Moving over from the ttc after loss thread

I love the photos mackjess. It's exciting to see Finn sitting up on his own and how much he has developed. I especially like the ones where he looks like a farmer sitting in a crate. Crazy to think in 3 months time my little boy might be doing the same. It's so rewarding when they start responding to you and you can do more with them.
Lovely pictures mackjess. He looks very cute. I like the stripey trousers ones. I was thinking the same, it's crazy how our babies will be like little Finn soon. I love watching Jack do new things.

Jane that gives me hope. Jack is 13lb 2oz (6kg) so should be able to start sleeping better soon. He was back in our bed last night as we just couldn't get him to settle. He's full of cold now poor little mite. Greg is growing so well. Do you find it difficult to get all the powder out of your scoop thing? I find it all sticks because of the steam from the bottle. Also do you sterilize the scoop thing? Also has Greg laughed yet? Jack hasn't. He does smile a lot but I can't manage to get a laugh from him yet. Sorry for 20 questions. I'm stressing myself out that he's not meeting his milestones but I know they're all different. Can't seem to put him down without him crying the last few days. Prob just the cold..

Mlm how's it going? 38+4 - that's when I had Jack! Not long now.
ah poor Jack, colds suck- have you tried those saline nose drops?

Yes the scoop does get clogged up with the powder and steam from the water so after each time I use the end of a teaspoon and just run it around the inside to get the worst off. Every now and then I give it a wash and sterilise it but don't think you need to do this all the time as the powder is not sterile and the hot water kills the bugs which is why you need to add the powder no less then 30 mins after the water has boiled so its still over 70 degrees.

No laugh from Greg yet but he is also smiling and starting to babble like he is trying to repeat what I just said...very cute. His legs are so strong and his legs can almost take all his weight with me holding on...I don't know much about what to expect at each week/milestone to be honest and I expect Greg will be behind anyway.

I'm only just getting to admin and stuff I should have done months ago- feels good to be getting back on top of things.

Are you going to take Jack on holiday this year? We will do a holiday in the UK, Maybe a center parcs thing with his cousins.

I wonder if mlm has gone in to labour?
Ah thanks for the tip. I'm glad you have the same problem with the scoop. I've been making up bottles and storing them in the fridge. I know it's a bit naughty but I can't feasibly make them fresh every time with a poorly boy. I can't even put him down to make lunch without him screaming :( heart breaking to see him ill. Yes been y sing drops and also a snot aspirator which you suck on. Yummy!

Will also go on hol in UK. Planning to get a log cabin next December. Hopefully we can go away locally in summer too. Hopefully next year we'll go abroad as it's been so long! Could do with some lounging in a hot country next to a pool. Centre parks with family sounds good. Will be so different for all of us this year.

Yes mlm please update when you can. Hope its all going ok.
No labor for me : ( Mack, didn't you go over your due date? My doctor warned me that a lot of first timers go over, but I'm realllly hoping I don't. I have an appointment tomorrow so will see if I've progressed any more.
Still only at 1, 1.5 cm and 80% effaced. Doctor guesses that I will go over my date : ( Oh well, no matter what she will still be here relatively soon!
I was induced 5 days before due date because Finn had big shoulders in the scans. A different doc did my csection, and minutes into the surgery I heard him say "well those shoulders were never going anywhere". LOL
Haha! My doctor won't do a scan until I go over my date, darn it.
Not long now either way. She'll soon be here. Try to rest as much as possible mlm. You just never know she could come anytime now :)
Hello gang! Dexter was 2 weeks late, really hoping it doesn't happen again but mw think it might. However this little madam is breech at the moment so if she hasn't turned in 9 days I'll be sent for a scan. Tempted by c section but the thought of not being able to drive Dexter to nursery puts me off. Think this is why I've been struggling with rib and back ache but I've been referred to an obstetric physio which could help. Was awake between 3 and 4.30ish last night, horrendous restless legs!!!

Finally got round to clearing out, washing carrycot, car seat, clothes etc. Feeling a bit more chilled now.

Have you guys thought about using a vapouriser for your babies' colds? Think it helped Dexter.
Fun stuff at the end of pregnancy Phez! Hope your little girl turns for you and gives your poor back/ribs a break. I get nights too where I'll wake up and just can't fall asleep for hours. Very frustrating. Do you have her nursery ready to go?

I had my last day of work yesterday, thank goodness! Looking forward to some time to relax by myself- who knows when I will ever get to do that again!
I used to get restless legs too mrs annoying.
Oh hope she does turn, do you know at what point they would try and turn her manually? Maybe you won't need a c section if that works. I'm looking forward to hearing what name you finally choose for her once she arrives.

No Monday blues for you tomorrow Mlm, enjoy your time off to chill.

How is jacks cold bobster? Has he started to settled a little better? Greg is doing well, some days the teething really upsets him so using bonjela and calpol if really bad.

Baby massage starts in February and baby signing in April. Did you decide on any classes for you and jack?
I was just thinking, I wonder if we will get kicked off this section of BnB soon since we are about to run out of pregnant people? Hmmm. Guess we will find out!
TTC is a thing of the past for me now. I'm in so much pain from ribs and back on right hand side ( think they're both the same problem), I'm at the end of my pregnancy tether. MW a week Monday so will voice my misery to her!!! Now got a cold as well, boooooo. A couple of nice things, new bathroom starting next week, plumber says bath will be first thing, can't wait to get in there (we've got a rubbish corner bath at the moment). And the physio app. 35 weeks today, feel I have eternity to wait!
Hi ladies.

Jacks cold has gone thanks Jane but teething symptoms still causing him to be a bit unsettled. I bought some satchets of herbal stuff from boots which seem to be helping but also giving paracetamol/ibuprofen when it'd really bad. He slept 12 hours in a row without a night feed Saturday night. I got so excited. But last night it was 6 and he was wide awake and ended up in our bed again so must have been a fluke.

Baby sign sounds really good. You'll have to let me know how it goes. I've not joined any groups. I'm not sure its for me really. I would like to meet some other mums though. I go to cinema club every wednesday which is nice though.

Phew I'm sorry you're in so much discomfort. I don't blame you for putting ttc behind you. I think I had it really easy and quite enjoyed my pregnancy/birth experience so been lucky but I can imagine how uncomfortable it must be if baby is in the wrong position. Did you have a tricky pregnancy with Dexter too or was that ok?

Mlm the girl from works waters broke thus morning. She's only 38 weeks though. It's so close for you I just can't wait to hear your news!

Mack maybe you should start ttc no.2 and then we can all stay on the thread hehe. It'd not much to ask is it?! I will prob start ttc again in a year as Jack will be 1 and it could take a year to get bfp. Must be so hard having a new born with a toddler though!
I think we'll be TTC soon! Maybe as soon as April if I'm feeling up to it, but definitely by July.

I've just started pumping less this week. Pretty heartbroken about stopping the breastfeeding, but I've been sick non stop since I have been back to work. I think it's just too much with the job and the baby to be nursing on top of that. Just pumping once a day this week at work, then next week I'm going to quit pumping at all. I plan on nursing Finn in the mornings and after daycare and before bed as long as my milk holds up! I might dry up fast though without pumping. I've been VERY moody today, thinking about missing on that bond with my little man.

BUT, I stepped on a scale for the first time in months. I still need to lose quite a bit of weight. I'm hoping if the BF cuts down/stops I'll be less hungry, will be less tired, and actually lose some weight. I really need to before I TTC again.

MLM/Phez, I'm slightly jealous but sorry for all the pain you've gone through. You're almost there! I was having trouble sleeping awhile ago because Finn had a cold and I was worried. I missed feeling him move in my belly and knowing he was doing ok. NEVER thought I'd miss being pregnant though, especially at the end as it gets so miserable. Hang in there ladies!

Sorry about Jacks cold and glad he is feeling better. Bobster, you got me dreaming about a vacation!!
Mack I felt sad about reducing bf too. I tried to pump one day as a had a drink and got about 3oz whereas before it flowed so much easier. I then panicked about it drying up so while he was poorly I bf loads again and that inxeased it. It is sad... Will your af not return if u just reduce the expressing rather than stopping completely? There's threads on here for women ttc while bf.

Jack's doing so well with his sleeping. He had 9 hours last night, woke for a feed, put him back in his cot awake and he went off for another 3 hours! Hope it continues.

Mlm any updates?

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