Moving over from the ttc after loss thread

Mackjess are you doing tummy time with Finn? We started yesterday and jack did really well lifting his head. How often are you meant to do it throughout the day to build their muscles?
and a close up. He was still a bit jaundice in this picture.
Hey ladies,
Congrats on the double digits mlm- so exciting that you are nearing the final trimester and love the dress mrs phez- hope you make your bro's wedding :winkwink:

What is tummy time bobster? is that the same as skin to skin or kangaroo time? How are you getting on with oh back at work? DH has started back today which is really crap given that we've only just brought Greg home.

argh I hate colds, not looking forward to dealing with childhood illness's.

Greg is doing ok, he has gained a little bit of weight but the hospital and community nurses are keeping a close eye on it. We are managing to combination feed with formula and breastfeeding/expressed milk but he tires quickly and is not getting the volume he needs. We have been getting contradictory advice from different health visitors etc and its hard to know what is best. Its taken a long time for my milk to come in and the volumes are pretty low- i think him being in the unit and the stress/emotion of the last 2 weeks has affected it big time.

So they think the early labour was brought on because of an infection. Thankfully Greg's cultures came back negative but we've both had IV antibiotics to be on the safe side.

I got the medela swing pump as well bobster, i like it but do wish I could have afforded the double one.
What a little nugget! I love his little face Jane! I wonder what kind of infection you could have had without them knowing or having symptoms? Strange. Glad he is well though and gaining some weight. Sounds like you're doing a good job mama 😀
He is just gorgeous Jane! What a beautiful baby. He has so much hair! Gorgeous. Glad you've both doing well. I got contradictory advice too. We saw a different midwife every time. Just find your own way. Jack struggled too and they advised cup feeding to top him up but it just seemed to dribble fish his chin which was souk destroying after all the effort pumping. Your milk will get quicker don't worry.

That's rubbish about hubby going back to work already. Have you got on ok so far? It's scary being on your own at first isn't it. Can hub get some annual leave booked?
Oh tummy time is where u put them on their tummy and they try to push themselves up. Its meant to help strengthen their neck and shoulder muscles to help them get to develop a bit quicker. I bought a playmate for him to do it on but only started yesterday
Jane he has lon fingers! Jack does too. Jacks toes are really long too. They look like he could hang upsidedown from them lol no idea who they've come from.
Here's my little man

Jane, he's absolutely beautiful! I've fallen a bit in love with him (he looks a bit like Dexter did when he was born).
The midwife invasion after the birth is a bit much (I found anyway) with all their feeding input and advice. Just feed him what you can, when you can if he tires easily. You'll get there......
Jane he is beautiful. I'd type more but I am miserable with a cold.

bobster I try to do ten minutes a day. we are also trying to roll over and having him sit propped up.
Thanks ladies, he is a handsome little fellow but I am biased.
Isn't it strange being pregnant one minute and then not. I wonder how all of him fit in!

It's reassuring to know that you also found the advice contradictory bobster and I totally agree about the midwife/health visitor invasion a bit much mrs phez. We also have the community nurse from the special care baby unit involved as well- keep getting their names mixed up and feel like they take up so much of my day keep popping in and out. Having said that we have had to ring them to check if some things are 'normal' so is good to have that back-up.

Last night we ended up in children's a&e, Greg was so lethargic and his temp was low and wouldn't feed- seems brighter today though and they put it down to the fact he is exhausted on the combination feeding schedule. We've been advised to shelve the breast feeding for now and just give him the expressed stuff in a bottle religiously every four hours.

How are you feeling today mackjess? Well done on starting your weight loss, I also need to start down that route but can't stop comfort eating right now.

DH is saving his annual leave for Christmas holidays but will be working from home the odd days where he can.

Please tell me the sleep deprivation gets easier? Anyone else never remember to do their pelvic floor exercises?
I hope it gets easier Jane! I'm finding lack of sleep hard too.
Glad he's ok Jane. It's best to get these things checked. Could the handicrafts be making him more lethargic too? Jack had it quite bad and it made him really sleepy.

It is weird being pregnant 1 minute and a mum the next. Surreal. Sounds a good idea to give the expressed milk. I think it'd gentler on the nipples. Jack as quite a shallow latch at time ouch! Do you feel like all you do is pump milk now? Like daisy the cow?
Wash the stuff>sterilise>express>feed>wash>sterilise>express>feed......
and they tell me to do this 7-8 times a day plus there are the formula top ups to prepare and give- there's little time to do anything else!

Sleep when baby sleeps was the advice- yeah, right!
Just read my last post back - hope you made sense of it. The predictive text on my phone always turns my words into other words lol!

What formula are you giving him and how often? I give Jack about 1-2 small cartons full a day and am using the ready made stuff. Its about 65p for a small carton but maybe I should buy a tin of powder. Just not sure how to make it up.

Do you find Greg's sick more after formula compared to breast milk?
Just read my last post back - hope you made sense of it. The predictive text on my phone always turns my words into other words lol!

What formula are you giving him and how often? I give Jack about 1-2 small cartons full a day and am using the ready made stuff. Its about 65p for a small carton but maybe I should buy a tin of powder. Just not sure how to make it up.

Do you find Greg's sick more after formula compared to breast milk?

We used Aptamil (if you're interested!!!), the stuff you buy in big containers. But think the advice is to stick to the one you started on. Chose Aptamil as it seemed a hit with other Mums, plus they do the Hungry Baby version and Comfort to help settle colicky tums (which really helped a baby of some friends of ours). Which ones did you choose?
I used Enfamil. He does fine on formula and or breastmilk, but I prefer the BF diapers, they get smelly when he eats formula. Peeew weee.

So far, little man hasn't gotten sick. I'm amazed. And chuckling cause I've always said I have the worst immune system ever. Apparently even a 3 month old is less of a weenie than me. I am staying at home to work tomorrow and keeping him home with me. Hoping that he makes it thru the weekend without getting sick. I don't want him to get the babysitters 2 yo son sick so I kept him home yesterday to keep an eye on him, and he seemed perfectly fine all day. His nose is stuffy, but that has always been that way. My ped said long as he doesn't snore at night, which he doesn't, to stay on top of the saline and boogy grabbing (what i call the bulb syringe) and he will outgrow his prone to be stuffy when his little nose gets bigger. I'm happy to report he gets his little nose from his momma. He looks so much like his daddy that I'm glad he got something from me!

Jane, It gets better. But get help. My sister came over and stayed on top of the bottle washing and laundry for me. My husband washed them at night, and my mother in law and neighbors brought food over. The advise that I got from the 4 different lactation specialists did contradict each other alot at times, but the best lesson I got was to keep the pumping going for 7 minutes on each side after the milk stops. So if the milk stopped after 4 minutes, to keep pumping, long as it wasn't painful, for a total of 11 minutes after the milk stopped, but not to go over 15 minutes total on each side. I did that long enough that the milk came for the solid 15 minutes. It took a few weeks to get there, but I got to where I produced enough by doing that, I only had to pump for every other feeding. Not every feeding. That was like half my day back! I was so tired I had to keep a notebook next to me to write down what time I started pumping, and what time the milk stopped. LOL. Otherwise it would be a few minutes after the milk stopped, and I'd be like OMG I ALREADY FORGOT what time that was.

Finn is a champ with latching now, your guys will get there. When he hit about 2 1/2 months, he got so good at it I had to be careful. I'd have him on the boppy near me, getting situated with a burp cloth or whatever and he'd get a latch on the side of my boob and give me a hickey in a split second. lol. He's a hungry man!

Still waiting patiently to meet your princesses. Glad you ladies are doing/feeling well.
Thanks for the advice about pumping Mack i'll keep it on now after the milk stops. I usually take it off straight away so that's good to know.

While I was brushing my teeth tonight getting ready for bed I noticed my boobs started dripping! That's never happened before so milk must be improving!

I am using aptamil too. Jack didn't seem to agree with cow and gate so much. Will try the comfort one though for comic if i can find it. I've been giving jack infacol on the evenings to settle his tum. He sometimes looks like he's trying to squeeze a Poo out bless him. He only had 1 Poo yesterday and looked really uncomfortable and then 2 today. He was having about 6 a day before. Do you think this is due to having forumla? Poor little mite hope he's not constipated...
Not formula/feeding related, but today I am officially in 3rd tri 😀. Yay!
congrats mlm!

my poor bubs has his first ear infection. I feel terrible about it. he starts on antibiotics today so hopefully we are feeling better fast

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