I think we'll be TTC soon! Maybe as soon as April if I'm feeling up to it, but definitely by July.
I've just started pumping less this week. Pretty heartbroken about stopping the breastfeeding, but I've been sick non stop since I have been back to work. I think it's just too much with the job and the baby to be nursing on top of that. Just pumping once a day this week at work, then next week I'm going to quit pumping at all. I plan on nursing Finn in the mornings and after daycare and before bed as long as my milk holds up! I might dry up fast though without pumping. I've been VERY moody today, thinking about missing on that bond with my little man.
BUT, I stepped on a scale for the first time in months. I still need to lose quite a bit of weight. I'm hoping if the BF cuts down/stops I'll be less hungry, will be less tired, and actually lose some weight. I really need to before I TTC again.
MLM/Phez, I'm slightly jealous but sorry for all the pain you've gone through. You're almost there! I was having trouble sleeping awhile ago because Finn had a cold and I was worried. I missed feeling him move in my belly and knowing he was doing ok. NEVER thought I'd miss being pregnant though, especially at the end as it gets so miserable. Hang in there ladies!
Sorry about Jacks cold and glad he is feeling better. Bobster, you got me dreaming about a vacation!!