Bobster, it was the community nurse at SCBU that suggested reflux from his symptoms of vomiting (projectile vomit rather than a bit of spit up) and never ending squirming when you put him down.
She suggested infacol you get at the chemist, burping him every 20 mL's, sitting him upright after feeding or in the bouncer and put the crib mattress at an angle. If that doesn't work she said go to the GP and they would give him ranitidine.
Hope this info helps. The frequent burping has helped, not tried the infacol.
The hv annoys me. We were told by SCBU to keep Greg warm as he is small he'd feel the cold more than a term baby, the hv walks in and first thing she says is that he has too many blankets on and the risk of SIDS increases so we took the blankets off. Next evening GP sent us to A&E because Greg's temperature had gone too low. They also said not to have his mattress at an angle where as SCBU nurse said to do it as prem babies are prone to reflux.
I think you need to do what works for you and sounds like what you are doing works for your situation. I think DH might have to start sleeping in the spare room or sofa too. Does jack like his pram carrycot? Greg seems to so I use that more than the crib during the day time when he is downstairs with me.
I think I will start doing the evening naps too but evening seems to be when Greg is settled and DH and I get to spend some time together over dinner- its difficult trying to do every thing at once.
How are you finding taking them out just to the supermarket etc? At the moment it feels like everything revolves around his feeding and getting him ready to go is a massive task, does this get better as you gain more confidence?