Moving over from the ttc after loss thread

The shower was great! I feel very fortunate to have so many people that came to celebrate the baby and bring gifts. I feel much better now that we have most of the stuff we need. Just need to put it all away/assemble it now.

How are you doing Phez? Haven't heard an update from you in a little while.
Yay glad it went well mlm. It's exciting putting everything away and making it all homely isn't it.

You've got a funny shaped baby hehe a cucumber is a new one isn't it!

Yes how are you doing phez?
I know! I think they've updated their fruit/veggies in the last few weeks. It's about time!
Can't believe your little girl is as long as a cucumber. Amazing!

Still keep staring at jack wondering how the hell he came out of me! and also how amazing it is that in 40 weeks he went from a poppy seed to a gorgeous little person! Wow.
The shower was great! I feel very fortunate to have so many people that came to celebrate the baby and bring gifts. I feel much better now that we have most of the stuff we need. Just need to put it all away/assemble it now.

How are you doing Phez? Haven't heard an update from you in a little while.

I'm fine thank you! Baby girl is rolling about as I type. Next mw app 9th Dec (3 months after the last one!) They pretty much leave you to it here if you've had an easy first pregnancy. Not worried though. Been busy with Dexter - swimming, playgroups, bday party, library for stories. Dexter has just found his confidence in the pool and will jump in without holding my hand, magical. He looks like he's swimming as well with both arms and feet going. Very proud. Only taken a year!!!!
So fascinating reading the newborn tales, esp the sleep deprivation. Dexter sleeps 8-8now. I'm gonna have a shock to the system aren't I?? Loving the baby pics! Not done anything yet for the new arrival, where's the time going? 3rd tri next week and 95 days to go! Super fast pregnancy
They really have updated the ticker- pineapple and lettuce for Mlm and mrs phez.

Think I have mastitis, one boob is incredibly painful, can't bare to touch it, it's red and hard in one place and I've been running a temperature. It could also be a blocked duct? When I pumed to help relieve the pressure I got one drop in 20 mins. We have our postnatal check on tuesday so will mention it.

Did you and jack have your postnatal check bobster?
Is jack starting to go longer between feeds? Are you getting more sleep?

Greg is good, eating constantly at the moment so not much sleep. He is in to the 7lbs zone now.

How was your first thanksgiving with Finn, mackjess?

This year will be a lovely Christmas for all of us with these bumps and babies on the scene :flower:
Defo sounds like mastitis Jane, it's very painful isn't it. You may need antibiotics to clear it up, can't remember. Hope doesn't impact your bfing.
Belated Happy Thanksgiving to our friends over the pond, hope you had a lovely time.
3rd tri today and I'm a rutabaga! What? Kind of swede/turnip apparently. They have def updated since I was pregnant with Dexter.
They updated it right after I got out of the 4 week eggplant stage- looks like you'll have a more interesting set of veggies phez. I actually get excited to see the changes, I'm jealous : )

It is crazy to me that you haven't been to the mw in 3 months! But I guess if nothing is wrong there is no point in going more frequently. Love your story about Dex and the pool. I'm very excited to have a baby, but I also think kids are so freaking adorable when they are around dexters age.

Jane, that sounds very painful- can you wait til Tuesday? Ouch.

Norah has been extremely active lately, although only during the day. She seems to go to sleep at night right along with me, so I have still been getting a really good nights sleep(minus the times I have to get up to pee lol). I hope she sticks to this schedule after she is born!
My check up is Wednesday Jane. Dreading Jack's jabs. Hate to see him in pain or upset.

If your boon gets worse I second what chez says and would go tomorrow as you don't want it to affect your bf.

Jacks been weird today and slept most of the day. Think he'll prob be a terror tonight now. He was last night too. Feels like he'll never sleep through but I know in reality he will eventually. 8 weeks old today! How's Greg's sleeping?
Jane good luck for jabs today. Jacks got his too and its my post natal check. The letter said wed 3rd so it was a typo. I'm sat here now dreading it. Hate him being upset and in pain but know it needs to be done. What times your appointment? Let us know how it goes.
Bobster, how did the jabs go? Was it today or tomorrow?

Today we just had the postnatal check for the two of us and his jabs are next week when he'll be 8 weeks. GP examined and confirmed it is most likely mastitis so have a course of antibiotics.

Mlm, so cute that Norah sleeps when you sleep. I'm so happy I can sleep on my front again (well when my boobs aren't sore and Greg's not crying!)

What are everyone's plans for Christmas? We will be staying at home but having the family come to us- be so nice not to spend hours driving anywhere this year.
I had postnatal and jack had jabs. It was ok. He had one in each thigh and some oral stuff too. Was dreading it!

How was your post natal? They didn't really do much in mine. She just asked if I was ok. Maybe because she knows im a nurse.

Jacks had mucous in his Poo the last few days. I asked her about it but she didn't seem concerned. Anyone else's bub had this? he Strains a lot and seems uncomfortable but is going daily 1-2 times so not constipated. Such a worry these little people aren't they.
Is jack a bit grisly today after the jabs?
At my postnatal she prodded my stomach, asked about my mood, the bleeding, what contraception I wanted, took blood pressure and examined my boobs because I mentioned they were painful.

Not seen any mucus in Greg's poo but as an adult I've had that and it was normal and something to do with it having a quick transit time out the bowel so assume that's a similar cause in babies?
Your check up was very thorough. I wasn't keen on my Dr, she didn't have a good patient manner and literally didn't check me over at all. She just asked if I was ok. Weird.

Yes he was a bit grisly the day of the jabs, not too bad the day after. He's still not sleeping well. Feel so tired.

Thanks for reassurance on the poo issue. I didn't know that could cause mucous. Makes sense as he poo's so often.

How are the bumps coming along? Phew have you found this pregnancy/bump different to your boy pregnancy?

Mlm how's the nursery looking? Got your furniture up yet? Any pics?

Mack hope lovely Finn is well. Have you got him Xmas presents? I wasn't sure what to get Jack as it seems silly wrapping them to unwrap them myself lol. Will probably just get him a couple of toys to pop play with in a few months.
Finn is very grabby and likes tissue, so I plan on getting him a few things in gift bags. Of course he will be more into crinkling the tissue than anything probably. I want to get him Scout for sure. You program it with his name and it sings songs and stuff. SUPER cute.

I have not even started xmas shopping for the rest of my family. I usually do the shopping for both sides, but I think I'm going to tell DH to take care of his side of the family. We are doing photos for most of the gifts so I just need to get some frames. And I have my niece and nephew to buy for still. URGH Christmas is coming up too fast!!

I bet the ladies who are pregnant have an extra special year. I loved it last year, the anticipation and knowing I'd have a little one to hold the next holiday. It's a good time. :)
I was wondering about getting something for Greg, maybe just a rattle- he got so much when he was born so nothing that he really needs right now, I need to buy him a stocking though.

I was thinking of doing a 'my first year' photo frame thing for my parents and I could give them a new photo to put in it each month.

Tommorow we have a free class at a baby sensory play gym. I think he's not going to be awake to enjoy it mind you! I probably won't properly sign him up for another couple months when he's awake longer in the day.

Looking to start baby massage too...

Have you been affected by the storm bobster?
Love the photo gift ideas ladies.

What's sensory gym entail? Sounds interesting. And baby massage... I've been so lazy and not joined anything. Letting tiredness get to me too much I think. May start some classes soon too. Let me know how yours go. Wasnt affected by storm. Was pretty bad wasn't it. Glad it calmed down today. Did you have any problems?

Was thinking earlier it doesn't seem a year ago that we were all talking about ttc last Christmas and Mack was worrying about if her bean would stick! Crazy... knew we'd all have bumps/babes this Christmas. Feel so lucky after feeling like it wouldn't happen this time last year. Such a lovely thought that it all worked out for us on this thread. Thanks for being there and all of your support over the last year :)
I'll admit to a little but of jealousy that you 3 already have your LOs here for Christmas. Although being so close now does make me excited for next year!

Funny how you can have a whole conversation about poo now, haha. Can't wait to join those talks!

I'm off work for a little vacation in a couple of weeks, so hope to finish the nursery then. I will be sure to post pics when I'm done!
It's so close for you now Mlm, enjoy getting plenty of rest on your vacation and finishing the nursery. What is your due date?

Bobster, the baby sensory class was songs, changing light colours, baby signing, bit of massage, various toys that feel different. Greg slept through the whole thing. To be honest, it's nothing you couldn't do at home with a little imagination.

Mackjess, what is your evening routine for Finn? I'm starting to think of one for Greg, bathing him before bed is the obvious choice but I've been told he should only be bathed once a week at the moment so need other ideas for what we can do?

Bobster have you started a routine yet? The health visitor said not to bother until 12 weeks but I think it wouldn't do any harm to slowly introduce a few things now.

Greg has his first set of vaccinations today :nope:
Yes mlm enjoy this last bit. Enjoy the sleeping and preparing her nursery. It's such a lovely point in pregnancy when you feel them moving regularly and the end is in sight. I loved the anticipation. Miss the kicks and bump.

Jane poor greg. Was he ok after his jabs? I felt so guilty taking jack. It's an awful thing to do but so worth it. I haven't got a routine as such but I try to get jack to bed around 9 or half 9 and always have really dimmed lights and make sure its really quiet. We also put a hot water bottle in his Moses basket s so its warm before he gets in as it helps him settle to sleep. I don't bath him every night either. I do it once or twice a week.

Jack slept for 6 hours straight last night, the most since he's been born! I hope it wasn't a fluke.

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