Moving over from the ttc after loss thread

What the hell is a winter melon?
So close for you now Mlm, can't wait to read your birth story and see a picture of Norah.
Forgotten what sex is like tbh! Neither of us have high sex drives so at least we're well matched. We're not even sharing a room currently as I don't sleep too well at the moment and I'm very restless. I get more restful nights in the spare room.
Almost 33 weeks, finding it incredible really that I'm so far along. Weirdly I feel more nervous about this baby than the first, wondering how I'll cope with Dexter as well. He'll be in nursery 3 days a week at least. Today, we got down Dexter's newborn and 0-3M clothes from the loft and located the maxi cosi car seat/base and carrycot. Time to get washing.
Really excited for you mlm, so close!!!!
Wow 37 weeks and 33 weeks, oh how time flies! I am so excited for you both and can't wait to hear your news!

You are full term now mlm so you can start trying things to bring on labour. Heard thing like raspberry leaf tea and sex as I remember Mack saying sperm has something in it that softens the cervix... I ate a bit of raw chilli by accident the night my waters broke. I remember I had to go for a really awful (tmi alert) Poo and then about 8 hours later my waters went so might be worth a shot?
Hey ladies, how is everyone?

How is it going with jack in his own room bobster?
Greg is 3 months old today and he has another set of vaccinations this afternoon.

Took Greg on the train through central London yesterday. I avoided rush hour but was still a nightmare :dohh:
How's things going ladies? Jacks routine so far so good. Slept well in his room 3 nights on the trot but last night had a bit of a blip as he's got a cold and hasn't poo'd for 2 days. Jane which formula are you using? Do you find Greg poo'd less frequently now he's on formula?
Must have written that at the same time Jane. You are so brave taking him into London. Did he cry or was he ok? Good luck for jabs, jack seemed much better after the second ones compared to the first so hope gregs the same. He's much better now he's in his own room thanks. Has been sleeping for 7 hours and waking up for a bottle and then having another 3-4 hours which has been amazing. Last night wasn't as good though but still better than when he was in with us. How's your routine going?
Wow bobster, that's fantastic, I'm very envious.
Can you go through what your routine is....what time do you put him down?
Routine is going ok, he wakes up twice for feeding around 1 and 4 am and is taking less volume and falling back to sleep fairly quickly but it seems to be a very slow adjustment.....when you do feed jack do you leave him lying down to give him formula or pick him up? Currently we pick Greg up to feed but I've heard about this thing called dream feeding and wonder if you are doing this?

Formula definitely can cause constipation, we switched from SMA to aptamil and it's much better.

Greg stopped crying pretty quickly after this afternoons immunisations.

Is jack getting to big for your pram carrycot? Greg is starting to and I'm not sure what I'm going to do....might see how flat the buggy portion can go.
I really hope I'm not getting too excited about his sleeping and I'm going to jinx it. The routine is bath at 7pm. We put hot water bottle in his basket and wrap his blanket around it while one of us is bathing him, then I feed him a full 6oz bottle in his room with just a plug in night light and very little noise until he falls asleep, then put him into his bed at about 8pm depending how long it takes. Sometimes we need to rock him if he's still awake. Then he'll wake up around 3am. I give him another full 6oz bottle out of his bed and OH gets another hot water bottle ready for his bed while he drinks it. He tends to fall asleep easier during night feed but once we had to leave him to coo in his basket for a while and he eventually fell asleep on his own.

I heard of dream feeding and tried it briefly but was worried about him choking and I wanted to wind him after so didn't do it properly. We use aptamil too. I used the pre made bottles but recently bought the powder. I find it ok to use. He went for a poo eventually. He seems to grunt and strain for ages before it comes.

We rarely use the carrycot now as its so awkward getting around with it. I tend to use the car seat a lot. I guess when it snows we'll have to use it more. He's getting quite big in his Moses basket though. Does your pram bit look like it would support a small baby? I think mine says it's only suitable from 6 months but he'll be far too big for carrycot by then! Will probably start using pram in a month or so.

So glad Greg's jabs went ok. It's so awful!

Are you struggling to get him to take all his bottle? Could you try and give the last one in the evening a bit later so he's full for longer? Does he go back down ok after his night feeds?
Also what time are you starting the routine? I read somewhere that starting it earlier can help them sleep longer. Not sure if it's true but might be worth a shot. We also make sure it's dark and quiet when putting him to bed so it's clear that it's night time.

It's hard isn't it. I love being a mum and am so grateful but at times I have a moment of sheer horror at being tied to a routine for the next several years! Life was so easy before but you don't appreciate little things like going to bed without a routine to think about!
Had an appointment today- only at 1 cm, dr said my cervix has really thinned out though. Hopefully I start progressing more!
Great Mlm, keep us posted, so excited for you have any pain/cramps? What kind of birth are you hoping for?

Thanks for the routine info bobster. I think we are mostly doing the same as you with low level lighting and the hot water bottle after each feed. We aren't doing the bath as he totally hates them and makes him really stressed so we change his clothes and have the final bottle in the dark calmly with whale music playing and rock him a little. This sometimes isn't until 9 or 10 pm so I wonder if we should try it earlier. He would wake up around 1am then around 4/5am for food but only takes around 2oz as he falls back to sleep quickly....if he could take the full 5oz maybe he could go for longer.

Last night was pretty bad after his jabs and needed to use calpol.
I also think he has started teething, I know it's early but his cousin started early too...his cheeks have been red, lots of dribble and sucking everything in sight.

I'm feeling really exhausted, DH has been away for work so no evening nap for me.
Ooh mlm, thrilled it's all kicking off! So jealous, not that I'm ready yet but I'm in so much pain round the ribs and back, I just can't get comfortable. Feeling a bit fed up and wondering how I'm gonna cope for another 6 weeks. Being Mum as well is not easy at the moment. Started crying as it's Dexter's 3rd birthday today and I didn't feel I did it justice although we did have a party on Wednesday which probably finished me off. Keep telling myself to be grateful but it's not working currently! Gawd I'm such a happy bunny, sorry for the down message gang. Will be thinking of you mlm!
Awwww, happy birthday to Dexter! Phez, I can't imagine how it feels to be pregnant and have a little one to take care of as well. It must be exhausting! I know you are grateful, but it's ok to complain too so don't feel bad!

I do feel some cramping fairly often, but just like period cramping. After talking with my friends about their experiences, I think I definitely want to get an epidural when the time comes.
I think Jack may be teething too Jane as he's chewing his hands a lot ans dribbling too. He tries to put both fists in his mouth sometimes lol.

Sounds like you are doing everything similar to me. I guess there's no right or wrong it's just trial and error. I think babes will sleep through in their own time despite what we do. Hope he feels better soon after his jabs. Have you tried to jiggle him around and blow on him etc to keep him awake? I know it's tempting to let them sleep when they drift off so you can go back to bed but may be worth a try to keep waking him up during his feed. I just wriggle the bottle in jacks mouth a lot when he drifts off so he sucks while he's half asleep.

Jack stayed at his grandparents overnight last night for the first time. I was a nervous wreck and it was awful. Felt guilty. He didn't sleep as well but not too bad. I'm trying to do it for him to get used to them but also to give me and OH a break. Hope it doesn't mess up his routine. We'll see tonight.

Started af on Wednesday which was a shock. Been bf a lot less but still regularly. Think milk is slowing down though which made me a bit sad today so think I might start to express more to increase my supply. I'm so indecisive! Like bonding while bf and think I will miss it.

Mlm cramps and twinge are all good signs. Sounds like things are progressing nicely. Keep us posted!
What got me through Mlm was knowing that each contraction will go and then you will feel fine, take each one as it comes, but after a while it can exhaust you...I dont think you guys use gas and air in the states?

Norah is almost here :happydance:

Thanks for the tips bobster, I def will try to get more volume in him overnight. We put him to bed earlier last night, around 7-8pm, took longer than usual to get him down but we did have a stint where he went 5 hours :thumbup: it's difficult because DH doesn't get home until 7pm on a weekday so he won't see Greg all day if we move the routine earlier.

Ah bobster, you will need to break out the contraception now! Although I only BF for a bit I was sad when my milk dried up, especially as Greg would still try and go for my boob and I felt sad I had nothing to give him.

Mrs phez, I never got past 33 weeks so I don't know how uncomfortable it can get towards the end. Well done on having a little bday party though, it must be exhausting now...what did you decide about your brothers wedding?
Busy day here. Just wanted to pop in and check on the preggers! Phez, don't be too hard on yourself. I'm sure your party for Dexter was lovely and that he had a wonderful time. And he is probably less particular about things since he's only 3. Even if there is something more you wish you'd done, I'm positive he had a grand old time and never thought it could have been better!

MLM, I am so excited, and a little jealous honestly. I still have pangs of sadness because Finn never progressed well with the labor and I had a CSection. Although never having my lady bits suffer isn't such a bad thing either!

Big day for our little man. 6 months old today and getting baptized. He can sit for a few mins on his own, loves to eat his feet, and is trying real hard to get his two bottom teeth out so he can go from mashed fruit to double cheeseburgers.

16lbs 15oz, 27 inches long.
Yay for Finn. 6 months already, it's gone fast. Congratulations on baptism, hope you have a lovely day.

Got Jack weighed today and he's 6kg, which is 13lb 2oz. Seems to be growing so fast!

Jane it's difficult as you need hubby to spend time with lo. Maybe start the routine at 8 instead? Jacks not been sleeping as well since he went to grandma's for the night. Feel I've ruined it as he slept 8.5 hrs solid the night before he went and since he's been back it's just been 5 hours and it's been more difficult to settle him :(

Phez I agree with everyone else, try not to be hard on yourself, you are doing an amazing job. Pregnancy is hard enough without having a toddler to look after as well.

Mlm hope things are still progressing nicely. Can't wait to read your news.
Ditto what bobster said mackjess, 6 months has gone so incredibly fast!
How was the baptism? did you have a celebration afterwards?

oh bobster, must be the change of environment, I bet he will settle down after a couple of days. Jack is a good weight- i read somewhere that babies should be able to sleep through once they get past 12lbs- whether they actually decide to is a different story of course! Greg is now 11lbs so hoping we will get there soon!

Only just filling out my child benefit forms!- taken me 3 months lol!

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