Moving over from the ttc after loss thread

How many evenings a week do your hubbys go out for sport etc? Dan usually goes out once a week for football and then occasionally goes to pub or with his friends another eve. This week though he's done football twice and is go I g to a friend's at half 12 tomorrow afternoon and evening. I get annoyed by this.
DH goes out once a week. I would be annoyed if he started going too often because I like having him home to help with the baby. Men have the easy role when it comes to raising our babies I think!
Yes he'd gone out 4 times last week (twice to friends and twice to football). We fell out about it but thank god its not a common occurance!

Hope you all had a good mothers day yesterday?
How was your first Mother's Day yesterday bobster? Mother's Day is a different date in the states I think. Greg bought me a picnic hamper that was already filled with my favourite treats and a bottle of champagne. I was feeling poorly so we had it in the garden.

DH doesn't tend to go out in the evenings because he has a few nights away for work and works a 14 hour day sometimes so I think he feels that he should be here to help which I am pleased about. I do encourage him to go out though, I want him to have some chill time.

How is the weaning going bobster? Finally have a weaning talk this Thursday, I think it will still be a few weeks until we start though.

How did MIL take the news of the new buggy?

Is Norah still sleeping well Mlm?

How is dexter getting on with his new sister mrs Phez? Are you exclusively breast feeding?

Hey Mack, I take my hat off to you, I don't think I could balance a demanding new job role and an 8 month old.
Looks like sleeping through the night wasn't a permanent thing 😟. We went about a week of 8 hour sleeps, but the last 3 nights in a row she has been back to sleeping about 5 hours before she wakes to eat. And she hasn't been napping well during the day anymore either, so I'm confused why the sudden change in routine.
I was told a change in routine means they are going through a developmental change or growth spurt.
5 hours at night is still pretty good :flower:
How was weaning talk Jane? When do you think you may properly start?

Mlm I've heard the same, could be a growth spurt? Jack was always up and down and still is to an extent. He has started waking at 3am for a bottle on the dot nearly for 2 weeks. Does norah go straight back down after her bottle for another stint?

Mil took pram news really well and in fact did the same thing we did when oh's sister was born and his grandparents bought her pram! I think I built it up in my head too much. Just didn't want her to think we were ungrateful. The new pram is much better for the amount of walking I do.
Does anyone know if we are meant to sterilize spoons and bowls etc for weaning? seems pointless as he's chewing evrything now. Also a pain to do! Bottles are enough to sterilize.

Jane forgot to ask, has Greg got any teeth yet? None for jack yet but gums still feel hard and lumpy
Bobster, yesterday HV said not to sterilise bowls, beakers, spoons etc for the reason that you said but to continue to sterilise the bottles. She also said tap water rather than boiled water is fine to give.

Weaning talk was very rushed but good and DH was able to come. That little yellow booklet they give you is quite informative. HV recommended for us to start right away so we started on some mashed up banana and some avocado as finger food yesterday and last night he slept right through from 7pm- 7am so I guess he needed those extra calories!

That's good about your MIL understanding and being in the same position herself once, at least it's not on your mind any more.

What do you sit jack in to feed him? I'm not sure we are ready for a high chair yet.

How is your unpacking going?
No teeth for Greg yet but bumpy gums like jack. Some days it seems to bother him and other days it doesn't. He like chomping on these teething plastic key things.
Oh lordy I've missed quite a bit. Our laptop dies a few months ago and I thought with us having tablets, a desktop and work laptop I wouldnt miss it. Boy was I wrong! I keep unsubscribing when im on my phone or tablet. Finn is like a jealous boyfriend with my phone so I have to try to hide it when I'm using it! Lol

I'm pretty much thru training and get to work from home a few days a week starting friday. I promise to catch up. Hope everyone is doing well, and I think I need some new pics to obsess over!
Oh gosh you guys had mother's day already. I forgot we have a new holiday now! Ours is less than a month away. Im excited about it.
Hi yummy mummies. You can tell we're all busy!

Hope you and the babes are all well.

Jack great. Weaning going well. Doing a combo of baby led and spoon feeding. How are you going with weaning Jane?
Hey ladies, sorry not posted in a while, we've been on holiday.
Happy Easter to those that celebrate it.

Weaning is going well thanks bobster, he has a real appetite for solids and is sleeping much better since starting on them. We are also doing a mixture of BLW and spoon feeding. He is coping really well with all the changes of food, going in to his own room, different stroller, big adult bath, being away from home etc.

There are no limits to the dribble and what he tries to put in his mouth!
Jane he is such a beautiful little boy. Gorgeous eyes. Are they brown? Can't see big picture on my kindle. So glad he's sleeping better and things now. It's amazing the development in the last month or so isn't it. Jacks all smiles now which I love as he was a late developer with his smiles and laughs so I worried he was going to be a moody one lol.

Where did you go on holiday?

Mack forgot to say well done for getting through your training period. Bet it's nice working from home 2 days, is Finn home with you those 2 days?

How are the little ladies doing (and big ones of course)?
Jane has Greg got any teeth yet? None over here I'm afraid after being convinced they would cone soon. Hope they hurry up as I worry about it all going awful again when he's teething. I've got used to him sleeping through now!

I'm still broody for another. Dan still want to wait until jack is 2 but ibwould like to start ttc when jacks 1 as I worry it might take a while again. I think once our friends start having babies he might feel more inclined to have another. Afterall once you've got 1 lifes not going to be too different with 2 surely?
That's so nice that you will get to work from home Mack. I have to go back to work in 2 weeks and am absolutely dreading it. Was it tough for you when you first went back?

Greg is a real cutie jane! And bobster, jack looks adorable in your profile picture!

Norah is doing well. Smiling and wiggling like crazy during play time. Has a cows milk protein allergy, so I can't eat dairy. Also am supplementing with hypoallergenic formula which smells nasty and she hated at first. She also hates tummy time, just tries to eat the blanket I lay her on and sort of sways until she starts crying and I pick her up. I love her so much though it is crazy!
She is beautiful mlm. Awful that you US guys go back to work after only 3 months. Have you found a child minder?
Bummer about the cows milk allergy, hope she wasn't in too much discomfort while it was being diagnosed.

No teeth here bobster, I heard 6 months is the average age to get them so hoping it will be soon, some days he is really grouchy because of it.
Has jack rolled over yet? Greg is trying to and rolls on his side sometimes.
No sign of him sitting up unaided either, Greg is a slow developer too.
He fell asleep whilst eating his mango with greek yoghurt for breakfast this morning, was so funny.

Have you seen the pics of prince george? He is 8 months old and has 3 teeth, really looks like his dad.
We will have to move house before having a second bobster but we just can't afford it.
Are you still shooting for July mack?

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