delivery and dealing with everything so well. I bet it was really scary not having hubby there when it started. Greg obviously couldn't wait any longer to meet his lovely parents.

Please try not to worry about your milk and try and stay patient with it. I had an awful time in hospital worrying about not producing enough/any colostrum which is why I stayed a bit longer. They were making me self express into this tiny little syringe and I was barely getting 0.1ml to give him. In the end they got a health care assistant to express for me and she managed to get 0.3mls but it was bloody painful. After that it started getting a bit easier. It does get easier! There's been so many times I have felt like such a bad mother for not producing enough but I've realised its normal to worry about this. You will have colostrum there its just getting it out which is the tricky part.

Hope Greg gets big and strong and you can hold him for longer very very soon. He will be with you at home before you know it. Thinking of you xx
Oh jane, I didn't mean anything bad towards you about being scared, please don't apologize! Sorry if it came off badly. So glad to hear Greg is doing well. Hopefully the next two weeks fly by and he is healthy and happy at home in no time!
Thanks for your words bobster, they've given me those small syringes too and I need to try and hand express and dribble what I can in to them. They said to persevere and even if no milk comes to carry on with the stimulation every 3 hours as will get there. It's nice to know that I'm not alone.

Thanks ladies as usual.x
My first week with Dexter was the most stressful. I like you, had barely any colostrum and my milk didn't come for several days. But it will Jane, you'll be all good soon. Just stay optimistic if you can and enjoy that precious time with your little one when he's out of the box. 2 weeks isn't too long to wait :hugs:
So here's our little girl! Bit fuzzy but you should see some definition! DH vetoed Cecily :-(


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Ah no, Cecily is so pretty, and Cee Cee is a cute girl nickname.

Jane, the other ladies are right. Keep on going with that stimulation. He was early, but your milk will come in. They may give you a script if it doesn't start up soon to help out. And if you are worried about bonding, don't. One of the reasons I wanted to BF was for health reason and the bonding. Psshhhh. He was mad and hungry for weeks thinking I was an idiot cause I didn't know how to put a boob in his mouth, and I was so delirious I didn't know what was going on. It didn't feel like bonding til he was closer to 2 months old when he could make eye contact and we weren't struggling to get him latched. But, when I snuggle him up with a bottle, he has his head rested on my boob looking up at me, so we're still bonding.
Mackjess at times I feel like an idiot too for not being able to put my boob properly in his mouth. It's reassuring you felt the same and have got past it. I can't wait for jack to be past this newborn phase so he can communicate with me better. The lack of sleep is drivin me insane.

Is Finn sleeping more at night now? Have you done anything to try as get him into a routine? I'm at a loose end with lack of sleep! Feel like a zombie :(
Phez Lovely scan picture. It's one to treasure. I found my 12 week scan better than the 20 week one as you can see more when they are tiny. I'm deffo going to find out the sex next time.

Jane how is he? How are you? Keep squeezing those boobs. You will produce more and more as you do it more. And a few drops is normal so don't put too much pressure on yourself. How much did Greg weigh? Congratulations I hope the next 2 weeks goes quick so you can snuggles him soon. Blimey another 2ww when will it end!

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