Mlm fabulous bump. It's so neat! I used a fresh going hone outfit but while I was in hospital just used nightie to labour in and pj's for after and a dressinh gown. I was in for 2 days so needed 2 pairs of pj's/nighties for after as you will bleed a lot afterwards so cab easily get them messy. So all in all I would try take at least 3 sets of nighyware. No one was in hosp gowns when I was thre but I'm sure they would provide them. Remember lots of pads too and a squeezy bottle for squirting water on your bits while u wee as it may sting. Not long now! Can't wait to see a pic of your little one.
Jane that's great that he's sleeping upstairs now. What a relief for you. I wouldn't worry abouy baths, he's still so little. It might just take time for him to get used to them. I want to try get jack to.fall asleep on his own next as he generally has to be cuddled or fed to sleep. The routine seems to be helping.but he's no where near sleeping through. I read it takes 7-10 days of consistent routine for babies to start to learn. I'm so jealous of mums who's babies sleep through really early. It seens everywhere I go there is a smug mum or dad who days their baby slept hours on end from being a few weeks old. He weighs 11 lb 6oz and is 11 weeks and 2 days old.
Merry Christmas to everyone! Enjoy your time with family and have a lovely time
Jane that's great that he's sleeping upstairs now. What a relief for you. I wouldn't worry abouy baths, he's still so little. It might just take time for him to get used to them. I want to try get jack to.fall asleep on his own next as he generally has to be cuddled or fed to sleep. The routine seems to be helping.but he's no where near sleeping through. I read it takes 7-10 days of consistent routine for babies to start to learn. I'm so jealous of mums who's babies sleep through really early. It seens everywhere I go there is a smug mum or dad who days their baby slept hours on end from being a few weeks old. He weighs 11 lb 6oz and is 11 weeks and 2 days old.
Merry Christmas to everyone! Enjoy your time with family and have a lovely time