Moving over from the ttc after loss thread

Yeah we'll go back to original list I'm sure. Finished reading the book and not been enlightened any more so I'm done. Mentioned the indecision on FB and now I'm being PMed possible names!
Ha Mackjess I see you are now matchless according to Bobster!! My laptop is dodgy too so there may be some strange wording at times...not as funny as Bobster's though!
Hahaha. Gotta love auto correct!

Mack, did you start pumping when you were on maternity leave? I want to start pumping a little so I have bottles to leave if we go out or if I want DH to do a feeding. How much do you pump? When do you pump? I'm confused.
Thanks for the picture comments all! My friend is a great photographer and took a bunch of newborn pics for us for free, woo hoo!
Hehe been laughing at the posts and I agree, love that photo of Norah.

Haven't gone to a weaning talk yet bobster, waiting for DH to get back from his business trip. Have been reading the advice on NHS website and Greg doesn't meet any of the criteria for weaning yet. I also have a booklet from the premature baby charity about weaning and I think it will be a couple of months before we need to think about it.

Got baby massage class today, Greg loves it.

I've not had gregs height measured since birth either,i did it myself recently with a tape measure (needed to know to adjust my baby bjorn sling).
Haha just read read my msg. It's so annoying the autocorrect. I once called someone 'homosexual' on a text by accident so thank yourselves lucky!
Some recent pictures of Jack. The last one was when he was born. Just amazing how he's grown in 20 weeks! Just crazy!

He's been really grizly today. Think it must be teething but can't see or feel any obvious teeth yet. Hope they come through soon as feel so helpless.


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Awwww, love seeing the pics, thanks for sharing! He's adorable!
Thanks. I think he's getting more gorgeous as he's getting older but I know I'm biased :)
Totally agree bobster, he's a lovely looking little chap.
His eyes and hair are very light, will be interesting to see how the colours change as he gets older. Did he lose much hair? Greg seems to have lost loads from the top with the odd original hair that's now long so is sporting a comb over lol.
G has a cold right now, thank god for children's menthol and calpol!
Dexter had really dark baby hair which fell out a few months after birth and was replaced with light brown. Can't wait to see what our little girl has but it will probably change. Fascinating stuff! Some thumb twiddling today I think but have got a list of things to work through and take my mind off it. And DH made fave brekkie, pancakes, bacon, greek yoghurt, cherries and maple syrup. Carb loading!
Were your babies active till the last minute, she's still kicking up a storm in there!
Due date tomorrow phez! Fingers crossed she'll come! Jack kicked right up to the end too. I remember the pressure under my ribs. He used to bunch up on my right side a lot too so my bump was often lop sided!

Jane I laughed out loud with the comb over comment! Yes jacks hair is very fine and light. His dad has very thick dark brown hair. Hope he develops that when he's older as my hair is horrible and thin. At the moment he's sporting a mullet as like Greg his origional hair at the back of his neck has grown and he's bald on top! Haha it is funny. They are like little old men!

Get well soon little Greg x
Finn has rubbed the sides off his hair so it's in the middle. It's pretty fine and not very long so it sticks straight up. His sitter calls it his finnhawk! Lol

Bobster, what a little ham! So cute. I do love our little men xoxo. Norah has quite a pick.

Started Finn on cooked and pureed apples, pears, green beans and peas. He inhales avocado and yogurt. For solids I do hard cheese cut into bits, banana chunks, and peas. He didn't care for carrots, he would reach in his mouth, have the pea in there, but get to the carrot and dig it out! He can't pick up the solids by himself yet. I leave some on the tray for him to play with but he doesn't quite have the coordination yet. He drinks out of a sippy cup but won't hold it himself. He never really held his own bottle. He holds it up to chew on it when it's almost empty but he's too serious about eating to want to mess it up and try holding it himself.

Mlm, I pumped after most feedings in the morning and early afternoon for about 10 minutes. Any time I went out and someone else gave him a bottle, I would pump soon as I got home to make up for the missed feeding, about 20 minutes.

Hi jane! Hi phez! So excited for your girl to arrive and the name selection. So much fun.
Due date here. Feeling more pressure and that grinding sensation, bit of backache, but not much tbh.
Just flew off the handle at DH cos Id asked him to find the big steriliser and I didn't think he had, just the bottles. And while I was ranting I found it right in front of my eyes in a carrier bag! Tbh its been on the whiteboard list for ages and should have been washed and ready a long time ago. Got fed up asking and was quite stressed. Now I look like the bad guy, grrrrr! Think a bath is in order today.
Will keep you posted on updates.
Dont worry phez you hav a good excuse! Make the most of being irrational as he can't say anything, you're about to have his baby lol. Sounds like things are moving in the right direction albeit slowly. Will be checking regularly for updates!

Lol to finnhawk Mack! So we have a comb over, a mullet and a finnhawk! What a mix of do's!

I'm cd 45 today and still no af! Feel arsey though so think she's coming. Hope so as want it over with!
Come on baby phez!!! Stop keeping your mummy, daddy and brother waiting!

Can't wait to hear the news! Feel excited like you are all real life friends after our long journeys together! Wish you all lived close by so we could have baby meets!
Hopefully not long now Mrs Phez...did you say you had a sweep booked?

Hehe, I'm laughing at our boys hair styles!

Here is the Gregmeister in his bumble bee outfit lol

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