Moving over from the ttc after loss thread

I should say that my first outing was a disaster. After Finn ate, he spit up ALL over me and it got all over the floor. I put him in his carseat to clean up the floor and I heard a diaper explosion. Picked him up and it was leaking thru his shorts. Just put him back in the seat and left since it was already every where. I was all frazzled and while getting the carseat out of the stroller to put it in the car, the stroller fell over bc it was empty and stuff from my purse rolled into the parking space. L. But I got him home and he giggled at me while I was cleaning him up and it didn't matter that it was a disaster. Don't give up. Next time was totally easy after that!
Mlm I think everyone feels anxious at first but I agree the more you do it the easier it gets. I worried about Jack crying and not being able to settle him, as well as feeding in public. He did cry sometimes but mostly he settled in the pram. Sometimes if he's really grouchy I take him for a walk to settle him. You will be ok, mum and baby groups are a good idea as you might feel more at ease feeding in those environments.

Jack stayed at his grandma and grandads again last night. Me and Dan had some lovely couple time. I missed him like mad though. He didn't settle as well and slept much less. Hope it doesn't unsettle him too much here.

Jane was your second af on time? I still haven't had mine and it was due Monday. No way I'm pregnant as used condoms 100 percent. Wonder if it just takes a while to regulate?

Mack your first experience of taking Finn out made me chuckle. I had similar experience with the poo explosion in cinema once. Nightmare! I'm surprised you ever went out again lol.

Phew any news? Rumblings?
Nothing, thank goodness. DH in London till tomorrow night and MIL here with her partner so she can wait till at least Tuesday, please?! Been drinking tonic water for my restless legs at night time and it works!!! This is a revelation and means I'm sleeping so much better. Quinine apparently, if only I'd mentioned it to mw sooner but better late than never.
Mlm did you make it out? I laughed at your story mackjess...

Yes second af was on time bobster, back to a 40 day cycle by the looks of it but not nearly as painful thank goodness.

Lovely that you and OH had a night together bobster. DH is away for work next two weeks so my mum and sister are staying the odd few nights to give me a rest.

Have you started looking at nurseries for going back to work bobster? I hadn't done anything about it but my ante natal class friends already have reserved their places so I need to get something sorted.

What day are you moving home?
Just went to see 3 nurseries today. The one I liked can only take him from August so there will be a bit of juggling to do with childcare for a month. I go back early July. I would get some viewings booked Jane. I think country ones tend to be better for places but inner city can be a longer wait
Thanks bobster...are you going back full or part time?

I don't have a job position to go back to, I was a contractor so my position ended when I had Greg, will have to apply for new jobs so have no idea how long it will take to find something and whether they would be willing to negotiate my hours :cry: Hardly any permenant jobs around lately...
Oy, I am in a bit of a better mood today. I got a promotion! I've been waiting for it for 3 years!!! This will help with the added financials we have with daycare and everything.
Jane something will turn up I'm sure. Will you go for the same kind of work or are you open to anything? Lots of people who work in the nhs are part time. There are so many people with kids. If I were you I would apply for lots of different jobs and then you can narrow it down from there. It is difficult at the moment. My brother works as an English teacher to foreign students and his work is temporary too even though he's done it for years. They have to sack all their employees for a week every year to get out of making them permanent. So unethical!

Is there any way you could be a stay at home mum if you are planning another quite soon or would that drive you mad? Don't panic about childcare as they often have kids drop out and change of circumstance meaning ppl need them at short notice. You cant really plan for nursery until you know your days of work as they need to know which days you need baby to go in so I wouldnt worry.

Mack well done that's fab news!

We're really struggling with money at the moment. I'm stressing about it. We've had to pay a lot up front for this move (on 21st March). Just hoping to God we get most of our deposits back from the flat. I'm more in my overdraft than I've ever been before :( stress!
Did you uk ladies watch 1 born every minute last night? Brings it all back! I cried!
Congratulations mackjess :happydance:

Didn't see it bobster...must be strange to watch now we have our own experience of labour and birth.

Yes, not going to panic too much about it just yet but when mat pay stops in July I might think again! DH said we can cope if I don't find something straight away (he just got promoted too)...we'll see what will happen, I'm enjoying being home right now and if we do start trying for #2 when Greg is 1 that isn't actually that long away!

Went to mums, bums and tums exercise class yesterday, hurting so much today! Also had dentist- got to make the most of medical exemption while we have it!

I'm sure you'll get back on your feet soon bobster. Moving house is so expensive as is keeping a baby in clothes that fit!
Well done on promotion MJ!
I watched OBEM, perhaps foolishly?! I do love it so can't not watch.
No signs really, apart from strong Braxton Hicks on Monday. Setting myself up for another late baby. Sweep booked Monday week when I'll be 8 days overdue. Relieved DH is back from London and his exams weren't too bad. He was at badminton last night and on call tonight, feels like he's never home which scares me a bit. MIL and partner were here while he was in London and said something about him going to his sister's for her birthday on SUNDAY. My EDD?! 100 miles away? For goodness sake... because apparently I might need some time to myself. Errm this woman lives on another planet I swear!
Yes looks like she may be late phez. So close now though either way.

Haha please don't let hub go 100 miles on your edd. Imagine! On one born every minute that guy missed the birth and he only lived 30 mins away! I felt so bad for him.
I'm sure that program helped me with my breathing during labour. I remembered them saying breath like you are blowing a candle out in little breaths to stop yourself from pushing and that helped me when I was 8cm and felt the urge to push.

Did you have a sweep with dexter? Does he know what's going on? Oh its all exciting stuff. I can't wait to do it all again, Bonkers I know!!! Have you got a final name yet?
Congrats Mack! Good for you getting promoted so quickly after your maternity leave!

I would like to take a different job after my leave, but we will see. I would ideally like to work part time, but I can't think of any part time jobs that I can do around here. Definitely can't go part time in my current role.

Phez, your MIL is crazy! I would never let DH go that far away on my edd! Glad you didn't go in to labor while he was away for his exam. I can't wait to see your update that your daughter is here ahhhh! Even if you go overdue, you are still so close now!
Thanks ladies, sometimes I think is it me that's the crazy one but yes, that guy did miss the birth, wasn't that awful? Don't think DH has any intention of going tbh, not sure why she would even think he would want to be there?? I'm certain his sister wouldn't. She has some random ideas. The other one was that they could drive up and take Dexter back down to Essex when baby comes. He'd be scarred for life thinking we don't want him anymore! Anyway, enough of the MIL stuff!
Still chewing on names, we're gonna have to wait till she comes and see what she looks like.
I had 2 sweeps with Dexter. I can't remember how long between second sweep and contractions, may be 2 days? Too many! Am expecting to be late so it's easier to deal with this time. Last time were the longest 2 weeks of my life and I have Dexter to take my mind off it. Spending as much q time as poss. Things will never be the same again!
Mlm love your new profile pic of Norah! Just beautiful.

Are you enjoying motherhood so far?

Phew sometimes I think you need to look at them before you know what their name should be. Times won't be the same again but at least you know what to expect. Dexter will need lots more attention I guess until Norah settles into the family and he gets used to her being around.
I tried Jack with a bit of baby porridge today. That was messy! He ate the tiniest bit and looked very confused by the whole thing. Think I'll leave it for a few more weeks. He meeting the 3 criteria now though (sitting up with support, grabbing and showing a keen interest in our food). Unsure as to whether to persist with it or to wait until 26 weeks. He's nearly 21 now.

Jane did you go to the weaning talk yet?
Aweee, you guys are making me miss when Finn was a wee man! I remembered the first few feedings. It didn't take long for him to start inhaling the oatmeal though and I was able to make it thicker. It gets much less messy when it's not so runny! He seems like such a chunk to me, but he's slowed down on the weight chart. Haven't got his height measured.

mlm, i love your new pic. Norah is so beautiful!

Also, we need new pics of Greg and Jack!! Don't you think so too Phez?? :)
Always more pics MJ! And I was going to say Norah looks so lovely in your profile pic MLM.
Makes me laugh when ?Bobster is it you? calls me Phew. That's what I'll be saying when she arrives and I know I'll never have to do it again! There are lots of things to consider when naming, even hair colour could have a bearing! Looking through the name book again. Added Aspen, Alex, Alyssa, Jamie. We both like girls names that can be shortened to a boyish nickname e.g Harriet to Harri perhaps. Sooo hard.
Haha sorry PHEZ! It's my stupid tablet. I never read it before I send. I have called mlm 'mom' a lot too but do edit it when I realise haha.

I will try to post up some pics soon. Jack has grown so much too matchless. When did you start Finn on solids? I haven't had Jacks height measured either since he was born. Would like to check it. Do you think finn's tall?
Phez you are funny! I wonder if you will pick one of your original names after all the deliberating. Can't wait to hear your final choice it's exciting. Everyone else had their names pretty much picked. Was it hard picking dexters name or did you have that planned before he was born? Love his name.

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