Moving over from the ttc after loss thread

Mack I felt sad about reducing bf too. I tried to pump one day as a had a drink and got about 3oz whereas before it flowed so much easier. I then panicked about it drying up so while he was poorly I bf loads again and that inxeased it. It is sad... Will your af not return if u just reduce the expressing rather than stopping completely? There's threads on here for women ttc while bf.

Jack's doing so well with his sleeping. He had 9 hours last night, woke for a feed, put him back in his cot awake and he went off for another 3 hours! Hope it continues.

Mlm any updates?
Still pregnant. Feeling fine too. My back pain has even been gone for a week or so since baby shifted off my sciatic nerve. I see no signs indicating labor is in my immediate future. I think it is too cold in Chicago for Norah to want to get out!
You're so close MLM! I can't wait! Glad you have had a nice break from work before her arrival. It is such a precious time talking to the bump and feeling the kicks. I really am ready to get back to TTC soon. I had said April, but I think I might wait until July.

Bobster - I think I'm just over pumping, being away from my desk forever to go do it and clean the parts. I have to go down a floor to the other side of the building to get the key to the room, up the stairs to the other side of the building to get to the room, then back downstairs to return the key, to the other corner of that floor to get to a sink and wash stuff, then back up 2 floors to the other side of the building to my desk. HA. Takes FOREVER. And washing sanitizing every night at home, and repacking and lugging the bag back in every morning. UGH. Along with my lunch, work bag, laptop, etc. Just over it. LOL. I'm still taking supplements and hoping it will keep up if I nurse him 3 times a day on work days and however much he wants on weekends. Trick will be to not get an infection. And he's eating more food now, so that is exciting and he should need less milk from me as time goes on. It's just heartbreaking, all these new stages are happening too fast for mommy!

Wonderful about Jack's sleeping, and that he was awake and went back to sleep. Sounds like you are going to have a solid little sleeper. Such a good boy!

How are Jane, Greg and Phez doing?
Hey ladies,

Mlm, pleased to hear you are feeling more comfortable. Have you noticed if you bump has dropped?

Mackjess, the logistics of pumping at work sound so involved, well done for doing it for as long as you have. You've given your little boy the best start.

Wow bobster, jacks doing great with the sleeping. There are bound to be nights that are not so good, even as adults some nights we sleep better than others.

Greg is well, cooing and gurgling lots. Not sleeping right through the night still but only wakes for feeds about midnight and 4am so hoping we are getting there. I find it so hard to sleep at night, I find i listen out for his breathing and if I don't hear him I feel the need to check.

Have you looked in to weaning yet bobster? The HV does a weaning talk in my area and they recommend you go at 4 months to listen so I will sign up for that soon.
Yes mackjess well done for pumping for so long you've done a marvellous job! It sounds such a pain ans I'm sure many people would have stopped a long time ago. Also like Jane says you've given him the most important part.

I feel guilty for giving Jack bottles now as the main reason for wanting to stop bf is so I can carry on taking some vitamins for my skin which I used daily before getting pregnant. They aren't safe in bf. Feel so selfish for that being my main reason but my skins been so bad recently and it's really affecting my confidence and self esteem. Jack keeps rooting for my boon when im feeding him a bottle and it makes me so sad and guilty. I will miss the bonding part too.

Mlm it might happen without warning. I felt fine too when my waters broke. You never know it could be any time now. Is hubby getting excited? Are you both feeling nervous about the birth? Still thinking of having an epidural?

Jane sounds great. How do you hear about these groups and things? Would really benefit from a talk on weaning. Will have to look into it.

Sounds like Greg is well on his way to sleeping longer.
Don't feel selfish Bobster! Part of the reason I want to cut back/stop is because I'm so tired of being huge! I lost weight, but it's so hard to be healthy back at work and I gained back 6 of the pounds I lost. BF just makes me want to eat a half a horse after! When I pump, I take trail mix and water to snack on, then I'm STILL starving, eat my lunch at 10 am and then have to go out to get lunch for real. Today I wore one of my favorite lightweight jackets to work and didn't have to struggle to get it on. That means the cutting back is making me shrink, so yay. It's hard on us and our bodies to keep it up!

I totally understand about the confidence. I've been mostly wearing jeans and hoodies to work, but over the weekend I bought a few things on clearance that fit now. I have to wear petite XL so they fit on the boobies, but aren't huge on me everywhere else. I just got 2 shirts and one pair of pants since I only work in the office 3 days a week and I can still do jeans when I want. It seems silly as I'm just starting to work out and eat better, but I feel so much better wearing clothes that are flattering, that it makes me eat better and I actually worked out. Kind of backwards I guess, but it's working.

Jane that is a good point about sleeping. And I think Greg will start skipping one of those feedings soon. It made me panic when Finn did it. I was SO used to waking up at 11 that the first time he didn't, I woke up at midnight and went running in his room in a panic. He was snoozing away! He used to wake at 11 and 3 for the longest, then started just waking at 3, and then after awhile that 3 slowing got later and late and now it's 6am.
Thanks mackjess for renewing my hope for Greg sleeping through. Like Finn, I hope one night he will just skip a feed.
I'm looking forward to buying some new clothes and I agree ones that fit nicely can totally make you feel better. I keep saying I'll buy new clothes when I lose weight but honestly I've been saying that for ages and just feel down every time I look in my wardrobe so I need to take a leaf out of your book.

Bobster, don't feel guilty, if it's affecting your confidence and self esteem then you are not doing anything wrong in've given him almost 4 months worth of breast milk and that's excellent.
When I was feeling really down about BF not getting established with Greg, the HV said to me that the feeding is only a small part of what we will do for our children over a life time...

40 weeks Mlm! Will you have a Chinese new year baby this weekend????

Bobster, I found out about the HV weaning talk from the notice board at the children's centre where they do the weigh-ins but they also advertise it online so might be worth looking at the website for your local children's centre.

Happy weekend everyone.
Thank you both. It's been hard. When he cries I can see him looking for boob and that's hard as I want to sooth him with bf but needed to start vits again as it was making me feel so low.

Clothes don't look the same on me anymore either. I still have a bump but instead of baby it's just a nice roll of fat lol. And my boobs seem to be much more droopy than before. I have to kind of hoick them up in my bra to get my nipples to look central otherwise when it's cold you can see them pointing south sometimes lol OH the joys!

Mlm any news? Come on baby Norah, we all want to see what you look like! Exciting. Went to a friend's baby shower today and it's making me broody. I have ewcm today too. So tempted to do an opk just to see but we're not even ttc yet... I want to start now I have baby fever!
Hey ladies! Am awaiting news from mlm but know it may not be for a while yet! 1 month to go for me, mw tomorrow who will hopefully be able to tell if baby's dropped. I'm not sure. New bathroom starting tomorrow, can't wait to get in our longer bath, will be blissful. Also got physio on Thurs so a busy week. It is definitely a wrench giving up bfing/expressing. You have to look after yourselves as well though, in the long run it will be good for your children. If you're happy, so are they! Hope you're loving being mummies, is it what you expected?
Still not decided on a name, but what do you think of Madeleine? Do you automatically associate with Madeleine McCann?
My doctor said they can induce at the end of the week if Norah hasn't shown up yet. Not sure that is my ideal birth plan, but I'm also so ready to have her that I'm caring less and less about how she arrives.

You are getting so close phez! Maybe you'll beat me at this rate, haha

I'm so curious to see what my body will be like post baby. I'm feeling huge all over right now and am scared I will never get back to "normal"! I know it's worth it, but it must still be hard to deal with the changes.
I love that name phez. People tend to shorten it to maddy a lot though. I like maddy too though.
I think I like that and seren the best.

Sounds like you're keeping nice and busy which will make this last bit go quicker I'm sure. Your new bath sounds amazing!

I am really really enjoying motherhood now. At first it was hard but he's sleeping so much better now (touch wood). I enjoy it more each day as he smiles and coos. I miss him so much when I'm not with him. It's amazing how much love you have for them :)
Forgot to say before, I also like that name Phez. I agree with Bobster, I still like Seren too.

Went it the dr again today (I'm starting to feel like I live there!)- if Norah doesn't come on her own, I'm am going in Thursday night to start an induction on cervidil, with the plan that baby will come on Friday. So I now have an end in sight, woohoo!
Wow thanks for updating! Hope things start before Thursday for you but either way she's coming soon! So excited for you mlm :)
Oh yey mlm! Exciting!!! Thanks for name thoughts, it is lovely. Not sure Dan is won over by Seren so prob be Madeleine. Just hope she looks like one when she's born!
Saw mw today, baby has gone head down (yey) but is kind of back to back (NOOOO). My worst fear :-(. Time to get bouncing and side stepping upstairs apparently. If this baby is gonna be back to back that changes everything for me. Full on pain relief, no water birth. Will try v hard to get her in the right position! Everything else fine though. Bath will be in tomorrow , can't wait for that!
I think Madeleine is beautiful! And she's got plenty of time to turn! I was so scared that Finn was breech and he finally turned at 36 weeks

I hope Norah behaves and starts exiting on her own! And MLM, they won't let you eat after Thurs night. I smuggled almonds and gatorade into the bathroom to have snacks. Thank god, since I was in labor 2 days! My husband was mortified. LOL.
How are you doing Mlm? It's so exciting that one way or another Norah will be here by the weekend.

Pleased to hear the baby has turned mrs phez. I like the name Madeleine. Ouch on back to back, I have heard how painful the back ache during labour is with that position. How is your new bath and the side stepping going?

Greg is doing good, bright red cheeks and dribble from the teething. Last night he slept from 9pm - 3am and was able to self soothe when he did wake up during that's going in the right direction.

How is everyone else?
How are you doing Mlm? It's so exciting that one way or another Norah will be here by the weekend.

Pleased to hear the baby has turned mrs phez. I like the name Madeleine. Ouch on back to back, I have heard how painful the back ache during labour is with that position. How is your new bath and the side stepping going?

Greg is doing good, bright red cheeks and dribble from the teething. Last night he slept from 9pm - 3am and was able to self soothe when he did wake up during that's going in the right direction.

How is everyone else?

Yeah back to back labour is one loooong, painful contraction in your back with added stress of probable assisted delivery. If not turned by 38 weeks I'm seriously gonna request a CS I think. Dexter coughed all night last night, feeling like the mother of a newborn today with major sleep deprivation! Saw physio for my back which should help.
What's going on with you today mlm, thinking of you!
Can't wait to hear the news. So excited for you! Hoping Norah's a good girl and has a nice straight forward delivery for you. Good luck mlm :) x

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