Moving over from the ttc after loss thread

Aww cute! Jack shrieks too but it's when he's excited or we tickle him. Love it when he chuckles. Think I need to talk to him more in the sing song voice.

My date to start back is now the 1st Sept so have a bit more time off which is good. I had holidays to take from last year. Nervous more than anything about going back. I'll have been off for almost a year as I left on 27th Sept last year. What about you, are you going to look for something else?
It's so good that we still accrue holidays whilst we are off :)

How are you doing Mlm, is today your first day back at work?

Not going to look for something, we've decided that I will take a career break to raise Greg. Not sure how long it will be for, certainly not indefinitely.

Just think if you start trying for #2 when jack is 1, you could be pregnant by Christmas!
Oh that sounds good Jane. It's great you won't miss out on anything with Greg. Have you discussed number 2 yet?

I think we may wait a while longer to ttc. Jack is 1 in 5 months and I need to get back to work and settled first. I'm thinking when he's 1 and a half to 2 we might be a bit more ready. I hope it doesn't take as long and it's not as stressful next time! Still worry about future mc's.
Do you ladies still think about Mc? I sometimes feel sad for the babies I'll never know. It makes me so much more grateful for Jack.
I worry about MCs, or what if I can't get pregnant again? I'm going to be 37 in August!! Or, what if I do get pregnant and have a baby with downs or something else because I'm older. Which, I would love any baby regardless, they are all precious. A friend of mine from HS that is a year younger than me had a downs baby a few months ago. He is soooo adorable and sweet, but it breaks my heart to see the surgeries and procedures he has had to go through. My friend had to quit her job and it's had such an impact on the family. It's all very scary. I have my rainbow baby, and my god he is perfect. I feel like maybe that should be enough sometimes. But, I think I'm like that mostly because I'm more scared of let downs from not getting pg or having another MC.
It must be hard for your friend mack. You can't even imagine. We think its bad to take them for their jabs!!

I know it doesn't help but I'm sure you will be able to have another healthy baby. I think at any age its normal to worry though. The odds are still slim for a genetic disorder they are just a bit hgher than at a younger age. Oh it is a worry. We are all so lucky to have healthy babies.
I wish we could all go through the next ttc bit together too. It will be weird doing it again without you ladies.

I predict that it will be Mack first, then Jane, then mlm and finally me. Dont think phez wants another does she? How is phez? Can't wait to see a new pic from you.
I too am grateful to have a healthy boy and sometimes I think I should thank my lucky stars and not bother having a second because honestly if it was disabled or something I don't think I could cope. Haven't thought too much about miscarrying again- I wonder if TTC will be different the next time just because we don't have as much time to dwell on it?

DH and I agreed that this time next year we will evaluate where we are in terms of buying a new house and trying for number 2. Now we have agreed for me to have a career break, part of me thinks we should try for number 2 sooner rather than later so I can get back to work but DH is not in a rush and my job ambition is non existent anymore.

I'm sure you was will get back in to the swing of work again quickly bobster- will feel like you've never been away!

How is it going Mlm and mrs Phez?
Oh lovely bobster, jack is 7 months old!

Gregs gums feel really puffy and soft- I wonder if a tooth will be coming through soon!
I definitely do worry about another mc. It was so hard and I would hate to go through that again. I also worry ttc again and it taking a long time. Maybe I will be calmer next time around? Who knows. My new plan is to work until I get my yearly bonus in February, then I want to stop working and ttc. Or start ttc just a few months before that. I just have to get DH on board with that plan : )
Being back at work isn't terrible. I love love love my friend that is watching Norah. She sends updates and pictures all the time which is great. I will say too that it is kind of nice to get a whole uninterrupted lunch! I just stopped bf too, so don't have to pump at work.

Since I've stopped bf, I feel like af is going to be returning soon. Is the first one terrible?? I'm nervous!
My first af wasn't terrible Mlm. So pleased it's not been too terrible being back at work.

Bobster, I think your order of baby number 2 will be wrong based on what Mlm said and I think you will have an 'accident' soon lol.
Haha I would LOVE a happy accident. Although I think I would panic once it happened lol. Maybe you'll have an accident too! We could time our accidents together hehehe.

Mlm mine wasn't too bad either. It wasn't as painful, maybe because the wombs bigger now? Not sure. Hate af. Glad you feel comfortable with Norah childcare care. Must be nice to have some time back to yourself in a way.

Jane funny you should say that as I can see a tooth through jacks gum now on the bottom! Can't believe it. Feels weird that it's going to be popping through the skin soon. He's growing up! He had a slightly raised temp yesterday and was a bit off his food. Then today his bum looked a little sore and when I checked his mouth it was really puffy and there's a little white line on his gum. Poor thing. Must be painful but he's handling it well so far.. just a tad grumpy. He's also started doing much more baby talk in the past couple of days which is lovely as I was a bit worried about all the grunting and no chatting!
Oh and I don't think OH will let us have an accident as he's adamant to use condoms even when I suggest not to. I think he knows my cunning plan lol!

So for fun I'm changing my order of prediction... I think it will be Mackjess, mlm, Jane and then me. I think we'll probably start ttc April 2015 when jacks 1 and a half. Let's see if I'm right!
Hmm although I'd really like a summer baby but a winter pregnancy next time so may start ttc July 2015 to have baby around April 2016 ... Hmm as if that will work! If only it were that simple... sorry I'm rambling now.
Hehe bobster- prick holes in them condoms LOL...

I'm pretty sure my brother was conned by his girlfriend when they had an 'accident'.

Now you have said about Jacks tooth coming through I went to check Gregs gums but he won't move his tongue so I cant see :dohh:
Oh no that's bad if she tricked him! I think lots of girls must do this as there seem to be so many contraceptive failures. Lol pricking holes on condoms is a bit crazy but I'm sure it happens. Poor men getting more than they bargained for.

How is gregs eating going? Are you making batches and freezing them? I got a bit slack and have been giving the ellas pouches for lunch and tea but its too expensive so I invested in a baby blender for 10 in Asda which is really good so I'm going to cook some stuff and blitz it tonight for meals. What kind of stuff are you giving Greg, does he have favourites yet? Was thinking of brocoli and mash to start with as he likes both these things as finger food. Maybe some corgette because we have it in. Do u give Greg meat? I've been giving the chicken in baby food but not my own yet.
P.s. would really recommend the tommi tippie baby puree machine as its half price in Asda at the moment. Ive only done stewed pears and apples in it so far but it went super smooth like the pouches so I was impressed. A hand blender might work just as well though but I didn't try one.
Hellloooooo! I'm back! so sorry ladies, I seriously have no time anymore! Robyn and I are doing well, still exclusively bfing which is exhausting but so rewarding when I see her chubby little legs and cheeks! No plans to stop that but she rarely gets to the 3 hr mark without a feed. Who knows if/wehen that will change. Dexter being in nursery 3 days a week is an absolute lifesaver. I have no idea how single mothers do it tbh, I am in awe.
I haven't had a chance to read whats been going on with you all. Sounds like you're all on a mission for number 2. Good luck to you all with that!Robyn will be 8 weeks old on Monday. How did that happen? So happy with my family, still only plan on having 2, I want my life back!!! I'll check in again at some point. If you fancy it you could jot down a few of the most stand out moments of babies lives so I have little update. I just haven't the time to read all the posts as much as I want to. Enjoy your little ones, don't they grow quickly?!! :hugs:
Yes have been making batches of different food and freezing apart from porridge which I make fresh every morning and adding fresh fruit. I've been using an annabel karmel recepie book I borrowed from the library and we are on to combination purées now. He's had all sorts..
We've been adding chicken or Tuna to his purées.
A hand blender we inherited has been my saviour, so quick and easy and minimal washing up to do. He likes steamed parsnip or carrot sticks for finger food.
Avocado and banana mixed together is really tasty!

Hi mrs phez. Sounds like you are going great.
A quick low down from me is:
No immediate plans for number 2. I'm taking a career break and we are teething and weaning.
You sound really happy :)
Thanks Jane. Aaah weaning, avocado was always a winner for Dexter. And ricecakes and porridge! He has never liked banana weirdly.
Been a tough time. Dan's had his last exams up in York so with him studying again and being away from home it has been tough but it will all settle soon. His exams were OK so hopefully no resits needed.
Enjoy your career break !

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