Moving over from the ttc after loss thread

I feel good. Starting to get nervous about everything there is left to do. My baby shower is in 10 days, so I'm really hoping we will get a lot of stuff we need. My furniture is here though and room is painted which I love 😃. I hope Norah doesn't surprise me early like Greg did for you Jane, I'm not ready!!
Oh my that precious little man. Finn already seems like a giant. I miss how tiny he was. :(

Mlm, glad you are doing well. I hope your baby shower is a lot of fun! Going back to work has been hard, but it's OK. Luckily I really like my job so that has made it easier. I don't mind being there, I just hate that I'm not with Finn. When he did tummy time at the sitter's yesterday he got his knees up under him. I don't like missing any little thing!
Well done mackjess, I was pumping whilst reading your post about pumping LOL.

How are you feeling mlm, have you purchased most things now, when is your baby shower- 80 days to go!

How are you doing Mrs Phez? I couldn't imagine doing these early days if I had a toddler to look after too....

Here is a pic of my tiny man, can't get it up the right way- sorry.

Hello Jane! Made it to the magic 24 weeks, feeling pretty good. Bit nervous about the early newborn days and Dexter, but he'll be 3, potty trained and pretty helpful, he's a good kid. Plus we've extended his hours at nursery which will help and newborns sleep a lot right?? If he was younger I would be very nervous! Lots of Mums at the playgroups I go to are expecting which is really nice, lots of friendly support!
Jane he's beautiful! How much does he weigh now?

Bleeding stopped again now so who knows... Not thought about contraception yet but will probably stick with the pill. Don't like hormones but too chicken to have copper coil.

Went to boots yesterday but they don't sell fenugreek supps. Have you bought yours yet?

Hope you get loads at your shower mlm.

Congrats on going past v day phez.

Got a smile from jack yesterday. Going to try and get another today. Hoping it wasn't just wind lol.

Mack it must be hard working and feeling like you are missing things. I will feel the same I'm sure. Its good you enjoy your work though. Must make it easier to go back.
Phez wow you are cruising right along! Almost down to double digits. Woohooo. I'm sure Dexter will be so excited about his new little sister that things will be great.

Bobster - Just wait. After that first smile things started rolling. More smiles, laughs, more alert, grabbing, trying to roll and sit. They do something new every day and it's all so amazing.
Looking forward to smiles and giggles from Greg. Loving his cute coughs. hiccups and sneezes.

Bobster I got the fenugreek supplements from Holland and Barratt and the ordinary ground cooking herb from morrisons. Went to a breast feeding support clinic today, was so helpful but his mouth is still too small to latch on without the shield but feeling more confident that we will get there.

Sounds like your both doing really well Mrs Phez and Mlm, looking forward to hearing about baby showers, your births and seeing pics of your little girls once they arrive.
I'm finally out of the eggplant stage, yay! That was long!
Yey Mlm- what is an acorn squash? Don't remember being that vegetable!
I don't remember that one either... Maybe its new!

Think the smile must have been wind as he's not done it since. Mil was trying to make him smile the other day. I thought it would be typical if he did it for her first and the thought really irritated me! I'm so grouchy at the mo. Wonder if its from hormones from breast feeding. Anyone else feel this way?

Jane glad you are getting on well with the sheilds. Are they easy to use through the night when you're half asleep? Will you be going back to bf support group? I'm reluctant to join mother and baby groups after going a few times to coffee groups as I found it a bit dull just talking about babies. I want to talk about other things when I go out. Is this just me being grouchy again?
Bobster, girl you need a break! I get like that sometimes. Dh will stay at home with Finn while I just go to the grocery store or lunch or something then I feels better.
I'm grouchy too, but mainly it's with my mum saying that I'm over feeding him and other unuseful comments like that! He had a weigh in yesterday- he is now 3kg! Think that's 6lbs 12 oz-he's gained 2lbs in 5 weeks :thumbup:

DH tended to him a lot of the weekend so felt more human after some unbroken sleep and long hot shower and time on my own but hasn't taken long to feel absolutely exhausted again.

Everyone keep telling me it does get better- is that true mackjess. How many hours does Finn sleep through the night now? We are still on a 3-4 hour feeding cycle but some nights he just won't settle unless he's on someone's chest.

I think coffee meets can be a bit boring- I did one last week but I'm hoping the activity ones will be better.

I faced my fear yesterday and jumped on the scales. I'm 14 lbs heavier than before pregnancy but I was overweight then too :nope: can't stop comfort eating with the sleep deprivation.
Argh Jane I feel your pain with everything! Hate people casting doubt in your mind.sounds to me like you're doing a cracking job as he's gaining weight so well! I don't think you can over feed them. They will take what they need so don't worry. The health visitor will soon tell you if not.

Im looking forward to weigh-in tomorrow. it makes it all seem worth the blood sweat and tears when they grow.

I feel you on the weight too. Bought a yoga dcs but still to open it! I think the tiredness does make you more hungry. I've been craving chocolate big time.

Jacks on the same routine as Greg by the sounds of it. He wakes every 3 hours during the night. He is napping less during the day so hoping his night time sleeps might start being longer.

I think you are right Mack I do need a break. Would love Dan to have jack for a whole night but the only way he'll settle and fall asleep is on the boob :(

Going to give the groups a miss for now as while I'm so tired I feel very antisocial. Jane what activity groups do you have planned? Has your skin cleared up yet? Mines still bad. Going to ask gp about it at my check up.
Xmas photos! And our 4 month well baby check is in about an hour so I gotta run. Hope you all are doing well.

mlm- did you have your baby shower or is that coming up still?

Phez are you all lined up for your new little princess yet?

Jane, Greg will get there with sleeping longer. It was at 5 weeks with Finn, but since he was a little early it could take him longer I think?

Bobster, OMG what a dream a WHOLE night would be. I get excited when I can take a shower without the baby fussing and rushing me.
Lovely photos mackjess. Can't believe how big he's grown. It weird to think that jacks going to be that big so soon. They grow so quickly. Is he crawling yet or is it too soon for that? What do they check in the 4 month appointment?
My gorgeous little man is now 10 lb 6 oz! All he does is eat.

Do your boys trump a lot mack and jane? Jack farts so much! Maybe its a boy thing :shrug:

Here's some updated pics.


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Loving the photos mackjess and bobster.
Finn is so smiley in this set of pics mackjess, just wonderful.

Wow bobster, 10 lb 6oz is great- good job on the feeding. He is so alert in the pics. I just realised that Greg is only 10 days younger than would have been my due date next thurs 28th nov!

Oh my goodness, Greg farts like anything and sometimes when he pops one out he makes noises like he's enjoying doing it! They can smell pretty evil though!

Is your shower this weekend Mlm or did you already have it? Sorry I lost track of time.

DH let me have a 3 hour nap but I feel worse for it- I just crave more now :dohh:
Your boys are adorable ladies. Seems like you have all been doing such an awesome job with them. I like reading about what you are going through so I can mentally prepare for what is in store for me!

My shower is this weekend. I'm looking forward to it, and it looks like most of the stuff we registered for has been purchased, woo! Yes, I'm impatient and have checked my registry every day haha.
Your boys are adorable ladies. Seems like you have all been doing such an awesome job with them. I like reading about what you are going through so I can mentally prepare for what is in store for me!

My shower is this weekend. I'm looking forward to it, and it looks like most of the stuff we registered for has been purchased, woo! Yes, I'm impatient and have checked my registry every day haha.

Lol Mlm, enjoy your shower. You'll have to post a pic of your nursery once you have everything in place.
Glad Greg farts a lot too because I asked my friend who has a little girl and she said she hadnt noticed that! Thought it was just jack being smelly Haha.

Don't know why but my tickers wrong. Jacks 6 weeks and 5 days old today. It really is strange to think that gregs only a little behind jack and strange that he would stilk be in your tum now if you hit your due date. He's doing soo well. And so are you! Sometimes a nap does make you feel worse as its hard to wake up. I think I'm going to ask dan to have him for a night soon as tiredness s getting ridiculous now. I keep snapping at him and then feeling guilty and apologising and then doing it again. Every small thing is irritating me at the moment but I know its not his fault and have to stop taking it out on him.

Enjoy your shower mlm. Can't wait to see pics of your nursery when its done!

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