Moving over from the ttc after loss thread

Mlm my health visitor came round the other day and said sometimes your boobs are so engorged it's hard to get the milk out so you could try a bit of expressing to start with and latch her on when your BBs aren't quite so hard. Just a thought.
Yes a winter melon hmm!
Still trying to get baby to turn over to anterior but not working. Freaking out a bit and might discuss CS with mw on Monday. She'll try and persuade me not to but we have free choice in UK now and it would be better for my emotional state.
Brothers wedding is next Monday but we're not going. Too damn uncomfortable and Dexter puked all over his new booster seat. Looks set to snow too. Can you believe this weather UKers? Hope you're not sinking.
Using Dexter's Uppababy Vista. Might get a ride on board for Dexter, not sure if he needs it yet.
Right I'm shattered, time for some zzzzzzs.
Will let you know how mw goes onday. Can't believe you've all had your babies!!!!! :happydance:
Sorry you're freaking out about that phez- if you don't do a csection, can you deliver with her anterior? I think you need to do what's best for you. You don't want your baby stressed either. Also great decision about the wedding. You are far too pregnant to go in my opinion!

I did try expressing- basically sat in the shower and milked them for half an hour haha. Made such a difference. Norah is still nursing for only 10-15 min all day today though. First pediatrician appointment is tomorrow so I will ask her then.

I can't wait til my body recovers from delivery. I feel like that will make this all so much easier when I don't have that to worry about. These hormones are crazy too- I cry cause I'm happy, stressed, etc. Crazy stuff.
I think you were right about my milk coming in Phez- Norah is back to 30 min+ feedings. She's already back up to her birth weight too!
16 days phez! Exciting stuff. Hope you aren't too uncomfortable. Hopefully she will turn soon. Good call on missing the wedding, not worth risk. Hope he's understanding about it.

Mlm yay for bf. Sounds like you're doing much better than I did. Can't wait to see some more pics of lovely Norah. Hope you're ok and not too tired.

We are moving into a house in March. It's all been very rushed. Its much bigger than the apartment. Decided to rent for a bit longer to get a bit more deposit saved up. Can't wait to buy but the house prices in york are shockingly high. So strapped for cash now though as have had to fork out a lot of money all at once. It's a good size though. Jacks room is huge in fact so will be good when he's crawling.

Health visitor came today for jacks 4 month check. He weighs 14lb 15 oz! Can hardly believe it. He's growing so quickly. He's on the 25th centile for weight do pretty average but everyone keeps saying how big he is. Makes you paranoid sometimes. He had his 3rd jabs yesterday so he's been a bit unsettled and grouchy since bless him.

How's Jane and Mack?
Moving into a new house is so exciting bobster, another nursery to decorate :winkwink: does it have room for a second baby???

Didn't realise they have a 4 month check bobster, did you have to arrange or the HV contact you? We had the last set of jabs this morning. Hope he's not too grouchy now he's just sleeping a little longer at night.

I know what you mean when people say they look big, I feel very defensive and feel like saying not according to the world health organisation he's not!

Sounds like you are in to the swing of it Mlm.

How are you feeling mrs phez, any rumblings...did you arrange for an elective c section?
Moving into a new house is so exciting bobster, another nursery to decorate :winkwink: does it have room for a second baby???

Didn't realise they have a 4 month check bobster, did you have to arrange or the HV contact you? We had the last set of jabs this morning. Hope he's not too grouchy now he's just sleeping a little longer at night.

I know what you mean when people say they look big, I feel very defensive and feel like saying not according to the world health organisation he's not!

Sounds like you are in to the swing of it Mlm.

How are you feeling mrs phez, any rumblings...did you arrange for an elective c section?

No rumblings BUT the mw told me she is 2/5 palpable so engaging and is now facing the right way. I am very happy about this as no C-section needed. I hope she wasn't just saying that because she could see how nervous I was about back to back! I will just have to hope she was telling the truth. Time to get bouncing!
Aww poor Greg. Hope his little legs are ok. I took Jack a few days ago too. Its awful isn't it but at least they don't have any more now until they're 12 months.

Health visitor should ring you I think to arrange to come over. I didn't know they did a 4 month check either.

How are your groups going? Have you started them yet, I forgot when you said you were going.. I am really enjoying this under 1's drop in group I have been to on monday mornings. Its nice to meet some other mum's. Hopefully their babies will go to same school as Jack as they live in the same area so it will be nice to get to know them a bit. Are you still going to the cinema?

House is big enough for a second yes, its huge compared to where we live now. Dan might need a bit of convincing though! I feel so broody again already but I know its not feasible to have another until a year or so. Need to get on the housing ladder and save some more first. Got the pill from my dr's so I will start it on my next af which is due any day now. What about you do you think now Greg's over the newborn stage you are more inclined to have another sooner? What age gap do you want to have?

Phez it sounds like everythings progressing well now! Yippeee. I bet you cant wait to meet her. Have you thought of a final name yet or are you going to see what she looks like?

MLM and mack hope you are both well and bubs are behaving. Mack not long now and you'll be up the spout again lol!
Phez, so wonderfurl that your girl turned around for you! Hope that leads to an easy and uneventful labor. How was it when you had Dexter?

Hi everyone. Sorry not been on much. Feeling quite bluesy, which I read can be normal after you stop bfing. Had some blood work at the doctor too as I've been so fatigued and down. Not when I'm with Finn tho, that's when I'm happy. If I don't perk up by March I'm going to go back next month to see about anti-depressants. Some of it could be related to me being on the pill. I don't really want to take it as it does affect my moods a lot, but I don't want to chance getting pregnant again too soon!
Phez, so wonderfurl that your girl turned around for you! Hope that leads to an easy and uneventful labor. How was it when you had Dexter?

Hi everyone. Sorry not been on much. Feeling quite bluesy, which I read can be normal after you stop bfing. Had some blood work at the doctor too as I've been so fatigued and down. Not when I'm with Finn tho, that's when I'm happy. If I don't perk up by March I'm going to go back next month to see about anti-depressants. Some of it could be related to me being on the pill. I don't really want to take it as it does affect my moods a lot, but I don't want to chance getting pregnant again too soon!

Oh sorry to hear you're down, maybe a touchj of PND? Good that you've recognised it and seen your doctor, half the battle is knowing you're affected and seeking help so well done. Hope you feel better soon hun.
Dexter was 2 weeks late and think it would have been an "easy" labour if I hadn't wussed out and had the epi! Certainly would have been quicker! Yes so relieved she's now back to front. So many scare stories about back labour, feeling much more confident.
As for names, we still haven't reached a decision aaaaggghh. He really wants Matilda but I'm not budging, not that keen and I know my friend wants to use it if she has a daughter. It's a big if tbh, she has 2 boys but I'm really not taken with it anyway. Thought it was gonna be Madeleine, I'm a bit peeved! He mentioned Maxine the other day, seriously??!!! And Gwen after his grandma. Errrrrrr no. He has some funny ideas. Could be Molly but I've given up till she's here!
Brother got married yesterday. We were all set up with Skype and the damn thing cut out just as ceremony was about to start. I was so gutted, was in tears going to the midwife. Wasn't meant to be obviously. He called at 8am this morning to say they'd had a great day which is the main thing.
Having awful insomnia with restless legs stopping me go back to sleep, apparently quinine (in tonic water) might help but forgot to get some so another sleep deprived night ahead.
This has turned into a long one, thanks for your patience!
Will you hold off having an epidural this time mrs phez if you can? Shame about the Skype cutting out. Matilda and molly have become quite popular. I quite like Meredith if you want an 'M' name. Did you say your DH had consultant exams around your due date?

Mack, I'm back on my anti depressants, I wanted to be in the best frame of mind so Greg would not pick up on it and after 2 months back on I know I've made the right decision.

Bobster, we just spoke about #2 yesterday! I said to DH about waiting until he was 1 and DH said "do we have to wait as long as that...."
The thought of another prem baby is nerve wracking though so before we do anything I want to have a chat to the GP first. I said to him about going back on the pill and he wasn't keen which I was happy about as it does affect my moods.

Classes are going well, I like baby massage and DH and greg on the waiting list for water babies but weekend availability is crap in my area but I really want them to do something together.
Haven't been to parent and baby cinema again- I've lost all confidence driving and can't get there on the bus :(

Feel like af is about to come soon and must book a smear test after...did yours start bobster? How is your skin doing?
I really agree with Jane that your mental health is as important as anything and you need to put that first. Hope your Dr manages to give you some help and advice. Do you think it could be a late onset of pnd? Is hubby understanding when you feel blue?

Skin much better now I'm back on my vitamins thanks Jane. Glad you are enjoying baby massage. I'm really interested in baby sign so may join a group. Wow your hubby sounds keen. I can understand your concerns. Do you think they will fade if you wait though? I'm not sure if it means you're more likely to have another premie? Maybe Greg was just too impatient to meet his mum. Did they ever tell you a possible reason for his early arrival?

Mlm you ok?
Phew every time I check this I wonder if there's any news yet! Could be any day now..
Will you hold off having an epidural this time mrs phez if you can? Shame about the Skype cutting out. Matilda and molly have become quite popular. I quite like Meredith if you want an 'M' name. Did you say your DH had consultant exams around your due date?

Mack, I'm back on my anti depressants, I wanted to be in the best frame of mind so Greg would not pick up on it and after 2 months back on I know I've made the right decision.

Bobster, we just spoke about #2 yesterday! I said to DH about waiting until he was 1 and DH said "do we have to wait as long as that...."
The thought of another prem baby is nerve wracking though so before we do anything I want to have a chat to the GP first. I said to him about going back on the pill and he wasn't keen which I was happy about as it does affect my moods.

Classes are going well, I like baby massage and DH and greg on the waiting list for water babies but weekend availability is crap in my area but I really want them to do something together.
Haven't been to parent and baby cinema again- I've lost all confidence driving and can't get there on the bus :(

Feel like af is about to come soon and must book a smear test after...did yours start bobster? How is your skin doing?

Yes they are quite popular but I'm past caring now! Dexter and Molly sound nice together. And yes he has exam on Monday, in London, agghhh! His Mum and partner are coming for a couple of days as back up in case of labour. He'll have to race back if it happens though! £900 to sit a multiple choice exam, got to be pretty flush to be a doctor! Which we're not!
Don't want an epi this time. I say that now! If it's moving quickly I'll try and cope.
Water babies is good but expensive. We knocked it on the head as the pool had frequent problems and last minute cancellations really affected Dexter's confidence. We got a group together and set up some private lessons. Great seeing them in the water.
Good luck to you all if you're trying for number 2 soon! You've got age on your side, I couldn't have done it! And now I'll have a little helper hehe!
Thanks ladies. I'm waiting for the bloodwork to come back before I decide about meds. It could be my thyroid or a vitamin deficiency. Also, since I was breast feeding I'm on the mini pill. My doc warned me it's a nightmare, I get to switch back to the regular pill after I'm done with this pack. It's more like I'm fatigued and have no energy, then feel bummed I didn't read to Finn or something earlier like I wanted to. I'm not trying to be super mom with chores or anything either. I have one easy baby who sleeps great, I don't feel like I should be as exhausted as I am!! If the bloodwork is fine and the regular pill doesn't help I'll get back to the doc.

Like Jane, we're ready soon to try for another so I need to get this back in check. Could be weight too. I just started doing better on eating healthy the last few weeks. That could make a difference and if I have the energy to exercise, watch out world!

And DH has been great. He took over baby chores and I slept in nice and late Saturday.

On pins and needles til Phez little M shows up. So excited for our crew and our babies!
I remember being on cerazette (mini pill which is progesterone only) and like you it made me feel really tired and rubbish (like pmt). Fingers crossed the combined pill helps you. Well done for change of diet. I just can't seem to get the motivation to start losing baby weight. I need to soon though. In the UK there's nhs podcast called couch to 5k which I would like to do at some point.
I'm also interested in the baby signing bobster, we have a place on hold for a course starting in April but I want to double check the best age to start it- the receptionist at the place was rubbish.

DH is keen for #2 but we will wait. While Greg is still so small I want to give him the attention and not miss anything. Mentally I need to get over the prem birth/special care but physically too I want to lose the baby weight before I put on some more. According to prem baby charities, there is an increased risk of it happening again but depends on the cause- in my case they said it was likely down to an infection (this was never confirmed though- cultures were negative) but mine and gregs inflammatory markers were sky high. 40% of prem births are due to infection.

Waiting until your bloods are back is a sensible move mackjess. And with stopping BF your hormones are bound to be all over the place as it finds an equilibrium again...have you had af yet?

Bobster, have you got one of those bumbo seats for jack? A couple of people have mentioned it to me and I tried one but Greg just not developed enough to sit upright in it.

Was the weaning talk useful? I still need to go.
Well Bobster I don't know how good I'm doing. We went from getting takeout pizza and chinese all the time, and I was eating fast food for lunch every day. So improving from that is pretty easy! :haha: I'm making food and bringing lunch now, but I'm not quite back to healthy eating. Definitely better though! It is hard. During pregnancy I couldn't eat veggies, and I seem to still have distaste for them.

My bloodwork was normal. No AF yet, I may not get it until after I switch to the combined pill. I still have about 2 1/2 weeks left until I switch. I'm scared about her return! Was it bad for you Jane/Bobster?

Phez, sooo close. Hope you are still doing OK despite all the pains and breathing. DO NOT miss those days. :D

MLM - hope you are having a wonderful time getting to know Norah, and not too tired.
Wow, life with a newborn is definitely different. Our biggest frustration right now is getting her settled at bed time. Norah has started to get fussy in the evenings, and wails if I put her down unless she's already completely passed out in my arms. Poor DH doesn't have the "magic touch" to soothe her, so he's frustrated that he can't calm her down but I'll take her and she stops crying right away. Thankfully my mom has come over in the mornings this week so I have an hour or two to myself to bathe, rest, etc. Next week I'm on my own though.

It's almost time Phez! Are you expecting to go over again or do you feel any signs of labor coming on?

Mack, I'm impressed you went so long with BF... I'm sure the hormones are miserable weaning off it. We women really go through a lot with these babies!

When did you all start feeling comfortable leaving the house alone with the baby? I'm nervous to go out without DH or my mom for support, but I don't want to be housebound for the next 10 weeks I'm home! I'm thinking about taking her to a breastfeeding support group thing at the hospital on Monday, hopefully I don't wimp out!
Going out with Greg alone for the first time was so nerve wracking Mlm, but your confidence will grow quickly.
Just do it mlm! Lol. That's what helped me. If I thought about it I fretted too much. After a well baby appt, and I was already out as dh met me at the office so he could go back to work, I decided to go out to a super early lunch at the last second since I was already out. It totally boosted my confidence. I picked a place I knew was more popular for to go good, and dined almost alone and bf Finn. I was covered with about 3 blankets and had the stroller in front of me. Lol

Another first I did was the mall. I knew nordstrom had a nice big lounge in the ladies room and used that to bf. What I loved was all the kudos I got from women that walked by because I was bf. Didn't expect support from strangers.

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