Moving over from the ttc after loss thread

Fab pics mlm. I love the wall stickers. It looks so pretty in there I'm sure she'll love it. Will norah be in with you for first 6 months?

I'm itching to get jack into his own room so me and oh have more time together but we're waiting until 6 months and until he can sleep through. bet it will be hard transitioning them to their own rooms.

Jane yes jack makes some odd noises. He's a grunter too lol. Think they're more mucousy than us. I wouldn't worry. Sometimes he dreams and makes scary noises and pulls strange faces. He cried in his sleep yesterday which alarmed me. What can a 3 month baby have to dream about that's so bad!
MLM it is fit for a princess. And I giggled when I saw your pooch in the picture. She probably thought she was in charge during the process.

And way to go! I still haven't done the wall hangings in Finn's room. I fell in love with a "Little Man" sign when I was at Target, but I was already spending a lot of money on necessities, like jammies and diapers, on that trip so I thought I'd get it the next time. It's sold out and I can't even find it online! I have two pictures that would look perfect as a grouping with that sign so now I'm protesting and hanging nothing. LOL

Jane and Bobster, sounds like things are going well. Jealous of the cinema thing. I don't think we have anything like that here. And Jane, I agree how great you are doing considering what Greg's gestational age is. I didn't leave the house any til Finn was well over month old and he was full term and had started sleeping more by then. It's still a hassle as you have to pack so much. The baby toting is easy, it's all the gear!
Happy New Year everyone! Sounds like you're all getting on really well with your babies, not long now mlm!
Sorry I've been quiet lately, just trying to get my head around the fact I'm almost 32 weeks and still totally unprepared. Was hoping to start getting stuff together this week but not happened so far. DH is giving up smoking (hurray) and I feel like I'm treading on eggshells at the moment so daren't ask him for hlp. Although I really do need it now. My bump is colossal and pretty uncomfortable. She's moving around loads and I've got rubbish heartburn, breathlessness and I'm always waking up in the night. Can't wait for it to be over and meet her. Feel like I should be grateful but I'm just a bit fed up now. Do you/did you have pain in our rib area when you're in the car? I am also dreading my brothers wedding in February which is 6 hours drive away....and a long way from the hospital! Blah...
We did do lots of sale shopping and got lots of lovely outfits, that did cheer me up!
Roll on 2nd March...
Hi phez nice to hear from you. 6 hours is a long jouney when you are so heavily pregnant. Don't envy you there. How far gone will you be?

You have time to get things sorted try not to worry. Hopefully hubby will start to feel less stressed soon. Is he doing it cold turkey?

I had pain in my ribs when I sat down too. Particularly on the right side but it wasn't until further on than you are now. Maybe because its your second you bump is bigger? Has the pregnancy been similar to your first?
I get rib pains when sitting too upright, feels like she's getting crammed under my ribs. When DH drives, I try to recline my seat a bit to stretch out. I can't imagine how you must feel going that far away so close to your due date. You are a good sister, I hope your brother appreciates you being there! I know what you mean about being done and ready to meet your baby. This past week baby has decided to relocate to sit right on my sciatic nerve and OW it hurts. Can barely walk. I asked my doc for reduced work hours and will be going down to 30, but the thought of going at all makes me want to cry. At least we know it won't last forever though.
Thanks for your replies ladies. Tbh I am certainly not 100% about going to their wedding, firstly because they will already be married! They're having a humanist wedding which isn't legally binding so have to get married a few days earlier. And the weather in Feb could be scary (going to Lake District from Norfolk). I will be 38 weeks pretty much. We're sitting on a random table of people I've never met as well so feel a bit put out about that too. Don't want to cause any upset though. Will just have to see, haven't expressed my concerns to them but sure they realise. Had the rib pain with Dexter on my right side too, I just need to be able to sit in exactly the right position, not sure I will be able to in the car. Big big decision and one best left till much closer to the time.
Still undecided on a name too, I still like Joely (pronounced Jo-er-ly) or Romilly as a bit of a curve ball name!
I'm sure they would be understanding phez, especially if the weather is bad.
I've never heard of either of those names here in the states Phez, so baby girl would definitely be unique over here! I bet you go with Joely though since you've liked it for a while now : )
Unique names here too I think. Yes joely is nice. My brother is called Joel which used to be quite unique but is slightly more common now.

Does hubby have a preference? Hope the quittings going well. My oh stopped smoking a few weeks before I had jack but has had one or two since. Not much though so hopefully won't get back into it again.

Mlm when do you finish work? A girl at work has just finished at 35 weeks.

I don't know why as its so hard but I'm already feeling broody for a second baby. We always planned to have no.2 2 years after jack but I don't know if I want to have such a big gap anymore. May take oh some convincing though. Must be Bonkers as im so tired all the time... Got the baby bug!
Bobster, I don't want to start trying again until April or May. I'm 36 so not much time to wait. BUT, now that I'm nearing the 6 months of breastfeeding (I never thought I'd make it) I am REALLY broody!! I can't have a baby this year though. I wouldn't be able to take 12 weeks off work with baby #2 unless I stock up some time and wait til next year. If I delivered in 2014 I'd MAYBE have 8 weeks, and that's if I made it til the due date. Plus I need to get in better shape before I get prego again. I've lost about 8 lbs so far. Just too lazy to update my ticker. :)
Well done on the breast feeding milestone and 8lb weight loss mackjess...
Have you started weaning Finn? They promote baby led weaning over here- not totally sure what that involves yet.

I'm a bit worried, DH and I dtd without any protection- I was so sure af was about to start (cramps, moodiness) so I said not to bother with anything, af didnt show and now recently I feel really happy and horny too! (how I felt before I got my last bfp!)... It's only been about 10 days so won't test yet but I'm a bit worried- Greg is 12 weeks this week and haven't had a period and as you know I'm not BF. am I worrying unnesecarily? Not sure we are ready for baby number 2.

Hey mrs phez, like the name Romily. Isn't there that actress joely Richardson, so think I have heard it before. I liked the name Seren that you suggested before.
I wouldn't go to the wedding if that was me....

Ouch Mlm- I bet you will appreciate doing some less hours as the birth nears closer...
I love that you all are thinking about baby #2! Our plan is to start trying for our second right around when Norah turns 1. We will see if my feelings change at all though once the little one is here. Congrats on making it to 6 months Mack. I will say, I'm getting a little nervous about bf as I've heard how hard it is. How crazy would that be if you got pregnant on accident jane after the stress of getting pregnant with Greg! I'm sure it will work out for you either way.

I will be working up until 39 weeks, although would love it if she came slightly early : )
Oh Mack well done on weight loss. Your plan sounds good. Not too long to wait. Glad I'm not the only one with a small baby who feels bloody for another. I think I'll try to persuade OH to start trying when jacks a year seeing as though it took us a year to have him!

Jane did you have o signs when u bd? Did you say you've had your first af?

We've be twice since jacks been born and I've had even on/off throughout that time but no first af. I would be happy if I got pregnant again as I'd like my babies close together but OH wouldn't be so happy so should think about contraception I suppose...

Mum hope we haven't scared you. You might find it easier. One of my best friends tool to it really well and is still doing it now and her lo is a year old. I find it much easier now too, it's just getting used to it.
Well done on the breast feeding milestone and 8lb weight loss mackjess...
Have you started weaning Finn? They promote baby led weaning over here- not totally sure what that involves yet.

I'm a bit worried, DH and I dtd without any protection- I was so sure af was about to start (cramps, moodiness) so I said not to bother with anything, af didnt show and now recently I feel really happy and horny too! (how I felt before I got my last bfp!)... It's only been about 10 days so won't test yet but I'm a bit worried- Greg is 12 weeks this week and haven't had a period and as you know I'm not BF. am I worrying unnesecarily? Not sure we are ready for baby number 2.

Hey mrs phez, like the name Romily. Isn't there that actress joely Richardson, so think I have heard it before. I liked the name Seren that you suggested before.
I wouldn't go to the wedding if that was me....

Ouch Mlm- I bet you will appreciate doing some less hours as the birth nears closer...

Thanks for your feedback on names Jane. Yes Joely Richardson (Vanessa Redgrave's daughter, stars in Nip/Tuck and treads the boards) and there's a Joely Fisher but don't know her. Romilly Weekes is a news reader/war correspondent! So there are a sprinkling of these names around. Joely Seren and Romilly Seren sound good together. Let's see!
As for the wedding, I'm not feeling it either. Feel like someones tightened a belt round my chest and stomach. Very uncomfortable.
So glad we won't be having any more children, I'm so done! I hope you're not pregnant yet Jane, that would be really tough on all of you.
Last night we moved Jack into his own room by putting his Moses basket in the cot. I know it's early but his rooms just next door so we can hear him and we have a monitor. He slept really well last night with one night feed and settled back in his basket which he doesn't usually do. I'm hoping this is going to make the transition to his room easier by starting early as worried that when he outgrows his basket he will be really unsettled. I think he's probably got a good month until he's too big for his basket, maybe more.

We're on day two now of this new routine. Hope he does ok tonight. He's asleep at present. Just feel like me and OH need more time together. We literally have no sex life and barely show each other any affection since jacks been born. I'm not interested at all in sex either, but want to try and restore our affection somehow as I think we're both feeling a bit isolated from each other.

Oh's parents keep offering to have Jack overnight. Wondering whether we should take them up on it for a break but worry that he's too young. I don't want him to feel we've abandoned him or him to be upset and unsettled. Also don't want the routine disrupting... But need a break at same time. Think I will just want to sleep though- no funny business! Do you ladies think he's too young?

I know it's a bit personal but do you mums have zero sex drive or is it just me? Feel guilty to neglecting OH and guilty for wanting space from baby at the same time. Don't want to just palm him off but need a break! Sorry for rambling I'm in a funny mood tonight :)
Oh bobster, no drive here either. It's terrible because I like to snuggle up to him to sleep. So then he feels led on because all I want to do is sleep. I'm hoping to cut back on nursing soon and maybe that will restore sons of my energy?
I think the hormones produced while bf might have something to do with it so it might just help Mack..

Poor OH tried it on this morning but I just couldn't muster any energy or even pretend. Like you I just wanted a cuddle instead. Poor men! Kind of glad he still wants it though as was starting to worry he doesn't fancy me anymore.
I have zero sex drive, but think I'm going to force myself to dtd anyway in hopes it will make me go into labor, haha. I can barely walk, I'm tired, and ready to meet baby!
One night feed bobster, that's excellent, sounds like the rouine and transition phase in to jacks nursery really suits him and if it enables you and oH to be closer than all the better.

I think Greg only has another 6 weeks or so and he'll be too long for the pram carrycot. The crib is much longer so think he will be in our bedroom for a while longer, I do wish we were sharing a bed again though but it works for us at present.

Today I started my first af since Greg was born so thankfully i'm not pregnant (how times have changed to be happy at that news!)

My sex drive seems higher (really unusual for me). I think the fact we have little opportunity to do it is making me want it more but no chance to do anything about it. I'm not nursing so that prob makes a difference.

Have a lovely weekend ladies.

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